DAILY RAST OREGOXIAX, PKNDUCTOXt OREGOX, FIUDAY, DECEMBER 8 EIGHT PAGKft. BODY OF MERCHANT f PAGE SIX, Ill k 'I M f II 1 t y i U. I -- 1111 11 II I ' III II Clrmlale IVc. S. The body of Jos la. Wint-hell, a partner In Snyder & Ov's department store, and one of llondale's most prominent citizens,' waa found In the woods hack of the :ity yesterday with a gunshot wound In the. head. Mr. Winchell had been missing since Wednesday morning end parties of eitizena had been sear ching for him since last evening. Yesterday school was dismissed and the school children joined in the search. The body was found in a sit ting posture apainst a stump with an automatic revolver grasped In tho hand. No reason for suicide Is known here and death was possibly ndden-' taU Mr. Winchell is a brother of B. I. Winchell, president of the St. Louis & San Francisco Uailroad company. He leaves a widow and two sons. SKKMINCil.Y SI I(!IK PACT AMONG FROCK OF TI HKEYS Chico. Cal. Mrs. Fannie Boydston, residing on the Rell ranch, four miles north of Chico, on the Nord road, is the owner of a band of 1100 turkeys that neeni to have suicidal inclina tions. Already imriy-six or me oirus ' have come to a tragic end by permit ting passing trains to run over them. Watch Is being kept upon the birds for fear that they will all display signs of self-destroying inclination. The Southern Pacific tracks run "through the Fel! ranch. Mrs. Boyd ston and her neighbors have witness ed a number of turkeys fly tftraight' at tne sioes 01 a pass'ng iram. blow stuns the bird and in falling it is drawn under the train by the sue- j tion and. of course, killed. The voluntary death of the birds is the talk of the neighborhood. Most bands of turkeys are scary and stay -. away from moving objects. Last week eight of the birds lost their lives in this manner while the owner of the row Is and her friends witnessed the nnheardof action of the birds. What particular fascination a mov ing train seems to have for the tur keys l a matter w hich is causing some serious thinking among those who ave had time to discuss matters edu- rcationaL INDIANS WOULD FORGET. Want Their Yoanjj Rravcs to Drop AboTisrinal Tongue, i-.i-iuio Pa The first Indian pow fnr vran at the Indian school v-o .. ennducted during the last tj when four dusky giant i-hovonns chiefa from the Tongue Riv er reservation, in Montana, visited the . iMrn nf th tribe at the govern ment's educational Institution. and i. .hnaA the marks of civilizing influence when they quietly slipped Into a drug store and silently sippeu -chocolate milkshakes. At the nowwow the four chiefs, to ge'her with the tniny cneyenne iu-j dents at the school, considered the ad- i nnhrM the white men are givng them. Through an interpreter theyj .iv tr. Runer ntenclent r rieaman , and declared themselves more than ever converted to eaucawuu uuu m. ; they would go back to the'r people. and talk and send tnem to me scnoui. ThMe fame old fellows have been Hin.n In iha nact nf the -white mans education, aiore araai in. fhan nnvthine else, the four chiefs agreed that it would be best that their ch'ldren should speak no Indian lan-OTiaoe- that thev shou'd forget the past and feek citizenship in the fu ture, i .The Cheyenne chiefs, who stopped ( off on their return to Montana from Washington, were Charles Nonyak. Charles Toe Ball. W'lliam Bighead and Little Son. Accompanying them was an interpreter and Red Water, a former Tndian lachool s'udent and member of the football eleven of 1898 ; but who is now a prosperous farmer. Chief Little Ron wa one of General, Nelson A. MMea' scouts during the In dian upris'ng at the time of the Cus- , ter massacre. I OT1 U Oiamplon Com PiofcOT. Marshalitown, la One hundred bu hcls of r-nrr. a day Is the picking averse of Miss Jula Helin. daughter of Edward Hel!n a St. Anthony far mer, and beats anv record for a sea son ever headl of in this county. Miss Helin's father was unable to get (.nr.iirt hr'i pr -ie vo'unteered to enter the field, and has done aa much as any man. and more than many men. ATU MAY At He omier Store, PemetoiH, r Follow the crowds to the Greatest Bargain Event ever attempted in this town. The whole store is one grand view of sensational bargains. Prices are cut and slashed to the limit. Nothing is held back. The price cutting knife is work ing deep in every department. Special Notice, these prices quoted below are not our regular prices or any other persons. They are sale prices and we defy any and all competition. Yours truly, International Brokerage & Sales Co. Read these prices and drop evrey thing and come to this Greatest Sacrifice Sale oi modern times. Extra Special cuuiSy All Dolls I Extra Special ' - Value to $4100. m 4111 o . 1 TT T For one hour only between the All day Saturday UlIf PriC 7 Tr oneAur bctween hours of 9 and 10 a. m. we will J 1 1 1 $9.69 hou" f 4 J,P m'WC W HopeMuslm boys' suits Apron Gingham 5cyJ- AStsSly TOWElJxd OUTI NO FLANNEL, Ju t , , We reserve th: right to limit Odd Lot. ' All day Saturday All Daj Saturday We reserve the right to limit purchases. None sold to Men nQ . - , j AQJr 1 purchases. None sold to Men or children. 98C a SUlt 7l-2Cyd. 4J-4Cyd. or children. 1000 Ladies' Handkerchiefs to be sold at this money savins; sale 5 15 SOc1 25 35 50 60 to 75 Plain Ladies' All Linen Ilandkcr- Ladies' Emb. and Todies' Ilandkcr- Ladies' Ilandker- Ladies' full all linen Ladies' Handker- llandkerchiefs, chiefs, sale price Fancy Handk'fa chiefs, sale chiefs, sale price and fancy . handk fa chiefs, sale prico 8 for 25c 7c 1 1 18c 22c 29c 45c Special-For Saturday evening, after 7 o'clock, December 9th Special rillLDFvEVS COATS CHILDREN'S ALL- CUDIIAY'S ?1.00 . 1011 T1IL MEN ONLY Value to S3 00. WOOL SWEATERS. LAUNDRY SOAP MEN'S OVERALLS 8 QUART 15c Pdack Colore.1 Sox AtW 7 o'clock Valnes i f2,-0?' After 7 o'clock After 7 o'clock . "MILK PAILS . After 7 o'clock Soiled. Mussed 6 bar3 Jd 7 ' 3 Pnir9 lOceach I7c 15c 39c 8c each 10c International Brokerage dfe Sales Co, In charge of sale All On n Siii'ly Mornlnff Mrs. De Ptyle Marie. I shall take one of the children to church with me Tip Maid Y 'm. Mm. Tf J-"tyl Which one would po h-t v th r"v n-v jurp'o gown? -l'.oi 'in Tr.m rir t. "UK" WAS A FINK THACHEK; 1 VFi:VI'OI)V T IKFJ "IIIM"' Tl i-n air. :i l)av Wlnti "H" (-Ihm-I l)f F-U-t lrf "He" Wal a V'-'hi Vil'itTf 'o- All Aeoe. I'nlly Toio It ia J'j"t Wroran known hTs th:tt a -ns;tlon w.'i-rre-8t."l in the l 'tie out of th way town of noston, in , r:i?a county, recently, and ree'dent i.f thnt Kuburb are en deavoring to k" p the matttr under th'iir hatu About four mor.th" n?o si dnpper appear'np yonn man wa employed to teach the village j-chool. fit pp'en dlil addre?. end 1 it ined and winning manners, the younn jnan noon had Mends Kal-.ie. Aside 'from boin a plendid leather, lie was proficient CASTOR I A lor Infants and Children. The Kind Yen Have Always Bought i as an entertainer, astonishing the na tives with feats of legerdemain, hyp notism and black art until he had the entire village "going." Hut in a sudden bur-t of confidence the oth'.-r day he revealed the fact that "ho" was a woman and Hoston has been all agog with excitement ever since The school board In on the search for a new teacher, declaring that there's no use ta king, a woman Just can't keep a secret. D'-ep-seated coughs that reflst ordi nary remedies re-iulre both extern.il l.is.nol treatment, if vou buv a dollar bottle of IJALLAKD'S HORE ifr.i'vn SYRUP vou get tho two remedies you need for the price of one There is a HEBKICK'S nr-u Dpnpi.!n phrits PLASTER for the r'.-.rft. free wltn each bottle. Sold by A C. Koeppen & Bros. Til,lVV WATCHMAN' IS KILLFO UV MOVIX CARS Saved Ills Wife's Life. "1ir n-lfn wmilH have been in her I grave today," writes O. H. Brown of Muscadine, Ala . "if It had not Deen j for Dr. King's New Discovery. Sho was down In Tier bed, not aoie to gei-j up without help. She nau a severe bronchial trouble and a dreadful cough. I got a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and she soon began to mend, and was well In a short time." Infallible for coughs and colds, Its the most reliable remedy on earth for desperate lung trouble. hemorrhages, la grippe, astnraa, nay fever, croup and whooping cough. 50c, $100. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Koeppens. Ol'POSLM S IUTK KIIX8 MAN. Bear- the Signature of Ti.hiire. Or. J. M. Stephensen aged 61. flagman for the Southern Pacific In this ritv, was run over in the yards and died four hours later. Watching an Incoming freight with hla back turned toward approaching cars on another track, he was knock ed down, both lees Nvero crushed and he whs injured Internally. The phy sician, hastening to Stephensen In an auto, struck and killed a dog, the Im pact whirling the machine onto the itidewalk, smashing a huge plate glass store window. Blood nolnnnlng Sets In Arter Far mer Is Attacked. Jefferson City. Mo. Joseph Eve ler, 22 years old, a farmer residing near Ward-vllle, twelve miles east of here, died as the result of blood pois oning caused by the bite of an opo's mim. Eveler was bitted on week ago but he did not ccnBider the wound serious. In two or three days blood poisoning set in and caused death. A Terrible Blunder to neglect liver trouble. Never do It. Tait nr King's New Life Pills on the first siirn of constipation, biliousness howels and prevent vlr nirn inl!trrutlnn. taundlco or gall ftones. They regulate liver, stomach and bowels and build up your nei.i Only 25c at Koeppcna. MCQ U Mm' The 1 When It Comes To Selling Building Material Only the Best Grades of Lumber, Lath and Shingles and in fact any thing that is required in, the building line is allowed to enter our yard. ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON SHORT NOTICE Grab Creek Lumber Co. Phone Main 92 OSCAR. MAHLER, Manager