East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 08, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Occasional rain to
night and Saturday.
Largest paltl circu
lation of any paper in
Oregon, east of Tort
VOL. 24.
NO. 72!)0
C- W
'Si .
Dynamite Investigation May Reveal That Attempt to Blowup Chief Executive's Special
Train, and Times Explosion, Were Planned by Same Band of Men
McManigal Openly Accuses Labor Leaders
Lob Angeles, Calif., Dec. 8. In an
effort to ascerta n If the alleged at
tempt to destroy the special train,
on wnich President Taft toured the
we-t a few weeks ago while crossing
a bridge in California under which
forty sticks of dynamite were found,
the federal grand Jury which la prob
ing the "terrorist conspiracy" here,
will make a more sweeping; investiga
tion than any one has even dreamed
of and no stone will be left unturned
in order to get at the bottom of the
whole affair, In all its phases.
The dynamite was pluced under a
bridge on the Southern Pacific line,
last October, on the night that the
president's ppeclal p&sjed over It. and
it is said on good authority that Pres
ident Taft, Immediately on being In
formed that it was a felonious at
tempt to destroy him, communicated
with ti department of Justice and
that the present probe Is a direct re
sult, with the dsvclopments of the
McNamara cases, being features
which the authorities believe will be
forged Into continuous links of a
chain of evidence which will, startle
ine enure cuuimy.
It Is also reported that the Invest!-
gallon will cover mime twenty alleged .
attempts to destroy bridges on the
of the strike of the federation of rail-
road shopmen.
To Qnli Sixty Witnesses.
Indianapolis, Dec. 8.-Sixty witness
... ,m k .mlnHd hv the United:.
Hft.. ,n l r her- In connection
States grand Jury here In connection
lury here In connection
.cN.m.ra dynamiting
names are being guard-
with inn M
probe. Their
It in understood that the govern
ment is try ng to learn, positively,
whether the "terrorist" council
which met here, planned the dyna
inltings which were executed by the
McNamaras and their gang.
angered b enuse Special United States ron Aorkp" "''" and serving Bus- against the widow of the late Con
Attorney Genera, Lawlor is determin- 8AuKmCr' ' Eh"UnSey wUh a rand , pressman Timothy Phelps. In an
ed to make Los Angeles the center of . iur?, 8ummonf "ere. equity suit filed in the superior court
?h nvornment-r Investigation Into' Munf,rV an' 3 McNamara were hv Mrs Moore of Nebraska, who al
he a w"? "terror t consplraS " ntlmale frlent, n ' 11 " '-god that Mr. Phelps, as executrix
Special United W t" , DOWct AUor- !l?UHcd J McXam.ra after the of the Phelps estate did not give the
ney m! ler is absent froS This office Tlm- - fnehes of the family their rightful
tmj I Inheritance, but secured most of the
It is believed that he Is gone toj Publish Alleged Confes-lo,,. , property for herself.
lhlnirton n nrotest to the presi- Indlannpoll.i, Ind., Dec. 8. What
dont. He thinks Indlanapoll should:
bo tho ce.iter, vecauso, he says
conspiracies were formed here.
llnrrlninn Under Suspicion.
Los Angeles, Doc. 8. Under the
capt'on, "Next Confession," the Times
editorially says that one more ll'.uml-
The Grnnd theater changed hands
today, Mr. Bert Longnecker becoming
the now manager. Mr. Longnecker ;
is well known, being in business In
this county for several years nnd for
the last two yc." having charge of
tho Majest'c theater In Salt Iake,
Utah. He in well versed in tho show
business and Is sure to succeed. There
will be a change of policy. The
Grand opens up Monday, with a twelve
people muslcnl company, pretty chor
us girls and first class comedians,
thus giving the patrons of the Grand
a do'lnr show for twenty-five cents.
Dick Austin, the well known
Swede comedian, will have charge of
the company.
As a result of action taken ut the
luncheon by the Commercial club
manngors, held at the Quello today,
tho' big special meeting of the club
to be held Tuesday night will be pull
ed off In the assembly room at the city
hnll. At that tlmo the representa
tives of th various towns and Inter
ests cone.. led in the subject will be
Invited to t forth their claims. Af
ter the arguments are all completed
it Is tho plan to have the club mem
bers adjourn to their rogular quar
ters and decide upon such action as
may be doomed proper from a Pen
dleton standpoint.
The subject of what procedure to
follow at the coming special meeting
was brought before the managers by
president Smythe, who asked for ad
vice. Ho suggested the city hall as
sembly roo mas a suitable placo for
listening to the arguments and
suggestion was adopted by motl
Dynamite Cat Developments.
Attempt made to trace attempt
to dynamite Taft's train, to al-
leged McNamara co-consplra-
Ortle McManigal completes
testimony. Will be followed by
130 other witnesses, from Pa-
ciflc coast cities. Accuses
many labor leaders.
Indianapolis Jury will quiz
sixty witnesses.
Many labor leaders sum-
moned before Investigators.
Government confiscates books
of Salt Lke Iron workers' un-
Alleged confession of Mc-
Manlgal, published at Indian-
John J. McNamara will not
"squeal," because he fears
Job Harrlman, defeated so-
clalist mayorallty candidate, Los
Angeles, charged with mls-ap-
proprlating defense fund.
Federal Attorney Miller, to
protest to Taft against shifting
probe center from .Indianapolis
lQ AngeI(;(
uaiiuii m iMjiuiiiK. men it savs inai
job Harrlman. defeated social 1st-'
uno- candU,ate .Q. mavop . .
... , - Y -
. "
to account for the expenditures of the
to account for the expenditures of the
McNamara defense fund, of which he
wai of the lrustceg. u hnt. that
some of the money was diverted Into
l0 '
Salt Mko Evidence Secured.
Salt Lnke, Utah., Dec. 8 Fresh
oral nnd documentary evidence In the
government's McNamara probe Is be-1
l'evcd today to have been gathered In'
the seizing of the books of the local
Purports to be the confession of Ortle
McManigal was published here today.
Ie details alleged dynamiting in To
lodo, Cleveland, McKees Rocks, Kan
sas City. Peoria, Milwaukee
Springfield, Mass.
I If declares thht .Tflhn XTr'Vamorii
visited the wrecks and looked them
over before he would pay for the
Iilxir Ieador Summoned.
San Francisco, Oec. 8. United
States Marshal Elliott today served a
subpoena on E. E. Clancy, a labor
leader nnd member of the Structural
Iron Workers' union. Cluncy Is sup-
l1'1"0'! 4" know something of the Llew
ln Iron Works dynamiting.
McM:tnimil Accuses Lenders.
Los Angeles. Dec. 8.' When the
federal probe Into the dynamiting
case was resumed, Ortle McManigal
was Ftl'l on the stand today and a
score of witnesses are waiting to tes
tify. McManigal today flatly accused a
number of labor leaders here and In
San Franc'sco of having been In on
tho dynamiting plots which ho said he
knfiw of. He completed his testimony
All members present at the luncheon other was troubled with defective
today admitted tho seriousness of the hearing. Both were farmers. It is
questions Involved and also the com- apparent the defense wants to climl
plcxlty of tho interests Involved. One nato all farmers on the Jury ami sub
suggestion was made during the meet- stituto business men.
Ing that the coming meeting bo turn-' Through the session this forenoon,
ed into a genernl mass meeting and Chief Counsel Miller examined tho
that the Commercial club as an or- Jurors at length and Indicated that
ganizatlon refrain from handling the every point to save tho ten packers
subjec.t further. However, this line from Jail will be taken advantage of.
of action was considered ns Improper
In view of tho action of the ctub last
luesuay ana so the subject will be.
placed squarely before tho local or
gnnlsatlnn next week.
To Entertain D'rcctor.
President Smythe today appointed day In a great conference of the south
Secretary Jnck Keefe, L. O. Frnzlor, and west, which is an incident in the
and Superintendent J. S. Landers ns eastern Invasion of western governors,
a committee to prepare an evening's Sponger Clark. Congressman Under
ontortnlnm'jnt for the school directors wood and scores of big officials of
who will be here a week from tomor- transportation lines ore also "In the
J"ow for tholr annual meeting. It 1s city. Governor Carothers delivered
the! planned to have on entnrtn'nment for tho address, of welcome, and gover
lon.l them at tho Commercial club rooms, nor Brady responded.
That the proble will be long Is in
dicated by the fact that 130 subpoe
nas are be ng served by United States
mar.shal-t on the Pacific coast.
Among those cited are.. Labor
Leaders Gallagher and Olaf Tyiett
me, of the San Francisco Labor
John J. McNamara says they
might as well take him to prison as
he won't "squeal" even if he gets a
pardon or shorter sentence. He shows
that he fears assassination when he
gets out. ,
Delhi, Dec. 8. King George today
is receiving native princes who arriv
ed and departed in a continuous
stream of gaudy splendor. The king
unveiled the huge equestrian monu
ment of the late King Edward, the
"All Indian memorial" presented by
British residents and natives.
Already it is reported. Jealousy has
arisen between various petty princes
over slips In allowing them proper sa
lutes or right positions, on preference
at the king's receptions which may
result In tribal troubles after his ma-
Jasty departs.
. n
' . ' - ...
8 parage o. ii.ieen sue.
uynamne imo ms numn at racuii;
City a short distance from this place
H(.nrv. Thnmnsn ran(,hpr Be(.d
Thompson a rancl
f iru?Vear an I ' foVmerW
n ?r
rancher aged
of Wa'la
a it a unit waa
lllown to plevcg bv. the expiosion that
followed. The accident occurred on
the doorstop of the man's home.
San Francisco. Dec. 8. Fraud. In-
volving J3. 000. 000, is charged today
London, Dec. 8 After serving
ten months' sentence for publishing
a story of the alleged Morganic mar
riage of King Georgo, Edward My
lius, editor of the "Liberator." was re
leased today. He was convicted of
Cardinal O'Coimell Is 52.
Home, Dec. 8. The liberation of
the fifty-second anniversary of the
founding of the American College In
Rome, and nl-o the celebration of
Cardinal O'Connell's fifty-second
birthday wore held here today.
Peking, Dec. 8. The rebels today
declared un extension of the armistice
until December 21. ponding peace ne
gotiations. Tho revolutionists, it Is
expected, won't accept any terms ex
cept the abdication of the emperor
uid the
It Is
id the recognition of the republic.
believed that Premier Yuan
winlng to mnke any conoP!Islon PX
an"a tne b0T. JVp this reason are
Fuspecting that he really covets the)
throne for himself.
Chicago, Dof. 8. Two of the eleven
Jurors accepted by the state were ex
cused from the packers' trial today
after the defense had brought out that
tho eyesight of one wiTs bad and the
Baltimore, Dec. 8. Six southern and
nine western governors met hero to
Spaniards Destroyed Maine).
Washington. Dec. 8. (Bulle
t'n ) An outshle explosion,
meaning a Spanish mine, blew
up the U. S. battle h p Maine
In Havana harbor, according to
the formal report of the Vlee
land board of inquiry, it was
announced this afternoon.
Hysterically Relates
' . lations With the
"Old Cove"
Declare to Jury that Millionaire Ho
tel Keeix'r DuMl Her and Caused
Her Downfall
New York. Dec. 8. Lillian Graham
who with Ethel Conrad Is on trial for
shooting the hotel man, Colonel El
bert Stokes, today testified of her re
lations with the millionaire.
She said she was born in Washing
ton state, twenty-three years ago and
I'ved in the country until her mother
died. Then she went to Los Angeles
and finally to New York with Mrs.
Singleton, her sister, where she met
Colonel Stokes.
She denied that Stokes supported
her. She wild that finally Stokes got
her alone with him on his farm atjthp benefit of the lower river.
Lexington, Ky., by writing her that
other guests would be there.
She said she wrote a letter, admit
ting prev'ous shame, at his dictation ;
In Lexington that night and not In That se'fish private interests and
New York as he alleges. She remain- polit'cal matters have got tangled up
ed three days and then rejoined a " in the water situation of the Umatilla
theatrical troupe at Memphis. river in a way that will do ereat dam-
Later In New York he begged her! age to the entire state and that we de
not to tell of the Lexington affair, she j nounce all such Interests, regardless
said. of nolif cs and creed.
While Miss Graham testified shej That a copy of those resolutions be
was semi-hysterical 'and her sisters. Rent to the president of the United
Mrs. Singleton and Mrs. Andrews,
wept in the court room.
The defense attorneys introduced
several letters the girl wrote to
Stokes, indicating that there was
nothing wrong between ''e'-i. pre-
' vious to the Lexington episode.
j Miss Graham said that p;ie and
Stoke motored much before that and
act?d very nicely.
Pennsylvania Man Called to O. A. C. , At The Dalles this afternoon the
to Fill Ansell's lAwg Vacant Place. Pendleton high school football war
Corvallis, Ore., Dec. 8. Dr. E. J. ' r;ors are again defending their right
StQwart, director of athletics at Al- to the title of the championship of
legheny college, Meadville. Pa , has eastern Oregon. They are upon the
Just been called to the Oregon agrl-, gridiron facing the team from The
cultural college to fill the chair of Dalles high school and the outcome
physical education as professor and i
a'd'rector of athletics, vacant since the'
resignation of Prof. E. D. Angell in
July, 1910. ,
In the three years he has been at :
Allegheny, Dr. Stewart has produced (
championship football, baseball. ba- j
ketball and track teams. In 1908 he
was coach of the Purdue basketball
team when they won second place in
the Western Conference league.
I squad to make the trip wore Ruge:.
Sturdlvnnt. Kilpntrick. Williamson.
The famous Stubblefield will case, 1 Hampton. Fee Thompson McDonald,
which has been pending in the courts Chapman. Hindernian. Finnell. Hous
for monv vear., is now up to Judge er a"J Kregs. The team was also ac
Knowles" of La Grande for decision. , companied by Coach Lytic and As
The case was argued before Judge sistant Coach Asbalir. while Superin
Knowles of La Grande for decision. ' tendent J. S Landers also made the
The case was argued before Judge, 'P-
Knowles Wednesday and at the hear-,
'ng Judge S A. Lowell represented the'
pxocntor who nre defendinir the will !
while Messrs. Rader & Barker of Wai-
la Wnll.i nrziied for the nnncllanls.
tho merits of tho widow. The case is
one that involves property valued at
J200.000 and when tried out In the
county court for this county the will
wns uphold. Tho other-side of tho
controversy then took an appeal to
the circuit court and it was necessary
to take tho matter up before Judge!
Knowles owing to the,fact that Judge j
Phelps of this district, had been a
previous nttorncy in tho case.
The Stubblefield will case has
nfouod considerable Interest from the
fact it Involves the riRht to funds now
used bv tho Stubblefield home In
v!i., wnll.i
New York, Dec. 8. Charges that
Sam Bernstein, ono of the state's most
import.it witnesses In the trial of
Max Blnnck and Isaac Harris, pro
prietors of tho Triangle Shirt com
pany, for manslaughter. In connection
with the death of 150 employes In a
fire, demanded $5000 of Blanck a few
days after the fire was made by tho
defense today.
Bernstein who said he found the
doors locked In the factory where he
was a se.v'ng machine operator, ad
mitted that ho demanded money,
saying he wanted It for his father be
cause his brother had perished.
(Special to the East uregonlan.)
Irrigon, Ore., Dec 8. At a meeting
of the commercial club of this place
last night, held for the purpose or
considering the controversy that has
arisen over the proposed west exten
sion of the Umatilla Irrgation project,
resolutions were adopted as follows:
"Resolved, that we deplore the ac
tion of the commercial clubs of -Stan-field
and Pilot Hock and certain pri
vate Interests in opposing the west
Umatilla extension project.
That It is our unanimous opinion
that al property owners under what
is known as the west Umatilla river
rxtensfon between the Umatilla river
and Willow creek in favor of said ex-j
tension and that upwards of 150 of
said owners that also own Umatilla
river water right', in the above d's
trirt, are decidedly in favor of It.
That the government guages in the
lower Umatilla river will indicate that
there has been enough water gone to
waste during the past twelve months
and for which no,1 one has received
any benefit to irrigate fifty thousand
acres of the west extension.
That we are in nowise opposed to
the water users on the upper river,
hut Invite them to store and use all
the water that they possibly can. all
of which will ultimately rebound to
That we believe in pulling together
for Morrow and Umat'lla counties,
the state of Oregon and the entire
States, to the secretary of the Interior,
to our congressmen and representa
tives and to the commercial clubs In
Per L. B. Kicker, Secretary.
of the fray is awaited with no littte
interest in local high school circles
The game that Is on this afternoon
! the first contest ever held between
the high schools of The Dalles and
Pendleton. It is a post season game
and came about through the claims
advanced by The Dalles lads to the
effect they have a hold upon the
eastern Oregon championship through
the fact they have never been defeat
ed this season. The local boys are
j hopeful of spoiling that glorious rec
1 ord through taking them iiii camp
this afternoon.
Tho local players left for The
Dalles on train 17 yesterday. In the
Rcycm Readies Mexico.
Mexico City, Dec. S. Word was re-
: celve' to,,11v thllt General Reyes
1 d'sguisod a a laborer, arrived at
Brownsville. Texas. He is now a fu-
"- """mh ""
tion- Nothing can be learned of the
general's plans but Washington d's-
pnicnes say no nas r.-emereu jievco
-ain and was received hy a band of
loyal followers.
Three Tots Drowned.
Pan Mateo. Calif.. Doc. S. Return
ing home from school lato yesterday
afternoon. John Izzard. age nine. Tr-
n nan-eis. ne ss an.i .miu suci m
i I-cnnon, age S. boarded a raft float-
m? on a pond nna were urow nea w non
I th cr;lft capsized.
John V. Sullivan. grand exalted
ruler of tho Benevolent Protective
Order of Elks, accompanied by the
grand secretary and other officials
will make a few minutes' stay in Pen
dleton Sunday afternoon and arrange
ments are now being made by tho lo
cal elks to greet tho distinguished
v'sitors A moctlnir of tho grnnd
lodso committee of tho local lodge
Government Engineer and
Portland Men Among
Those Coming
That there is widespread interest in
the special meeting of the Commer
cial club to be held Tuesday evening
to discuss the proposed west exten
sion of the Umatilla project, Is evi
dent from letters and messages now
coming In from various points. Sec
retary Keefe of the Commercial club
has issued invitations to all inter
ested parties to be present and nu
merous responses are being received.
C. C. Chapman, secretary of the Port
land Commercial club, is to come and
he writes that C. S. Jackson, owner
of the Oregon Journal, and who is a
member of the executive committee
of the Portland club, will also make
the trip. It is understood that E. O.
Hopson, reclamation engineer In
charge of the work in the northwest
will also be present.
That the people of Irrigon are pre
paring to make a showing In behalf
of the extension is manifested by the
following letter, a copy of which was
received this morning by the East
Irrigon. Ore., Dec 7, 1911.
To Whom It May Concern:
On behalf of the cit'zens and the
business Interests of the lower port
of Morrow county and also Umatilla,
and the good f the counties In gen
eral and of the whole state of Ore
gon, we urge upon you the necessity
of pronipt action through your
chamber of commerce and other
means available to counteract actions
taken by certain Stanfie'.d, Pilot Rock
and Pendleton Interests to overthrow
the good work already done In the in
terests of the West Umat!lla exten
sion project.
We are satl fied that the Interests
referred to are working along selfish
lines and that the final result would
be for the benefit of a very few to
the exclusion of the miny, A letter
by J. N. Teal in the Oregonian on
December 1st. gives solid facts that
you cannot afford to Overlook.
. As we under-Und It, the cit'zens of
the lower part of Morrow and Uma
tilla, from the Umatilla river to Wil
low creek, are a unit in demanding
this project.
We ask your aid in that you use
your influence with the Pendleton
Commercial club, nnd better yet. that
you appear nt their eeneral meet'ng
on the evening of December 12th,
when this matter Is to be brought up
for final action. In the meantime
wrte to the president of the United
States ami to the secretary of the In
terior, asking for .1 fnvornhla consid
eration of the we;t extension project
and the return to Oregon of at least
part of the money that is their due.
Uesreetful"y vonrs.
200 Russian Ijilwrcrs Killed.
St. Petersburg, Doc. 8. Between
150 and 200 workmen, engaged In the
construction of a bridge over the Vol
ga river, perished in the Ice caked
r'vor todav when the bridge collaps
ed A dozen bodies were recover,! N.
troops who rushed to their aid. The
rN-core of ice cakes nira'nst the
bridge support nre boliveel ti trve
caused tho accident. A few labor
ers escaped.
San Francisco Cal'f, Doc. 8 A
jury in the superior court acquitted
Mrs. Mary Suda'l of a charge of mur
der, which erow out of her shonting
and killing her divorced huhand last
July. The testimony tended to show
that Sudall was shot In tho back. '
will bo held this even'ng to decide
what Is to bo don. It Is already de
cided however, that the members of
tho local lodge met at tho depot In
a body to greet tho brethren.
Aside from the grand cx ilted ruler
other officers In tho party are Fred
r.obinson, pind secretary; Cary A p
plegato of Salt Iike grand trust-e, and
Grand Trustee M'.ll of Minneapolis.