EIGHT PAGES. PAGX TWO.' DAILY EAST OREGOXIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1$, 111 m -: . -I- . '- TTse Holi days are HmSHMBEM Almost here. Only 9 more days left In which to finish your purchases or preparations. The splendid readiness of our immense stocks now make selections a pleasure. The choosing of appropriate gifts and the supplying of personal needs of every description could never be more pleasantly and economically ac complished than now at this great store. Nowhere else in Pendleton, can yon find so big a stock and nowhere will you find values equal to those offered at this establishment. There's no time to delay, send ycur mail order, and we will promptly and carefully fill them .SPECIAL HUG SALE. We have a very choice lot of Rugs, Brusst-ls and Velvet, good patterns, sizes from 7x0 to 9x12 feet. Would make handsome Christinas rifts. WE ARE GOING TO CLOSE Til EM OUT and for the next two weeks the follow ing prices will prevail: $12.50 Rugs will po for only $7.75 $16.50 Rugs will go for only $10.95 $20.00 Rugs will go for only $12.95 $22.50 Rugs will go for only $22.45 $27.50 Rugs will go for only $18.95 $32.50 Rugs will go for only $22.89 CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS FUR SETS White Angora, white land) and er mine, brown Coney, brown and white Conev ; made in prettv new models. Prices $2.25 to $7.00 1-2 PRICE SILK REMNANTS 1-2 PRICE The very tiling for fancy work in different lengths and all colors. Some fancy on sale 1-2 price. COTTON AND WOOL MIXED DLANKETS Of very lest material. Comes in grey white ami bine gray, with prettv pink and blue borders. Prices $5.00 up to $8.50. Pendleton's Cleanest and Best Grocery. In Our Model and Sanitary Basement Phone Main 17. Fancy Kippered Salmon and Kippered Herring, pound - 25 Pure Extracted Honev, pint pars 30 quarts 60? ; 1-2 gallon $1.00 Extra Fancy Peaches, cans 30 (lixxl Old Fashioned .Mince Meat. 3 xunds for 50 New Fancv Golden Dates, lb 15 Ford Dates, lb 20 Bouillon Cubes, 1 cule makes a cun of delicious broth, cans of 10 culcs 25 and 30. Fish Flakes, Codfish, in sanitary cans, cans.- 15 and 25 Fresh Shipment Shred Cocoanut, pack ages 10, 20 and 40 Imported Macearoni and Vermicelli, packages - 15 Extra Fancy Imported Figs, lb. 30 All other departments Main 22. You should lay in your supplies now for your Xmas dinner. Our stock of holiday delicacies are larger and more varied than we have ever shown. CROCKERY DEPARTMENT IN GROCERY HAS EM EXT. Pretty and useful gifts can bo select ed from our stock of dinnerware, star cut glassware, One Minute coffee xts. tc. 6 cups and saucers, 6 pie plates, c dinner plate?, (! breakfast plates, bread and butter plates, 1 creamer, 1 butter dish, 1 gravy boat, 1 sugar bowl, 6 coupe soup plates, 1 covered dish. f oat meal dishes, G fruit or salad dishes. 2 platters, 3 vegetable dishes, 1 pickle dish. This CD piece set $18.75 BLANKETS. One of the lxt assortments we have ever had, in cotton, cotton and wool and all word. COTTOX BLANKETS. Tn white, grey, tan, with pink and blue headings, full size and weight. Price 68 p. $4.00 SILK HOSE In black and all the wanted colors, 'rom the light weicht at 50 to the ex tra quality at $2.00. AVIATION AXD AUTO CAPS and hoods, made of the finest quality varns, in a variety of colors. Prices $1.00 to $1.75. . ALL-WOOL BLAN K ETS Of selected yams in full size and .veight. Soft m "down" and keens you warm. Prices. $5.50 to $18.00 COMFORTS. Our stock of Comforts is lcttor than it ever was lefore. Comes in all colors, in full size, some scroll stitched, some straight and some tacked. In lieautiful designs of floral patterns. Prices 9S to $7.50. Xo trouble to show. IN OUR ART DEPARTMENT. Wo have all kinds of linen and cot ton fringes for table runners, pillow tops and center pieces. This fringe lias proven very ixmular for nil kinds of fancy work. We have a dozen irood patterns to choose from. 1 and 35 per yard. WHITE AND COLORED R1C IIAC BRAID So much in demand now for trimiiiiim house dresses, aprons, etc. Daintv col ors and white. Rest qualitv. Price 10 and 25. USEFUL GIFTS are rcmenilered lest. We hav things to show you that aro lxith and attractive, among them: SILK VESTS - Italian silk in both plain and em broidered style, colors liht blue, pink and white. Prices $3.00 and 84.00 Knitted silk vests from $1 to $2.50 'rices 25 many useful Butterick fashion sheets for Decemlter are now here. Get a copy free when at the store. THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE SAVE YOUR COUPONS WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE (Sive him a Bradley Muffler for Xmas. AT THE PICTURE SHOWS orpheum. Fine program for Tuesday's changer 1. "Washington Relics." Ameri can Pathe. This Is a new departure In fl'.ms. it tolls the life story of the father of his country, by scenes and things connected with his career. 2. 'Frldolln, or the Walk to the Iron Foundry." Gaumont. The story of a faithful page and his enemy, a Jealoui huntsman. 3. "The Principality of Monaco." Gaumont. Scenes In and about the famous gaming place, Monte Carlo. 4. "Pals." Kssanay. A college d ama. Jack Wells and Fred Hal! have been pals since childhood. Fred and Jack's fiancee are planning a sur prise for Jack, when they are Been to gether by him and he bocomes Jeal ous. 5. "(Sit a Boss." Lubln. The race for tho favor of Mary Conway was made with an "auto." and a twe horse buggy. Don't forget the big special feature for Thursday only. Tho pastime. , The home of good pictures. Tues day's change of program: "Love in tho Hills" Biograph.' A tale of the Tennessee mountains where strange are unwelcome. The old soldier's II. tie daughter has two persistent suitors. One, a manly fel low who tells the girl she will marry him in spite of all. Her other Bultor is a good-natured shiftless, fellow, whose weaknesses are booze and mu sic, he being the village fiddler. The city fop and the girl plan to run away together, but before it is too late she recognizes the worthy qualities of the young mountaineer. "A Chance Shot." Kalem. This sensational western story will make the blood tingle. On Indian forces h's attentions upon a white girl, try ing to Induce her to become wife No. 2. she objects and he binds her to a tree. His Indian wife rtleases her. He again binds her wrists. A hunt er shooting at a deer misses his game but the shot cuts the throngs that bind the girl. "His Better Self." Sellg. A love drama in which the course of true love noes nut run smoothly, however, love wins In the end. "A Puritan Courtship." American. Pathe. This story pictures a new England courtship, In the days of witchcraft. ADAMS DROUTH IS IT TO AN END TOWN (H)KS WET BY MAJORITY OF TWENTY-SIX I 'rank Wallari Klltv-ted Mayor; Kirby Trau rcr and Lieuallen Recorder WhiUdy, fiomiiM-l, Martin and Winn Chosen Couiic-llmen. (Special Correspondence.) Adams, Ore, Dec. 13. Adams has entered the ranks of wet towns, fol lowing a period of drouth, the voters having decided to leave the water wa gon, by a vote of 3S for licence to 12 against. Officers e'ected were: Frank Wallan, mayor; Bert Kirby, treasurer; T. A. Lieuallen, recorde, and F. M. Whltely, C. Oemmel, F. Martin and J. Winn councilmen. Several applications for saloon li censed have already been filed with the council and several new buildings will be added to the business part of the town. A. M. Coffey attended the grand Pythian convention at Pendleton Mon day night. Mr. and Mrs. Storie of Heppner, Or., and Mies Lulu Hager of Heppner, are guests of Mrs. 8. Holdman for a few- days this week. Mrs. Dupuis of Weston, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Rogers this week. Lester Watrus of Pomeroy, Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Marquis this week. Mrs. T. A. Lieuallen of Weston spent Sunday In Adam. ' Gwendoline and Mildred Rogers of Pendleton, spent Sunday at home. Mr. Anderson of Portland was an Adams visitor Thursday. Mi Kleene Rowling of Pendleton was an Adams visitor over Sunday. A. Arp of Hel'x Is a business visitor in Aams Monday. Mrs. K. G. Marquis was a Pendle ton visitor Tuesday. Lester Watrus was a Pendleton vis itor Tuesday. Mr. and Mr. John King visited relatives in Freewater over Sunday and were Pendleton visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Henry attended the grand Pythian convention at Pen dleton Monday night. THE GEXERAL SLOCUM K.NDS IGNOBLE CAREER Hull of tlx Itont on Which 1000 Lives Were) Lot Ces lKwn Off Sandy Hook. hPiladelphla. The last vestige of the unfortunate steamboat General Slooum on which about 1000 lives were lost a few years ago, now lies at the bottom of the sea. After the steamboat was burned to the water's Thorc Is Only One "Bromo Quinine" Thai Is Laxative Bromo Quinine IJSCD THE WORLD OVER TO CURE A COLO IH ORE DAY. Always remember the full name, iook fnr Oils tiguature on every box. 2&c. edge the h.ill was converted into a barge and given the name of Mary land. A report was received here that the barge could not stand the gale that blew off the New Jersey coast and sank somewhere in the vi cinity of Sandy Hook. The crew of five men were taken off by a tug. The Maryland was valued at $20,000 and there was no Insurance. Had luck pursued the hull of the General Slocum. Peter Hagan, the owner of the ill-fated hull, said she was always getting into trouble. "Even on this trip we had to put In a new rudder before she went to set," said he. "I am glad she's gone Of course. I didn't like to throw $20,- 000 into the sea, but now that she's gone I have no regret." BURIED ALIVE IX THE HOCKS. Such Coffins Not Allowed for Toads lint Alleged to Ho Used for Rug. San Francisco. Our old friends, the frog and the toad, have so long figured as alternate heroes of the alive-ln-solld-rpck myths that they have the best of rights to resent the appearance of a mere undlfferentlat ed "bug" as claimant for a share of glory hitherto exclusively batrachlan and quite uncontested. Frogs and toads are near relatives, and both na turally and justly they will grieve over the extension of "bugs" of that credulity, sufficiently amazing when limited to a single species, which en ables a human being to believe that anything alive can survive for cen turies In solid rock, foodless, water less, airless, motionless. Of course the frogs and toads never do or did live in solid rock, but they take the trouble to look and act rath er as If they could and by loafing around quarries .and mines they pro vide a not too pallid excuse for Ig norance and faith, in combination, to draw false conclusions from finding them in crannies and cavities, Just revealed, that fit them to a nicety. Rut "bugs" are different. They do not make up for the part of secular seclusion, tradition does not cast them for It, and, by no possibility coii'd they play it well. Yet we read that twice within a year have officials of the Shamrock Gold Mining and Milling company found "bugs" about a quarter of an nch long imbedded In quartzlte blasted out, In one case 20f) feet below the surface and In the other 100 feet. The naive purveyor of this tale de clares that "the entoologlsts here are much interested In this new find." Well they may be. If there are any entomologists In that neighborhood. The Interest, however, will not be in their belief, are extremely queer specimens nnd well worthy of investi gation. Entomologists are not the men best qualified to conduct the Investigating, but as sclent'sts they will know how to collect data for the specialists In anthropology or plth-ecanthropology. USIXG TAFT AS AN ASSET. New Fn glanders Hob Up With Plan to Improve Beverly Ilnrhor, Washington, D. C. The thrifty nnd far-seeing New Englander is seeking to commercialize the summer visits of President Taft to the fashionable and exclusive North Shore of Massa chusetts. Senator Lodge Introduced a bill providing for a survey of the harbor at Beverly. This is preliminary to an appropriation for the Improvement of that habor. A Terrible Blunder to neglect Hver trouble. Never do It Take Dr. King's New Life Pills on the first sign of constipation, biliousness or Inactive bowels and prevent vir ulent Indigestion, Jaundice or gall j-tones. They regulate liver, stomach end bowels and build up your heal:h. Or.Iy 25c at Kocppens. the first magnitude, and probably the most powerful sun visible from the earth, giving from 1000 to 3000, times as much light as the sun. If placed where our sun Is, Venus and the earth we are told would ' melt like snow flakes at the mouth of a furnace, and even far-away Neptune would swelter in torrid heat. Furthermore, one N assured by as tronomers that the proximity of such a mass fould load the air with as phyxiating fumes comparable to those given off by a lump of white-hot iron of 375,000,000 tons, and ear-splitting explosions, roarings, screechings, tear ings and what not would accompany the appalling conflict of elements composing the great luminary. Wollcd-ln Honey. Belfast, Me. For several years bees have made a hive in the attic of the old homestead of Mrs. Susan New ell at City Point, entering through knothojes in the boards under the eaves and building their combs be tween the walls. This year the bees became so nu merous that they caused trouble and two expert beekeepers cut holes through the attic walls. They found three distinct swarms, two of the common small brown bee and one of the Italian bees. One swarm was captured by being smoked and taken In paper bags alive. The walls of the old house were literally lined with honey and over 100 pounds were ta ken out, with as much more left which could not be reached without too much damage to the house. ('oiivaU-.xiviMv after pneumonia, ty phoid fever anil the grip, Is Bometlmes merely apparent, not real. To make It real and rapid, there Is no other tonV so highly to be recommended as Hood's Sarsaparllla. Thousands testify. Take Hood's. Saved Ills Wife's Life. "My wife would have been In her grave today," writes O. H. Brown of Mucadine, Ala , "if it had not been for Dr. King's New Discovery. Sho was down In her bed, not able to get up without help. She had a severe bronchial trouble and a dreadful cough. I got a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and she soon began to mend, and was well in a short time." Infallible for coughs and colds, Its the most reliable remedy on earth for desperate lung trouble, hemorrhages, la grippe, asthma, hay fever, croup and whooping cough. 60c, $100. Trial bottle free- Guaranteed by Koeppens. Swellings of the flesn caused by In flammation, cold, fracture of the bone, toothache, neuralgia or rheu matism can be relieved by applying BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT. It should be well rubbed In over the part affected. Its great healing and pen crating power eases the pain, reduj ditlcns. Price 25c, 60c and $1 per cs swelling and restores natural on bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. CLARK'S t'RI ISE of the 'ARABIC 16,000 tons, fine, large, unusually steady. TO THE ORIENT February 8 to Anril 10. 1912 Seventy-one days, costing only $100.00 and nit. including shore excursions. Special Features; Madeira, Cadiz, Se ville. Algiers. Malta. Athens. Con stantinople, in days in Egypt and the Holy Land. Rome, the Riviera, etc. F. C. CLARK, Times Illdir. New York COLONEL WOl'LD SMILE AT THIS A SI N BIGGER THAN OCRS. Arctunis Gives a Tlionxnnd nnd More Times More Light Tlmn Our Sun London. There are bigger suns than ours however, says the Sphere, and among them is Arcturus, vls'ble In the western half of the southern nkv nnd easily distinguished in the twilight on account of Its ruddy or orange color. Arcturus is a nt;ir of Detroit Woman. Who L'ves oil Roove velt Avenue, Has 21 Children. De'rolt. In a divorce case here Mrs. Mnry Schndt, mother of Mrs.! Murtha Kowalskl, who was applying for alimony, was the deponent. In reply to a question she ald: "I am the mother of twenty-four children, none of them twins " "Where do you live " "At 4 30 Roosevelt avenue." Sh fnlled to understand the laugh that followed. DIFFERENT STYLES In plumbing appliances are as much In evidence with us as In any other avenue of bus iness. SANITARY BATH ROOM APPURTENANCES are as requisite for health as a doctor Is when you are sick. Our estimates on plumbing will prove satisfactory. PLUMBING HERE IS Al. QUICK ACTION COMPRES SION COCKS. This Is the only plumbing shop in Umatilla county that keeps this latest and most up-ta-date device. It saves time and trouble and many plumb ing bills. Beddow& Miller Pendleton's 6nly Exclusive Pluniliers. Court and Garden Streets. Phone Black 3566