;.'.',' ' ' 4 ' : .1. ' ' ' ' EVENING EDITION EVENING EDITION WEATHER REPORT. Fair tonight arid Sun day. , ' r Ifl rj? est paid cfrcii latlon of any paper In Oregon, cast of Port- . land. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER CITY OFFICIAL PAPER. VOL. 24. PEXDLETOX, OliEGOX, SATUKDAV,. l)KCEIIJEIl 9, 1911. NO. 7291 150 MEN ARE ENTOMBED IN BURNING Entire Working Force Believed to Have Perished In Terriffic Gas Explosion MEN'S WIVES TRY 10 HURL THEMSELVES IN FIRE Country for Miles Around Rescue are Frustrated by Deadly Flames Govern-1 ment Rushes Aid to Scene. Middleborough, Ky., Dec. 9. More than. 150 and probably two hundred miners are entombed in the mine of the Knoxvllle Coal company at Brycevilte. several' miles from this place and across the Tennessee state line, as the result of an explosion that is believed to have been caused by gas. which is still issuing from the mouth of the mine. All the men are believed to have perished. The explosion occurred at 7:30 o'clock this morning and rocked the entire country for many miles around. It is believed that the vic tims are buried under tens of thou sands of tons of debris, at least two miles from the main entrance. The Interior Is burning fiercely and on nftnmnia ne rescue have met with failure, the gas and fire driving the rescuers back, aftor they had risked their lives In an effort to enter the death trap. The explosion occurred only a few momenta after day shift had entered the mine for their day's work, and Immediate' y with the terrific report, hundreds of women and children, wives and families of the victims, knowing the meaning of the explo sion, rushed to the entrance of the burning entrance and frantically fought with men and officers. In an effort to hurl themselves Into the deathplt with thor husband., broth ers, sweethearts or fathers. It will be many hours before the flames will have sufficiently burned themselves out to permit a rescue party to enter the holo. and large crowds of men are gathered about, awaiting the first opportunity to make a heroic dash Into the mine, to save any life that was spared by the dead ly gas or fire. The only hope that is held out for the entombed men Is that the explo sion may have caused Homo of the walls to collapse and bottle them up and prevent the deadly gas or flames from reaching them. This of course NEWPORTS PRAISED FOR WORK ON LEVEE Settlement was made yesterday for the work of constructing the levee, which is to protect the branch asy lum from possible floods In the Uma tilla. The levee was constructed for the state by the Newport company of Hcrmlston and the coot of the levee is in tho neighborhood of $ 16,000. The new levee is a half mile . In length and Is built In a very substan tial manner with a toe wall composed of enormous boulders. In parsing up on the work upon the levee State Ar chitect Knighton, who made the In spection for the state, highly compli mented the Newport company upon the work. lie declared it to bo the best pleco of levee In tho state and thinks it sufficient to protect the now Institution against the flood waters of the river. UMATILLA STRIKERS. CHARGED WITH ATTACK . ON BREAKERS, ARE CLEARED IN COURT For lack of evidence showing the' accused men, Frank Johnson and Arch'e McFarland, to bo guilty of the crimes charged against them the cases against them were dismissed yester day afternoon by Justice of the Peace Joe II. Parkes and the men will not be held, to await the action of the grand Jury. The preliminary hearing wns warm ly contested by both sides In the Jus tice's court and It was upon the ques tion of Identity that tho decision hinged. The defendants through their nttornoy presented strong evidence to establish an alibi. Al Anderson, a Btar witness for the defense, testified that nt the time of the trouble he'and Johnson wero eating dinner several blocks away from tho scene and that they did not ovon hoar the nolso of, the fight. Other witnesses for tho defendants TENNESSEE MINE Shaken and All Attempts at would be possible only with a part of the number in the mine. President Stephenson of the mine company, was rushed from this city to the scene of the disaster on a special train and he took along all available men for rescue work, phy sician", nurses and life saving de vices. He stated before leaving here that he felt pure that the number of men In the m'no would not exceed two hundred. The destroyed mine adjoins the Fra tervllle mine In which two hundred men were kl'led In the same manner In 1902. M ile Bureau Sends AM. I Pittsburgh, Pa.. Dec. 9. The Unit- ed States mine bureau ' I'fe saving Matlon here today was notified of the Brycevllle, Tenn., mine disaster, with-! In a few moments of its occurrence ! and immediately ordered rescue par ties out from "the Birmingham. Ala.,! and Kentucky rescue stations, to pro ceed to the scene. A mine rescue cari Is- al -o en route from this placa. controller hay probe j suddenly comes to exi Washington, D. C, Dec. 9. An nouncing that since President Taft and Secretary Fisher have complete ly changed their Alaskan policy and that no further action is necessary, the committee on expenditures In the department of the Interior, today re ported the formal dropping off of the Controller Hay proh. Congressman Burke of South Da kota, tried to force a continuance of the probe but was defeated by a par ty vote of 4 to 3 and given "five days to prepare a minority report. Burko denounced the famous "Dick to Dick" letter as a fabrication and demanded that every one connected with the incident be subpoenaed. SHUSTElt DEFIES EXGLISH j AXD RUSSIAN GOVERNMENTS, Tehoran, Tersla, Dec, 9. Declaring the placing of 6000 soldiers on Per sia's border by Russia !s either an at tempt to make war or a wanton net of hostility to Americans) who are serving the Persian government. Treasurer Shuster today announced his determination to retain his posi tion and defy Russia. He said he would not leave until a, good reason is given by Kngland or Russ'a, to show that Persia would be benefited by his removal. RELIGION FANATIC CONVICTED OF CAUSINO SIX DEATHS Portland, Maine, Dec. 9 Refusing to accept the services of a lawyer, and declaring the Lord would protect him "Elijah" Frank Sanford, commander of tho yneht Coronet, which is owned by the "Holy Gho t and Us" sect wns convicted today on six counts of manslaughter In connection with the deaths of several members of his crew from starvation, while the reli gious ship was on Its hist voyage. were Marshal Jeff Stephens, Will Swltzler and three women. Their cv idunce al. tended to sustain tho plea of an alibi. Witnesses against the two strikers were tho two Greeks who wero the victims of the riot and a watchman named Craig. The Greeks identified Johnson and the Ident'ficatlon was mista'ned by the watchman. Tho testimony brought out the fact that tho two Greeks wore attacked by a numbor of men who stormed them with rocks and also fired at them. Johnson was accused of being the man who fired at thorn and he was charg ed with' nssau't and battery. When attacked one of the Greeks fired sev eral shots and on the stand in the Justice's court he declared he fired Into the air to frighten away his ns snllan's but that ho was unsuccessful In frlghten'ng them. GERMAN MARINES ARE CAPTURED BY REBELS Americans and Missionaries Slaughtered By Chinese United Statu Government Starts In vestigation Rebel Chief Horrified ly Munchu Atrocities, Shanghai, Dec. 9. The climax In the anti-German feeling came today when a body of German marines, en route from Shanghai to Hankow, were fired on by rebels at Kiu Kiang and then taken prisoners. The rebels feel strongly against the Germans, be cause they believe the Germans fur nishing the imperialists with guns. German warships have left Shanghai for the scene of the trouble. 8,000 Maucliu Slaughtered. Peking, Dec. 9. News of 8,009 Manchus being slaughtered in Shan si province was made public here to day, in the first uncensored reports received from Sianfu since the re cent outbreak there. Mission houses were destroyed and eight foreigners, including four Americans, were kill ed. V. S. To Investigate. Washington, Dec. 9. Minister Cal houn, at Pekln, has been ordered to investigate the report that Americans were slaughtered at Sianfu by rebels. Itelxls Take Chang Shun. Tien Tsln,' Dec. 9. The advance guard of rebels, marching on Peking, today captured Chang Shun and de molished the railroad tracks and im portant buildings. Foreigners are safe. The real advance of the rebels on Peking will start in forty-eight hours unless a peace agreement is signed in the meantime. The Man chus are now preparing to defend the city and will engage In a crucial bat tle soon. Slauslifr Women and Babes, Shanghai, Dvc. 9. Accusations that the Imperialists, nt Han Yang, are potting defenseless women and chil dren to the sword ond committing other incredible atrocities, are made by English correspondents, arriving froih the front. Tang Shao Yl. imperial minister of posts and other government officials! .... . . ..... n -. jiivituu 10 llie place where peace negotiations are to be taken up with the rebels. , The meeting will probably take place at Hankow or Nanking. ItelK'l Chief Horrified. Wu Chang. Dep. 9 Protesting asninst the Manchu atrocities, Gen-' cral LI, rebel commander, has writ-' ten to Premier Yuan, begging him to1 force the imperialists to conduct the ' war humanely. He said that if the I Mnnchus continue their savagery it will be hard to restrain the rebels from like tactics. AEROPLANE WORTHLESS IV WAR ASSERTS ARMY COLONEL EK-rt Officer Pills Wireless Tele graph in First Place nnd Adds That nvnlry Will Never Bo Lost Again. Kansas City. Mo. "Tho aeroplane is worthless' in time of war," declar ed Colonel W. S. Schuyler. U. S. A., n 1 close student of aviation, in an inter- j view here. x "In a real battle," continued the' colonel, "the air currents would be so disturbed by the heavy firing that I doubt if the aeroplane could tavel. ! Its scouting value is lessoned because the man In it can see little from a lilgh altitude and he must be away! up to be out of range." Colonel Schuyler declared the most Important recent invention as far as tho army Is concerned Is wireless te legraphy. With tho new army appa ratus the operator has -a range of twenty-five miles. Th's device keeps n scouting party of cavalrymen in communication with the main body. "The cavalry will never again be lost," declared the colonel. WIFE MUST PAY ALIMONY TO MAN SUED FOR DIVCftlCE Bismarck, N. D. A husband sued for divorce is entitled to alimony and support, under certain conditions, ac cording to a decision of the supreme court handed down today In . the Hagart case, from Grand Forks coun ty. The husband,- defendant, declar ed ho was entitled to money for his support during tho time the case was In progro-s, and the district court ruled with him, and from which de cision there'was on appeal to the su preme court. The verdict of tho lower court was today susta'ned by the supreme court. In the Hagart case the fight Is over property valued at $40,000. The Ha garts have been In court several years the third divorce proceeding being In progress now. Kln,ir Shth1s Formal Day. Delhi, Dec. 9. Strictly ceremonial and lengthy visits from moro native rulers occupied King George's time today. A few words and costly gifts) were exchanged. Perhaps we shouldn't blamo some people for not being very thankful. ANOTHER LABOR LEADER PREPARING TO IKE SENSATIONAL CONFESSION. IS OFFICIAL TALK Demand of Gomper's Resignation as President, by Union, May Cause Split of American Federationibor Special Attorney General and District ViVrosecutor Also at Outs Indianapolis, Dec. 9. Sensation developments are expected in the Mc. Namara investigation here following a semi-official, announcement today; mai one or me reputed members of the'"in ide circle" of the Internation al Eridge and Structural Iron Work ers -is preparing to make a confession n nope of obtaining immunitv from prosecution. Gouiimm-s' Res'frmitioii Demanded ilutch.nson, Kansas. Den a Thai Trades Union Council toilaV u,int. resolution threatening to quit the American Federation of Labor unless! President Samuel Gompers resigns.! They don't like his attitude on the I fitflamara case. Prosecutors at Outs. Indianapolis, Dec 9 sirnn, to reports that serious friction ex'sts between United states Attorney Mil ler and Special Attorney General Lawler over the federal dynamiting probes-, was given today when it was learned for a certainty that Miller has gone to Washington to Interview At torney General Wickersham Taft Hears of Dynamiting W:n-hington, Dec. 9 United States District Attorney McCormick of Los - useies, today conferred with Pres ident Taft at the white house. It is believed he made a direct report on the dynamifng probe in Los Angeles. The conference is considered sig nification in view of the news that the Los Angeles probers ar investigating the finding of dynamite along the Harriman railroad during President Taft's western visit IjiIkh Demands Investigation. San Francisco. Dec. 9. In a full set of resolutions denouncing the MeXa- U.S.ANDRl SSIA MAY CEASE FRIENDSHIP Washington, Dec. 9. The probabil ity of a break with Russia over tho passport question, is believed to be not far off. President Taft and his cabinet have not found a satisfactory way to solve the problem without embarrass ing either the United States or Rus sia. It is declared that President Taft won't be ready to report to congress on the matter for some time. RUNAWAY DAUGHTER OF MILLIONAIRE IS LOCATED ! ' Hutchinson, Kas. Dec. 9. Through the publication here of a picture, in a newspaper of Louise Swan, daugh ter of a Now -York millionaire, whose mysterious disappearance from New York last Ju'y caused a national sen sation, she has been located at Dodge City, Kansas. She was traced down by a Santa Fe ' detective. She veils herself In mystery and says a love af fair caused her to leave home because it was not satisfactory to her parents. She declines to state whether she will return to her home. She is being closely watched. TAFT AND G. O. P. LEADER HOLD CONFERENCE TODAY Washington D. C, Dec. 9. Secre tary Hayward of the republican na tional committee called upon Presi dent Taft today. Hayward predicted that Hilles. Taft's private secretary, will bo national chairman of the re publican comm'ttee. which meets Tuesday to discuss the platform, select the 'convention city. St. Louis and Chicago are both seeking the con vention. Turkey Expels Moro Italians. Berlin, Dec. 9. Dispatches froir. Smyrna nnnounced that Turkey, In reprisal for the Italian attack on Tripoli, has expelled all Italians from Smyrna and confiscated their prop erty. BEWARE THE HOBBLE AND WEAR 'EM LOOSE!" "Order lloopkirt." Says Doe-tor, About Tight Gowns nneV Tuberculo sis. Chicago. The hobble and tube skirt and other tight-fitting garments are given ns causes of tuberculosis by Dr. Neman Spalding, chief of the burenu of Medical Inspection. Looso-Mting clothes are, h edeclares, proper for mainta'nlng hea'th and happiness. Dr. Soald'ng recommends that coats and underclothing be purchased about four' sizes larper than those customar ily worn If they have been tight-fitting If a tight-fltt'ng hobble or tube skirt has been worn, he recommends tho stvles be forgotten and the wear er order a, hoop skirt. nary of "Conspiracy." Ticially announced eminent labor leader will t. m. e confession to secure im munity from being involved in dynamite conspiracy. Trades Council demands res ignation of Pres. Gompers, of Federation of Labor. McXamaras will be taken to penitentiary within twenty-four hours. Special attorney general, in charge of investigation and U. S. district prosecutor are at outs. Grand Jury will rest until Tuesday. San Francisco labor unions demand full investigation of all charges against labor leaders. President Taft given details of investigation. Job Harriman offers to make accounting of defense fund, to committee. maras, the San Francisco labor union today demands a sweeping investiga- 1 tlon of aI1 rumors connecting the names of high labor leaders with the Los Angeles dynamiting or any other similar case. A spirited debate pro ceeded the action. To Pen in 21 Hours. , ae B"u i le" " Los Angeles, Cal., Dec. 9.-Defiant th wateline; a ten-foot cockpit to the last in their refusal to makejand a cabln of about the 8ame length' any statement to the federal grand nury, jonn and James McNamara will be taken to San Quentin prison with in the next twenty-four hours. Prosecutor Fredericks today notl fied Sheriff Hammel that there Is no use in retaining the brothers longer, as the jury won't meet again until Tuesday. I Should the McNamarasi change their minds they could be returned , here. . j When the- federal investigation is renewed it w.ll take up first the bring-1 ing of the explosives from Munice, Ind , to San . Francisco, then later here by James McNamara ind Ortie McManigal and other men, whose names are kept secret. The ground work for this Inquiry was laid by McManigal and J. W. Kaiser, head of the powder company! Pendleton Elks will honor Jno. P. at Munice. Kaiser testified that he Sullivan, grand exalted ruler of the sold the pow'der to McNamara and order by greeting him at the train as others and Identified some shown him he passes through tomorrow evening as part of( that shipment. on eastbound No. IS. He w'll be on At noon it was rumored that the board that train accompanied by Mrs. McN'amaras would be taken before Sullivan and by Grand Secretary Rob the grand jury despite their refusal inson and two members of the board to testify. j 0f grand trustees. In answer to published intimations ' At a meeting of the local grand and charges that he had expended lodge committee last evening plans part of the McNamara fund in his for greeting the head of the order political campaign. Job Harriman, were made and Circuit Judge G. W. who was associate counsel for the Phelps, who has the honor of being McNamaras, today offered to show a the deputy grand exalted ruler for committee .where every dollar of the northern Oregon was selected to nd MeNamara defense fund handled was dress the visitors in behalf of the lo cxpended. j cni lodge. j Under the arrangements made all Lawler in Full Charjre. 'members of the local lodge of Elks Washington, Dec. 9 Despite all are asked to be present at the O.-W. the secrecy thrown around the visit R. & X. depot when the visiting party of Assistant Federal Prosecutor Mc- arrives to aid In extending them a Cormick of Los Angeles hero, it was welcome to the city. 350 ATTENDANTS AT HERMISTON MEETING . FAVOR WEST EXTENSION IN RESOLUTION (Special Correspondence.) Whereas, after exhaustive survey Hermiston. Ore., Dec. P. At a bisiand favorable reports of the United booster meeting held here last even- States engineers the attention of tlu ing and at which affair about 330 Army Engineer and the President of west end people and visitors were, the United States has been favorably present resolutions tavoring me est Extension were enthusiastically ad opted Tho resolution! as follows: Whereas, since in order to provide homes and sustenance for the millions who are even yet unborn the recla mation of arid und semi-arid lands has become the greatest1 question before the American people und govern ment, and Whereas, after decades of the most sincere effort on the part of our Fed eral government certain methods have teen evolved whereby it has become possible to carry on this great work In some degree, and Whereas, the great state of Oregon has contributed to this cause In a far greater measure while profiting there by far less than any other state, and Whereas, the Federal government has now under construction a great reclamation project In Oregon known a. the Umatilla Project, and Whereas, after great labor on the part of our reclamation servico and after years of unselfish effort on the part of nil tho patriotic citizens of Oregon, tho wisdom and urgent need of greatly extending tills said Uma tilla Project has become manifest, anj learned that all the McNamara evi dence gathered in Loe Angeles was turned over by him to Special Attor ney General Lawler. It is understood that both McCormick and Miller, at Indianapolis, will work under Law ler's direction. SLAP PARALYZES A MAN. Man Greets Acquaintance V:th Hear ty Pat on Back; Injury Results. Harlan, Iowa. As a resu t of a friendly slap on the back, which was given him by Earl Wallace, L. R. Parker, formerly of De Kalb, 111., is paralyzed. Parker Is night operator of the Great Western hee, and was filling the station stove with coal when Wallace saluted him with a jovial cuff. Paker fell to the floor, unable to move a muscle. His spine is injured. . Sails 5000 Miles Alone. Cambridge, Mass. George Carroll Curtis, painter and sculptor, formerly an instructor in geology at Harvard, has returned here, having completed a 5000 mile cruise single handed. Alone he has sailed from Maine to Novascotia. Cape Breton. Newfound land, and back, and he Is now prepar ing to give the results of his explora tions to the scientific world. Mr. Curtis' yacht, the Otamanu, is yawl rigged, carrying Jib, main and mizzen, and even a Bpinnaker when one man could set it. She is forty j i- i . ... : . m i wmow or tiariicia s Avenger Insane. Washington A niece has brought suit to have Mrs. Catherine M. B. Jones, the widow of "Avenger Bill Jones, who tried to kill Guiteau after the latter had assassinated President Garfield. insa;.e. Mrs. Jones Is 82 years old. H?r niece charges that she live in 'a squalid hut, although she has property worth $5000. The n'ece Is trying to secure control of this) property, " LOCAL ELKS WILL MEET GRAND RULER attracted toward the consumatiou of this great work, and Whereas, after all this unselfish ef fort on the' part of- all patriotic citi zens this great work avpeurs about to become a reality, and Whereas, thousands. ofv ; .America's best citizens have been attracted tow ard this work at great cosl and sac rifice to themselves beliuvinj as they have believed that this extension would ineleed become a reality, and Whereas, the state of Oregon has not now any . other proposed project so attractive or feasible as tills said extension, the tut me being well known to the reclamation servico as well as the President himself, and Whereas, should this proposed ex tension work proceed at once It would be a great help to tho people who are now located on tho already reclaim ed lands as well as those located on the desert lands In this section, fur nishing them as it would, employment In the otherwise Idle seasons, there by aiding them as It would In the enormous task which Is their lot In this great work, until such time as (Continued on page eight)