East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 08, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Tremendous Selling Is Nov Going On
Thin has boon a period of unusual offerings
in the closing out Bale of the largest assort
ment of pianos ever shown in Pendleton. The
opportunity' presented whereby private indi
viduals could purchase fine, new pianos on
easy terms for less money than dealers or
dinarily buy them for cash.
As has been stated in our previous an
nouncements this entire stock of pianos and
organs must bo closed out by Dec. 11th, and
it will be; there are urgent reasons for it.
The latest 1911 and some advanced styles
for 1912 of some dozen different makes of
fine pianos aro to bo found on our floor, in
all the various choice and fancy woods used
only in high grade, up to date piano building. -These
famous makes, the very cream of Am
erica's greatest factories, aro now being sacri
ficed at prices that even dealers will be bid
ding on this stock as soon as word reaches
them. Here is a golden opportunity. The
chance of a lifetime to secure a highest
grada fully warranted piano at bare makers
Hurry You Must
So great has boon the tide of buyers that
the stock is fast being swept away. Come
now at once while tho assortment is still
good. Saturday every fanner in I'matilla
county without a piano will bo hero and our
five salesmen will be kept busy from early
morning until late. A scoro of orders to hold
certain styles havo come in over tho phone.
Theso are held only long enough to get a de
posit by first incoming mail to us. The very
piano you want may bo gone if you delay, sc
our advise is como at once.
The Prices
In order to protect the interest of the
dealers who handle theso makes of pianos, nc
prices at which theso instruments are now for
salo can bo quoted here, but every new piano
and organ will le sold at less than it? actual
factory cost. Discounts of from 10 to 15
per cent on the actual cash cost of instru
ments will bo made on slightlv shopworn or
those that have been rented or become second
Von will find here now several square pi
anos for sale at $47. $00 strictly modern
instrument with carved legs and round cor
ners, worth $100 and $125, respectively at
'tho lowest estimate. Several second hand
uprights and used organs, for a mere song.
We must have them out of the way. One
$38 and one $47 arid one for $50.
' $275 upright will go for $174, these are
well known Xew York makes and have never
been sold East or Vest for less than $275
heretofore. There are others that will go for
still less money, though all are good reliable
Pianos sold the country over for $475 and
$500 are being offered here for $288 and
$327. Ono very good slightly shop worn
piano is being offered for $147, while $227
buys tho piano many of your neighbors paid
$350 for. You can better appreciate these
offerings when you see the really beautiful
For tomorrow we offer in fanciest quarter
sawed oak case with handsomely hand carved
panels, the most superb style new scale Kim
ball upright grand at the heretofore unhearn
of price of $374. This is the piano that bar
taken the many gold medal awards at every,
exposition where it has been shown.
On Easy Terms
With the exception of Uio four highest
priced, very elaborately hand carved styles,
the cost of which is over $350 and on which
terms of payment will not lo made less than
$50 down and $15 a month, all pianos are for
sale on payment of $15, $20 or $25 down and
at tho rate of $8 or even $6 Ter month ac
cording to makes, styles and designs. Since
all prices are based upon actual cash cost,
those taking advantage of the alove named
easy terms, will pay interest on deferred pay
ments at 8 per cent per annum.
Every piano or organ sold will Ih accom
panied by the respective manufacturers' five
years' warranty, duly countersigned, thus
ftiRy protecting a customer in every way.
The Stock h Rapidly
is set and you must come at once to partici
pate. There is no time to lose and we ur
gently advise you to come this evening if you
live in town for tomorrow the crowds will be
jostling one another in their frantic effort
to get that much coveted certain piano.
Remember we are open tonight and the time is short
813 Main Street
; Chicago. IIIh., Dec. 8. Oregon ap
ples scored a bin hit yesterday when
vlHltors to the big land show at the
Coliseum here were each presented
wl.h one of the big luscious prize win- j
neri by the officials of the Unlon
Kouthern Pacific railroad. ;
The apples had been sent to the
show by Oregon growers who were
anxious that their fruit could be put
into the mouths of as many Chkago
ans as It was possible to reach In one
, (,ay ' z
j The program of speeches and mu-
sic wh'ch had been prepared was
' given In one of the Union-Southern
' Pacific halls. J. H. O'Neill acting as
: Governor West's personal represerita- !
. tive, and Tom Richardson of Port-'
: land, made the principal speeches and
pounded home In the minds of their
I auditor the fact that Oregon is the
i best and fastest growing state In
point of population and wealth per
capita of any In the union.
employes and are attired in becom
ing clothes for their service.
The company charges time instead
of Individual fares for the use of the
car, and those who have hired It have
found that usually one-half of the
money spent otherwise has been sav
ed. Of course, some couples can af
ford to spend quite a bit and for them
the railway company provides a regu
lar day and night honeymoon tour
around the city at special rates.
directs sihgeox's kxife.
Doctor Aula Operation on HimM-lf
for .Y'MX'ndli-ltls. '
New Haven, Cor.n. Dr. Louis S.
Ilooth. twenty-six, aa attending physi-'
clan at a local hospital -was operated
on for appendicitis without taking an
He was so placed upon the operat
Ing table Jhat he was able to watch
the operation from beginning to end,
making suggestions as to how It!
should be done. A rapid recovery Is
Hotel McFeely
The Only Strictly First-Class,
Modern Priced Hotel in the Gity
New House. New and Beautiful Furniture. Hot
and Cold Water in Every Room.
Rates $1.00 and $1.50 Per Day
Corner Alder & 41h Streets
Oppositt Keylor Grand Theatre. Walla Walla, Wash.
HEX Alii:
no good
First National Bank
Capital, Surp'us and Un di
vided Profits, $500,000.00
Resources $2,000,000.00
Chicago. "Most men make excel
lent entertainers, but sorry husbands.
"They are all right as long as they
haven't any strings on you.
"A young man friend is all right,
but a husband Is a different propo
sition. "Husbands are as constant as the
March wind, as loyal as an alley cat.
"A wife Is as free as a caged canary
bird, only she isn't cared for as ten
derly. "Tho average husband believes the
function of a wife is to contribute to
his comfort and pleasure, humble her
self to him, darn his socks and save
bis money."
With these expressions, Miss Nellie
Anheuser, daughter of the millionaire
St. Louis brewer, indicated her con
tempt for the state of matrimony.
Miss Anheuser was going through a
lot of bundles of wearing apparel pur
chased in Chicago during the day when
a reported called, she was dressed In
an attractive purple silk gown which
heightened the richness of her blond
"A dispatch from St. Louis says you
are to be married," the reporter told
"I am not going to be married!" she
exclaimed. "Not for a minute. Whom
are they trying to marry me to now?"
"The dispatch doesn't say; that's
what I came to find out," said the re
porter. "Well, let me tell you right from my
beart that I'm not going to announce
my engagement when I get back to
M. Louis, that I am not engaged and
do not intend to be."
At 100 Enjoys Her Fishing.
Bristol, Tenn. Mrs. Jano Trinklo.
who was 100 years old last week, at
tributes her longevity to outdoor life
which she has led for fifty years. She
has" not ml.-sod a season's fishing and
is a lucky angler.
I Jo ware of Ointments for Catarrli That
Contain Mercury.
MM mtirrtirv vi'lll .iihaIv .1. - .
sinell and completely derange the whole
J""'1" wuen emering it tnrotign the tnm-nnt
mirfnces. Such nrtli'les should never be
used except on prescriptions from reputable
pn.VKirlnns. as the damage tliey will do l
ten fold to the good you ran possibly de
live from them. Hall's Catarrh Cnrr
mnnnrnrtiiPAil hi tf 1 f1! ...
do, O., contains no mercury, and Is taker
..... . a, mi; uirt-i-iiy upon me imhwt
and mucous aiirfnces of the srstem. In bur
lllir Hall's Cntnrrh f'tirn ha ...... A .i..
irriiiilne. It Is taken Inlornnllv ami nin.1.-
H Toledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co
Testimonial free.
Sold bv I rui.T.'lst. Price, 73c per bottle
Take Hall's Family Till, for constipation.
(I'rlHtlan Cluireh Revival Continues
With Good Intercut Each Xfeht. I
Evange!Ut Holmes announced
"What Shall I Answer God?" as his'
thome for tonight and there Is sure
to be a good crowd, for the services
or mis weejc nave been of a very
high character. A great many pro
nounced last night's sermon as one
of the best he has yet given. The
subject was, "Saved By Blood." He
began by noting from a chart that
there were at least fourteen things or
persons that are faid to "save" and
that none of these taken apart from
the others could be attributed with
exclusive saving power To illustrate,
faith saves, but not faith alone; Jesus
faves, but not Jesus alone, there is
something for man to do; repentance
and confession of Christ are "unto
salvation," but these are of no avail
The evangelist then Indicated the
meaning of the term "blood" by the
quotat'on of many passages of Scrip
ture, showing that the word was used
as a figure of speech, meaning life,
hence to say that the blood of Jesus
saves" is to say that His life was of
fered instead of that of the sinner.
Mr. Holmes then pointed to the Old
Testament sacrifices as a type of the
shedding of the blood of Christ, and
quoted Paul as saying that "without
the i-hedding of blood there is no re
mission." All were under the "law
of sin and death," but Christ became
the willing sacrifice for each one of
us, died in our stead, and by the shed- j
ding of His blood life is offered to
The s'nging of Miss Lingenfelter
was a delight to all. She sanir nrm
Of Gvnsv Smith' fiimnua nn at that
negmntng and at the close that beau
tiful selection. "Nearer Home." Her
tones are as clear as a bell and her
voice under perfect control. Her
heart seems in her work and each se
lection is rendered with great feeling
and power. Two selections are prom
ised from her at each ."service this!
Double I'mpire System.
San Francisco, Calif., Dec. 8. Af
ter a lengthy discussion last n'ght at
the meeting of the magnates of the
Pacific Coast league, it was decided to
use th double umpire system for a'.l
league games during the coming sea
son. It was also decided that um
pires only would be allowed to toss
the balls into the diamond, to prevent
juggling. A submerged box, near
the ump'res' positions, containing
twelve balls each, will be provided.
This will eliminate the practice of
home teams tossing out soft balls to
visiting teams and re'aining the new
balls for the home side.
Grlor Over Wife's Death Causes Col
lapse of Famous Actor.
New Orlans Robert Mantell the
actor, is suffering from a nervous
breakdown caused by grief ver the
death of his wife, who was Marie
Booth Russell. Mrs. Mantell died at
Atlantic Highlands, N. J., several
weeks ago, of tuberculosis.
Destroyed by Catarrh Can Be
Quickly Restored by Using
Ely's Cream Balm,
The thousands who suffer the miseries of
colds anl catarrh and claim they hare
never found a enre can get instant relief by
simply anointing the nostrils with Ely's
Cream Bairn.
Unlike internal mixtures which upset the
stomach, or strong snuffs which only ag
gravate the trouble, this cleansing, healing,
antiseptic Balm instantly reaches the seat
of the trouble, stops the nasty discharge,
clears the nose, head and throat, and
brings back the sense of taste, smell and
hearing. More than this, it strengthens
tho weakened and diseased tissues, thus
protecting you against a return of the trou
ble. This remedy will cure a c ld in a day,
and prevent its becoming chronic or result
ing in catarrh.
Nasal catarrh is an inflammation of the
membrane linmg the air passages, and can
not be reached by mixtures taken into the
stomach, nor can it be enred by snuffs and
powders which only canse additional irri
tation. Don't waste time on them. Get a
60 cent bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from
your druggist, and after using it for a day
you will wish you had tried it sooner. It
your case reqnires a spray, ask for Ely's
(Liijnid) Cream Balm.
Mothers should give the children Ely's
Cream Balm for colcls and cronp. It is
perfectly harmless, and pleasant to take.
London Has Tlieni on Street Cars
Where They Have Right of Way.
London The London Street Rail
way has installed wedding cars that
are given the right of way on all Its
lines, and on account of the law
against the obstructions of street cars
makes the wedding day trips more
speedy and satisfactory. Arrange-j
ments are made on the day previous
to the marriage for the exact time od i
departure of the car at a certain!
point, when the bridal party is ex
pected to be promptly on hand.
The car Is luxuriously equipped and
much more comfortable than the close
stuffy, bumping livery a'able carri
age'. Conductor and motorman are
taken from the pick of the company's
lrnier Judge Sues Former Judge for
lowering His Dignity; Gets Verdict.
Kansas City, Mo. Judge W. O.
Thomas, in the Circuit Court here, in
structed the jury to bring In a verdict
for the plaintiff in the ease of former
County Judge George J. Dodd. su
ing former County Judge C. E. Moss
for $15,000 damages because of an
alleged tweaking of the Dodd nose at
the hand of Moss.
Judge Moss admitted having called
Judge Dodd an "lnslgr'.ficant little
shrimp," but denied having finger
nails as "long as a Chinaman's," as
was accused, or that he had "clutch
ed" Judge Dodd by the throat or nose.
He did, however, he admitted, lay his
hand upon Judge Dodd's shoulder, but
in a manner so gentle as to be almost
Judge Moss described the instance
three years ago, when In a tax suit
Judge Dodd had Intimated that a
statement of his was untrue.
"I said to him: 'You might as well
call me a liar,' said Judge Moss; 'and
then I reached for him. But I never
had any malice against him. and
haven't now. I feel sorry for him."
Judge Moss Is over six feet and
weighs 170. Judge Dodd is small of
stature and weighs about 140.
Now congress will begin to do a lit
tle business and a good deal of politics.
Jeannette Puts Smith to Sleep.
New York. Dec. 8. Joe Jeanette,
the negro heavyweight pugilist, last
night scored a knockout over Jewey
Smith of England, in the third round
of their bout which was scheduled to
go ten rounds. The sleep producer
was a terrific right to the Jaw.
Malone ami Canole Matched.
Denver, Colo., Dec. 8. Mike
Malone, a Greek lightweight of more
or less prominence in intermountain
fighting circles, and Willie Canole, of
the Pacific coast, have bee nmatched
for ten rounds before the Denver Ath
letic club December 19.
Mlsa Cliesbroiigh in Finals.
San Francisco, Ca lf.. Dec. 8. Miss
Edith Chessbrough of this city, will
take part in the finals to decide the
championship of the Pacific Coast
Women's Gold tournament by rea
son of her victory in the semi-finals
yesteraay over Mrs. J. V. Eliot
Los Angeles.
Tho Inward Effects of humors are
worse than the outward. They en
danger the whole system. Hood's
Sarsaparilla eradicates all humors,
cures all their inward and outward
effects. It is the great alteraive and
tonic, whose merit has been every
where established.
ttt.es era ed ix e to 14 days.
Tour druggist will refund money
if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any
case or itcning Blind, Bleeding or
Protruding Piles In 6 to 14 days. 50c
Fivo Minutes After Tak'ng n Little
Dlnpepsiii Your Stomneli Will Feel
Fine Agiiin Eat Your Favorite
IVkhIs Without Fear of Distress,
Take your sour, out-of-order stom
ach or maybe you call It Indigestion,
dyspepsia, gastritis or catarrh of the
stomach; :t doesn't matter take your
stomach trouble rlsht with you to
your pharmacist and ask him to open
a no-cent case of Tape's Din pepsin
and let you ent one 22-graln Trian
gule and see if within five minutes
there is left any trace of your former
The correct name for your trouble Is
food fermentation food sourng:
the digestive organs become weak,
there Is lack of gastric juice; your
food Is only half digested and you
become affected with loss of appetite,
pressure and fullness after eating,
vomiting, nausea, heartburn, grlpinc
In bowels, tenderness In tho pit of
the stomach, bad tas'e In mouth, con
stipation, pain In limbs. sleepless
ness belching of gas. biliousness pick
headache, nervousness, d'szlncss or
many other similar symptoms.
If your appetite Is fickle and noth
ng tempt you, or you belch gas, or
If you feel bloated after eating, or
vour food lies like a lump of lead on
vour stomach, you can make up your
mind that at the bototn of nil this
there Is but one cause fermentation
of nnd'gested food.
Prove to yourself In f've minutes
that your stomach Is as good ni any;
hat there 1 noth'ng really wrong,
"top th's formen'ation and begin eat
'r wlm you want without fear of
discomfort or misery
Almost Instant relief Is waiting for
you. it Is merely a matter of how
soon you take a littlo Dlapepsln.
Every citizen of Oregon Is cordially invited to
mrrw attend the short courses of the Oregon Agrl-
Y(jlJ cultural College, beginning Jan. 3. Eleven
w distinctive courses will be offered In Agricul
ture, Mechanic Arts, Domestic Science and
D7 Art' Commerce' Forestry and Music. Every
VrvHi course Is designed to HELP the student in his
dally work. Make this a pleasant and pro
fitable winter outing. No tuition. Reason
f TVJf able accommodations. For beautiful lllustrat-
111 Y 1 1 YLtVJ ed bulletin, address,
H. M. TEXNAXT, Registrar, Corvallls. Ore.
Farmer's Business Course by Correspondence.
At Frazer-Nelson Book Store
Progress and Poverty ....
Social Problems
The Land Question
25 Cents
25 Cents
- 25 Cents
Tho place vliero tlio.v dress the poultry for your table. Are
now agents for tbe Celebrated Seal-!Shipt Oysters. You will
also find them ri.uht there with a complete lino of Groceries
and everythino; in season.
Phone Main 536 John Dyer, Prop.
A SNAP FOR $2500.00
7 room modern house, stone cellar, barn, wood shed bath
toilet, shade and fruit trees, 1-2 block ground. '
Call at once aa bargains of this charaeter can't last Mmt ...
It to appreciate It - 66
Thotie Main 83. . m R Court Strept
Other Troperty of Every Description.
Money to Loan on City and County Realty.