"0 But ferSstmas Cm One 99 "yHERE will be deep satisfaction to the man or young man who goes out on Christmas Day in a superb Benjamin Suit or Overcoat. BEXJA'MIX CLOTHES contain tlio highest known quality of fabric They're designed and made in Xew York, the style hub of the and tailoring. universe. In nearly every part of the world well-dressed men, Da- will wear on Christina? .i x' -ja u lj ri u u i j i"j au u v,?v a 1 . Ciiurtli of the Redeemer. There will be a celebration of the Holy Communion" at the 11 o'clock service and divine service at 7:30 p., m. ; Sunday school at 10 a. r.. All are cordla'ly Invited. The Sun lay school serv'ce and Christmas tree will be on Saturday next at 4:30 p m. Chas. Uuinney, recior. Commit Vvang. Lutheran Clitirdi. There will bo services at Myrlck Station Sunday, December 17, at 10:30 in. All nro cordially Invited. Geo. L. S.prattler, pastor. KKL1KVICS KKVKHK UIUPPK MISKKY IS A 1'iaV IlOl'HS w ! l it r . 1. rn. ierable headache, dullness, head Corner Johnson and E. Altyts fevershness. s Rev. Herbert T. Cash, pastor. Morn-!" " iu u 1 in theme. "The Baptism of Fire.", .ore thro i . ,u timu t TTM rr INUIUUD iotai4iin uini-uui p,. o. " 5; eVhin, at 11 ' and" 7:30; I ne "V. mnound N Ur? Sunday .boo, at !0; rmedUite ! J Knnlwti nf Vmino- Ppnnle nt K:30! mid-, . week service Wednesday night. A It Is a pos'tlvo fact that a dose of rape's CoUl Compound taken every two hours until three consecutive doses are taken will cure grippe or break up the most severe cold, either In tho head, chest, back, Momneh or I limbs. You distinctly feel tho cold break 'ng and all the disagreeable grippe symptoms leaving after the very first i dose. It promptly ends the most nils- ani anen- noso, aore- hearty invitation to all. They reach the highest standard of perfection, are authen tically styled and moderately priced. . those who value the hearty acceptance and lasting impression made ractieal Xmas gift our stock offers great possibilities. Whether it be To l,v a nrnnticf a o.t!f nvnwmot wo ; xtnnn t lint ernvnt or niiv of tho various articles ot halerdashery such as men will le proud to wear, you'll be more than pleased with the selections we offer and the pi ices we nuote. Ladies Can Secure ACCEPTABLE GIFTS for MEN at BOND BROTHERS PENDLETON'S LEADING CLOTHIERS HM ClirVtlnn Church. North Main street, J. R Holmes evangelist.- 9:45. bible school. We try to make this worth your while. Come, bring your bible and a friend. 11:00, communion and business meet ing for members, every one urged to be present 6:30, Young People's meeting; 7:30, sermon. "The Skeptic Among the Apostles." Wednesday evening, prayer meet'ng. A cordial invitation to all our services. of more than fifty thousand dollars and contains no quinine, which we have conclusively demonstrated Is not effective In the treatment of colds or grippe. Take this harmless compound as directed, with the knowledge that there Is no other medicine made any where else in tho world which will euro your cold or end grippe misery as promptly and without any other as sistance or bad after-effects as a 2Gc package of rape's fold Compound wh'ch any druggist In the world can supply. KOIir.KllY IS INVITKI) II Y DKKSS OK WOMEN art Is not copywrlghted and the use ,o a pearl In some dusty attic does ' not really Injure the pearl, lletting c,n somo fine horse does not maket jthe innocent horse Impure. I "If music Is good why should not the church use it and redeem from the world of dancing and even the saloons such .music as has been used to entice people Into tho places "There was a time when the use of a fiddle in church would have been fine news for the newspapers, but sensible people have found that the 'devil In the fiddle' idea belongs to nnnketa In their dresses where meyi.u j,i, ., , , -" . - - - . i uui n. " ft " I could put a wallet or purse, but now- ..j nave uskt,, our orchestra to re adays their gowns are built so tight peat the music for us next Sunday .1 oil.-, n f.il.ln.t 11 ! . i . I mm iney iiumn i ui --levelling ami n me uancers nave round b'U into tnem wunoui matting wn-m anything else Police (lilcf Says Prevailing Styles Make, tho Work of Thlmi"s VMxy. Baltimore "The tight skirts worn by fashionably dressed women are an invitation to pickpot ke's and thieves," said Ch'ef of Police Farnan. The Ba'timore chief has been making a study of the effect of styles of dress upon the pickpocket's art. "Women will carry handbags con taining money and valuable papers " he fald. "Time was when women had their dresses where they which is really music minus ragtime, we will use It, too." bulge. "There was .another time when wo men cou'd "tick valuables, money or mall wallets and nurses Into the bosoms of their gowns, but they , w ., most of their, v-V"";" and ome- " mm nnnKt.i. i t.. i,nnn I .'..vl. vniiJiu- oouy wouia nave u. j pherson, m.Lster of in and go along to unbutton )t out. , Mary A wnk,.InlIin Nomrn carry u"' " " i,,.r , .h ,rf nf u r-i... viu Htree'- a nurse snati her rushrs out ; v,.... n. Hiree., a ' i,rn I crson Lumber company, gives an ln- on th.-:n. There is a snor I terosttllir deserlutlon if n Viilriinn In truirirle. 'f the n-nmiin Is tna "'ii ...,,. ',.. . bit plucky, but th -urxe snaicner generally wins." can't do that now for gowns button up the bark. I'KONT SEATS AT lU(i VOIX5AXO. the linrkentine taking on lum-. AT THE PICTURE SHOWS Orpheum. Big Edison feature fi'm for Sun day and Monday. 1. "The Black Arrow." This Is one of the most ambitious subjects ever put out by the Edison company. A cast of 300 people, an outlay of $1, 600 for costumes alone, the special erection of three mrge buildings, weeks of rehearsal were necessary to produce this subject. This Is the first of the works of Robert Louis Stevenson, the noted novelist to be put in motion pictures. j 2. "The Rose of Kentucky."' Bio eraph. A little girl, having lost her mother by death, was adopted by a planter. As he watches her progress he realizes a growing Interest in her. Too old to be her nusband, he en courages her interest in his young partner. However, she loves her benefactor as the young man shows a yellow streak when night riders at tack the planter. 3. "Western Hearts." Selig. A dramatic epic of the Colorado hills A good picture. In this picture the most thrilling ride ever photographed is shown. 4. "A Gay Time In New York City." Lubin. Arthur gave his boss the slip so he could go with a friend to New York. Boss met Arthur's mother who was supposed to be sick She was a widow and 40. Now Ar thur calls his boss "Pop." greater after its maw was gorged with food;, how was the meeting be tween Dante and Virgil to be made probable and Intelligible in pictures Two days only, December 17 and 18. Tho Pastime Theler. Sunday and Monday, December 17 and 18. We have secured exclusive rights to show "Dante's Inferno," the mo tion picture that has taken America by storm. Don't miss your opportu nity to see the crowning achievement of the film world. Five reels. Five thousand feet of the world's greatest sensational production. "Dante's Inferno." The pictured story of a trip through Hydes. The poet, Dante, under the guidance of the Poet Virgil, Is taken through the Infernal Regions. One would wonder how it Is possible to convey In pic tures all the subtle meaning of the printed words, to follow the dangers by which Dante was beste in the dark and, gloomy forest, to show the "light panther" which barred the way and would not move, the lion, of which the "air itself was afraid;" the TIIOI GIIT HE COl'I.I) GET D11IXK IS POLIC E STATION iilil. of n Brooklyn Man "Aftor Hour " iJinds Him In a Coll. New York Mistaking the Bedford avenue police station, Williamsburg, for a saloon early one morning, James Mulhearn entered the bunaing ana stepping softly up to the lieutenant's desk and leaning over the Drass rail ing, he said to Lieutenant Fleming: "Excuse me, boss, but I know It's after hours. Hand me over the booze and let me have two hockers, with a little soda as a tiaser. As Fleming looked up from his dimly lighted desk, and asked hla vis itor if he realized where he was, Mul hearn dropped two ulmes on the blot ter and told Fleming to be qu!ck, as he was in a hurry. Just then a patrolman entered the police station, and Lieutenant Flem ino. directed him to show Mulhearn Mulhearn bcean to me niv wv.. - JUST TRY A TEN CENT BOX OF CASCARETS In-ures You for Months Against a Sick Headache, UiUouKiipxn, Constipation or Bad Stomach. Toys for Every Boy arid Girl and at prices w far below all competition and so reasonable in comparison with what the peo ple of this vicinity have been compelled to pay heretofore, that every fana v m Lmatiiia countv can afford' to remember and Kladden the hearts of all the little tots, this Christmas. . r 11 j& Our Toy Department lormnuanv Swarming With Eager Buyers and right here we might admonish you to HURRY! HURRY! Our holiday trade has exceeded even our preatest expectations and the lines arc growing smallei fast To pet in on these pood thinps you must come at once. Dolls, Trunks, Mechanical Toys; Books, Boxed Station ery, Games, Blocks, Horns, Trains of Cars, Wappns, Dol Buppies, Guns, Balls, Rattles, in fact anythmp you want iu the way of toys. A larpe assortment of new toilet cases, handkerchiefs; ploves, ties, cuff and collar boxes ; albums, manicure sets, traveling cases, jewelry boxes, shaving sets, etc, etc. LARGE LINE OF THE LATEST STYLES IX DRESS AND WORK SHOES FOR LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN JUST RECEIVED AND NOW ON DISPLAY. The Golden Rule Store We Lead, Others Follow Put aside just once the Salts, Cathartic PU's, Castor Oils or purga tive waters which merely force a pas sageway through the bowels, but do not thoroughly cleanse, freshen and purify these drainage or alimentary organs, and have no effect whatever upon the liver and stomach. Keep your inside organs pure and fresh with Cascarets, which thorough ly cleanse the stomach, remove the undigested, sour and fermenting food and foul gases, take the excess bile from the liver and carry out of the system ull the decomposed waste mat ter and poisons in the Intestines and bowels. A Cacaret ton ght will make you feel great by morning. They work while you sleep never gripe, sicken and cost only 10 cents a box from your druggist. Millions of men and i women take a Caxcaret now and then and never have headache, biliousness coated tongue, Indigestion, sour stom ach or constipated boweK Cascarets belong In every household. Children Just love to take them. rm it kt. weds 2TS l-oi xns ca,y-lBht Xovly,";N forced to Wile, on Honeymoon in llnyraclt. Dover. X. H Samuel Chesley Prew, who weighs 4.R poun is. priuo of the Xew England Fnt Men's asso ciation, is back at his home after a honeymoon trip with his bride, for merly Miss Rose Lavlnge of Rochest er, who lips me scaiet hi ;m uuiiu. As there was no carriage In Dover capable of carrying them, they were hauled from the train to their home on a hay truck. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Drew was the result or a romance which had Us beginning In tho State hospital and poor farm here. Drew is the tipad chef and Mrs. Drew cnier nur.-e in the Insane ward. eruption. Mount Kllauea, on the Island ot Hawaii. "I have seen many sights on the ocean," says the captain, "but nothing !so awe-Inspiring as this eruption. The mouth of the volcano I three miles j wide and 1.00a feet deep. We were j able to get a good view of it. Some j times the molt.-n lava would be car I ried to the rim of the crater and then go rushing down the mountain, a tor rent of fire. "The roar of the volcano made. It impossible for one person to hear an other. We stopped at Hotel Volcano, twelve miles from the crater, and even there the smoke came out of fissures of the earth. The ocean has Its dan gers, but I prefer them to living with in range of a volcano." PASTOU OIWKKS DANCE MUSIC FOH HIS Clll SINKING RICHES IN AUTOS. l iullHiimyel by Comment on "Every IJtUo Movement." He'll HaTo It Repealed. Chlco. The Rev. Madison Slaugh ter, pastor of the Chlco Haptlst church promises something lively and sensa tional nt the regular services and rosslbly a repi titlon of "Every Little Movement Has a Meaning All Its Own," the rendition of which caused considerable comment. In an interview he defended catchy music as a feature of church services saying: "The Idea Is prevalent that n church is confined to certain lines of music and that any attempt to appropriate a strain of music from some author whose production has been largely used for dancing Is not to be toler ated by the sporting and pleasure loving world. "Let It be known that the musical Oreensburgh. Va. Heir to a for tuno of $40,000 bequeathed to him by a spinster aunt. Russell Sherork, aged 22 years and married, is a prisoner In the Westmoreland county Jail, await ing the outcome of a serious charge preferred against him by John Ma tey of Carbon, father of 14-year-old Mary Matey, a principal In the esca pades of the young fellow. Suddenly finding himself the pos sessor of a fortune, young Sherock, who prior to that time had been a steady worker, took to the pleasure of automoblllng. and "Joy riding" be came one of his great pastimes. Sherock Is from Jeannette and. In company with his brother. Wallace Sherock, and Red Ioughrey of the same town, he met the Matey girl and two others on Pennsylvania avenue, this city. The men proponed an au tomobilo trip to Llgonler. and the girls consented nnd the troublo all grew out of that trip. Since Sherock received tils fortune, about two weeks ago, ho has ruined two automobiles. fhow fight and declared he could e'ean out the place in a few minutes Before he could do so three police men seized him and after consider able trouble Mulhearn was landed in a cell on a charge of intoxication When ho was arraigned later before Magistrate Dood, in the Manhattan avenue police court, he was In a pen itent mood, and said: "Your honor, I really thought 'hat gloomy looking station was a gin mill. You can believe me or not, I'll never make another mistake like It.',' Mulhearn was let go with a reprimand. MISSOURI PRAISE COSTS I-EG. Man Alleges North Pakotan Disputed Claims Witl, Ptinsliment. Springfield, Mo. Alleging that a North Dakota man took exceptions to his Assertion that Missouri was a better place in which to live than the northern state, and no abused him that he was compelled to lose a leg, J. W. Hoppe of Willow Springs is su ing Edward Janke In the circuit court here for $8000. Hoppe claims that when he asserted Missouri was superior to North Dakota Janke knocked him down, beat him and broke his leg so severely that tho limb had to be amputated. Trade off your dead pianos for something that all ran piny. I have now In stock one of the very latest SR-note player pianos. A child ran play It, a good Christmas present, ri nno rhairV Moo's nnd carf3. Jcsko Falling. High School Lecture Course JOSEFFY, The Magician An Evening of Music - Magic - Mystery 1. Violin Solos from Lighter Classics. 2. Original Experiments in Slight of Ilaml ; novel, unique. amusing. 3. Xecromancy: Experiments in the Fourth Dimension, the Hindu Dial, Japanese Phantasy, ete. First Christian Church Tuesday, Dec. 1 9th, 1911 Admission: Adults 50; Children 25( Season Tickets, Four Numbers Sj51.60