EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1911 PAGE SKTKR. HOLIDAY CATTLE "HILL TAI'T" RKM.S VOli f $217 AND KXXITK.S TRADE Talrly (xkI Cows ; ul (Joixl Price Whllo KUvrH Are Down SHH-lull,y kmtnu llogi SoKl at Fumy Fi)g uro kIuhh Murkct Is Good. - (From Tuesday's Journal.) The livestock trade is still talking of the sale of "mil Taft," the won derful steer brought from Baker and wh'ch sold to the Union Meat com pany nt $217, or 10c per pound. -Further sales of holiday stuff con tinue and prices naturally much higher than are being paid for what la ordinarily considered top quality. The stuff Hell ng for ho'ldays Is sta.ll fed. while others are merely hay stuff. Therefore prices should not be con fused. Only the latter are quoted In .45 55.00 Frank Baling, express Frank Suling, postuge all of' flees Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., tele phone all offices 50.60 J. A. Borie Lumber Co., lum ber 2.75 Penland Bios., freight and drayago 2.10 Eust Oregonian, express .... East Oregonian, printing mo. expenses Live Wire, printing monthly expenses John Ross, do 21.25 M. Dixon, do 10.10 George Ashworth, do 10.10 W. J Crablll, do 21.25 Ed Towery, do 43.75 Thos. Lester, do 19.10 William Benefield, do 12.50 J. II. Clark, do 19.10 George Ijirder, do 19.10 A. P. Wrlirht do 16 85 'U L. Beam, do 20.00 21.00 !F. Stlmple, do 13.50 C. P. Smith, do 42.50 1.50 the regular range cattle prices by the i,Ve Wire, supplies 16.40 21.00 K. H. PIMPLES 01 FACE CAUSED GREAT DISFIGUREBT Journal at this time. I Kreewater Times, advertis- There was another fair run of cat- ing . tie in the yards today, but little of the Freewator Times, supplies for stock could be called fin class af- I rZ. ' adVeing! ter having exhibited the stock that H(.rrn,.stori Herald, udvertis arrived yesterday. Nevertheless one ( in lot of 18 cows brought $5 this morn- Milton Eagle, supplies for wa- Mullen, do Lane, do 6 75 6.75 5.60 5.60 6.60 6.60 5 60 3.35 9.00 For Three Long Years, Suffered Great Deal. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Brought Marvelous Results. In Few Weeks Cured Completely, "I wis troubled with acne for three long years. My face was the only part atfocted, tut it caused great disligurement, also suuurmg and ions of sleep. At iirsi there appeared red, hard pimples which later contained white matter. I suffered a great deal caused by the itching. I was in a state of perplexity when walking the stroeu or any where before the public. "I used pills and other remedies but they failed com pletely. I thought of giving tip when nothing would help, but something told me to try the Cuticura Soap and Oint ment. I sent for a Cuticura Booklet which I read carefully.- Then I bought some Cuticura 8oap and ointment and by following the directions I was relieved in a few days. I used Cuticura Soap for washing my face, and applied the Cuticura Ointment morning and evening. This treatment brought mar velous results so I continued with it for a few weeks and was cured completely. I can truthfully say that the Cuticura Remedies axe not oaly all, but more than they claim to be." (Signed) O. Itaumel, 1015 W. 20ta Place, Chicago, 111., May 28, 181 1. For more than a generation Cuticura Rem edies have afforded the most economical treatment for affections of the skin and scalp. A cake of Cuticura Soap (25c.) and a box of Cuticura Ointment (50c.) are often sufficient. Although sold throughout the world, a liberal sample of each, witn iU-p. book on the skin, will be sent free, on application to Potter brag & Chem. Corp., Dept. A. Boston. Best tor Asthma, Ca tarrh, Bronchitis Why need anyone suffer from any throat or nie troubles when sooth ing, healing IIYOMEI Is guaranteed to banish all misery or money back "The undersigned herewith rec ommend HYOMEl to all who aro af flicted with asthma, catarrh, or bronchitis. IIYOMEI was used by my wife for bronchitis and asthma and I used it for bronchitis and sore throat It ha given relief and permanent results and I write these few lines for the benefit of all who are afflicted with the ailments named above." Theodore Boehlan, Traffic Manager of the Concordia Publishing House. Cor. Jefferson avenue, and Miami street, concordla, Kas., Jan. 2nd, 1911. Tallman & Co. and druggists every where sell Hyomel. A complete out fit Inolud ng Inhaler, costs $1.00. Ex tra bottles If needed 50 cents. Just breathe it. Ing. Those averaged 1026 and were very desirable for the hol'dny trade. Three calves that averaged 160 pounds went to the high mark at $8. Best SU-ere $5.75. What Is ordinarily called "best" in thejfteer division ig not being quoted itbov $5.75 by the local trade. Stock that brings more than this figure Is generally grain fed an:! prepared es pee'alty for the holiday market. Today's run of 208 head in the cat tle dlv'slon at North Portland com pares with 59 head last Tuesday. I fog Market y Mixed. The sale of the big lot of contract hogs at North Port'nrid yesterday has been somewhat understood. While the trnn.wactlon was tot $7.10, this did not mean that stuff sold In the reg ular way would bring that figure. The stock was sold pr'or to arrival and was weighed without the usual fill. This means fully 15c above the pre- vioui price. As a general rule local Interests are not ouotlng hogs above $6 85. Bun for the day was 1 C 7 head com pared with 292 last Tuesday. There remains an excellent situa- t'on In the mu'ton yard at North Portland. Receipts for the day were 491 head compared w'th 477 a week ngo. While good stock Is in firm request at the most favorable values, there remains a stagnant tone for poor stuff. Some of the late arrivals would be worth more money In the Interior than here for they are reshlpped. Wheat Producers' price nominal; track delivery, club. 79c; bluestem. 81 82c; fortyfold, 80c; Willamette valley. 79c; red Jtusslan, 77c. Tur- kay red. 80c. Barley Prod ucers' prices 19 1 1 Feed, $31 31.00; rolled, $32; brew ing. $37. Oats Producer5 price Track No. 1. spot delivery, white, $30.50; gray. $30. Millstuffs Selling price Bran, $24.50; middlings, $31; shorts, $25.50; chop. 119ft 25. Hay Producers' price 1911 crop Valley timothy, fancy,, $1 5 16; or dinarv $1314; eastern Oregon. $16 50ff?17; Idaho, $17; mixed. $1215; clover. I10W11; wheat, $11; cheat. Ill: alfalfa. $1213: oats. 11; al falfa. $12013; oats. $11. Iuv llerl to Wlicnt Damage Chicago Dec. 13. The wheat trade paid heed to the damage to the gra'n crop by rains in Argentina and the market advanced from 5-8 to -c at the elo-ing after an opening un changed to l-2c higher. The advance In Buenos Ayres was the basis for a further stiffening of va'ues at Liverpool and Paris, but at Berlin the market reacted. Minneapolis reported a better de mand for cash wheat. The Chicago cash wheat murket was firm with prices unchnnged. termaster Glass & Prodhomme Co., sup plies, S. Kupt. and Kec'r... Geo. D. Barnard & Co., index cabinet, assessor C. K. Nelson, supplies 12"?n 39.40 11.68 40.00 5.50 3 50 95.93 22.75 15.00 3.00 40.00 25.75 3.50 2.25 13.00 10.00 41.70 3.55 4.60 9.25 9.15 When you wani j TUB AUTO CAB PHONE MAIN 468. The OREGON MOTOR GO. S15 E. COURT ST. Take Northern Pacific Ry. to Spo kane. Leaves 1:30 p. m., arrive 9:55 p. m. Tickets from W. Adams. 4 gent, Pendleton. OLD-TIME REMEDY DARKENS THE From time Immemorial, sage and sulphur have been used for the hair and scalp. Almost everyone knows of the value of such a combination for darkening the hair, for curing dandruff and falling hair and for J ! making the hair grow. I In olden t'mes the only way to get a hair tonic of this sort was to brew it In the home fireplace, a method which was troublesome and not al ways satisfactory. Nowadays almost every up to date druggist can supply h's patrons with a ready-to-use pro duct, iklllfully compounded In per r,.,.iiv cinilnned laboratories. The Wyeth Chemical company of New York put up an ideal remedy of this sort, called Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy, and authorize drug gists to sell It under a guarantee that the money will bo refunded if it fails to do exactly as represented. If you have dandruff, or if your hair is turning gray or coming out, Frazler-Nelson Co., supplies Tavlor Hdw. Co., hardware... J L. Vaughan, lamp globes. H. Koplttkj & Co., hauling wood iterlilnw Miller, plumbing.. O W. Bradley cash advanced for 80 7-8 cords wood 522.50 Pacific Power & Light Co., lights Charles Lane & Son, window glass for jail A. C. Koeppen & Bros., drugs for prisoners T D. Taylor, board for prison ers Ralph Folsom, transportation and burial Henry Jones... Italph Folsom, burial Benja min Butler Ralph Folsom, window shades, poor farm ,L J. McFaul, trip to Weston examining city water T. D. Taylor, R R. fare pau pers Kupers & McCook, labor on engine at poor farm J. H. Hennings, tobacco poor fa rm Rains & Houser, 35 head steers delivered poor farm iss.iu Z. Houser, delivering the above cattle Pendleton Iron Works, man hole for noor farm Alexander Dept. Store, sup plies poor farm Joe Fields, labor on poor farm Jau'J P. H. Van Orsdall, wneai ior poor farm '" V. Stroble, beds and mattress, poor farm A. C. Koeppen & Bros., drugs for poor Pendleton Drug Co , drugs for uoor farm Tallman & Co.. drugs for poor farm Taylor Hardware Co., hardfare for poor farm Oregon Lumber Yard, lumber for poor farm 134.50 Crabcreek Lumber Co., lumber for poor farm Pendleton Roller Mills, bran and flour, poor farm 33.40 La Dow & Peterson, naraware for poor farm Hale & McAtee, glass and and putty, poor farm Otto Hohbach, bread for poor farm R K. Fletcher, meat for poor farm S M. Done, blacksmithlng poor farm Isaac Jay & Son. blacksmithlng noor farm Fred Book, tobacco, poor farm 2 months -00 Carl Welssert, robe and wnip. poor farm N. A. Miller, burial of Frank Buck C. S. Wheeler. 60 prints or corns, unknown Bovs & Gil ls Aid Society, char ity 10.00 D. J. McFaul, salary health officer John H. Hiteman. for William Helmlck. old soldier W. E. Driskell. paid for 2 mo. wages at $2 50 per day on account of getting crippled while working in rock quar ry at Weston 130.00 S. J. Campbell, fruit inspector 29.4 5 J. B Snvlor, expense . educa tional 'board 2.20 Oeorge Tonkin, traveling ex penses school supervisor.... 56.35 Albert K. White, do 54.00 Horace Walker, co. com. salary 55.00 H. M. Cockburn, do 65.00 A C. Funk, deputv sheriff... 125.00 J." A. Blnkley. do 100.00 George Strand, do 100.00 R. T. Brown, do 125.00 Helen Hart, clerk's steno 70.00 B. S. Burroughs, deputy hire 125.00 Oeorge Simpson, janitor 75.00 J. B. McDill. supt. poor farm 100.00 , J. A. Tomlln, do . 100 L. Cobb, do ; F. Montgomery, do 4.00 John Barnes, do . 1.00 Sid Barnes, do ... I F. Horner, do . . . 1.70 i William Powers, do ,IJ. F. Lavendar. do 85.00 12.30 Jack Lutes, do 2.25 L. B. Davis, do 42.50 56.80 George W. Proebstel, hardware dlst No. 6 7.47 D. F. Lavendar, freight dist 6 6.76 William McKenzie. fuel and uhc of engine, No. 6 229.03 W. J. Clarke & Co., powder and fuse di.-t 6 60.00 Thnrp Bros., blacksmithing No. 9 32 11 Jesse Cockburn, labor dist. No. 10 52.25 W. J. Seaman, do 22.50 S. R. Hunter, do 29.50 36 50 7.80 2.35 1.10 Jesse Laker, do Harley Rothrock, do Joe Nelson, labor dist. No. 11 John Peterson, do William Potts, do Tumalum Lumber Co. lumber dlst. No. 11 R. N. Furlinzer, labor, dist. No. 12 J. E. Gordon, do 4 3.75 W. S. Beamer( do 12.35 K. R Marquess, do 9.00 Noah Buroker, do 21.35 W. Kd Moore, do 14.87 John Tompkins, do 65.2", W. Davis, do 4.50 John Tompkin, do 66.00 Emmett Rees, do 8.60 J. C Prendergast, do 12 45 J S. Norvell Hdw. Co., hard ware dlst. No. 12 2.75 Oliver Dlckerson, road plow dlst. 12 I""0 Tumalum Lumber Co , lumber dist. 12 120.30 Vernon V. Kerley, blacksmith ing dist. 12 I " F A. Sikes, labor dlst. No. 13 14.00 E P. Marshall, labor aisu sso. 14 25.75 John kaiitola, do W W Relno Hildunen, do 3?-T? 1 Want Ads WANTED. W .ANTED Continued. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES, IF you want to subscribe to maganlzes or newspapers In the United States r Europe, remit by postal note, check, or send to the EAST ORE GONIAN the net publisher's price of the publication you desire, and we will have it sent you. It will save you both trouble and risk. If you are a subscriber to the EAST OREGONIAN, in remitting you can deduct ten per cent from the pub lisher's price. Address, EAST OREGONIAN PUB. CO, Pendleton' Oregon. HAIR WORK MADAM KENNEDY is at the Bowman Motel for two days. Anyone wishing hair work please call and see her. Room 4. ENGRAVED CARDS, INVITATION wedding announcements, embossdl private and business stationery, eta. Very latest styles. Call at East Ore gonian office and see samples. WANTED Lace curtains to laundry Work done with especial care Phone Red 2521. SALESMEN TO AID VS SUPPLY the brisk demand for our good;, some vacant territory yet In every state went of the Mississippi; casts weekly. Capital City Nursery Co- Salem, Oregon. LEGAL BLANKS of every descrip tion for country court, circuit court, justice court, real estate, etc., tor Sale at East Oregonian office. 13.50 11 00 12.75 9 4.50 7.00 Ploooifiori nironfnn, I uiuuoiiiuu mtuuimy INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS i HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKES DR. THOMAS VAUGHAN. DENTIST. reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non residents. Write fire, life and acci dent Insurance. References, any bank In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. C. H. MARSH, Sec. 18.00 15.75 3.37 11.25 19.00 12.70 1.65 1.00 43.60 1.00 1.75 6.25 29.00 6.50 13.50 80.00 7.25 6.75 3.35 98.60 84 00 6.00 24.75 28.12 68. 25.60 9.00 Jack Hill, do Finer Westersund, do Charles Westersund, do Henry Embusk, do J W Embusk, do W. J. Clarke & Co., 1 ardware dlst. No. 14 D. H. Nelson, labor dlst. No. 15 A. Holgron. do Henry Hudeman, O T..hn dimm An - A I. Molstrom, do 22.00 Pendleton Iron Works, snar pening 2 grades blades M. Burks, labor d'.st. No. 17., H. P. Gover, do J S. Mattoon, do J. S. Mattoon, do T. u Xfuttonn. do ( E. Olson, do 49.50 Hume Park, do "2 : A tvnrrl. no , v. - t,n Tonv Dralshagen, do W. S. Groom, do 68.00 E. C. Neading, do 6t. a Waterman, do 67.81 Ed Rowe. do 20 25 KVonU Wpld do 50.34 W r Ktownrd. do . . . 42.75 H.' J. Stillings. do 109.37 Tom Brassfleld. do 32.50 W. C. Lloyd, do 42.50 F. P. Phipps, do 74.37 T. H. Haddox, do 56.25 B. Hooker, do 12.75 Joe Sralk, do 12. 75 N. T. Nelson, do 12.75 .Tohn Waller, do 38.25 J. Conner, do 13 50 Kd Graham, do H T.indsev. do 15.75 I.' Varum! do . . . . 9.00 W. T Sellers, do 8.2 Henrv Ott. do T. H Haddox, do Harrv IJndsav. do H. .1 Stilllners. do 15.6 Ed Graham, do 12.09 O. E. Olson, do W. C. Steward, do Frank Weld, labor dist. No. 17 C. H. Park, do 42.2 Henry Sommerer, do Henry Ott. do F. A. Phipps, do Herbert D. Newell, concrete pipes dist. 17 18 00 H. T. Irvin. lumber dlst. 17.. McCormack. labor, dist No. 18 25.50 Joe Mann, do 2 2 A. Claud, do 2.2 Oren Halstead. do 30.00 DR. D. C. M'NABB, LOCAL STATU Stock Inspector. Office at Koep pen's Drug Store. Phone Main 415 Residence, 915 East Court street Res. Phone Main 59. C. W. LASSEN, M. D. V, GRAXU- BENTLEY & LEFFINGVVELL. REAL of chcag0- offlce phone Mala tk estate, lire, me una , Res, 616 Bush St. phone Main 17. . n ,..nti Vnnr location. Bib Main' auvs " o ' - street. Phone Main 404. LIVKRY AND FEED STABLE. CITY LIVERY STABLE, THOMPSON street, Carney & Bradley, props. Livery, feed and sale stable. Good lgs at all times. Cab line in connec tion. "Phone main 70. FOUND at last a place wlicro one can trust their best linen to bo Laundered. We use only harmless materials to cleanse all articles entrusted to us. A trial order will convince you that wo live up to our advertise ment. We Also Do Rough Dry 7o Per round. TROY Steam Laundry TAIXE BROS. Phono Main 170. H. S. Garfield, co. phy n 35.00 George Tonkin, salary school supervisor 120.00 Albert K. White, do 120.00 C. P. Cockburn, labor rum! dist. No. 1 f-00 Will Beaumont, do , 4.00 Oscar Wallace, do 2.00 Arch Ellis, labor road dlst. No. 3 1.85 n V FVazier. do 3.45 R. M. White, do 1.S5 Asa Demarls, do 10.75 A. F. Compton. do 3 20 L. I,. Sewell. do 4.50 . Chapman, do 3.40 F. E. Haevs. do 25.00 W. O. Hay, do 24.50 1). A. Nelson, do 12.75 L. S. Seen, do 10.70 6.00 37.1 9.00 4.60 4 50 4.5 31.2 3.00 2.00 155.8 20.2 11.2 2.5 40.1 64.00 A. F. Compton. do William Hsey. do 29.75 13.50 31.50 don't delav. but get a bottle of this J I Frar.ler. do ........... 31 rem,vi;: today am. see what a fewUn l-(MHniglU. blacksmith- j days' treatment will do for you. 'o Grimes, labor dist. No. 4.. 4 This preparation is offered to the jA; Kralmnn. do 4 70 00 .00 nubile, nt fifty cents a bottle, and Is, win Murnhy. do 12.00 recommended and sold by special i Phil Murphy, do 3150 agent, Pendleton Drug Co. 422.2 4.5 14.8 11.2 11 21.2 i ' r, DENTISTS. Office in Main 73. Judd building. Phon VETERINARY SURGEONS. MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS No tice is hereby given that there will be an annual meeting of tne stock holders of the East Oregonian pud- lishing company on weanesaay, De cember 6, 1911. at 4 o'clock p. m., at the office of said company m Pendle ton, Oregon, for the purpose of elect ing officers for the ensu ng year. c. S. Jackson, president; L. D. Drake, secretary. ATTORNEYS. RALEY & RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT law. Office in American National Bank Building. JAMES A. FEE, ATTORNEY AI ' law. Office 'in Despain building. R. J. SLATER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Despain building. CARTER & SMYTH E, ATTORNEYS at law. Office In rear of Americas National Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardwara Company. LOWELL & WINTER, ATTORNEY and consullors at law. Office to Despain building. LFGAL BLANKS OF EVERY DE- .GEORGE W. COUTTS. ATTORNHY scrlDtion for county court, circuiv court. Justice court, real estate, etc., for sale at East oregonian oiuce. FRATERNAL ORDERS. PENDLETON LODGE No. 62 A. F. and A. M-, meets the first and third Mondays of each month. Ail vusiung ui are Invited. at law, estates settled, wills, deda mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. PETERSON & WILSON, ATTOB neys at law; rooms S and 4 SmUkv Crawford building. DAMON LODGE NO. . K. of P., meets every Mon day evening In I. O. O. P. hall. Visiting brother cor rtlBilv invited to attend. A. Bes-t, C. C; R, W. Fletcher, K. S. , ARCHITECTS, CONTRACTORS. ETC D. A. MAY, CONTRACTOR A.u Builder. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks, stone walls, etc. Phone black 3786. or Oregonian office. Commissioner's Report IJst of claims allowed by the Coun ty Court at the December, 1911, term except certnin claims allowed by statute. John F. Bagan, livery hire for County Court $ 2.60 Russell & Lalng, feed for In- dlan's horse. Stato vs. un man . ... 2.25 Jeff Stevens, expense State vs. Roach . i o T. D. Taylor, paid for care of John Hoggard, Insane .... 2.50 Ralph Folsom, Inquest William Zelgler 8.60 Robert I,. Yandle, Inquest Walter K. Mtllstead 1.20 W. R. IJilrig, do 1.20 Sum Weathers, do 1.20 H. G. Pound, do 1.20 R. V. Brownell, do 1 20 F. J. Keule. di 1.20 L. Johnson, do 1.70 James Buck, do 1.70 Ralph Folsom, do 16.10 Roso Huston, School Supt. steno 26 00 F. M. Elofson. repairing 3 typewriters lfi.00 Frank K. Welles, express 7.30 12.95 8.62 15.00 6.60 3.60 Tumnlum Lumber Co., lumber dist. No. 4 Walter O'Hara, labor, dist. No. 5 J. M. O'Hara, do Walter O'Hara. do Dnn Collins, labor Dist. No. 6 C. I Cady, do 19.10 W. Cox, do 1125 C Phipps. do 11.25 C. Twiggs, do 17.40 E. L. Matheny. do 2i.8o E. R. Davidson, do 25.40 R. Wheeler, do 17.95 John Prlne, do 23.05 C. E. Adklns, do 16.85 E. Bullock, do 20.90 P. Graham, do 19.10 V. Turpln, do 34.00 C. Martin, do 11.25 C. H. Handbury. do 14.60 Dave Collins, do 28.00 J. Fuson. do 13.50 H. Baker, do 12.35 ( Wright, do 32.25 B. Brown, do 1.10 M. Moffltt, do 11.25 A. Belter, do 11 M . Kagleton, do 16.00 M. Harvey, do G. Hoge, do . J. Craphin, do L. Leach, do 7.S5 P. Crawford, do 7.85 O. 11 Davis, do 4.50 W. A. Barnes, do s.50 C. Briggs, do 13.45 Scott Brown, do J. W. Brackenberry, do Jop Mann, do E. Elder, do W. J. Wattenburger. do Echo Lumber Co., lumber dist. No. 18 W. S. Williams, blacksmithing dist. No. IS 4.50 R. H. Stappish. nails dist 18 John Cattreall, labor, dist. No. 19 Harry Arkell, do John Arkell, do J. K. Arkell. do Tavlor Hrw. Co . axle grease dist. No. 19 J. L Hall, labor dist. No. 24 Flovd Hall, do I, U Hall, do Bill Oliver, labor dist. No. 29 Ed Kilgore, do J. F. Thompson, do V. R. Campbell, labor dist. No. 31 W. I Guerrant, do George (iilmore, labor dist. No. 33 Struthers Stlte, do Albert O'Hara. do Alex MeCorkell, do 15.50 W. A. leathers, labor dist. No. 36 31.50 Wilbur Berch, labor dist. No. 17 Antone Sone Son. do Clarence Mead, do H. T. Irvin, lumber dist. 36. Will Bowers, labor dlst. No. 38 HOWLAND & REINEMAN. ENGI neers. Land surveying, water meas urements; reinforced concrete work; Irrigation work a specialty. Freewa ter. Ore. FREDERICK STEIWER, ATTORNEY' at law. Office in Smlth-Crawfor building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all stata and federal courts. Rooms 1, 2. t and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. JOHNSON A SKRABLE. ATTOR. neys at law. Office In Despalm. building. r nr l ii r FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER, FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer. Opposite postoffice. Funeral parlor. Two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. 'Phone main 75. 11.25 4.50 50 1 00 7.00 4.25 2.50 61.40 6.50 9.00 5.60 4.50 20.25 4.60 6.50 1.09 14.10 AUCTIONEER. COL F. G. LUCAS, uvwiun. Auctioneer. Athena, Oregon. ei- erence First National Bank of Athena and Farmers Bank of Weston. Farm sales a specialty. SECOXD-HAXD DEALERS. V. STROBLE, DKAIjc-R i. and second-hand goods. tasn paju for all second-hand goods bought. Cheapest place in Ptndleton to buy houoehold goods. Call and get his prices. 210 E. Court street, pnone Black 3171. Arthur H. Bell, do 31.50 William J. Bell, do 6.75 W. H. Bell, do 63 00 Bert Warren, labor dlst. No. 39 29.UU Henry Lorenzen, do 2.30 Manuel Fretdiy, do i3i.s 18.00 dist. Enoch Fried ly, do Anderson Odom. labor No. 41 Alfred Odom. do Joe Miller. d Thos. Richnrds. do Harry Dunn, do Os Baumgardner. do H. Dickey, do Harry Rogers, do Buchols! Hrw. Co., hardware dist. No! 41 Inland Empire Co., lumber, dist. No. 41 4 8.06 Echo Mercantile Co., axle grease Isaac .lav & Son. blacksmith lng dist. No. 4 2 5. no Milton Lumber Yard, lumber. 412. Tit Rudolph Seheel. strawing roads S 50 Koall & Co, 2 dump wagons 110.00 12.75 60 75 10.1 50.00 59.50 36.00 47.2 10S.00 3.50 U U V MM i I II U I I 111 L i H E A T R E f 4 Cass Matlock, Prop. RESTAURANTS. CHINA RESTAURANT, iwUJJUca and chop suey. Ung D. Goey, prop. At the old stand, Alta street In rear of Tallman Drug Co. East Oregonian by carrier, etc per month. PITYSIC1ANS. H. S. GARFIELD, M. V., HOMKJ- pathlc physician ana surgeon, or- flee Judd block. Telephone: Omce black 3411; residence, red 2633. BEST PICTURES MORE PICTURES LATEST PICTURES and illustrated songs in the city. Shows afternoon and eve nings. Refined and en tertaining for the entire family. Next to French Restaurant Entire change three times each. week. Be sure and see the next change. Adults 10a Children under 10 years, 5c. DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLEE. CHRO- nic and nervous diseases, and dis eases of women. X-ray and Electro theraputics. Judd building, corner Main nnd Court streets. Office "phon Main 72; residence 'phone. Main 654 SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTICS. DR Brundage Is a graduate of the Weltmer Methods of Sugscstivt Therapeutics. Every known dis ease cured without drugs or sur gery. Kxamlnatlon and first treat ment Free. Temple liUUt, Komt 8 and 9. Hours. S a. ra to 9 p. m fry '