East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 14, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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thorp Is no intention on the part of the
government to interfere with the
rights of legal water users The O.
V. U. & X. Co. is said to be holding
up construction of the Coyote cutoff
pending the government's decision
whether the Stanfleld reservoir will
1 i ,e built. If the reservoir be built the
I cutoff w'H leave the main line back
Mashmston. Per. 14 Senator , Koh , gouth pf the rosprv0ir
Ohnn,h..rl.,;n is much encouraged in k.av Stanfiold on the branch line
"nmv;,"n B1,h 1,10 Wost tmatilU v . to rmat;la. Some rail-
Vr,-, lw a utter from a reliable., .ultlwltks ri,mark that possibly
m'" 'in.. in mo .w . . ,.,,,.. ..-,,, ,1 ho niniln near tllft
a function would be made near
i proposed uam. tne line running in
i Hermiston. the track through Stan-
iciurvi liraiMing n.s
fieM j ti.I other protests. The letter
..u tribute iii aetivites to V. J. Fur-
i'jni ni,,i ti. . i oe, wnu acroniing to , ., , , , ...... i,.,-.i.,,,.,i
thv let; .t. - have lands on the market! ' ' ..." ...', i. i. i,.,jn
$., n.l ,,00 per acre huh would btt,, the Coyote'
.3onu, :n direct competition with the , h..cinin near Stanfield and
pm-..TIrnnltt Tirill.i.'t !; m!4 tt-ViiiH 1 .
Refuse to onim.t llim.-elf on Mat
ter mul Denies Kespor. Ibility of
Ita'm Started In His ltelialf Wilt
I'rove a Factor.
would probably sell at JSO or $90 per
atre "
Th lof. r says th:t emissaries for
?t:infie:,) people are creating the d;s--rntioi
among IVrvh and McKay creek
-rfoitii-r. despite the assurance that
When The
Doctor Says,
"Three Cigars a Day for You"
laugh at him, and smoke all
the mild, domestic cisars you
want. It's not the quantity,
but the quality th3t hurts you.
Even or.e rich, black Havana
cigar will irritate you. But you
can't hurt your nerves with
any number of the light
Gen! Arthur
Miid 10c Cigar
M.A. Gunst CS, Co., Distributors
Is interested and should know
about the wonderful
I MARVEL Whirling Spray
i new vaginal syrtng.
Best mast convenient. It
cleaues Instantly.
t TOUT dniflStf
If tie cannot tupplr the
MARVEL, accept no other?
tax Bend sumo for Illustrated
took sealed. It eires full parti en
ters and directions inraluableto ladles.
ia CO , 44Eait2jsi Street. e till"
running through part of the proposed
nwrvoir site, putting Stunfeld In
line for the end of a freight division.
'These facts and tho further fact
tlvn some farmers in the proposed
reservoir site are growing weary of
delays." the letter s:as "are the real
cause of opposit'on.'i It is held here
that the president ajid the secretary taken the lead in urging his
of the interior are broad enough to dacy.
overlook the selfish interests and
build the project.
-Portland, Ore., Pec. 14. Charles
W Fulton. ex-l"nited States senator
and antagonist of Jonathan Bourne,
may yet become the "hope" of those
whj seek to overturn the senior sena
tor. For some time a quiet move
ment has been on foot among some
of the o'd guard republicans to put
Fulton to the front once more, and
the Morning Astorian, published in
Fulton's old home at Astoria, has now
f Every
orit'fA. j r o--
Lit a
2 When you wan;
. R. R.
Salem, Ore, Dec. 14. For the pur
pose of running a railroad the full
length of Oregon from Natron, near.
Kugene, to Ontario, on the Idaho line
and dropping feeders front that line
to several important poinis along the
southern border of the state, the
Oregon Kastern Kai'way company
f led supplementary articles of incor
poration with the secretary of state
ncreasing its capital stock from
100.000 to $6,000,000.
From the main line the company
proposes a branch line to Weed, Cal.,
to connect with the Central Pacific
1 ne, a branch from the main line to
Agency Plains, a branch to Lakeview
and a branch from Lakeview 15 miles'
south to Goose lake on the state line. I
Mr. Fulton coyly sidestepped a di
rect answer when he was asked if ho
wll! be a candidate. He said he had
seen the front page editorials of the
Astorian under tJ? heading "Does
Oregon Want Capable Men in the
United States senate?" adding that
this was published without any sug
gestion or convivance on h's part.
"I am not prepared to discuss the
matter at this time," said the ex-senator.
"I will not say that I will not
be a candidate, nor will I say that I
will be a candidate. I have given the
matter no consideration."
As Fulton does not put aside the
suggestion of his name for the sen
atorship and some of his friends have
taken up a crusade in his behalf, an !
exceedingly important factor has been
added to the situation. Since it be
came known that Ben Selling is like
ly to become a candidate. Selling has
been regarded as the residuary lega
tee of the bitter anti-Bourne element.
there will be a stampede of old liners
to the ex-senator, who consider that
their first allegiance is to him if he
sounds the battle call.
Selling Considering Matter.
Selling has not definitely announc
articles. The directors are R.' Blais
dell. J. F. Meyer. J. P. O'Brien, C. G
Su.herland and James G. Wilson.
Z 313 E. COURT ST.
niU in Krd t4 f,.. mruilicWx
Take other. I?n f taup
UrnrisU. A-i- f-rt-r II I.l lfl
rwi known as Best. Sicst. Always Ret .at.
Tliere Are Hundreds of Pendleton
ine resolution by tne Doard or ai-' a hlmsB f candidate. He has only
rectors increasing the capital stock 3a,d that he Jg seriOTlsiy considering
and embodying the above plans of the matter. Apparently Fulton Is
construction with the necessary ac- about to d0 the game th!ng. -wuh
companying powers is attached to the both in the field there woula be a de.
elded division of the forces that might
otherwise be united against Bourne. It
1.4 therefore safe to say that strenu
ous efforts will be put forth by the
anti-Bourne leaders to keep one or the
other out of the race.
While the general preference of the
old guard would be for Fulton, and
many wou'd go to him from a sense
of loyalty, whatever they' believed his
chances to be, many who would like
to see Fulton senator again do not be
lieve he is available as a candidate,
and will argue that Selling i-hou'.d be
made the standard bearer. Selling has
carried the progressive label and has
made a fight for the Oregon system
In years when Fulton and his friends
were standing on the other fide.
N'tvd Profrretwvo Kliv.
Cirque de Paris last night. The fight Arguing that this Is a progressive
went the limit, and Carpentier won year, with the La Follette "peril" giv
on points. ing them bad dreams, many of those
Parisian society. including hun-!a'lied with the old-line faction de
dieds of women in evening gowns, ! clare that concession mu-t be made
witnessed the contest to progressive sentiment, and they
In the early rounds Carpentier had . doubt their ability to show Fulton
all the better of the bout. He sue- i suff'clently progressive. To best
j cteded in closing Lewis' eye and in ' Bourne, they contend, they must lay
j the tenth round punished the Amer- J in a quantity of progre-sive fire.
lean severely. After some stalling, Meanwhile, much interest will be
Ltwis came up fresh for the fifteenth, taken in the reception that Fulton's
(Special Correspondence.)
Flt Rock, Ore , Dec. 14. Through
the medium of their annual basilar
and supper, the Iid eV Aid society
cleared 1101.85. which will be devot
eJ to the work that the society has
under contemplation. The affair was
a social success also.
Ira Terry was a visitor over Sunday
in Pendleton.
Su ie McHeynolds Fpent Saturday
and Sunday at the home of Charles
Mathews of Stewart creek.
MauJ Mathews was a visitor at Pi
lot nock Monday from Stewart
Tom Gibson and wife spent Tues
day in Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. George Sch!egel left
Tuesday evening for Pendleton on
bus ne s.
Mrs. Marlon Smith spent Tuesduy
evening In Pendleton.
Dan P. Smythe of Pendleton was
a business vis tor at Pilot Rock Tues
day evening.
Klbert Casteel spent Tuesday in
Among those who attended the big
waterusers' meeting Tuesday evening
at Pendleton were Thomas Jaques, H.
H. Gilbert and Alfred Hemphill.
L. C. Scharfe was a business visitor
at Pendleton Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. William Leathers of
Hermiston, passed through Pilot Rock
Tuesday on the'r way to Nye to visit
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Whit
taker. Lon Knotts was in from his ranch
Tuesday to do some trading.
Mr. Sid Campbell and Raymond
Kidwell' drove to Pendleton Tuesday
morning, returning home in the eve
ning. Mrs. George Done and Mrs. George
Carnea and little Merle Done left
Monday for Walla Walia to spend a
few days.
Mrs. Arasmith, sister of Mrs. L. E.
Roy, and daughter, of Colfax, Wash
ington, arrived in Pilot Rock Monday
for a week or ten days' visit. .
Dr. Lleuailen Is spending a few
davs in Walla Walla on business.
Charles Nelson of Butter creek was
a vis tor at Pilot Rock Monday.
Poiiltrymon Arc Organizing.
Milton, Ore. A poultry association
li'ijln 1 1; -" .
liQ:i- "Ml I
AVcgelable PrcpantfionRirAs
similatiiigitieFoofJaiKlRrf'uli ling the Sionariis aMDoWkol
Promotes DigcstionJOiferfur
ncss mul Risr.rnn!,iln; npiitur
Opium .Morphine norMncraii
turn Sen
Ctanfrd Sugar
Anprfprl Rpmpriv IhrfYmsRi
Mnn . Snur Stnm.vh.Ill.irrrir
ncss and Loss or Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
re I j&lULul-Ulb
Guaranteed under the TooA
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Exact Copy of Wrapper
!. m aria i x n n
y Bunm n u
TMt oiNTaua uanaf. mi
m to a a em.
Is to be organized In the Mllton
Freewater district. A meeting was
held Saturday evening of a number
of the poultry fanciers for this pur
pose, at which Rev. J. A. Lord pre
sided. I. E. Young, E. A. Williams
and E. II. Tolen were appointed a
committee to draw up a constitution
and by-laws. B. P. Williams wan
named as chairman of a committee of
12 to solicit membership and funds
to start the work.
Fast'me pictures please all.
17-Yenr-Old Whips Iwis.
Paris. Dec. 14. George S. Carpen
tier, the 17-year-old French welter
weight champion, won the decision
over Harry Lewis, the American pu- '
gilist and welterweight champion of j
England, in a 20-roundg fight at the
reoplo Similarly .Situated.
Can there be any stronger proof of
fered than the evidence of Pendleton
residents After you have read the
following, quietly answer the ques
tion. Mrs. E. J. Me'.ners. 501 Lew s street,
Tendleton, Oregon, says: "About two
years ago a cold settled on my kid
aneys and caused backache and pains
through my loins. I felt lame and
siore and any movement such as
looping or lifting was accompanied
by sharp twinges. Wh'le I was suf
fering In this way, Doan's Kidney
Pilla were brought to my attention
and I procured a box at the Pendle
ton Drug Co. They gave m reliei
-nt once and I had not used them long,
Swfore my trouble was entirely remov- j
d. I know that th s remedy Is one of
Kfeat turrit and consequently I do i
not he -sitate to recommend it." (State
iTitnt on October 10, 1&05 )
Time Is tho Tot.
Mrs. Meiners was interviewed on
May 17, 1310, and she said: "I still
hold Doan's Kldnry Pills in high es-
j He jabbed Carpentier repeutedly and name receives in other parts of the
neid his own until the end, but the state. Some of his friends believe he
Frenchman had shown better form will not only consider the senatorsh'p,-
throughout. but will be induced to enter the race.
The fight was for a stake of S3. 000 This contingency, it Is admitted. Is
of which $3,000 went to the winner.
dependent upon other turns the sit
uation may take and upon what de
cision Is finally reached by Ben Selling.
McGwrty Gets Decision.
Pittsburg. Pa., Dec. 14. Eddie
McGoorty of Oshkosh. Wis., and Har
ry Ramsey of Philadelphia, aspirants ,n&- "ey fought at 122 pounds ring
for leadership of the middleweight slde-
fighters, fought six rounds last night
with the popular decision given to Mc
Jones IK-fcat Davis.
Salt Lake City, Utah, Dec. 14.
Kelly Jone of Uutte won a decision
over Kid Davis of Salt Lake last night
in 10 rounds of fast and cl.-vor fight-
Daley Defeat De Oro.
New York, Dec. 14. John Daley
of Chicago last night won the three
cushion billiard championship from
I Alfred DeOro by two points, the score
for three nights play being, Daley
. If 0; De Oro 148.
Swellings of the f!en caused by in
flammation, colli, fractures of the
hone, toothache, neuralgia or rheu
matism can be relieved by applying
The ami eptic powder to be shak
en into the shoes. If you want rest
an'i cnnitort for tired, ti nder, ai h:ng, ; HALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT. It
swollen, sweating fo. t, use Allen's should be well rubbed In over the part
i Foot-Ease. Relieves corns and bun- , affected. Its great healing and pen-
I inns f( :i!l rinin rinrl rtrvrmli Viltt;r;r4 ......:. ,. . uA ..In rt.A ,
teem and I am ple-eed to again say , sores fin,. canU3 sr)ots. Just the ,l:rlrn. P,. !r r.n nnri 1 n.r
thing for dancing parties, patent c swelling and restores natural con-
a good word for them. I have taken
this preparation recently and It has
done good work
Tor sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo.
Kctf York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan'a nd
take no other.
I leather shoes, and for breaking In Lottie. Sold by A. C Kocppen & Br--s.
new shoes. It Is tne greatest com
fort d'srovery of the age. Try it to- I
day. Sold everywhere, 25c. Don't
accept any substitute.
triMi package, address Allen S. Olm-
(U-d. Le Roy. N. Y.
Women Put Men to Slinnie.
East Long Meadow, Mass. Unable
For FUEE to prevail upon the men of the village
ti paint the new horse sheds of the
Baptist church, the women of East
Long Meadow, who raised the money
to build the sheds, will perform the
task themselv. They will work In
relays and the leaders of local society
will begin operations at daybreak to
morrow with paint of their own mixing.
First national nvk
Capital, Surplus and Urr i
vided Profits, $500,000.00
Resources $2,000,O00.CO
The quicker a "old Is gotten rid of
the less the danger from pneumonia
and other serious diseases. Mr.
B. W. L. Hall of Waverly, Va.,
says: "I firmly believe Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy to be absolutely
the best preparation on the market
for colds. I have recommended It to
my friends and thev all agree with
me." For sale by all dealers.
' One good thing, the day
Christmas Is Sunday.
Iieuaro of Ointment for Catarrh That
Contain Mercury,
a murciiry will surely destroy the sense of
mell and completely derange the wliolf
ayHtPm when entering It through the miiconi
aurfnoea. Kin'h article should nerer bt
ued except on prescriptions from reputable
physlclnriR, en the rinmnire they will do l
ten fold to the good you can possibly de
rle from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure,
manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Tnle
do, O.. cootulns no mercury, and la taken
Internally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucou" aurfacea of the system. In buy
1 111; 1 1 1 1 'a Catarrh Cure be mire yon get the
genuine. It la taken Internally and male
li Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co.
reatlmonlnls free.
Hold by liruifKl"'. IMce, 75r per bottle.
Take Hall a family Pills for constipation.
Jifaaiti A Bd ( on
Hd IT1 5 S ft HDD 3D f
MAY wo help you solve tho problem and put you in tho way of
(loins your Christinas shopping with pleasure, satisfaction
and economy ? We take the liberty of making a suggestion regard
ing tho best timo to do your shopping and earnestly urge you to do
it AT ONCE. Come early while the pick is tho choicest, avoid the
crowd and make your selections at leisure and in comfort, from a
full and complete assortment
Our stock is known to comprise -high-class jewelry and our pri
ces are less than those found in the majority of high-grade stores.
First-class engraving free on all articles purchased here.
FR EE-Hand Painted Plate
As an inducement for early buying we will present to every
purchaser of. $5.00 or more a hand painted plate of an artistic de
sign. Wo retail these plates from$1.00 to $l.r0.
A Few Suggestions
Diamond Neck laces
....$10.00 to ? 75
Diamond and Pearl Kings
- $10 to $400
Diamond Brooches
. $10.00 to $200
Diamond and Emerald rincrs
$15 to $100
Diamond and Solitaire Ear
rings, a pair $15 to $G00
Fancy Diamond Kings
$20 to $750
Diamond Pendants
, $10 to $100
Diamond Stickpins
$6.00 to $150
Diamond Studs '
$25 to $300
Diamond Solitaire Rings
$10 to $800
Bracelets $2.00 to $50
Comb3 $1.00 to $25
Purses $2.50 to $45
Link Buttons 75 to $100
Chains $1.00 to $40
Lockets $1.50 to $45
Watches $4.50 to $150
Toilet Seta $6.00 to $75
Umbrellas $2.50 to $35
Scarf Pins. 75 to $50
THE Jeweler