i.....-mH''WKllm ""v4'- V FAGB TWO. DAHiT EAST OREOOMAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER S, 1911. EIGHT PAGES. Only 13 More Shopping Days Til Christmas The Ever Acceptable Wives, mothers and sisters like Everwear for more than one reason. It's a good, common-sense gift for daily use. It speeds the departing darning basket. It means whole hose for the hext six months at least, often for much longer than the guarantee insures. For men, women and children, in handsome Christmas boxes, $1.50 $2.00 $3.00 the box guaranteed. Our Christmas lines this your offer more opportunities to the Xmas shopper than ever before. The mar- " kets of the whole eoun try have contributed their different specials and novelties to our great stock until we are able to display for your choosing the great est holiday stock ever brought to Pendleton. Our merchandise is all good standard goods ; goods (hat we can and will stand back of in everv way goods with a name and a reputa tion when you buy from us you can have the unqualified satis faction of KNOWING that whatever you buy is RIGHT in price, quality, style and dura bility. We don't deal in "ioblots" or "sec onds" and we'll gladly compare prices with any catalogue house or local store. Do Your Christmas Shopping Early And enjoy the best service and have complete 1 great Xmas HOLIDAY SILKS. In a hundred different patterns and colors. Comes in cut lengths for dresses and waist READY FOR THE NEEDLE. Makes an ideal gift, best grades, lowest prices, per yard . $1.00, $1.25 NEW SUITINGS. Received by express. One piece of heavy suiting in a beautiful shade of brown, heavy enough for coats too, 5G inches wide. Price $2.00 BOUGHT ESPECIALLY FOR XMAS A lot of Kimona Silks, as they make up so pretty and a dandy gift. In red, alice blue, tan, navy blue, and lavender, with big floral patterns, 35-in, wide, Holiday price, yd. 75 FANCY TOWELING TO EMBROIDER ' In a selection of prettv patterns. Prices 60, 75 85, $1.00. Also linen tubing at yard $1.00 And linen sheeting at yard $1.25 NEW XMAS ARRIVALS. Dainty hand embroidered gowns, trim med with pretty lace, and beading, finished with ribbon. Four pretty designs, a very acceptable gift at reasonable prices, $1.50. $1.75, $2.25. CRAVENETTE RAIN COATS Made of guaranteed shower-proof eraven ette, in the popular Raglan model, the only coat suitable for storm wear all seasons of the year. Sizes 34 to 44. Price..... $22.00 FOR THE LAST TIME BEFORE XMAS Our fancy goods department offers for your selection at reduced prices the following lines from a well selected stock: $2.00, $1.75, $1.50 NECKWEAR 98 Choose from dozens of these beautiful conceits for gifts. Charming plain lace collars, Mexican hand made, hand embroidered lace trimmed jabots, net fichus, coat set3, etc. Saturdav special 9S ines to select from do it. now before the jam begins. 65 RIBBONS 39" Plan your gifts and buy your ribbons Saturday, we offer you the choice of any of our beautiful 65 line of ribbons. Satur day special - 39 35 HANDKERCHIEFS, 4 FOR $1.00 Lovely gift handkerchiefs in pure linen initial, embroidered and lace trimmed, scal loped and hemstitched edges, an excellent variety of patterns to choose from. Saturday special, 4 for $1.00 $1.75 (JAPE GLOVES $1.47 Cape gloves in tan, black or white. Sat urday special $1.47 CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS We take pleasure in saying we have the finest line of men's and women's house and party slippers to Ik? seen in Pendleton. Our entire shoe department is brim full of Christmas bargains. LADIES' DANCING PUMPS. All the new shapes all the latest materi als, all sizes. Prices range' from $3 to $4 LADIES' BED ROOM AND FELT SLIPPERS. A wide range of colors and designs, all sizes, nice arid warm, a nicer Christmas gift would be hard to find. MEN'S' SLIPPERS. All styles of houso slippers in black and tan, turn soles, kid and canvas lined. The low opera to the high topped Faust Prices range from $1.50 to $2.75. Also a full line of men's dancing pumps, patent leather, turn soles. Price $4.00 COMPLETE LINE OF FINDINGS in which you may find many things that are desirable for Christmas presents, such as slipper soles in ladies', misses' and children's, gentlemen's. Shoe polish of all kinds, arcli props, and brushes, all of which make desir able as well as useful Christmas presents. Visit this store before making your purchases. Pendleton's Cleanest and Best Grocery In our Model, Sanitary Basement. GROCERY PHONE MAIN 17 New Pack Shrimp now hero can 15 dozen $1.65 Pure Extracted Honey pint jara 30 1 qt 60; 1-2 gallon $1.00 Extra fancy imported Figs, pound 30 California Figs, pkgs. 5 and 10 Oranges geting riper and better color per dozen - 50 and 60 Freeh Deep Sea Crab Meat large cans 35 Small cans 25; dozen $2.75 Choice Dried Figs, 2 lbs. 25 ; 9 lbs. $1.00 Choice Pineapple, C cans $1.00 Extra Fancy Pineapple, can 25 Choice? Winter Nellies Pears, box $1.75 Extra Fancy Rome Beauty, King and Ar kansas Black apples, box $2.25 Tomato Ketchup, gallon gla.-s jars $1.25 Fancy Cream Brick Cheese !l. ..... 30 Full Cream Cheese, lb L... 25 Fancy French Muhhronms, cans 23, 40 ALL OTHER DEPT'S MAIN 22 French Peas, cans 30 French Beans, cans 40 French Mixed Vegetable .. 35c4 5 lbs. Choice Walnuts $1.00 Gallon Glass Jars Sour Pickles r $1.50 Sweet Ficklea $1.90 Pure Minced Clams, cans 15 Dozen . $1.65 Whole clams, pint jars 35 Imported Frankfurters, cans 50 Pure Maple Sugar, 1-2 lb. pkgs. 15 Grape Fruit Marmalade, jars 35 Fig Pudding, cans 15 and 25 Pendleton's best crockery store in connec tion with our Model Grocery. Buy her that set of dinnerwarc for Xmas. Sets from $6.50 to $18.50. The Peoples Warehouse WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE. SAVE YOUR COUPONS ATM PICTURE SHOWS Orphetuii, Excellent program for Friday and Saturday; 1. "A Victim of Circumstance"." Blograph. It Is hubby's birthday and the wife lntorvlews a Jpwelor. Her action arouses suspicion and the hus band follows her and witnesses the meeting between her and the clerk. All would have been wel', but the clerk encounters the husband,' 2. "Their F'rst Divorce Case." Bl ograph. The famous Blograph sleuths nearly cleared up another case- Mrs. Grimm catches Mr. Grimm strolling In the park with a chorus girl. The s'euths follow them, thinking the wife is the woman mentioned.. 3. Somebody's Mother." Lubln. Jimm'e, the "newsje" plays an im portant part in this pretty story. 4. "As Fate Decreed." Pathe. A young monk is unhappy under the re strictions of the monastery and he es-. capes lie marries, enters business and Is remarkably successful at first. Reverses come. HU child dies, hts business falls, his health Is broken. 5. "A Painter' Idyle." Sqlig. A unique picture showing an artist at work In that wonderland, Yoscmlte valley. In making this picture an attempt has been made to show the methods of the painter at his work. Frl- II Tho Pastime. The home of good pictures. day's change of program: "The Long Road," (Blograph) This picture is full of beauty from first to last. The first scene shows a little quarrel of two lovers. Pride In both widens the breach till the man mar I rles another and the girl enters a convent. Especially fine is the scene I in the church during the wedding ' ceremony. "Get Rich Hall and Ford." (Es any). Hall and Ford are Ingenious tramps. In order to make good their getaway from the workhouse, they jjoin In a marathon race and win the IJirst prize. "The Cure of John Douglas" (Lu bln). Drink was ruining a most promising young man in John Doug- I ins. xi is sweetneart iinaoy married I his rival, Henry Brlston. Brlston and I some friends concocted a scheme t i cure Douglas. He was led to believe that he had killed his best friend during a drunken brawl, j "Old Indian Days," (American Pathe). This film gives an almost perfect portrayal of life among the Indians before the pale faces took po ssession and throughout the film tnere Is a charming love story. IKYING TO SAVE "JIM" GOT FRIEND IN JAIL Man With "Holdover" Call Fire De partment and Dives Into Coal Hole. New York With his head ring ing a little and a morning after taste J In his throat, Frank Jundrew, who, when he decides to go home haa a key to 2249 Broadway, set solemnly forth down Amsterdam avenue , today. As he reached Eighty-third street he was observed to stop and hold one hand over his ear, as though listening. "All right, Jim," he cried, "I'll save you." Jandrew first rushed Into the door way of an apartment, then out again and Into another doorway, then out and in again, like a woll-tralnd ter rier trying to locate his hidden mas ter by his whistle. Jandrew's third exist from a door way brought him in front of an open coal hole In the pavement. Loaning over the hole he shouted down: "All right, Jim, I'll get you out In a minute." Stopping only to turn In an alarm from th corner fire box, Jandrew disappeared head first into the coal hole. The report that a man had been smothered In red hot coals and his friend had gone down Into tho cellar to save him brought hundreds. .Then came the fire apparatus and police reserves. The fire fighters were In their most peevish mood when Jandrew reap peared through the coal hole and an nounced that Jim wasn't down there after all; - "Who 'thell is Jim?" asked Po liceman Harms. "Jimsh my best fren" explained Jandrew. "I heard 'lm callin' me, an' went Into the hole after him Send me lire Doya away. Don t need 'em after all." "Did you turn In that alarm?" ask ed Harms. "Betcher life." said Jandrew warm ly. "Do anything for Jim." A little later Jandrew was held in jenn ball to tell a Jury at special ses- slons all about Jim. compny'a appeal was filed and, be cause of a congested docket It will be e'ghteen months before a decision, will be rendered. SAVED KV HAM AND EGGS. Woman Cluuiged Her Mind About Starving when She. Saw Food, lona, Mich. A plate of ham and eggs saved the life of Mrs Mary Bptler, an aged Inmate of the lona poor farm. A week ago she became despondent and decided to starve her self to death. Day after day she steadfast. y re fused food and drink. Tho officials tried different plans without success, and then In desperation experiment-' ed with the "harfl and eggs" method. The old woman took a look at the tempt'ng food and decided to live a while linger. FAMILY OF FIVE LIVE f ON 6 CENTS A DAY Man With Four Children Find Prim- itivo Content In Hut Near Ijoudoii. ' London. Within half a dozen miles of the wealthiest city - In the world there has dwelt dl'rlng the last two months a man whe lived the simple life on six cents a day. His home was on the Essex marshes, half a mile to the east of Custom House Station. He I Itched his tent or, rather, a hut, of the most primitive description it was constructed of hoops and sacks and rags beside a stream which mean ders through the pasturage of a toler ant dairy farmer. A few yards from this hut was another of even more primitive construction. It was about four feet high, four feet broad ant six feet long. In It four children lived, sleeping at night with nothing between them and mother earth save old sacks. The man himself lived In compara tive luxury, reveling In the warm glow of fires of coke gathered by the children from refuse heaps on the marshes. I Rentless and taxproof this man of the marshes found life much less of a burden than the millionaire, his method being to live on the simplest of fare. This was supplied to him mainly by the children. These chil dren plied up the revenues of the fam ily from coke picked up and sold. 1 Out of the return for the work of their busy little hands on the rubbish heaps the man was able to buy the following dally list of delicacies: Brt-ad, one cent; milk, one cent: butter, one cent; oatmeal, one cent; sugar, one cent; tea dust, salt, one cent; total, six cents. I . CRIPPLE WALKS 60 MILES. One-Leased Man on Crotches Hob bles In Quest of $2000 Judgment. Lincoln, Neb. Unable to under stand why a verdict of 12000 he had obtained against the Omaha Street Railway company was not paid, For- tunato Zancanella, a one-legged la borer, hobbled sixty miles from Oma ha to Lincoln on his crutches to find out. He took six days to make the Jour ney, subsisting on the char ty of farmers and sleeping at nights In sta bles. He said be had been told the case wm In the supreme court and that the supreme court was In Lincoln Having no work or money and no Im mediate prospect of either, he had walked down to ask the court man why he couldn't have his money. Zancanella was "run down two years ago by a car and lost a leg. He got Judgment last January, in June the GEKVAIS MAN TRIES TO SHOOT HIMSELF' Oervals, Or. With suicidal Intent, F. Choquette, 43 years old. married and having one child, aged 16, shot himself at home In Uervais as no my on a couch. The ball entered the right temple, ranged upward, grazing the brain nnd lodged in tne wan. will live. He was under the influence of liquor. Choquette was employed in a livery barn here. 4 TIMELY ADVICE. A Protection Against Bronchitis nrt Pneumonia. Into a pitcher put a tablespoonful of butter, one-quarter cup light brown sugar, an ounce of .fresh, whole all spice and a pint of Duffy's pure malt whiskey. Let it stand for half an hour, then add ono half pint boiling water. Let It stand again for a short while, and before Borvlng stir well and add the Juice of one orange and one lemon. This is to be served In a wine glass. It Is very wholesome, appetizing and strengthening, especially for fever and chills In stormy nnd blu-terlng weather. Prompt action on such oc casions will ward off many a Berlous and oft times fatal attack of bronchit is and pneumonia, as well as Irritating coughs and colds. When you want ; THE J :AUTO CAB: PHONE MAIN 468. The OREGON MOTOR CO. 315 E. COURT ST. WAY EAT TIRKEYS I MADE II Y MACHIXJ .Tnr.T!wrjnwi.i. ''"" HUM I Agricultural Department Tells How i to Rulse Incubator Thanks giving Fowl. I Washington. Just think of having to eat Thanksgiving or Christmas tur key that has been machine made. ! This is a thought that would doubt less have given our ancestors connlp tic ns. i It oppeurs, however, the depart, ment of agriculture Is encouraging thlrf nort of thing, it is out with a treatlso in one of Us recent bulletins which tells all about the hatching and rear ing of turkeys by artificial means. ! Part of this treatise la headed "set ting the machine.", j i Study of it shows that It ben relation to the old fashioned process of setting a hen. Careful rules are given for the handling of the Incubator the plac ing of the eggs therein, the heating, turning and testing of the eggs and the care of the young turkeys after they are hatched. The department of agriculture de clares that notwithstanding the popu larity of the turkey for human con sumption nnd Us consequent high price the turkey producers have not been able to supply the demands of the market, due to the fact that tur keys are more subject to disease than chickens. Nevertheless the department says that turkey raising returns a good ttrnflt tn tho nrn?1iiiiir whan nmn.li ........ . . V . 1 J I handled, and It seeks to point out how I the popular Americnn bird can be ma chine raised to advantage. Unfortunately, the department's ad vice has come too late to help out the public for the year 1911. Give a Wateh Watches as Christinas Presents are demonstrations of the deepest friend ship between the giver and receiver, and are remembered ALWAYS. We have an elegant nnd largo new lino now showing of tho fol lowing celebrated makes: Howards, Elgins, New England's, Walthams, Hamiltons, Swiss Makes.' Prices range from our Round-Up $1.00 Watch, up. All Fully Guaranteed. You can buy now and have your purchase laid away. Our engraving is done by exerts. A. L. Schdefer Largo 9 room house and 3 lots fair born, splendid location on north side; this property Is n bargain; must be sold at onco. Teutseh & Rlckfrs. It-tatuS WW1 : ; : mM Estabfclird Since 1780 HERMAN PETERS PENDLETON OREGON