East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 16, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWELVE, Image 11

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Si Fresli
I Vlery
Chow Chow
Sweet lielish
Minee. Meat
Santa Glaus Gets His
Groceries Here
Localise our linos arc all fresh in readiness for our greatest
holiday trade.
Standard Grocery Co., Inc.
Kit AX It OGARA, Pre
Newsy Notes .
of Pendleton
Xi Police Court.
No one appeared In police court
this morning to Teeeive sentence, the
n ght hav ng failed 10 yield up any
O.-W. it. & N. luy Day.
Today Is O.-W. U. & N. ray day and
many employes of that company are
n Pendleton today receiving their
motith'y check
SBoanl nana to Supply All Towns In
Willamette. Valley iVUli Pure W'a
ser froiu Clear Ikc War on Wal
la Wnlla.
Xeiv X'. P. YnriltiiiiMer.
J. A. Fitz Gerald, former'.y a sec-
t'on foreman on the O.-W. R. & N.
and Milwaukee roads, . has taken
charge of the Northern Pacific yards
in this city.
ItiHly of !! Is Buried.
The body of Jack Hase, the Furnish
foreman who dropped dead Wednes
day evening, was bur'ed this after
noon at Olney cemetery. No news
was received from his sister and h:s
employers took charge of the body..
een honored by being chosen as
yresident of the state board of health,
'hieh ha' just completed its annual
roeetirg at Salem. Dr. Alfred Kin
ev of Astoria, was chosen vice pres
ident nn.i Dr. Calv'n S. White
ortland as secretary.
Dr Smith arrived home from the
meeting- this morning and reports a
the boara.
I C Snyder, chimney sweep. R 3811
Main 178 for coal and wood.
Phone Dutch Henry for dry wood
nd Rock Spring coal. Main 178.
Good, gentle saddle horse for sale
Inquire Oregon Feed Yard.
All kinds of good dry wood, also
olean nut or lump Rock Spring coal
it Dutch Henry's.
Save yourself fuel troubles by us
ing our famous Rock Spring coal and
good dry wood. Delivered promptly.
Ben L. Burroughs, phone Main 6.
Wanted Roomers and boarders by
of the day, week or month. Apply Mrs.
C. H. Beitel, 623 College street, or
phone Red 3112. ,
Mis Venice Callisan, public ste
nographer. Office with Teutsch &
Phene Main 5 or Red 3591.
Brother Is Paralyzed.
Thomas Campbell and Dr. W. R.
Campbell, we'l known residents of thia
city, were called to Walla Walla yes
terday by the news that their ui-other.
Charles Campbell, hai been stricken
by paralysis and U ue.iously 111 In
that city.
County Cliurgo Expires.
"Jack Babbit." one of the county
charges at the poor farm, died Thurs
day night of tuberculosis. He had
only been In the hospital two weeks
and little is known of his antecedents
beyond that he had a sister some
where in the east. The body is at
the Folsom undertaking parlors.
very profitable session of
Th principal matter of importance Bickers
vdiscu'sed was a -plan fir furnishing! w'anted By elderly lady, house-
of the cities of the Willamette val- keeping in widower's family or ma
"ley from Eugeie and Springfield to j ternity nursing. Inquire C this office.
Salem -nd all of the state institu- Fat young dressed geese, 16c lb.,
liana between those points with the!weieh n to 14 pounds. Home made
3nre. cold waters of Clear Lake. gauer kraut. 1802 W. Webb street.
The proposition was suggested by j For rpnt centrally located fur
Tr. Calyvin S. White and met with nisiheJ rooms with or without board
uc unanimous approval that Engi-, 634 j0hnson street. Phone Black 2902
sneer L C Kel-ey, tne same nyuraui-
Fpecial rates to horses boarded by
Parn, 620 Aura street. Phone Main 13
enrnef,r L r X: ::y the week or month at the Commercial
ino i't'n'.iiei"ii iiiuuuia.il . .
Tsas authorized to survey the project,
to submit the subject to the cities .
tad towns wh'ch would be users of.
h ewate
the cons
-tier ways,
Attends County Court Meeting
County Judge J. W. Maloney will
return tonight or in the morning from
Portland, where he has been In at
tendance at the annual meeting o
county judges and commlss'oners,
which is held for the purpose of dls
cu-sing problems which come up be
fore' the county courts.
Decree In Harvey -vs. Fix.
Judge Phelps today handed down
a decree in the case of Harvey v
Fix by which the defendant Is forced
to surrender two horses to plaintiff
upon the payment of $75. This la
the case in which Fix held the horses
for the payment of an alleged claim
ns wrrch wouia oe users -
er and to pave the way for j Iray moves you quick,
summation of the project in ' nce a week. 647 Main
If vou want to mov, call feniana
ros. Transfer, pnone aasii. mrc
Trash hauled
n street.
The man who wishes to be the
iJike Water Very Pure. architect of his own fortune should
Clear Lake is a body of water two , not overlook the importance of mak
ani'es long, three quarters of a mlle!nR the foundation firm,
uside and of great depth up-the Mc-j Lo3, Mink fur near Christian
Kenzie river near the summit of the f ,lluroh Finder please notify Mrs. I.
Cascade mour.ta ns. It is iea n me , enristen-en, 504 Jane street, or leave
at .his office and recelva reward.
For transfer wrk. wauling bag
aee. moving household goods and
pianos and all kinds of job work,
phona Malnn 481. B. A. Morton,
"Dante's Inferno." A trip through
rlaciers of the Three Sisters and by
irie snows and Ice beds of other por
tions of the Cascade, and. it ar
gued, its waters could not possibly be
-on'aminate3. The water is icy in
its cold.ess and of wonderful clear-cess.
No estimfte of the con of such a
project has been made and it has not
jet been determined what engineer
ing proWems wou'd have to be solved.
"However, so crreat is the need of the
WillameV.e valley cities and the state
1nt'tuti'.ns '"T pure water that if it is
ronsidered feasible, the plan wl'l be
TObmitte l to the next lee's'ature.
After Walla "Walla.
Among o'her matters considered by
the board a Us ses ion was the pol
,iHrT, i f the waters of the Walla
Hades. Pa-timeX theater,
17 and 18.
Mrs. Larson Returns Home.
Mrs. A. Larsen, who has spent the
past three months in Wilkesbarre,
Penn., in attendance upon tier sic
mother, returned yesterday to her
home in this city. Her mother
much improved and Mrs Laren re
ports a very enjoyable visit in the
eastern city.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Smith are reg
istered at the JJowman from Baker.
Lydia Albaugh was among the Pi
lot Hock peop'.e in the city yesterday.
F. K. Joardan of Centralla, is a
guest of the Hotel St. George.
Mrs. John Thnmerman of Hcl'x, lfc
In the ci y on a shopping expedition
Rev. Sprattler of the Lutheran
church came !n on the N. P. this
Asa P. Thomson. Echo real estate
owner, was a visitor in Pendleton yes
Carl Mi-Naught camp in from his
omo at Hermiston on the motor car
this morning.
Oliver Knotts, .well k"wn Pilot
Rock resident, was a visiior In Pen
dleton' yesterday.
O. A. Cannon. Echo school teacher,
in attendance at the directors'
meeting here today.
Percy Holland of Hermiston, was
an incom'ng passenger on inu ""'
this morning.
Joe Bailey, well known Echo'te
came up from his home on the morn
ing motor car.
K C Warner of Pilot Rock came
In from the sheep town yesterday and ;
spent the night here.
James Norvell of Hel'x was an .
Incoming passenger on the Northern
Pacific train this morning.
Dave Osborne and John Myrlck.
farmers, came in on tne iMormern;
Pacific local this morning. I
Zoe Houser,, prominent in connec
tion with the opposition to me weM
extension, came in from Stanfield on
the mtor cr..- th's morning.
Principal Young of the Milton
schools came down this morning to
attend the school meting in the court
house this afternoon.
Dr. C. J. Smith, president-elect of
the state board of health, returned
this morning from Salem, where he
attended the annual session of that
George Tonkin of Pilot Rock, coun
ty school supervisor, is among the
pedagogues In attendance at the
mention- of directors at the court
house today.
Ralph B. McEVen, well known
youn farmer Of the Athena section,
came clown this morning on the local.
He will leave on Wednesday to Join
his wife, who is visiting her parents
in Portland.
Shirts, Sox
Sale Prices
It Will Pay You to Buy Here
Haley WnU-h Is Beautiful.
Royal M. Sawtelle, the jeweler, has
just received the awtch which was
presented by the stockholders of the
Hound-Up to J. Roy Raley, retiring
president, and which was sent away
to have an appropriate scrolldesign
placed on the case. The raised
scholl shows the official Round-Up
monogram with the bucking horse In
the center and Is a most handsome
piece of work. The watch is now on
exhibition in the Sawtelle windows.
At the Grand.
The largest Friday night audience
s'nee the Round-Up saw the Austin
musical comedy company present "A
Nig'.it in Pekin" last night and if the
laughter and applauso that greeted
each number and scene can be taken
into consideration, the audience cer
tainly enjoyed the play. To say the
. - , i w t i.. mtM1r
.-A ff ,tll So mml tO.Piay S SOU'S viS yun'"S " J-
. . ",t" f FO doing A number of catchy songs are put over
restra'i the city from so doing. ,,, - ,f 9nMnr c-lrls
, . ... to back them up. And these girls do
-The $100,000 motion picture that : some ciever dancing. There Is not a
as taken America by storm. 'Dn-duU mosnent ln tne whole bill. The
te's Inferno." Pastime theater De-1 Grand can be euaranteed a full
cernber 17 and 18. I nouse as 0nB as it presents bills of
I this k'nd. Monday n'ght the com-
Tour opportunity to see Dante's In-' pany wm present "Tonsorial James."
fexno. Pastime theater, December 17 A pinv sajj to be better still than the
sid JS- Adm'ss:on, lac and 25c. j one being presented. Two feature
' reels of motion pictures will alo be
"For rent Furnished house-keep- shown at the change Monday. Special
Ing rooms. 502 Water street. matinee Sunday, 2:30.
Templar Elect Officers.
At last night's meeting of Pendle
ton Commandery, No. 7, Knights
Templars, officers for the ensuing year
were elected as follows: Cliff J. Bel
linger, E. C; James A. Best, general
issimo; Ambrose C. Funk, captain
general Charles Quinney, prelate; T. D.
Taylor, senior warden; Guy S. Hois
Ir.gton, Junior warden; John R. Dick
son, treasurer; Joe H. Parkes, record
er; Frank Sallng, warder, and Wil
liam L. Thompson, sentinel. A pub
lic installation for members of the
commandery and chapel and their
families, will be held Friday, Janu
ary 5.
f if
Extra Spc'iul linrpain in Excellent ChrLslmaa Gifts
at tlie
6Drj3 H si &Daa
See Our Window IJisplaj.
We also have .n leautiful line of llie famous 8TAK CUT
GLASS, moderately priced.
Lyman Rk-e Goes on Stnee.
Lyman Rice, son of Mr. and Mrs,
G M. Rice of this city, will be late
in returning from the University of
Oregon for the holidays owing to a
sudden demand made upon his ser
v'ces bv the Glee Club of that Institu
tlon. The leading man In the sketch
with which the club closes its pro
gram suddenly became 111, and with
an hour's notice, young Rice took his
place in a performnnce and acquitted
h'nw-lf so cred'tably that he is be
Ins taken on the tour to fill the role
He seems to bo a general utility man
a t iring his last year in the local
I higli school, he took the place of one
of the regular debaters with but a
few days' notice and helped win the
state championship for h's school.
! Three other Pendleton boys are with
the Glee Club on its tour. Glen Storle
Pert JerarO and Brook Dickson, all
being memt ;rs of th etonor section.
On Friday afternoon Mrs. E. T.
Wade and Miss Adna Raley entertain
ed the Current Literature club at the
home of the former on College street.
Ass!st!ng the hostesses were Mrs.
Thomas Thompson and Mrs James
Maloney at the tea table and Mrs. W.
C. E. Prultt. Mrs. R. L. Oliver and
Miss Lora Perry in the dining room.
The following Christmas program was
given: j
Piano Solo
(a) Little Birds; (b) Norwegian
Dance; (?) Love Poem Grieg
Mrs. Prultt. ,
Roll Call :A Christinas Custom. j
Vocal Solo
(a) Ave Maria Jloscagni
(b) O, Silent Night, O Holy
night '. Haydn
Mrs. Vaughan.
Winter Sports and Pastimes
Mrs. Hampton
riano Solo
(a) Old Norwegian Folg Song
(b) Heart Sores Grieg
Miss Perry.
Read'ne from the Degend of the
Christmas Rose bagenoi
Mrs. RobinBon.
Conmarison of Ancient and Mod
em Rites Mrs. uiarK
Vocal Solo Selected
Miss Zimmerman
Introduction of Christianity Into
Norway Mrs. Johns
Piano Duet Selected
Mrs. Pruitt, Miss Perry
Seniors ami rreslur.en Win.
In the class contests la-t night
which opened the basketball season
fn this c'ty, the seniors trounced the
juniors by the score of 4 3 to 17 and
the freshmen downed the sophomores
by the close score of 12 to 10. How
ever, a different tale might have been
recorded ln the senior-Junior game
had not a coliss'on between Thomp
son and McDonald compelled them
to quit the game. Sturdivant for the
juniors was the star point maker,
netting thirteen to h credit but
Chapman and Houser for the seniors
were close behind him with twelve
each. Strain made ten, Fee six and
Hampton three. Jordan and Flnnell
emtr huted two points each to the
Juniors' score, bringing It up to a to
tal of 17.
Neciro Jubilee Slrvrers.
Nolan T. Washington is at the head
of tVs famous troupe of Vlrg'nla
Warblers. As a wh'st'er and bird lm
Itator he Is unexcelled by any one In
olther theatr'cal or vaudeville clr
clis. The troupe Is unexcelled Inlts
r'ln-rtlr.n or real negro melod'es,
plantation and eampmcetlng songi of
long aco. Coming from the Br t! Ly
rurenu, the Vlrg'nla Warblers
wl 1 appear at the Methodist church,
Fri'iMy night, December 2. t .
S-room hcjse for rent, furniture
and evervthine in house for sale,
Teutsch & Bickers.
innn acre wheat ranch. 600 acres
In fall wheat, good house, barn and
i.ientv of water. Snap. Teutsch &
Cash Sales Make Our
Prices Lower
AVhcn you send away for frroceries you may sometimes receive
a littlo lower price quotation, but your order culls for CASH.
We sell for cash and meet all outside prices besides SAVE
When you want to talk cash, come and talk to us; it'a un
necessary to write letters for we will even save you postage.
All tlio good things for the Holidays are now here.
All furniture and other equipment
In New Royal Hotel, Weston, Ore.,
will be sold January 6, 1 p. m., public
auction on the premises. Hotel build
ing may bo rented by purchaser.
J. N. KLK1M.
A Disciss'on Gn Dress
usually leads to a talk about Cleaning
soiled dresses, and this will Inevitably
brlnir the talk up to our special pro
cess for Dry Cleaning all kinds of
garments. By our method the work
is done quickly and effectively, wlth-f-ut
any Injury to the most delicate
fahric and you get' complete satisfac
tion with the work and the charges
therefor. Suppose you give us an
early trial?
Fcm!!efan D?e Vcrks
Phone Main 174
612 Main Street
The place where they dress the poultry for your tahle. Are
r.ow agents for the Celebrated Seal-Shi pt Oysters. You will
also find them right there with a complete lino of Groceries
and everything in season.
Phone Main 536 John Dyer, Prop.
Phone Main 169.
206 'i E. Aita,
PaMnlly SSflwir
Meaning: Art wraught into silver vessels and
wares for the dining room of a household.
Children brought up in a household where
associations with works of art brings familiar
ity, always bear the marks of taste cultivated
Where elegance is in tune with reason
' where the useful is beautiful they are early
endowed with a poise and a culture that no
finishing school or college course can impart,
and later, in the jossession of worthy heirlooms,
they have ujon their tables, property which is
not only an index of the culture and position
of their parents (its self reflected upon them)
but which is also a sure provision agiinst the
accidents of fortune.
Ordinary knives, forks and spoons do not
mean Family Silver, neither do they become
treasured heirlooms.
Beautiful silver designed to improve the din
ing service and to make the dining service im
pressive to the guest and to the family becomes
old and cherished and imbued by sentiment
thru' association and becomes an heirloom and
treasured into posterity.
We have studied the arts and usages of sil
ver. Wo have drawn into our store the products
of America's prominent silversmiths.
What is nicer? What is a better investment
for your home, than silver as a Xmas offering
to the lady of the household ?
Each member of your family and the guests'
of your home share in the delight and pleasure
of its lasting use.
The style and beauty of our silver acquired
by tho careful selection of it has made it dis
tinctive from other silver and has often been
refercd to as Sawtelle Silver.
Let Sawtelle Silver be your Family Silver.
We urge upon you the importance of
doing your shopping early.