TWELVE PAGES. Drn.r rat onrnoviAir. rrirnMrmM i.Mnr. FninAY, December, is, nil. PAGE NIJTE. Vim Til When It Conies To Selling Buildmg Material Only the Best Grades of Lumber, Lath and Shingles and in fact any thing that is required in the building line is allowed to enter our yard. ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON SHORT NOTICE Crab Creek Lumber Co. Phone Main 92 OSCAR. MAHLER, Manager' "VILLAGE LIFE MAD FOIl BOYS" Environments In City Fur Better, Says Frofnwor Allen Hoben. Chicago. Village life will not nec essarily mako Jack a good boy It may make him much "tougher" than his cousin In Chicago who nips street cars. A revised point of view on the In fluence of the small town on youth Is suggested by Professor Allan Hoben of the University of Chicago In an ar ticle on "The Minister and the Bay" In the current number of the Biblical World. "The village is the paradise of the loafer and the male gossip," says Professor Hoben. While the ooy In the village may be psysically stronger and know the names of birds, the educator asserts, ho Is exposed to idleness, vicious en tertainments, bad religious opinions Household Helps ARE THE Practical Xmas Gifts THERE is an electric answer for almost every house hold need, and the. Christmas present that makes the wife's work lighter each day is the gift ideal. See Our Holiday Line of Electric Irons Electric Coffee Percolators Electric Toasters Electric Curling Irons Electric Chafing Dishes Electric Frying Pans Electric Hot Plates Electric Samovars They cost hut little, and less than 2 CENTS AS HOUR TO OPERATE Also Electrjc Radiators and Electric Motors to run swing machines, vacuum cleaners, meat choppers, washing machines, etc Pacific Power & Light Company "Always at Your Service" and a variety of other evils that do not affect his city cousin. Professor Hoben declares the vil lage church is inclined to overlook the boy because he promises little to ward the immediate financial support of the organization and the increase of membership. "Atrocities" In China also, alluding to which some one exclaims, "This Is not war; It is savagery." But be hind a very diaphanous disguise, war ij savagery. jne is waning and ao are those she is waiting on. And mind you, a good high-ball la well worth waiting for. Good, pure, wholesome Rye Whiskey, like the brands we are now selling, will make one watt patiently, but enjoy the wait when the liquid arrives cool, comforting, and refresh ing. If you are a high-ball lover, better try a bottle of this splendid Whiskey of ours. Tou will alwaya want that brand afterwards. And the price will satisfy you, too. TheOlympiaBar Phone Main 1SS and Pioneer Bottling Works Phone Main 177. PETERS A MORRISON, Prop. Drostail J U Oj FAnd i ; - I A " IF J keen in touch with the world. You don't have to oav monthly rental .for a " Kellogg;" we sell it to you outright. Any person who knows how to use a pair of ,i:.r, o trie-foil a "Tf 11rkrar" it'c a very simple matter. Our Froo Books Toll Everything Winter will toon be here ah by your a u. J !-! ..Lllun lire Blue hiu visit juui usiguwiv T ft A over a "Kellogg" Telephone receive the latest newa from your friends in town sell your produce to the city stores and have the weather bureau call you up m a ft a No one knowa when they may want a doctor in the middle of the night you can talk to him inside of 5 minutes when you have a "Kellogg" Farm Telephone. Drop us a letter to-day and we will mail you some very interesting and valuable information when a frost or storm is coming, its Free. Simply ask for Bulletin KELLOGG SWITCHBOARD SUPPLY CO. PACIFIC COAST OFFICES M Seventh Street, Portland 25 South Wall Street, Spokane 324 So. Lot Angeles SU, Lot Angeles Complete Line Carried in Stock M FIRST ST., SAN FMKC1SC0 GENERAL OFFICE CHICAGO G. A. JOHNS HAY EPJEM1E RACE More eompllcat'ons in the Oregon senatorial campaign may be added by the entrance into the race of C. A. Johns of Baker. While Mr. Johns has not yut announced his cand dacy, It is understood that he is giving the matter careful conslderaion and may come out Into the open if he f nds that conditions are favorable "Tor him. IIIb name has been mentioned in all part of the state and it Is very prob able that he will try for the toga unleKs ex-Senator Fulton should try to defeat Senator Bourne. Mr. Johns Is well known all over the state, having been In politics for many years. He has served the re publican party in various official ca pacltle and Is known tr be strong in Eastern Oregon. He was a candidate for the nomlnat'on for governor in the campaign In which George Cham berlain was elevated to the high of fice. He has taken an active part In other political affairs and is quite! well liked throughout the state. SINGLE TAX BOOKS BY HENRY GEORGE At Frazer-Nolson Book Store Progress and Poverty . Social Problems The Land Question 25 Cents ... 25 Cents . 25 Cents A SNAP FOR $2500.00 shed, bath, Must sea J 7 room modern house, atone cellar, barn, wood toilet, shade and fruit trees, 1-2 block ground. Call at once as bargains of this character can't lest It to appreciate It. MARK MOORHOUSE CO. Phone Main 83. 117 E. Court Street. Other Property of Every Description. Money to Loan on City and County Realty. WANTS CRIPPLES TO FIX ON SIZE OK Til Kill HOME John Arbuckle Seeks Information as to Xiimlx'r Who Can Cue Arms and Hand unri Thereby Become Self mi ppor ting. New York "Want to obta'n some idea about the are too busy trying to take men's work away from them. I don't be lieve in suffrage. Women spend all 4heir time and money on their clothes and amusements, and let their homes take care of themselves." Waterloo Bridge Centenary. London On Oct. H a century ago the first stone of Waterloo bridge was who can uie their own arms and not Waterloo bridge then, of course, hands, who Juld like to become self-; the battle being still unfought, but tupport'ng, so that I can form some the Strand bridge. The change of opinion as to how large to build my Home for Cripples. Address John Arbuckle, Arbuckle Bros., New York." This advertisement was inserted In a Brooklyn newspaper by" John Ar buckle, the aged millionaire sugar re finer, who said: "I am planning to build a much larger home for cripples than I first intended. I have invented various things that cripples who can use their hands and arms can do quite as well as men and women who have the use of all their members. In summer they can plow and harrow, drive mowing machines and hay rakes, cultivate corn and potatoes and all k'nds of vegetables. "In winter they will be employed in large workshops, so that the year round they will not only be self-supporting, but can have a bank account. I expect them to earn from ,8 to .10 a week. The women will pay $3 weekly for board and the men $4. " "I have invented a sewing machine with which a cripple who cannot use his feet can earn from $7 to $8 a week. This invention will be patent ed, but any cripple can have free use of it." Mr. Arbuckle's Home for Cripples Is a part of the "Mary and John Ar buck'e Farm," situated at New Plats, N. Y. "You sc my wife had better judg ment and a bigger heart than I have, so her name goes first," remarked the aged millionaire. The colony consists of seven con tiguous farms, conta'nlng over 800 acres. The Idea is to give work to old men and old women who need employment in the open a!r and nu tritious food to bring them back to a condition of health that will enable them to withstand the wear and tear of city life. name was Included in the act of 1816 the third obtained by the company which constructed the bridge. It was opene'd by the prince regent in the presence of the Duke of Wellington on Waterloo day, 1817. Waterloo bridge coBt about a million and was worth every penny of it. Foremost in enthusiasm was Caneva, who pro nounced this to be "the noblest bridge In the world," alone worth the Jour ney from Rome to London to Eee It. Asked what most impressed him in England, he said that it tvas the fact that the trumpery-Chinese bridge then! in St. James' park was government work while Waterloo bridge was that of a privatQ company. IICXG WATCH OX FLAGPOLE. TOWN SITES DISAPPEARING. Kansas VMR Vanishing by Sup predion or TranKixrtatiHU Hutchinson, Kan. Eastern holders of bonds is ued by the town of Sprlng fie'd in southwestern Kansas will be Interested in the news that the town site long deserted has been sold and will be plowed for wheat. Spring field once had 2000 population, and was the scene of a bitter fight over the county seat. It built a $10,000 schoolhouse and Installed a system of waterworks, the hydrants having long been used for posts to which the cat tle herders hitched their ponies. It had two hotels and many stores, and was looked upon as one of the lead ing business prospects of the south west, but the railroad passed it by; the county seat went elsewhere, and the population vanished. For a time a dozen families remained among the ghosts of the town's glory. It shared the fate of several ambitious towns of the short-grass country. Now the Santa Fe is building across 1 the five ra'lroadless counties of the ' southwest, and towns are being pick ed up bodily and moved to the road. One town. Ulysses. , recently moved a mile from its old location to avoid j the bonds issued when it was in its , boom days. The bondholders had j Judgment against it and all they can secure Is a section of raw prairie, worth perhaps (10 an acre. I These experiences have been paid i for by the settlers as well ns by the eastern Investors for where the towns have van'ahed It meant the loss of the property of the men who settled them. But the southwest is finding Itself and by the consolidation of towns and the building of railroads and automo bile highways it Is getting such mu nicipal facilities as it can afford and no more giving a stability that has never been known In the more hysterical days of early boom methods. Steeplejack Climbs Forty Feet Above Roof to Reclaim His Timepiece. New York. Men have been known to hang their watches on the chande lier, after sitting up with a friend, but J. Hughes a steeplejack who paints the flagpoles of the city buildings, went that one better. A week ago he painted the flagpole of the Yorkvil'.e court building. A few days ago he returned there searching for his watch. "I looked at it just before I went up the pole, and I can't recall having it, since," he told John R. Rooney, the court janitor They went to the roof to Investigate. "I don't see it, but I hear something ticking," observed Roney, during a lull In the gale. He was leaning against the flagpole. Hughes looked up and soon was climbing aloft to where the watch hung from Its silk fob in the hal yards of the flagstaff, forty feet above the roof. "How do you account for that?" asked Rooney. when the steeplejack descended. "The aviators call it ethereal as phyxia," said Hughes. "Let's get an antidote." You'll get the best meal in Pendleton at the A clean kitchen Particular cooks Attentive Service. For Breakfast Ranch Eggs Buttermilk Hotcakea Good coffee Every day We invite your patronage nd aim to please you. Regular Meals 25c Gus. La Fontaine La Fontaine Block, Main Street. WOMEN GIVE AWAY $10,000. When you want the AUTO CAB: PHONE MAIN 408. S The OREGON MOTOR CO. 315 E. COURT ST. 1 Two Hani Working Missionaries Now in the Capital. Washington. To have made J10, 000 in six years, only to give it away and to continue to make money only in order to give it to charity is the unusual record of two young women who reached here a few days ago. For s'x years M;ss Edith MacDon ald and Miss Ida Lackey have been traveling all over the United States selling a ten-cent periodical, the Bi ble Training School, and devoting the proceeds of their sales to charitable enterprises. After attending the Rible Train'ng Echool at Nashville, Tenn., in 1905, they went through many states, fin-1 Jshing up In Utah. They made $00 over their expensed and with it they sent a missionary and h's wife to In dia. After a visit to Southern California they started on another missionary tour and made several hundred dollars. "S. Y. THIEVES' DEN," DECLARES HETTY GREEN LAWYERS TO PROBE CASE. Mrs. Patterson's Acquittal to Be In vest ignteri by Rar A-ochit:ou. Denver. The grievance committee of the Denver Bar association will be gin active investigation of the trial of Gertrude Oibson Patterson for tho murder of her husband, Charles A. Patterson. The committee has re ceived from Spec'al Prosecutor Hor ace G. Benson a transcript of the evi dence given by Francis J. Easton. which will be the particular feature of the trial Investigated. DIFFERENT STYLES In plumbing appliances are as much In evidence with us as in any other avenue of bus iness. SANITARY BATH ROOM APPURTENANCES are as requisite for health as a doctor is when you are sick. Our estimates on plumbing will prove satisfactory. PI.VMBING HERE IS AI. Ql'ICK ACTION COMPRES SION COCKS. This la the only plumbing shop in Umatilla county that keeps this latest and most up-ta-date device. It saves time and trouble and many plumb ing bills. Beddow& Miller rcndleton's Only Exclusive numbers. Court and Garden Streets. Phone Black 3556 Woman Financier Is Agnbist Equal Suffrtwjo and Idle Women. New York. New York City is a den of thieves, according to Mrs. Het ty Green, who has had some experi ence with our leading financiers. "There isn't any honesty nowa days," she declared. "People don't know what the word means. The country is money mad and is willing ) to do anything for money, whether it is honest or d'shonest. Wholesale thievery is going on everywhere. "Oh, no," added the richest woman grimly, "they haven't hit me hard. I keep away from them and mind my own business. "Another thing," she said, "that's nil wrong Is tho home life of tho peo ple. There aren't any homes. Women lllf o nMJ f . 11 wMua vvercoais maae nere in tirat-class style from $30 to $50 Fit and Workmanship guaranteed Altering of all kinds neatly done and a specialty made of Ladies' Tailoring. Ladies bring in your old coats and suits and have them ro- modeled. (SLDEslEC Fine Tailoring SI." Main Street, Xext to Eilers Music House.