DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETOX. OREGON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER II. EIGHT PAGES. EAGB FOCB. Gilts Are to be found among the following suggestions ctiii.-nnKVS incurs sua r.nvr.r. ti t ;i.ass iiaxo i'untfd miNA JAIWNKSK WAISK INDIAN rOTTKKY I'KUFIMKS N OV EI.TY I Nl I 1 1) I" A L DISHES l'EKCC I.ATORS . . Aluminum or nii-klt I (;I.ASSW.KK ALCOHOL STOVES TEA HYI.l.S CHAFING DISHES Alti-O-MTK READING LAMPS SALAD SETS TEA SETS VASES JIGS JAHDIMERS A resent for the dining table is noticed, remembered and en joyed at every meal on every day, making a, lasting and ideal ffift. CALL AND LOOK BEFORE BUYING. Owl Tea House R,c?wel1 Xext Door to Livenjrood & Co. PERFECTION. He never worries If the weather's bad. He never envies those whose wealth is great; He never sighs for chances he has hud Or tries to blame his own mistake-" on fate; j He never bets on any dead sure thins. ' To find that, after al', it was not sure; j He never was.es a moment bothering O'er troubles vthat ho cannot help to cure. , I He never tells his boyi how he obey-' ed ! And was a shining model in his youth; iv fool yh (irejudlces never swayed. He never tries to cover up the truth He never sishs for more than he has earned, i N'or trio to crowd another to the rear; The sehenie of others leave him un-' concerned. He views no other's effort with a sneer. ' He never has to lot k the door at night Nor frets if landlords wish to raise the rent; He never says an unkind thing for pite, ( Xor mourns for funds that were un w sely spent; i He listens to no get-rich- quick apnea, 1 Nor dreads d sasters that may be ahead; - j He breaks no buiterfly upon a whee!, 1 And wrongs no man or woman he is dead. Selected. Woman's Ills Many women suffcr-needlcssly from girlhood to woman hood and from mothcrhooj to old age with bockache, dizziness or henikcl.e. Sho becomes hroken-down, sleep less, nervous, irritable and feels tired from morning to nifiht. When pains and arhc rack the womanly system at frequent iutcrvals, ask your nciihbor tiSbut Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription This Prescription has. tor over KO years, been curing delicate, Kcak, paln-nrached women, by the hundreds of thonsands and this too In the privacy of tkeir homes without t!:clr hav Ini to submit to' Indelicate questionings and offensively repugnant examinations. Sick women are invited to consult irt confidence by letter free. Address W orld's Dispensary Mcilidl Ass'n, R.V. I'icrce, M. D., Pres't, Rulfalo, N. Y. Dr. Tiehcr's Grbat Family Doctor Book, The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, newly revised up-to-date edition 1000 paiics, answers is Plain English hosts of delicate questions which every woman, single or married, ought to know about. Sent fret to any address on receipt of 31 one-cent tamps to cover cost of wrapping and mailing onv, in French cloth binding. discouraged through domestic trou bles, and the man run down physical ly and mentally and needing outdoor work. These are the worth-saving, who, if no help is offereuthem. drift down through the strata of free lodging-house existence into the mire of hobo-dom, er'minality, an dhopeless mendicancy. Henry Carter in the World's Work for December. A VIGOROUS rKKFOKMF.lt. THE GRAM) Ol'EKA SEASON. "Does your boy Josh play on the football team?" "No," replied Farmer Corntassel. "Josh wouldn't stand for no moMy coddle job like that. He's the feller that leads the mob and wrecks opry houses after the game is over." Washington Star. A Juvoiillc-rolinlt4. Wl'.lle Did baby come from heav Nurse Yes, dear. Willie Fool kid! tile didn't know when he was well off. Hoston Tran script. A.N I.NDEI'ENDEXT NEWSPAPER. Published Daily and Semi-Weekly at Ten dletun, Oregon, by the AST OREGON 1AX l'LT.LISHING CO. SUBSCRIPTION BATES. By the adoption of the resolutions the Commercial club sought to do its duty without dodging or quibbling and to give a just and proper decis ion upon the question that had been placed before it the night before. In view of the East Oregonian the club did its duty fully and took the only course possible consistent with Justice and common sense. It is also Dally, vat year, by mall Dally, six months, by mail Dally, three months, by mall . . Daily, one month, by mail .... Dally, one year, by carrier .... Daily, six nronths, by carrier . . Dally, three months, by carrier Daily, one month, by carrier 65 Beml- Weekly, one year, by mail 1.50 Bernl-Weekiy, six months, by mail 73 Semi-Weekly, four months, by mall... .50 ( carmen jadlowker, dalmores, O luchi sextetta blzet; O dippel laruso dolores, Ciioeonda, o andre-caplet. o conti, o eames tetrazzini, O scotti maseagni farrar, (i gad-ki busonl puccinl. Calve Constantino maquerre. Ah. verdi pagliac' trovatore, Aida fremstad meyerbeer; Pol plancon and that tells the story, The opera season Is here. s H E. Porter in Life. A MAN-FA (.TORY. the belief of this paper that this view ( will be shared by all who attended the j meeting at the Oregon theatre Tues- j day evening and listened with unpre- .$3.00 . 2.50 . 1.23 . .50 . 7.50 . 8.7.-1 1.93 judiced minds to the presentation of the various features of the contro- Member United Press Association. The Dally East Oregonian Is kept on sale at the Oregon News Co., 329 Morrison treet, Portland. Oregon. Northwest News Co., Portland, Oregon. Chicago Bnreau, 009 Security Building. Washington, D. C, Bureau, 501 Four teenth f.reet. N. W. Entered at the postoffice at Pendleton, Oregon, u second-class mall matter. telephone , Main 1 Official City and County Paper. versy. THE AD.Il DlC.VTlON. SUITS. THE CHRISTMAS HELLS. The little children of the world, in the cities and the dells They walk the way to Christ fas Day they dream of the Christmas bells. And the wind may wail Through the winter night, But out o' the dark Streams the . Christmas Light. In dreams they go o'er the hills of enow to the- land where the world's Joy dwells; Hand in hand to the lovely land to the chime of the Christmas bells. Loud cries the wind Through the winter night, But bright through the dark Streams the Christmas Light Frank L, Stanton. o At the Commercial club meeting hist night the only contention arose over a resolution that was proposed as an amendment to those adopted and the principal feature of which amendment was a clause that called for the abandonment by the govern ment of the adjudication suit.?. The amendment was voted down be cause it did not look good under th circumstances. It appeared as useless and as slapping the government at a very inappropriate time. That the adjudication suits have raised a furor and are disliked must be admitted. Nearly all upper river users regret that the suits have been brought. But whether or not it would be beneficial to have the government withdraw its suits is another question. The East Oregonian does not know and Is not attempting to say. It Is evident though that the adjudication tif water rights is something that must proceed and will proceed no matter v. hat people may desire. This being the case it might not be for the gen eral welfare for the government to withdraw Its suit,s even If it would do so. Should they induce the govern ment to withdraw its suits and allow private parties to bring adjudication suits the upper river settlers might be getting from the frying pan into the lire. The average wateruser. such as a Birch creek farmer or 'a PENDLETON'S VERDICT, j McKay creek farmer, might suffer more at the hands of big private us- After listening fully to both sides '('rs tnan at the hands of thL. govern of the controversy over the Extension ment. and looking as thoroughly as possible These comments are made to show into all features of the case the Pen- wn" the action of the club in voting dleton Commercial club has made ''own the amendment last evening was clear its sentiments and its views as nt inconsistent with the friendship of to what should be done. ,hft tluo f"- the waterusers of the up- The club went on record last night ''er river. In this connection it Is as emphatically favoring the expen- Important to note that those who diture of federal reclamation money M'ke for the amendment declared in Oregon. It is a stand in behalf th,''' l"'ke for themselves alone and of the welfare of the people of Ore- r,ot a representatives of anyone, gon. It Is also a stand In favor of ,n the vl,;w f the East Oregonian federal reclamation as opposed to pri- tne Pendleton Commercial club vate enterprise when it is possible to "'""ds for the welfare of the Hettlers secure federal reclamation. "f the upper river and of Birch and The club emphatically endorsed the McKay creeks. If those settler want building by the government of the th clul lo k the government to Vmatllla Extension. It praised the withdraw Its suits they should pre extension as being one of the most "ent thelr request direct to th club attractive and desirable of all pro- ,n Person, or through accredited Jects undertaken by the government. "Pfimen. so that the organization It declared that after having again v,ln be BUre of their desires. given full consideration to the sub- Ject the club reaffirms Its faith In the J It waf, a great fIght and ,t wa we West Extension and urges its ad- fought But it was a fair fight and PtJon- 'the Jury did its best to give a fair In the third resolution adopted by decision. There should be few sore, the club last night the organization poU. But lf tnere are Home ore does its duty by Its "home people," B,)0t8 Pendleton will be in no worse the waterusers of the upper river and position than others who are forced tributary streams. The government t,, yerve a, umpires Is asked, not only to reassure upper The Self Ma ter Colony at Vn'.on, N. J.. i a mill that gets its grist from i gutters and levees and grinds from ; it men who are Independent and hon- j est. The method of the colony is to j take a man without asking him ques- . Hons, to put him on his feet by set- ting him at some useful task, and by. giving him complete liberty and fifty cents a week. The Self Master Colony has room for thirty men at a time, and the ac commodations always are crowded. Its struggle is a geen one, for the col ony aims to be self supporting. It draws its members from seven class es: the man unable to find immediate employfent the man In middle life who has lost his business the intemperate young man trying to control himself, the country boy stranded in the city, and the rich .man's son wayward and estranged from his family, the man Xmas Gifts Winter Merchandise oney Saving The three big links; in the chain that is drawing the holiday trade to the Wonder Store The reductions are real, the stock is composed of desirable lines only and the crowds are increasing fast, they . have learned the truth. We must raise $10,000 river settlers In their rights, but also to protect them In their welfare. The President Taft now Pendleton stands and knows where Via mat nrn. government is urged to allow them to ceed to formulate his plans accord- water their lands for the reason that Ingly the Irrlpatlon of lands on the upper river will be beneficial to the govern- Mfinwlillit Christmas Is coming un tit's projects f&rth'-r down the and the slogan Is, "Do your shopping mi cam early." , Cart lid Harness RTCJ ET ET The prize consists of a thoroughbred Shetland pony; cart CjOftft fil IB Em wLm and harness complete. Value PvUU Tollman 3& Co. have inaugurated a popularity contest open to boys and girls under 15 years. Starts Dec. 115 Ends March 3D Ono vote will be (riven for every cent of purchase on all sales amounting to 5 cents or over. Each contestant will be priven a number on entering and you will vote for the num ber and not his or her nameer. When voting fill in the number of the contestant you wish to vote for. If you do not know the contestants number, ask tho clerk. Contest open to every boy and girl under the age of 15 years. Get busy! Come in and enter NOW and get your number The winner of this contest, with his pony and outfit, will Iks envied by every boy and girl during next year's Kound-Up. Remember the contest starts tomorrow at TaBBiroii3i!-'s HDiraogg Store , Hotel St. George Bar GEO. DARVEAC, Proprietor Pendleton's Popular Gentle mens Reaort. Meuser-Dusch's famous BUDWEISER on draught, 5C glass Electric Mixed Drlnka Served at this Bar. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigara. Distributors of Echo Spring and Old Crow Whiskey. First class Cafe and Grill in connection A La Carte. I ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL Boarding and Day School for Girls. Frimary, Intermediate, Ae- t adeinio Special and Post x Graduate Courses. Depart i ments of lusie, Expression and Art J PEUSOXAIi ATTENTION' REFINING IXFIXENCE8 THOROUGH WORK i Nettie M. Galbraith Principal. WALLA WALLA, WASH. j A General Line of HOLIDAY GOODS well worth seeing anywhere. Cut Glass, Chinaware, PackagfcPerfurae, Hand Bags, Dolls and Toys AT COST Christmas and New Tear Post Cards in celluloid fin ish. One cent each. Koeppen's The druq store that serve you best. The Pendleton Drug Co. la In bualneas for "Your Good Health" REMEMBER THIS WHEN YOD HAVE PRESCRIPTIONS, OR WANT PURE MEDICINES t j They Fit and Wear !! That's tho kind of shoos t you pot at thia store if you f a iwipK ior cneap swiii. X don't come here. 2 i SHOES are mv snecialtv nnd T Vionrllo X only tho kind ' that satisfy X I ana make my patrons ray friends. X I would" like to nrovo tin' t assertion to YOU. A. Eklund Pendleton's Pioneer Shoe Man. V