EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 191 1. PAGE FIVE. ONLY EIGHT Days Moie of Liv enaood's ireat Dissolution Xmas Gifts For the Ladies Beautiful Fur Sets in white Siberian fox, black and brown Coney, Russian Mink and gray Fox in the new shapes. Silk Kimonas, Silk Waists, Silk Petti coats, Gold Handle Umbrellas, Suits, Coats, Dresses, Felt Slippers and hun dreds of other useful gifts to choose from-all at greatly reduced prices. Fi.Liuen good i Go PERSONAL MENTION H. McLane of Milton, wan a visi tor In "the city yesterday. J. AV. Campbell Is up from Ilermls ton on a brief business trip. G. A. Eushee of Cayuse, Is upend ing a few days In the city. Wash., LOCALS ! I C Snyder, ch'mney sweep. R 3812. Main 178 for coal and wood. Phone Dutch Henry for dry wood and Rock Spring coal. Main 178. Tor clean coal and dry wood, phone Main 5. Good barn and 3 lots, fine place, net cash $1000. Teutseh & Hickurs. For rent Furnished house-kecp-ItiK rooms. 502 Water street. Everybody goes to the Orpheum to ce the best and th clearest pictures All kinds of good dry wood, also Clean nut or lump Rock Spring coal at Dutch Henry's, Save yourself fuel troubles by us ing our famout Rock Spring coal and good dry wood. Delivered promptly. Hen L. Hurroughs. phone Main 6. Wanted Roomers and boarders by the day. week or month. Apply Mrs. C. H. Reitel. 623 College street, or phone Red 3112. , . Wanted Uy elderly lady, house keeping In widower's fumlly or ma ternity nursing. Inquire C this office Fat young dressed geese. 16c lb., weigh 11 to 14 pounds. Home made taucr kraut. 1802 W. Webb street. For rent Central'y located fur nished rooms, with or without boatd (34 Johnson street, l'hono Ulack 2902. Special rates to horses boarded by the week or month at the Commercial Barn. 620 Aura street. Fhon Main 13. Rnnp, 160 acre wheat ranch, only $2300. This Is worth more money. TEL'TSCH & HICKEKS. If you want to move, call PenlanJ Bros. Transfer, phone $391. Large dray moves you quick. Trash- hauled once a week. 647 Main street. The mnn who wishes to be the architect of his own fortune should not overlook the Importance of mak ing the foundation firm. lst Mink fur near Christian church. Finder please notify Mrs. I Chrlstonen, 604 Jane strot, or leave at this office and receive reward. F"nr transfer rk. Wauling bag. n mnvlnr household goods and pianos and all kinds of job work phono Malnn 461. B. A. Morton. For Sale 480 acres wheat land one- half summer fallow, one-half In stub ble, plenty wator, fair Improvements Short limaul to Vansycle warehouse. For particulars address J. C. Royse, Juniper. Ore. Your opportunity to see Dante's In fi rno. Pastime theater, December 17 und 18. Admission, 15c anil 25c. Ivost dog Mack and tan female Airedale Terrier. Notify this office ai.d receive reward. The $100,000 motion picture that lias taken America by storm. "Dan te's Inferno." Pastime theater De cember 17 and 18. For Rent Six room house, modern Hot and cold water, bath, toilet, woodshed, etc., Enquire Dr. C. J. WhttakeT. "Dante's Inferno." A trip through H.idi-s. Pa time theater, December 17 und 18. Aunt .lenislia'M Xmiw. See Mrs. Stubbs, Hanner Pike and Mrs. Aaron Pride of "Aunt Jerusha" fame in the up to date Christmas at the Methodist church Friday night. At the (.raixl Tonight. Complete chance of program. The Austin musical comedy company pre sent "Muiry & Marks runny farce. A N'iKht in Pekin." An hour and a quarter of solid laughter. The cast will be seen at their best as this is one of the funniest farces ever pre sented In Pendleton. The new management :r doing all in its power to treat a!l patrons roy ally and will give the best possible chow for the money. A man has been stationed nt the door to assist you nnd ushers will seat you. Two ree's of motion pictures will be shown at each performance. "Fools head, Hyptonlzer," an Italian Mm. nnd a feature film. "The Test" will be shown tonight. "The Test" Is a western drama and shows "The Cow Hoy's I.ove test In the El Cajou val ley, southern California. J. H. Rondy of Ktarbuck, Is In the city today. ii t r ........... nnj a 1, I . , 1 Li V 1 1- .i o Hermiston are Pendleton visitors j today. Will Switzler returned to his home! at Umat lla this morning on the lo- ; cal. Hoy T. Bishop returned from ft business thlp to Portland .on No. 6 : lust li ght. Jay Hurd of Pilot Rock Is transact- j lng business with the local merchants j today. Win. Reordon, the lumber dealer o! Hermlston, Is transacting business In this city today. I Douglas W. liailey. attorney-at-law, returned from a business visit to Portland this morning. t Ford Carper, traveling drug sales man, went to Pilot Rock with his rumple case this morning. Clarence Adams, well known Vkla stockman, brought down a few- horses for sale yesterday. Ham E. Van Vactor of Heppner, dis trict attorney, is In the city" today looking after legal business. Mr. and Mrs. Merle R. Chessman returned this morning from a week's vi.-it In Eugene and Portland. R. A. Smith is up from Hood River i to look after business affairs and to make a brief visit with friends. R. Alexander returned from Port- ; land on the early train this morning after spending several days In . the metropolis. Dr. Elmer Ferguson of The Dalles ! arrived in the city this morning, call- ! oil hrp tv Hii. Minims of his father. Roe Ferguson. John McShane is acting conductor on the Pilot Rock local for a few days while Conductor Fergus does du ty on a main line train. F. Poison, formerly a resident of Pilot Rock, but now residing in Port land, Is spending a few days In this city looking after business affairs. Miss Rose Lee arrived in the city yesterday and left last evening for her home in Milton. She has been teaching school but was forced to quit because of sickness. Mrs. Lachlan McCleay, who has been visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. .Nye, for some time past. 1 has left w.th her son Donald, to join her husl and at Oswego, New York. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Keller and M!s Alma Keller of Canyon City, are Pen dleton visitors today. They are ac companied by Mrs. p. H. Sones of Long Reach, Cal , who Is on her way home. Attention, riks. There will be a regular meeting of Pendleton Lodjfo No 2S8. B. P. O. Elks tonight. Initiation and refresh ments. Something doing. D. R. BAILEY, E. R. Artisans Attention. A reception will be tendered to Dr. J. H. Olmstead. Supremo Medical Ex aminer, Friday evening the 15th. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Unison on South Willow street. All members are urged to be pres ent. LOFISE F. LAMPKIN. Secretary. For the Menfolks The logical nnd sensible Christmas Gift is one that is useful nnd practical. Such a gift carries a finer expression of scuti iiient than the costly but useless gift. Why not make his Christ mas gift a pair of PACKARD SHOES? A STETSON HAT A NICK DRESS SHIRT A PAIR OF WARM GLOVES A KIRSCIIBAUM SUIT A KIRSCIIBAUM OVER COAT A CRAVENETTE OR SLIPON NEW HOOKS IN" Till ( MR RENTAL CIVIC COLLECTION The following list of new books wi'l be reay forcireulalion from the Civic Club rental collection this eve ning at 7 o'clock: Barclay Following of the Star," by the author of "The Rosary." Bindloss "Winston of the Prair ie." Real western story. Brady Hearts and Highways. Glass Abe and Mawruss. Good story for a good laugh. Harris Circuit Rider's Wife. Harris Eve's Second Husband. Hughes Miss 318. A story of Xmas shopping. Reed Flower of the Dusk. Reed Lavender and Old Lace. Reed Master's violin. Warner When Woman Proposes. Wentworth More Than Kin. DF.I.IMITITL KXTKHTAIXMKNT. Holiday G nor Nowhere else can you find such a superb assortment of new things Nowhere else can you find such bright, clean, Xmas gifts as at this store. If in quest of new things it's imperative you visit this store early. AIISOIXTELY t!io SWELLEST LINE OF FANC Y NECWEAR IS SHOWN AT THIS STORE all lu fancy Holiday boxes. New Veil Pins, Belt Pins. Buckles, etc., in splendid variety of new styles all In Xnias boxes. N I",V SIDE FRILLS AND TISSUES all in Holiday boxes. PERKINS GLOVES FOR WOMEN OF TASTE in all desirable shades $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00. XMAS SLIPPERS of warm felt for women and children. Flannel Bath liolxs for cliildren, $2.00, $3.50, $1.50. New VcRct. Pluh, Suede and Satin Bag4 $1.50 to $10.00. New Bells of various kinds and colors 65c to $2.00. By all moans the finest collection of pretty handkerchiefs Is found here. Uehlanfafg Better Goods for Less Money AGAINST SWINDLE POSTAL INSPECTOR SAYS HE CAN MERELY WARN and hundreds of other suitable articles such as aro to bo found hero. They will bo kept and worn, making both giver and re ceiver happy. They meet tho most particular requirements. Honest value and finest workmanship givo complet assurance of quality. We Have the Newest Styles Vorkingmens Clothing: Go. A KuV Sized Audience Enjoyed Miss Llnweiifcltor and Mrs. Rose. A fair sized audience greeted Miss Mary Linpenfelter In her musical pro pram last night at the Christian church. She had a very heavy eve ning's work, but her voice never fail ed her for a moment it was as clear iii a bell and under perfect control throughout the entire program. ' The songs were of a very high order, noth ing light about them. One pleasing tlrng about her work is that she is at all times perfectly natural. There is none of this over-wrought facial ex pression, nor trilling of tho voice. She sings from the heart and It is clear to all that affectation is no part of her work. Miss LlngenfeUer Kvangel'st Holmes week in the revival church, and retrned Seattle today. sUie among the lovers of good music and there and is to give a recital in her home church before the holidays. Mrs. Hose sustained her already en- vlanle reputation as a reader last night. She gave three selections nnd responded to a hearty encore. She is somewhat new to the Pendleton people, but is sure to become a fa vorite with them. Mrs. Crockett and Miss Nellie Anl ball accompanied Miss Lingcnfeltcr In a splendid way, and all In attendance were delighted with the evening's entertainment. has been aiding in lvs closing at the Christian to her home in is very popular Councilman Dyer Receives Reply to letter in Which Ho Sought to Have Swindlers Brought to Justice. There is no law in Spain to forbid swindlers from robbing gullible Am ericans if they can do so and there fore it is impossible to prosecute the parties who write such romantic let ters to alleged relatives In this coun try. Information to this effect is con tained in the following letter Council man John Dyer has received from a postal official at Spokane: Spokane, Wash., Dec. 11, Mr. John V. Dyer, Pendleton, Ore. Sir: I return herewith wour com munication of the 8th inst Inclosing letter from a professed relative in Spain. This is an old confidence game known as the Spanish swindle. No action Is possible in view of the fact there is no law in Spain covering such offences as this.. Consequently no action can be taken by the postal authorities only to advise. Respectfully, THOMAS J. FLANIN. Acting Inspector in Charge. Apparently the letter from Spokane explains why Spanish grafters have been so persistent In writing to Am ericans in hopes of inducing them to send money to defray expenses of dis tant relatives who are confined in jails. GHth IS SHOT Til RICK BY ANGRY MINISTER Brothcr-inljiw Inflicts Irolahly Fa tal Wounds, Then Shoots Himself. Tulare. Ellanita Flagler, a beau tiful girl of 16 years lies near death at her home in this city, with three bullet wounds In her body. In the county hospital at Vlsalia Is Henry Hood, a retired preacher. He has a bullet wound in his chest, his reason has fled and he is being heav ily guarded by the police because of the fear of mob violence. As tho Flagler girj, whose family Is of social prominence here, was leaving her home w'th a girl friend. Bella Tithertington, Hood, who is the husband of Miss Flagler's sister, fir e0 four pistol shots at her and then attempted to end his life. The bullet passed through his body and lodged near his spine. In this desperate condition the man fled the scene of the shooting and made his way through the darkness to the out skirts of town. Danger of Vengeance. An hour later one of the citizen posses that had been hastily formed to prevent Hood's escape came upon the fugitive two miles away from the Flagler home. He was weak from loss of blood and his mind appeared to be clouded. He surrendered without re sistance and was brought back to Tulare. day evening, December 15. Program will consist of a fair?" Christmas cantata and drill, Santa workshop and living doll so'.oa, chor uses, etc. ' Admission twenty-five an fifteen centa Children's Christmas ,TubilV. Over one hundred children, assist fcd by Mesdftmes Rose, Landers and Vaughan, will render a beautiful pro gram at the M. E. church next Fri- TO CURE A COLD IX ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money If It fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signa ture Is on each box. 25 c, SEE Chinatown's Oriental Restaurants Toss Houses Gambling Dens Opium Joints Theatres Little Italy's Push Carts Fruit Stands Street Pianos This Feature Attraction in addition to the regular program. Tombs Prison AT THE ORPHEUM Thursday Evening 10 YEARS FOR INNOCENT MAN. Columbus, O. Declaring that a miscarriage of justice had occurred in the case of George Frlck, life prison er in the Ohio penitentiary, the state board of pardons recommended today that he be granted a full pardon "since he has already served more than ten years for a crime which he did not commit." Three, of those convicted with Frlck hnve died Inside the penitentiary nnd nnother still is an inmate there. William Johnson was killed In his home near Carey, O., by five masked men nnd Mrs. Johnson and her four cliildren were boun 1 with ropes. Tli five convictions followed. When You Are Passing our Windows Just Notice Our Fine Display of Useful and Practical Gifts that will ho appreciated and used and not set aside as orna ments; gifts that aro in keeping with the times, such as, CARVING SETS, Plain and Silver Mounted, COMMUNITY SILVER WARE,Warranted for FIFTY years ; WEAR-EVER ALUMINUM COOKING UTENSILS, ALUMINUM COFFEE PERCOLATORS, ALUMINUM TEA TOTS with Tea Balls; SAFETY RAZORS, POCKET KNIVES, GUNS, ATI? RIFLES, ROYS' WAGONS, SLEDS and many other Useful and Practical articles of which our stock consists. We take pleasure in showing our goods and in helping you to select your Christinas Presents, and invito von to call at our store. The Taylor Hardware Co. 741 MAIN STREET, PENDLETON, OREGON