East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 14, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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S.TTiw' lvv J "Mil I
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Ge Your Wife a iVeu;, Practical
Vacuum Cleaner
ft T iiiiiilifrr Mill iiijHI li'lliflW f'lllllllHIIIIIIIII iil"1
For a Christmas pift, save that fff of dust ami hours of hard sweeping ami
cleaning, lighten the loai of house work just a little. These cleaners are very
inexpensive, only $3.93 in cash and couixms representing $25.00 worth
of purchase. This is the greatest snap in the cleaner line you'll ever see.
of extraordinary value with wide range
of prices. The lest, the pretties as
sortment we have ever had. New,
crisp linens readv for the tahle.
Trices ... . - -7 to $3.00
Table line of $1.00 yard up. Ctood
sizes and all linen $2.9S to $7.50
of materials for party dresses of messa
line, creve de chine, chiffon and mar
quesette. All shades Messaline, 27-in. wide 98t
All shades Cree de Chine, 24-in.
wide ... - 98
All shades Chiffon, 42-in. wide.. 9S?
All shades Marquesette, 42-in wide
for . ?l-50
All shades Marquesette 30-in. wide
for ... - 47
One special quality that we sell for
75 yard, on bargain counter tomor
row at -
We have a very choice lot of Rngs,
Brussels and Velvet, good patterns,
sizes from Tx! to Dxl2 feet. Would
make handsome Christmas gifts.
and for the next two weeks the follow
ing prices will prevail:
$12.50 Bugs will go for only $7.75
$16.50 Rugs will go for only $10.93
$20.00 Rugs will go for only $12.95
$22.50 Rngs will go for only $22.45
$27.50 Rugs will go for only $18.95
$32.50 Rugs will go for only $22.89
We are closing out all of our dolls,
and in order to make them go early and
quickly we have cut the price in two.
Come and take your unrestricted
choice at OXE HALF PRICE.
The favorite yarn for the aviation
caps received. This yarn is most pop
ular at present for caps for young and
old. Conies in white and colors. Full
directions given with yarn. In the art
department, per skein 15
In the natural color, good quality of
art linen for runners, pillow tops, cen
ter pieces and all kinds of fancy work.
Comes in two widths, yard 25t
The latest, styles at just about one
third of the price asked elsewhere.
THE MARATIIOX, a very nifty
cart ; red IhkIv, rubler tires, complete
in every detail. $1.50 cash and 0
paces of trading conions. Other
kinds, other prices.
will be yours if YOUR gift conies from
this store. Here are delightful presents,
moderately priced for every inomler of
the family. A big store, shelves piled
high with tempting merchadise ; sales
and delivery service unexcelled.
Come and see our Christmas offerings.
Shop in the forenoon if vou conveni
ently can and avoid the afternoon jam.
You'll lo waited on lx-ttcr and have a
letter opportunity to choose wisely and
Grows hair and
can prove it
Hair Becomes Soft, Fluffy, Lus
trous and Beautiful Immediately
After a Danderine Hair Cleanse
Get a 25 Cent Bottle Now and
Forever Stop Falling Hair, Itching
Scalp and Dandruff
A little Danderine now will immediately double
the beauty of your hair No dillcrence how dull,
faded, brittle and scrapgy, just moisten a cloth with
Danderine and carefully draw it through your haif
taking one small strand at a time. The ertrct is
immediate and amazing your hair will be li(;ht,
fluffy and wavy and have an appearance of abun
dance; an incomparable lustre, softness and Juxu
riance, the beauty and shimmer of true hair health.
Try as you will after an application of Danderine,
you cannot find a single trace of dandruff or a loose
or falling hair and your scalp will not itch, but
what will please you most will be after a few week's
use when you will actually see new hair, fine and
downy at first -yes but really new hair sprouting
all over the scalp.
Danderine is to the hair what fresh showers of rain
and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes ijht to the
roots, invigorates and strengthens them. Its life
producing properties cause the hair to grow abun
dantly long, strong and beautiful.
Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine
from any drug store or toilet counter and prove to
yourself tonight now that your hair is as pretty
and soft as any that it has been neglected or injured
by careless treatment that's 111 you surely can
have beautiful hair and lots of it, if you will just
try a little Danderine. Real surprise awaits you.
Excellent program for Friday and
1. "The Trial of Books." Bio
graph. This picture shows riow a
reconciliation was brought about be
tween husband and wife. The couple
quarreled and a separation peems In
evitable. Their littl echild endeav
ors to smooth matters without avail.
Left alone to amuse herself, she
starts, o!( to find, fcfcool. Her
parents miss her and by the time ahe
U found their quarrel is forgotten.
2. "The Outlaw Deputy." Essan
ay. Western drama. Buck Stevens,
an outlaw, escapes from Jail, but ia
captured. Later, the sheriff learns
of the whereabouts of iJaredevil Kel
ley, but in unable to go after film.
Buck volunteers to go and takes Kelly
? Jail.
3. "She Came. She Saw, She Con
quered, Vitagraph. The boys try to
tun the scUqoL when the new teacher
comes they become tier champion.
She wins them all.
4. "Aunt Jane's Legacy." Lubin.
A rollickln? love comedy with a hun
dred laughs and a happy end. Weal
thy Aunt Jane's nephews tried to
win her good grazes. Did they suc
ceed? Not so you could notice it.
The PantliiK!.
The home of good pictures',
day's change of program:
In order to cure a cold in the head
before' It reaches the lungs nothing
more is needed than nimply to cleanse
the affected canals of the nose and
This can be done easily and effec
ually by inhalation of a mild and
soothing disinfectant.
We have a good deal to do with
different kinds of Inhalants and we
have seen nothing which seems to do
the work of cleansing the nasal tract
so quickly and so thoroughly as Men
tholyptuH. The vapor from this Men
tholyptus gives Inntant relief and
then the salve which is used soothes
and heals the affected portions bet
ter than anything else I have ever
We hope you will drop Into our
Mtore and let uh tell you about this
simple remedy. It is never safe to
neglect a cold, and we are no certain
'hat Mentholyptus will reach your
ease that we give you the first pack
age on a money-back guarantee.
Better call and investigate
Mentholyptus remedy today.
Pmd'eton Drug Co.
"A Southern Soldier's Sacrifice,"
Vitagraph. A war story which ap
peals very strongly to the emotions.
It represents a brother saving a
brother When he is captured as a spy,
and giving up his Ufe for his brother.
"Her Dad, the Constable,' (Es
sany). The constable's daughter Is
waiting in bridal veil and wreath of
orange blossoms for her bridegroom,
a millionaire, who has lost his train
and is hurrying to her lh his motor
Car. The girl's father, the constable,
receives a telephone message to ar
rest a chauffeur, whom he doesn
know Is his prospective Hon-ln-law',
"The Story of the Typewriter,"
(Pathe). A dream realised, At In
dustrial film that opens and closes
with a story. It is Hot only highly
instructive, but it is interesting and
"Logan Babies," (Edison). Logan
Is to be married on Friday, the 13th.
Everything goes wrong and he is left
at the end in a very embarrassing
position. However, we know It ".n't
really serious.
The robbery was committed by
thieves of international reputation
who hastened to Chicago from Pitts
burg anl at once offered to return the
Jewels If Mrs, Hhaw paid the price
demanded, about $20,000.
Negotiations laggud while the po
lice attempted to run down the gang,
l-Ut ihey succeeded In hiding Iheir
tracks and only when It became
known that several heirlooms were
about to be broken up (thd fold sep
arately was the rnoney "paid and the
valuables returned.
beepeft.tcd coughs that resist ordi
nary pmed require both external
and internal treatment. If you buy a
dollar, be uf BALLARD'S HORE
HOUNfi SYRUP you get the two
remedies you need for the price of
onfc. There is a HERRICK'S RED
cliest, free wltn each bottle. Sold by
A. C. Koeppen & Bros.
PAUOI.I-: FOR KLI.EN n. rwk.
Tile Cosy...
Four reels of beamitillly colored
film. Stories that grtp and hold. Th j
N'oUtl Confidence Wontnn, S'bw
Years Old, On Inn I Vi-edom.
Auburn, X. Y. The ftate parole
kind you'll tell yntir friends to eoUlo
and see.
"The Call of Ihe Song." Imp. A
sweet story ' ( love and neglect. The
young. rn"n forkgot his sweetheart
till he heard the song she used to sing
for tlm. Then he returned with the
In wt Hose of Summer.
"The Schoolmaster's Overcoat."
Ambrosia. A touching story of school
days. The kids used to laugh at the
teacher's old coat. One day he pawn1
ed it to buy medicine for hi flick
mother. The kids found out and do
nating their precious pennies 'they
bought the coat back for the teacher.
"Marine Views of Naples." Ambro
sia. Short, beautiful subjct, show
ing pretty parts of a fine 'city.
"Percy and His Squaw." Holax. A
laughable comedy of wBtern life. The
Indian maiden saved IferCy's life and
fell in love with him. Poor Percy
was certainly In a 'terrible mess. See
how he got out.
"A Wrong Telephone Call." Am
brosia. Story of a ruined man who
heeded the olce of temptation and
fell, but was saved by the noble-
hearted woman at the telephone. How
he repaid her kindness to himself
and child makes a pretty story.
. board considered sixty-six appllca
' tions for freedom and while no report
was given out tonight it is under
stood that Ellen R. Peck, the eighty-two-year-old
confidence woman who
once swindled B. T. Babbitt out of
$20,000 and Is said to have a llfe
i lond record of nearly $1,000,000 in
peculations, was successful. Her sen
tvneo was commuted by Governor Dlx
to make her eligible for parole.
Joh u. Potter, another beneficiary
of executive clemency was granted
parole and will go to his home near
I'tlca on Christmas eve. Potter was
formerly democratic state committee
man from the Oneida district and
was convicted of grand larceny irt the
Oneida graft scandal.
Two Women Claiming to He Willows
of Dcud Iiliiviiiaii View
i Uic lteiiuiliiH.
Chicago, 111 Two women, each
claiming to be the wife of CJeorge
O'Brien, policeman from the South
Clark street station, who died In
Alexian Brothers' Hospital, appeared
at the undertaking rooms at 90 East
Randolph street to view the body,
j The women did- not arrive at the
1 same time, and consequently there
' was no scene.
O'Brien's first marriage occurred
I twenty-five years ago, but he separat
! ed from his wife a few years- later,
I nnd since then she. has been working
as housekeeper for a fr.mlly living on
the South Side. H Is alleged to
have married Miss Jeanette Ryan lit
the hospital a few days before his
A life insurance policy for $2,000
which O'Brien carried in the Police
men's Benevolent association is the
bono of contention between the two
women. Mrs. O'Brien the first as
srts her husband never obtained a
divorce, and that the Insurance money
belongs to her.
It is said, however, that a new pol
icy wns made out in favor of the new
wife. If the first marriage was not
annulled, officers of the benevolent
association say. the money will go to
the first wife.
Each woman has nnnounced her
intention of riding in the carriage be
hind the pall-bearers in the funeral
procession from St. Mary's (Paulist)
church, Wabash avenue, to the cem
etery. Twenty-five policement have
been ordered to march as a guard of
honor before the cortage.
When you have a cold get a botlle
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It
will soon fix you up all right and will
ward off any tendency toward pneu
monia. Thin -emedy contains no opi
um or other narcotic and may be giv
en as confidently to a baby as to an
adult. Sold by all dealers.
$6000 WATVH IN' t'KAftTji
"I had been troubled with constipa
tion for two years and irled all of the
best physicians in Bristol, Tenn , and
they could do nothing for me," write
Thos. E. Williams, Mlddleboro, Ky.
"Two packages of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets cured me."
For lal by all dealers.
Wlmt (iloHscM Aro to Weak Ijeft,
CjweHr1 Am to Weak Bowels A
10-Ceiit Ilo Win Truly Amazo Yon.
Most old people must give to the
bowels some regular help, cUe they
suffer from constipation. The condi
tion Is perfectly natural. It is Just
as natural as it is for old people to
walk slowly. For age is never so
active as youth. The muscles are less
elastic. And the bowels are mus
cles. ;
So all old people need Casoaret.
One might as well refuse to aid weak
eyes with g'asses as to neglect this
gen ie aid to weak bowels. The
bowels must be kept active. This Is
Important at all ages, but never so
much as at fifty.
Ago is not a time' for harsh phys
ics. Youth may occasionally whip
the bowels into activity. But a lash
can't be used every day. What the
bowels need is a gentle nnd natural
tonic. One that can be constantly
used without harm. The only such
tonic is Cascarets nnd they cost only
10 cents per box at any drug store.
They work while you sleep.
Ldndorl.' The watchmaking f'ii'm' of
Loll la Oa'lopln of Chaux. dt Ponds
has Just completed a wonderful watch
tho enly one of Iti kind in the world.
A pearl, which- Weighs forty-five
grains and has & diameter of about
half an Inch, contains a'l the works.
It took an employe of the firm fif
teen months to hollow out the pearl
and fix in the wheels.
The watch, which is guaranteed to
keep good time and may be worn as
a ring on the finger, is for sale for
Every family has need ot a good,
reliable liniment. For sprains, bruis
es, soreness of the muscles and rheu
matic pains there in none better than
Chamberlain's. Sold by all dealers.
IlcwHI Jewt-In Stolen frm Them for
Nearly Full Value. j
Pittsburg. Negotiations were re
ported to have ben concluded by
which Jewels valued at $35,000. stolen
from the residence of Mrs. William
Thaw the evening of January 24 last, I
while the family wa. at dinner, wore
Lumber and Building
Vij A Large and Complete Stock Al-
lVlUl6rlal ways Oh Hand and PRICED RIGHT
The Best Mill Wdrk to be
Obtained in'theNorthwest
Let Ui'Rgure With You
on Yoiir Next Order
Pendleton Planing 'Mill and Lum-
hor Varrl J' A-BORIE LUMBER CO., Proprietors
.3 ".Via uSTTD.H'VJ.vW 'tttt
Xo nicer or more impropriate present eouM ln given, than a
diamond or piece of ifiamond jewelry.
Wo have a larg aHBortment of
Diamonds purchased direct
from tho importers perfect in
out and. color. Selected carc
fully by experts.. You can buy
diarnotids hrra with alhtol uta
conf'uh'we of, rjrtlinq uhat you
pay for.
Jeweler and Silversmith
mtr si