DAILY EAST OREGOXIAN. PENDLETOX. OREGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1011. SIGHT PAGES. PAGB EIGHT. Fresh Apples Oranges Nuts Raisins Cranlterrics JyOinons Fresh Celery Sweet Potatoes Pickles Chv Chow Sweet Relish Mince Meat Santa Claus Gets His Groceries Here because our lines are all fivsli in readiness for our greatest holiday trade. Standard Grocery Co., Inc. rilONK MAIN 96. FRANK O'OARA, Pres. WHERE ALL ARE PLEASED. BERNARD O'GARA. Sec-Treas. Newsy Notes of Pendleton JILTED GIRL BUYS FARM OF I LEU FIRST SWEETHEART Improving Local Bunk. Workmen are now busy adminis tering a new coat of kalsomlne to the interior of the f irst National bank. Sues to Collect Loan. Suit has been filed in the circuit court by George E, Adarai to collect the sum of $332 from Nathan Farrel!. the suit having' been filed today by Raley & Ruley: It li alleged by the plaintiff he loaned the above mention ed sum to the defendant and that the loan has not been satisfied. HAYOR-ELECT IB 60 UNDER X-RAY attorneyship or regarding the chief of 10. ice until after he takes office. PLANS TRIP TO lORTLAND TO RECEIVE TREATMENT 2 CHILDREN BCRXED TO DEATH AT BALM Exports to Return in Tim to Be Sworn In as MnnVipal Chief Execu tive, But Present Incumbent Will Remain on Job Vntll Return. W. F. Matlock, mayor-elect of Pen- 'dleton, is to leave tomorrow for Port- i land, where he will have an X-ray ex- j amination made of h:s lower limbs in j connection with the treatment he Is taking Mr. Matlock is greatly im-1 proved over his condition of a few months since and he says that while i he Is feeling very well he hopes to bet'er his condition and so is going to Portland with that end in view. As to how long he will be away the mayor-elect is not sure, but he expects to be back before January 1. on which date he Is to take office. How ever, he has made arrangements with Mayor Murphy whereby the present incumbent will continue to perform the duties of mayor in the event hU succes-or should be detained by the treatments. In discussing this subject this morn ing Mr. Matlock recalled that such an arrangement as this was made at Eugene when his brother, J. D. Mat lock, was serving as mayor. The suc cessor to Mayor Matlock of Eugene was unable to take office for several months and during that time J. D. wai compelled to continue in office. That he has no announcements to make at this time as to whom he w'll name as city attorney U declared by Pendleton's mayor-elect. He says he will take no action regarding the city Arthur Eason Yesterday Buried One Babe; Other Fatally Burned at Night. Bay City. Ore. With faces not yet dry from the tears shed at the fu neral of one child, Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Eason, living at Balm 10 miles north of here, are now waiting by the bedside of two other dying children. The parents burled one of their four children; the Eason house was de stroyed by fire and two youngsters, aged 8 and 3 years, were fatally burn ed. The father was also seriously in jured. Word was received here of the heartbreaking affair, and friends of the family hurried to Balm to assist in bringing the children, or their bod ies, to this city. The message that was received stated that there was no hope of saving the lives of the little folk burned. The barn and other buildings were destroyed at the same time the house burned down. TCRK STABS A FRENCHMAN. Wur Correspondent of Paris "Temps' Attacked on Street In Tripoli. Rome. Jean Carreres, war cor respondent of the Paris "Temps," was stabbed in Tripoli while entering French restaurant.. He had received several threatening letters from the Toung Turks society, who did not like his reports on the situation in Trip oli. To Portland or California, take N'orthern Pacific, via Pasco, and S. P. & S. Ry. Leave 1:30 p. m., ar rive Portland 8:10 a. m. See W. Ad ams, agent at passenger station, for through tickets and all arrangements, T, Arguo 7xuke Case. The famous Zeuske case. Involving the title to the estate of the late Ed ward Zeuske, will be argued before Circuit Judge Phelps tomorrow. Tho ca e was originally tried out In the e:rcuit court and was won by the widow of Edward Zeuske. Upon ap- Owncr Couldn't Satisfy Judgment She Obtained in Breach of Promise Suit. KuiiJIng, Pa. Mlsj Helen Jonca ; owns the farm of the man who jilted her.' It is an eleven-acre tract In Herford township, this county, and t wast sold as the estate of Eugene F. ' l'auer, bankrupt, to Miss Jones for j $1750, Mtbject to dower of $827.50. Miss Jones, a pretty Quaker gin, I more than a year ago was awarded a ! verd'et of $519.63 against Bauer by a Berks county Jury for alleged ; breach of promise. I The farm was placed on sale to sat- i isfy the Judgment and the dower. No one knew Miss Jone was bidding. Miss Jones stated their love match started eleven years ago. MAROONED IN WILD. t Twenty-Four ProsH-Hi-H and Woman I Cook Nearly Starve to Death j Near I-nke Siierior. I Duluth. While searching on the I north shore of Lake Superior for the i lnHf Month shore ponner lode twentv- peal being taken to the supreme court , foup protlnectorg and a woman cook the case was remanded back to the j were marooned on a nurrow penlnsu- clrcuit court and made an equity case. la flfty mlles f rom clvnlzallon for many days. They were so close to W.g HermMon Meeting.. ' starvation that they started to walk mis is me nigni lor me long auver- flft mll(, to ft ralir()a., ln oMPPh nf tised booster meeting in Hermiston (o0(i t '.SPECIAL! i ! ' Shirts, Sox Underwear Sale Prices It Will Pay You to Buy Here BOSTON STOR.E and a number of local people are I planning to get down to the west end city tonight to attend the same. Am ong those who will go down on the motor will be President Dan P. Smythe of the Commercial club, Sec retary Keefe and essrs Neil, Melghan a'nd Lord of the quartet. They will return tomorrow morning on the motor. You are counting the days to Merry Christmas. And you are also racking your brains to find the best way to make it a cooking event that will bring praise from your family and friends. This Store Will Aid You All the latest dainties are carried in stock the finest materials to make that delicious plum pudding, that appetizing; mince pie ami all the other delights of the season, Turkey and Cranberry Sauce Finnan Haddie Sealshipt Oyter, daily Kippered Salmon Jones Dairy Faim Sausage Mince Meat Imported Maccaroni Flaked Hominy Loaf Roquefort Cheese Fancy Apples Gray Eros. Groce? yCc. Striker Preliminary Hearing. The preliminary Hearing for Arch ie McFarland and Frank Johnson, Umatilla strikers charged with as sault and battery, la still on ln the local justice's court. The preliminary Is being hard fought with Judge Fee representing the strikers and with C. H. Carter assisting Deputy Pruitt in the prosecution. When a tug renched them carrying provisions not a bit of food was left ir the camp. The story is told by W. R. Rathbun, a mining man, who returned to the city from Port Arthur. Mr. Rathbun '' The Cosy. Friday and Saturday evening with Dickens. A 3000 foot reel master- ploee of this great author's greatest novel shown ln pictures. And a good comedy, also. "Early Life of David Copperfield. as on the tug that took .provisions j Thanhouser. The whimsical hmor to the starving crew I anJ touching pathos of David s boy- "They were prospecting alone along ho()ii da 18 convincingly mirrored, the north shore for a continuation of -"Little Emily and David Coppcr tl.e lode from the Michigan copper '!el1" Second of the series. This country." said Mr. Rathbun. "Their I period of his life teems with heart In enmp was in Black Pay Peninsula, terest. The episodes that lead up to which Is fifty-five miles from Port th" tragic end of Stecrforth and Ham Arthur, and is cut oft from the muin . n the great shipwreck are told with "The Town Marshal." Nestor. A whimsical comedy of American vil lage life, with the village marshal and another veteran as rivals for the love of auntie. The girl's aunt played a very unpleasant trick on the girl's lover and he got even. There Is a comic blank cartridge duel between the two elderly lovers. It grows fun nier all the way through and ends In a gale of merriment. land by a wilderness. "The snow was three to ten feet graphic fidelity Love. of David Copperfield." Third To Visit I. O. O. F. IiOdges. H. J. Taylor, prominent local far mer and grand warden In the Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows, is to commence soon upon a tour of the lodges of Umatilla county. R. Alex ander, past grand master In the order has been Invited to accompany mm and will do so on a portion of the itinerary. As now planned the grand warden will visit the lodge at Pilot Rock on December 14; at Echo, De cember 16; Hermiston, December 18; Hudson Bay, Decemb -r 20; Weston, December 21; Free water, December 22; Milton December 23; Pendleton, December 27; and Helix, December 30. ' deep and, It was Impossible for them ' o the perles. David's love affairs to make their way through It. ' - domestic happiness and sorrow's "The men tried every expedlrr. mid the machinations of the villlan They bored holes through the ic' and He-p, form the nucleus of thl event tried to catch fish, but failed. They ful and dramatic chapter of his life, went hunting, but for some mysteri- ous reason had no luck. ! ' ' "WTicn wt ftnnllv rennhpri thp onmn 1 the woman, who had been given all the best of it, had retained her strength. The men, however, just sat , still and cried." Swellings of the fiesn caused by In flammation, cold, fracture of the bone, toothache, neuralgia or rheu matism can be relieved by applying BALLARD'S SNOW MNIMENT. It should be well rubbed In over the part affected. Its great healing and pen crating power eases the pain, redui ditlcns. Price 25e, 60c and $1 pur cs swelling and restores natural c-n-bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen A Bros. CON VICTS BATTLE FLAMES. Birthplace of rover Cleveland Saved From Destruction. Caldwell, N. J. A squad of thirty convicts from the Caldwell peniten tiary is responsible for the fact that the historic mansion where Grover Cleveland was born is not a mass of f re-swept ruins. Fire destroyed parts of the Van Order Lumber Yard; adjoining the Cleveland mansion, and It was believ ed the old houso was doomed. No local apparatus could be spared from the-maln blaze, and an appeal was sent to the, warden of the penitenti ary, who responded by sending a squad of thirty volunteers In charge of ten armed guards. The men In striped suits seemed to enjoy their temporary freedom and fiught the fire vigorously and success fully with the prison apparatus.. ONE SHAVE EQUALS TWO. BRIDE OF TWO DAYS; AFFINITY. Stockton Husband Says lie Forgave, Hut It Did No Goo. Stockton. Sensational allegations are contained in a divorce complaint filed by Ralph L. Prouty, against Margaret Prouty, a trained nurse for merly employed at a local hospital. The action is brought on the grounds of extreme cruelty. The husband alleges that two days I after his marriage, which took place August 17, 1910, he returned home unexpectedly ln the evening and found that his bride had an affinity in the home. Mrs. Prouty, ho says, shed tears and promised to be loyal to her husband if he would forgive her. Prouty consented to forget about the affinity, but took occasion to pre scribe a number of rules to govern the future conduct of his bride. Later, Mrs. Prouty, according to the story of her husband, did several things which he had forbidden Final ly the couple separated, Mrs. Prouty going to Sacramento to live with her parents. The name of the affinity is not giv er in the complaint. Holiday Hints To Lovers of Good Meats A choice "Central" Roast. A "Central" steak Hint's tender, A Senlshlpt oyster dinner. A "Central" ham for lunch. A "Central" fish or poultry or der Insure satisfaction. Phono the Sanitary Market Main 33. CENTRAL Meat Market Hence on Ansxy "Shavee" Can't Get a Harlier Arrested. , New York. "I want a warrant for that haver man." exclaimed Morris j Berg forty-five years old, of 166 Cherry street, to Magistrate rrescm, In the Essex Market court. "He is a thief. On his Bhop it says, "Shave, 5 cents.' I gave him a quarter and he takes a dime out of It" "Are you sure he didn't use bay mm on vour face?" ciuerled the magr istrate, who knows by hearsay the "nttra" rharees of cheap barbers. I After ten minutes of questioning and anatterln.? It developed that Berg naa not xhiived for several days and his ! beard was so long when he took the barber's chair that it had to no cup pe dbefore the barber wou'.d take i chance of dulling his razor. "You virtually got too shaves," said Freschl. "That would make your j b 11 10 cents. No, I won't grant you a warrant In this case." i As Berg went out he said bitterly that he'd get even with the barber with all the barber trade, in fact. How? Why. he'd never get shaved again and just think of the money ; they'd loe! STILL UAH "OLD GLORY." Dominion Government Refuses to Interfere With Ontario Censors, ntmwn .T. O Foster. United ' States Consul-General here, asked the ; dominion government to rescind tne , recent order of the Ontario board of ; censors refusing to allow the exhl-; ' bltlon of moving picture.1) showing the . j American flag. ( Mr. Foster was told the matter was , one for the Ontario government to lonv after and that the federal au thorities here have no authority to act. as it Is a perfectly provincial matter. Persia Would Trent. London, Dec. 8. Tehran dispatch es say Persia Is willing to negotiate with Russia, through England and assurances are made that Shuster, the American treasurer-general of Persia, will carry out any terms decided on. It , is seml-offlcially stated that the English believe Shuster's dismissal will be necessary before a settlement is possible. llc.icins Prison Term. Lincoln Center, Kas., Dec. 8. Wat son Scranton, one of the fifteen men who tarred and feathered Miss Cham berlain, a. schoolteacher, last night began h's Jail term of one year, to which he was sentenced, following his conviction. Women of Oregon may get the bal lot, but not by the English suffragette method; they are too wise to try that. CLARK'S GROCERY A few Specials AT PENDLETON'S BIG CASH GROCERY. Shrcaded Cocoanut, 3 packages for r 25J Condensed Milk, 3 can3 for 2 lb. can largo White Asparagus Fancy Cabbage, per lb- 25 2c Apples $1.60 per box CLARK'S GROCERY Phone Main 174 612 Main Street ORDER CLERKS TO DISBAND.. Chicago. A general order was re ceived here from C. P. Grandfleld, first assistant postmaster general. general, calling on all secret organ-! Izationn In the service immediately to disband. The order wag aimed, the men sny, at the National Federation of Po-'tof-t'rn Clerks, an affiliation of tho Am erican Federation of Labor, to which most of the men here belong. The order docs nob affect any em ploye who belongs to fraternal secret organizations outside the postal ser vlce. :. .- ( . ; .. . i. Cctrtozian Bros. OF PORTLAND, OREGON Importers Aro here in our store this week with tho greatest collection of an tique Oriental Hugs, some 4 and 5 centuries ol lings explaining all the emblems of masonery are included in this collection. One Rug representing tho goddess Diana, the old firo worshipers of 4785 5. C, is now here for you to sec. You are welcome to come and examine this fine collection whetlwr .you with to buy or not. The Peoples Warehouse Where it Pays to Trade. Save Your Coupons