iii i ii i ' mi mi n mrri KIGUT PAGES. DAILY EAST QltK(O.MA?f, PENDLETON, OKEQON, 1 itm.W, DECEMBER 8, 19U. PAGE FTVK. A Special Showing of Linen Brawn Uorli In Center Pieces, Doilies and Scarfs at Livelihood's Great Dissolution Sale You can save all kinds of money on your Xmas 'purchases here? Every thing in every department cut to the lowest notch F. E. Livengood & Co. Ladies and Children's Store ' PERSONAL MENTION LOCALS Punt me pictures please all. I C Snyder, chimney sweep. R 1811. Main 178 for coal and wood. Phone Dutch Henry for dry wood and Rock Spring coal.. Main 178. For clean coal and dry wood, phone Main 5. Everybody goes to the Orpheum to ee the best and the clearest pictures. Special rates to Horses boarded by the week or month at the Commercial Barn, 620 Aura street. Phonj Main IS. All kinds of good dry wood, also clean nut or lump Rock Spring coal at Dutch Henry's. Save yourself fuel troubles by us ing our famous Rock Spring coal and good dry wood. Delivered promptly, lien L. Burroughs, phone Main B. Wanted Roomers and boarders by the day, week or month. Apply Mrs. C. II. Heltel. 623 College Btreet, or phone Red 3112. , For Sale 480 acres wheat land one half summer fallow, one-half In stub bio, plenty water, fair Improvements Short hmnul to Vansycle warehouse. Tor particulars address J. C. Royse, Juniper, Ore. Lost Mink fur near Christian church. Finder please notify Mrs. I. Chrlston.en, 604 Jano street, or leave at this office and recclte reward. If you want to move, call PenlanJ Bros. Transfer, phone 3391. Large dray moves you qulfk. Trash hauled once a week. (47 Main street. For transfer work, naming bag gage, moving household goods and HE CANE BACK Northwest Rug Co. of Portland, rep resentative Is here. If you have any Brussels or Ingrain carpets you wish woven Into Fluff Rugs, notify S. A. DOBXER per Gen. Delivery, or phone Black 3431. pianos and all kinds of Job work, phona Mainn 411. B. A. Morton. Frank Sloan of Stanfield, returned to Stanfield this forenoon after having been here last evening as a Stanfield representative at the Commercial club session. Take Northern Pacific Ry. to Spo kane. Leaves 1:30 p. m., arrive 9:55 p. m. Tickets from W. Adams, Agent, Pendleton. If eo.ng east, Oi west or south, nave tickets routed Northern Pacific Ry. Close connections at Pasco with til through trajns. W. Adams, agent, Pendleton. J. B. BakeV of Meacham, has been In the c!ty upon a short visit. William Potts of Helix arrived in the city thin morning. ) D. Herring of Pasco is a business visitor in Pendleton. ' S A. Say'or, well known barber of Umatilla,' has been here today. j A. L. Molse of Iowa City, Iowa, Is a guest in the city today. R. N. Stanfield left thi forenoon ! for his sheep ranch near Stanfield. A. R Stephens, Jr., of Umatilla, j came up from that place last evening, j S. B. Calderhead, Northern Pacific ! official at Walla Walla, has been' here today, H. R. Newport, mayor of Herm!s ton, came up from the project town last evening. C. F. Vandewater, jravel'ng repre sentative of the O.-W. R. & N., is here i today from Walla Walla. j Mr. and Mr. Harry Storle and Miss Lulu Hager of Heppner are visiting In the city with relatives. George Tonkin of Pilot Rock, school Inspector for his portion of the county In registered here today. J. P. Nell of Freewater. came down on the morning local today to attend to some professional business in the city. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Slusher were passengers on the local thia morning. being bound for the Slusher ranch at Nolln. Zoeth Houser of Echo Is a sojourn er In the city, having been here nince t" Commercial club meeting Tuesday night. Letcher Norvelt of Helix. Is tran sacting business In Pendleton today. Carl Engclahl la a Hel'x visitor in the city this afternoon. , The People Warehouse. Announcc-B that they will give- dou ble trading coupons with all cash pur chases, Saturday, December 9, (until 2 p. m. lMXt'HOT ADVOCATES BETTER GOVERNMENTAL CO-OPERATION Chicago. Dec. 8. Warmly advocat ing greater co-operation on the part o. the federal government In the home making uctlvlties of It citizen. Clif ford Plnchot, former chief forester, was the center of interest at. the Na tional Irrigation Congress today. His address was enthusiastically re ceived. Ho said : "It is the duty of the government to hold agricultural lands for settle ment purposes and to reclaim all arid and swamy lands. It Is essential that such lands should he open to all homesteaders on the same terms, so all may own homes without paying exorbitant prices to private specula tors." , Plnchot said Senator La t oilette s fight will end In victory for 1a Fol lette for the republican presidential nomination. Yuan Meets lTae Makers. Shanghai, Dec. 8.--Telegrams were received here by the foreign commit tee which would mediate the Chi nese dispute, from Premier Yuan. Yuan declares he will be glad to meet the delegates In conference, to discuss peace terms. The meeting place will probably be selected today. 1200 Pairs of Drum mers sample shoes on sale during Decmber .Men's work ami dress shoes, the genuine Good.yenr welts, worth .$1.00 and up at 82.85 Seeing is ltelievinr, take a trip to The Huh. (hie- lot of Glen's Shoes at ,. $1.95 Come and see our largo assortment of ladies shoes, men's buits, overcoats, shirts, underwear, hats, gloves, suit oases, etc. THE HUB The Big Drummers' Sample Store. Watch Our Window lor Boys Sirits and Overcoats Hoys Knickerhoeker Pants Suits $1.08, $2.49, $2.98, $3.98 and $4.98. Hoys Overcoats $2.98, 83.49, 83.98 up to SG.90 8 MONTHS OLD WATCH US GROW. GOLDEN RULE STORE We Lead, Others Follow Sency of Our H May iwcnaiKtise HOSE CITY PARK 1MPHOVEMEXT. I.EAGI E Cheapest Even Though Costing SUe'litly More: Improvement League i Endorses It Iteeauso It Is Most Durante utul Cheapest in Lonjf Run. j The Rose City Park Improvement' League, representing one of Portland's j largest ana Dest resiaence sections, took a broadgauge Stand on the pro posed paving of the Sandy Road at Its meeting Inst Wednesday evening and adopted a motion requesting the council to let the contract "to the lowe t bidder for a bithulithic pave ment In accordance with the orlg'nal petition filed by the property owners last June." This action wan taken on he motion of Frank Schuegel, sec onded by J. W. Travers. A. B. Slau son. L. E. Carter and others. Mr. Schloeel stated that he consid ered h'thullthir the best pavement and the original proceeding for property owners for bithulithic. In seconding the mojlnn, Mr. Travers said: "I signed the original petition for bithulithic as the owner of 276 feet frontage on the Randy Road, and am just as strongly in favor of It now as then, for I consider it far more durable and cheaper In the long run than any other material." A. n. Siau-on was enthusiastic in the praise of bithulithic and stated that as representative of 1000 feet frontage on the Sandy Road he was willing to pay more for blthulith'c than for any other kind. "There is a difference of about 10 000 In the totals of the two bids, but that should cut no figure with us when we con sider that bithul'thic Is far super ior." said Mr. Slauson. L. E. Carter and the entire League by Its action, endorsed Mr. Slauson's remarks. Portland East Side Sun. The Peoples Warehouse. Announces that they will give dou ble trading coupons with all cash pur chases, Saturday, December 9, until 2 p. m. REMORSE OK A OXIUTTOR. Returns $100 lie Stole From Company Wliile Working a Few Woek. Newark, X. J. The officers of the public service commission of New Jersey have received a draft for $100 from a conscience-stricken college man in Portland. Oregon. The writer states the amount cov ers his stealings from trolley fares collected while working as a conduc tor here in the summer vacation of 1903. He states that he is not sure ju:-t how much he stole, but he is sure that the draft covers the amount. He worked for the street railway company only a few weeks. CHRISTMAS KIMOXAS You'll find a choice selection of new style Kiinonas in cropo, flannelette or silk and priced from 81.50 to $15.00. HOSIERY OF KNOWN VALUE. Everyday needs are always acceptable and more espeeiallv if they he selected for their worth. At 25 pair we show all weights in black lisle and all colors. At 50 silk lisle hose of fine weight. At 81.25 pure silk in black and lace. 1 ho best hose made- CHRISTMAS GIFTS THAT NEVER GROW OLD. HANDKERCHIEFS .Such neat pretty creations in the Handkerchief line can be seen nowhere else 'tis useless to expect to find such new things elsewhere. We can show vou far the best values' at 10, 15. 25, 35, 50, 75. JOT DOWN ON YOUR CHRISTMAS LIST Slippers of warm felt, for women and children. Sizes 5 1-2 to 8 1-2 at 85 Sizes 8 1-2 to 11 at t 95 Sizes 11 1-2 to 2 at 81.10 Sizes 2 1-2 to 7 1-2 at $1.50 Pen-ins Gloves S1.25, 81.50, 81.75, $2 Ladies' Neckwear 25 35, 50, 75 i0 82.00 ( Ladies' Umbrellas 81.00 np to 810.00 Ladies' Silk Underskirts of Messaline at Q5.00, 80.00 and 87.50. The world's famous I'endleton Indian robe expressed free anywhere in the United States . $8.50 OPENING OF OUR TOY DEPT. The lxst and most carefully selected line of new toys are no.v ready for the children and parents. This store shows the largest assortment of new toys and at the right prices. Dolls of all kinds and sizes. Mechanical Toys, Rooks, Chairs, Stores Banks, Wash Sets, etc. Make .your selection early they will.be carefully packed and stored away for you FREE. GO-CARTS OF ALL KINDS FROM 81.75 to 812. CHRISTMAS APRONS. Very tasty gifts all new, clean and dain ty. If aprons appeal, to you look our stock over. You'll find what you are looking for. Prices .'. 35 Up to $2.50 rjohlenbgri SSwo Better Goods for Less J: oney GARFIELD CLCBMEX ASSAIL TAFT, LALI) ROOSEVELT Speaker Names as 1912 Candidate "The Foremost Citizen of the World," the Colonel. Toungstown, O. President Taft was assailed and Col. Roosevelt was laud ed at the banquet of the James A. Garfield Club, Nineteenth Congres sional District. John J. Sullivan, for mer United States DistrictUtorney, closed an arraignment of Mr. Taft in these words: "To the president the republican party and the American people are new sounding in his unwilling ears the toscin of his recall from power and are awaiting his return to private life with the open arms of a hearty welcome." Answering his own inquiry as to who should lead the party in 1912 Mr. Sullivan said: "If I mistake not the prevailing sen timent of the masses their eyes are turning toward a faithful friend, who has been tested and tried and found true, whose heartbeats are in rhythm with the purse beats of humanity everywhere the foremost citizen of the world, Theodore Rousevelt." An attack on the present national administration was the keynote of a speech by Judge R. M. Wanamakcr of Akron. "Think," said Judge . Wanamaker, "of a great national administration In this, the twentieth century, fath ering to Its arms and having as its chief defender the Knoxes, "Wicker shams, Wilsons, Balllngers, Lorimers, v and McCabes, who were simply th stool-pigeons of the special intcresta. Fat young dressed geese, lc lb., weigh 11 to 14 pounds. Home made auer kraut. 1802 W. Webb street. Tlio Peoples Warehouse. Announces that they will give dou ble trading coupons with all cash pur chases, Saturday, December 9, until 2 p. m. A Discussion On Dress l if,' w AX usually leads to a talk about Cleaning soiled dresses, and this will Inevitably bring the talk up to our special pro cess for Dry Cleaning all kinds of garments. By our method the work is dono quickly and effectively, with cut any injury to the most delicate fabric and you get complete satisfac tion with the work and the charges therefor. Suppose you give us an early trial? Pendleton Dye Works Phone Main 169. 20tii K. Alta. You'll Have to Hurry For this week only we are offering absolutely the greatest bargains ever known to Pendleton men, in New Winter Suits 185 in the lot, sold regularly from $12,50 to $17.50; now going for (rfc I 7 imM I mmm . Fit Guaranteed or your money back Sizes up to 48. The patterns are this seasons and the regular prices are as above stated -dont take our word for it but SEE OUR BIG WINDOW DISPLAY. The Oiler Ends Saturday Night WorScIngmen s Clothing Co. Pendleton's Priceroakers in Men's Wear J