EIGHT PAGES. O.ULT EAST OHEGOMAN. PEIfDIETOIf, OREGOX.'WEDNESDAV, DKCEMIJEU 13, 1911 PAGE FIVE. The Big Dissolution Sale al Liuongood's tttp busy and buy your winter needs right now and save money. Every article in our huge stock (excepting Ladies Home Journal Patterns and Publica tions) reduced to the lowest notch. All $22.50 Ladies' Suits now : $1-1.95 t All $15.00 Ladies' Silk or Wool Dresses $6.90 0-4 Bleached Sheeting Best .' 21 All Calicos, yard .. 3 Best Thread on Earth, O. X. T 3 A Few Ladies' and Misses' Coats and Capes $1.98 500 Pairs Ladies' $3.50 to $5.00 Shoes 1 $1.98 200 Pairs Children's Shoes ... $1.69 and $1.48 $7.50 to $10.00 Silk Petticoats . $4.95 $5.00 Silk Petticoats $2.98 About 200 Silk Waists to close out completely-just the thing for Xmas gifts. F. E. Liuengood & Co. I PERSONAL MENTION LOCALS I I'HRt'mn nlcture Dlease all I C Snyder, chimney sweep. R 881 J. Main 178 for coal and wood. Thone Dutch" Henry for dry wood and Rock Spring coal. Main 178. For clean coal and dry wood, phone Main 6. Everybody goes to the orpheum to ce the best and lh clearest picture. All kinds of good dry wood, also clean nut or lump Rock Spring coal at Dutch Henry's. For Rent Modern furnished 4 room house. Call Red 2832. Save yourself fuel troubles by us ing our famous Rock Spring coal and good dry wood. Delivered promptly, lien L. Burroughs, phone Main 5. Wanted Roomers and boarders by the day, week or month. Apply Mrs. C. H. Boltel, 623 College street, or phone Red "3112. , mmmm For Salo 480 acres wheat land one half summer fallow, one-half In stub ble, plonty water, fair improvements Short hmaul to Vansycle warehouse. For particulars address J. C. Royse, Juniper, Ore. Lost Mink fur near Christian church. Finder pleaso notify Mrs. I. Christonscn, 604 Jane stret, or leave at ttits office and recelv reward. For transfer werk, wauling bag gage, moving household goods and pianos and all kinds of lob work, phon Malnn 461. B. A. Morton. To Portland or California, take Northern Paclflo, via Pasco, and 8. P. & S. Ry. Leave 1:30 p. m., ar rive Portland 8:10 a. m. See W. Ad ams, agent at passenger station, for through tickets and all arrangements. Wante By .elderly lady, house keeping In widower's family or ma ternity nursing. Inquire C this office. Fat young dressed geese, 16c lb., weigh 11 to 14 pounds. Home made auer kraut. 1802 XV. Webb street. For rent Central'y located fur- ninhed rooms, with ur without boaid 634 Johnson street. Phone Black 2902. flood bnrn und 3 lots, fine place, net cash J 1000. Teutsch & Hicker. For rent Furnished house-keep ing rooms. S02 Water street. Special rates to horses boarded by the week or month at the Commercial Barn, 620 Aura street. Phone Main 13. Simp, 160 acre wheat ranch, only $3300. This is worth more money. TKUTSCH & BICKERS. If you want to move, call Per.'anJ Bros. Transfer, phone 3391. Large Iray moves you quick. Trash hauled once a week. 647 Main street. If co-UK east, Oi west or south, bave tickets routed Northern Pacific Ry. Close connections at Pasco with !1 through trains. W. Adams, agent, Pendleton. Curler's Virginia Warblers. Carter's Virginia Warblers is one of the oldest companies before the pub lic today. They were organized In IS 93 under the management of Wal ter R. Carter. This company consist of four male and two female voices carefully selected and whose ability has been put to the severest test. All are thorough and accomplished mu sicians who know how to sing the old plantation melodies nnd camp meet ing favorites of long ago. These Jubilee Singers will appear as the last number of the Epworth League lecture course, on Friday, Dec. 22nd, at the Methodist church. Zoe Houser, a booster of Echo, is in the city today. C. W. Nibley, a merchant of La Grande, Is In the city today. J. H. Ferguson of Adams, Is a bus iness visitor In Pendleton today. A.- Schultz, a horse dealer of Port land, arrived In the city this noon. Joe Taylor came over from Baker ; yesterday on a brief business trip. S. L. Davis and C. M. Jackson of Herrniston came up on the 6peclal train last night. C. C. Chapman, publicity man for; the Portland Chamber of Commerce, i has gone to Lewlston. F E. Van Dusen, a merchant of I Pnsco. was In the city yesterday look- lug after business affairs. J. L. Hurd of the Stanfleld Stand ard was an interested attendant nt the Commercial club , meeting last night. L. C. Scharpf, E. W. Warrington and E. R. Casteel of Pilot Rock came down last night to attend the Commercial club meeting. County Judge Maloney and Com missioner Walker are In Portland at tending the state meeting of county Judge.- and commissioners. George Darveau has returned from Portland whore hi attended the meet 'ng of the state hotelmen's associa tion. Dr. f J. Smith left on the noon train today for Portland, called there by a meeting of the state board of health. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Storey and Miss Lula Hager, who had been vis iting relatives in Pendleton, left this morning (or their homes In Heppncr. Among the residents of Arlington who came up to Pendleton yesterday were J. D. Bowman, C C. Clark, Geo. W. Dove, C. S. MiN'aught and J. A. Donovan. W. F. Schmidt, better known as "Smitty," the hard hitting second i baseman of the Pendleton ball team, ! Is exchanging greetings with his many i friends here. County Judge Patterson of Morrow county, returned to his home in j Heppner thl- morning, having come up to attend the meeting of the Com mercial club last night. C. E. Woodson, an attorney of Heppncr, was one of the Interested attendants at the water meeting last night. He left for his home this morning. Frank B. Jones, son of the late Madison Jones, H now in the city up on a short visit. He is at present In the furnishing goods business in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Young, W. K McFaull. Sir. nnd Mrs. E. P. Jer man. T G. Smith, R. F. McCullough and I). W. Bowman were among the Echo residents in Pendleton last night. M.l, TOWNS lXTF.Urc.STKn ItKPRKSKXTF.n AT M FETING The man who wishes to be the architect of his own fortune should not overlook the ImporXance of mak ing the foundation firm. For the Menfolks The Wienl nnd sensible. Christmas Gift is ono that is useful nnd practical. Such a gift carries a finer expression of senti ment than tho costly but useless gift. Why not make his Christ mas gift a pair of PACKARD SHOES? A STETSON IIAT A NICE DRESS SHIRT A PAIR OF WARM GLOVES A KIRSCIIBAUM SUIT A KIRSCIIBAUM OVER COAT A CRAVENETTE OR SLIPON and hundreds of other suitable articles such as are- to bo found here. They will bo kept and worn, making both giver and re ceiver happy. They meet the most particular requirements. Honest value and finest workmanship givo complct assurance of quality. We Have the Newest Styles Vorkingmens Clothing Go. Among the representative citizens in attendance at last night's meeting from various parts of the county were: Herrniston E. P. Podd. Ross New port, Carl McXaught, Russell Brow nell, J. M. Scarborough. Robert Allenl George Biggs, Dan Campbell, Henry Hitt, F. A Phelps. W. H. Skinner H. T. Irwin, J. F. Wooster. Wm. Haun, Wm. Reardon, J. D Watson Stanfleld A. W. Gray, Rev. Fau cess H. Baumgnrtner, Wl'.l Howard, P. A. Buchholz. H. W. Coe. Chas Ward. Frank Sloan. Geo. Ward R. Attebury. J. G. Coll'son. R. A Holte, E X. Wheeler. Will Reeves, Jas. Kyle. Robert Stanfleld. . Pilot Rock Herbert Boylen, J. P. McManus, Kenneth G. Warner. Al fred Hemphill. H H. Gilbert Thos. Jaques, Frank Sherman. T. Slagle. Echo Ralph Stanfield. A. B. Thomson, L. A. Estab, Louis Scholl, Roy Ward, Fred Vanhorn. Umatilla R. Yerxa, H. C Means, C. O. Brownell. D. R. Brownell, Pete Tll'son Harry Dryer. Peter Sheridan of Butter Creek. Dan Shaw of McKay Creek. Jas. Xeal of Milton. 1IAIH1UXMXG I.ADY ADMITS OIVEXSE The hair pulling case at Pilot Rock was Fettled yesterday afternoon when Mrs. T. S. Gibson pleaded guilty to a charge of assault and battery nnd wnn fined $5 nnl costs, which were $10. The trouble arose, it Is alleged be cause Mac Vaughn took up a home stead In the middle of Mr. Gibson's pasture. As Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn were driving to their home Monday they were met by Mr. and Mrs. Gib s'on. Mrs. Gibson, it was charged, be gan a wordy abuse on Mrs. Vaughn, finally attacking her and pulling her hair. The' case was tried before Justice Matthews at Pilot Rock, Deputy Dis trict Attorney Pruitt appearing for Mrs. Vaughn nnd Attorney Dan Smythe for Mrs. Gitwon. The defense argued for a change of venue to bring the case to Pendleton, but Justice Matthews refused to grant the motion. Our Second Big Shipment of Misses' and Children's JUST ARRIVED This assortment includes button high-cuts in patent leather and genuine velour calf: every pair with oak tan soles. We guarantee every pair to give satisfaction. Low Prices and High Quality. Misses High-Cut, patent and tan, I U to 2 Child's High-Cut, patent and tan, 82 to 11 Child's High-Cut, patent and tan, 51 to 8 Misses Vici Kid and Velour Calf, 1 1 2 to 2 Child's Vici Kid and Vel our Calf, 82 to 11 Quid s Vici Kid and Vel our Calf, 51 to 8 Ask to see the new King B shoes lumps or ridges. When you buy it at Wohlenberg's right. $2.25 $2.00 $1.75 $2.00 $1.75 $1.50 f or babies-no vou k now it s Uehlenberg Store Better Goods for Less Money (b) "His Lullaby" Bond (c) "Just Awearyin' for You" Bond "Dost Thou Know That Sweet Land" (from Mignon) ...Thomas Reading (a) "Miss Edith Entertains Her Her Sister's Beau" (b) "I Wandered In the Twilight" Chinatown's Oriental Restaurants Joss Houses Gambling Dens Opium Joints Theatres Little Italy's Push Carts Fruit Stands Street Pianos This Feature Attraction in addition to the regular program. Tombs Prison AT THE ORPHEUM Thursday Evening Mrs. Walter Rose. (a) "Jean" Anon (b) "So Long Ago" Okst (c) "A Bowl of Roses" Clark "The Swallows" Cowen Reading "The Legend of the Or gan Builder" Mrs. Walter Rose. (a) "I Hid My Love" . . . D'Hardelot (b) "Sunshine Song" Grlee (c) "Irish Love Song" Lane "Waiting" Miliars Mrs. C. L. Crockett and Miss Nellie Anibal, Accompanists. Xmas Gifts Winter Merchandise Money Saving The three big links in the chain that is drawing the holiday trade to the Woimder Store The reductions are real, the stock is composed of desirable lines only and the crowTds are increasing fast, they have learned the truth. We must raise $10,000 MAY EI.KCT WOMEN GOVERNORS California House rnssos Hill Opening Offices to Feminine Voters. Sacramento, Cal. "Her Excellency the Governor of California," may soon become a familiar title if a bill swept through the lower house of the legis lature by unanimous vote finds its way to the statute books. The meas ure would open every elective offlc of the stato to feminino citizens. CHRISTIAN CHI'KCII TONIGHT. Musical Program to ho Given by Mflss IilnRMifelter of Seattle. Miss Mary Llngenfeltcr of Seattle, j will bo assisted by local peoplo In ; giving a musical recital at tho Chris tian church tonight. She hns been singing In tho revival meetings io re-! contly closed to tli o delight of nil. nnd a rare treat Is npsnrcd. The follow ing procram will be given, (a) "I I.ovo You Truly llcml New Shipment Men's Clothing rPi EVERY SUIT TO BE PLACED OX SALE AT PRICES BELOW WHAT OUU WOULD-P.K COMPICTLTOKS APE COM $JL PELLK1 TO PAY FOR THEM. "-1 1 Owing to an unexpected and unavoidable delav in the factories and on y lf the road, our last shipments of Men's Clothing, which should have reached i yy -VJta 1 eniileton several weeks ago, nave lust commenced to arrive. As we Ihv j A 'v' 'lVti li''vo in fst selling and small profits we will place all tho shipments on '3P - sae nt tnc fllwinff rcfftilar (not salo) prices: rtL Men s uorsted Suits, sold elsewhere for $.;0, our regular price Ja.IJa Men's Wool Suits, sold elsewhere for $12.r0, our regular price. $S.90 ir o. l i .1 i i - ni l CO nn il '''-- Mcu a v wi onus, siuu cinjw ui-ie iui iijah', um vcuiar price. pc.irj Mfni s vooi onus, suu eiscv. ucro jit 'rio.ov, our mjmar price p " . r . t, t-i, 1111 P A 'v -v n it Mw'WKi Men s nam isiue emerge rmts, soia eisewuere ior our recti lar Drice S14.75' i Tlnva' Rnits. lcmsT mints nnd vests, sold elsewheiv for !Rl(V00 our nvnihir tr m price ... w.iv r I Poys' Suits, long pants and vests, sold elsewhere for $12.00, our rccular ly prico 97.90 'rl VT Boys' Suits, long iants and vests, sold elsewhere for .$15.00, mir regular ,Sl vi nrice $9.90 Youth's Knickerbocker Suits for ?1.-19, $1.08, $2.9S, $3.9S, $-l.9S i r The Golden Rule Store We Lead, Others Follow