rAGK CTGTfT. DAfljY EAST OREQOXIAN. PENDLETON. OH BOON,, THURSDAY, DECEMBEU T, Mi. EIGHT PAGES. Fresh Apples Oranges Xuts liaising Cranberries Ixmons Santa Glaus Gets His Groceries Here -lux-anse our lines are all fresh in readiness for holulav tra.le. Standard Grocery Co., Inc. PHONE MAIN 00. FRANK O'GAR , Pre. SLIGHTLY INCREASED OFFICIAL CAW ASS GIVES MAYOR-ELECT 5 MORE VOTES Council Affirms Election of Munici pal anil lire Deiartiiient Officers at Special Session Annual Licens es Issued to Liquor Dealers. At the meeting of the council last evening the votes cast at the recent city election and at the firemen's el ection were officially canvassed and the victors declared duly elected. The only changd reveled by the official canvass was that the majority for Mayor-elect Matlock was increased to SO votes. The canvassing of the votes was taken up at a special meeting of the council following the adjournment of the regular session. Messrs, Stroble. Brock and Dyer were named as a canvassing committee for the munici pal election while Councilman Ell was designated to canvass the vote cast at the fireman's election. Licenses Granted. During the regular session of the council last night the monthly re ports of the recorder and treasurer were read and the bills for the month ordered paid. The following licenses to sell liquor were granted: Martin A,nderson, Pen dleton Drug company, Paul Hemmel parn, William Eogart, A. C. Koeppen & Brothers. Alt Schneiter, Anton Kraft, J. H. Taylor. H. J. Latourelle, Tallman & Co., and the Pendleton Ice & Cold Storage company. POKTO RICAN T11ADE tillOWS. Is $62,000,000 Greater Than When Civil Government Was Granted. Washington. The commerce of Porto Kico under American rule is growing by leaps and bounds, accord ing to a report received by the treas ury departmerrt today from the col lector of customs of the Island. The total imports and exports dur ing the fiscal year 1911 amounted to $78. 700,000. Of the imports, 89 per cent came from the United States, while 87 per cent of the exports were received in this country. When civil government was grant ed Porto Rico in 1900 t.Me commerce of the island amounted only to $16, 600.000. 27 1-2 acre ranch, 20 acres in al falfa and small orchard, box house, some timber all first-class land. This ii a snap. Ask about it today. Teutsch & Bickers. Knees Became Stiff Five Years of Ccvcro fwieii.ttatism TN lii-p ( H J. Gold -tein. 14 Bar;..:) !'! ! t- i. T.- i.. . i.- s., is anoth-!:-i:r.-ap!irii!a. rue. eeiM in i ; ive utterly vs: "I F'jf . :' y ::-, it i I...L'-'- i ( X- "s woiii.i be I tri'-d irv.ny :. ; l ,' ;i i -:t r.ucil r l. y -i'.?' n vl ) ! i'k1.'::." ! ' ' i -i or ! Sibtcib3 er victwy by Hood' in; ' . f :ii i. f ii !!. tj ( r o" 1 ! t.r. ' ( tho .I.i; c-jrr t it t . SIR1QLE TAX BOOKS BY HENRY GEORGE At Frazer-Nelson Book Store Progress and Poverty Social Prob'ems .. Tr.a Land Qmsticn Fresh ( Vlery Sweet Potatoes Pickles Chow Chow Sweet Relish Mince- Meat our greatest WHERE ALL ARE PLEASED. BERNARD O'CARA. Sec-Trcns. AT FCHO MEETING (Special Correspondence.) TT'.Vir. f . .-, 7l p. . ir ' a mass meet- I8 , r m" .&nd d owne" ? ??thLat,l-ar'vfwaeldye. d rlt5 , ,C1 y ha"- ver 8ixty uirectl interested persons were pres- ent. ne proposed west Umatilla rf-Mci Wil3 morougniy discussed and 1 resoiuuons were passed con f-ziSrir a voice was "-Vrt A nht ,., .... I -Nci -McDonald wire,! to VrMnV vi Sa T . 5ir- and Mrs- Duncan McDonald died Fisher Secretary, t the McDonald home at 515 Post ft- h ... ... j street at 8:15 last evening after hav- mrt. I"aSS meetJmg enjoyed life in this word for hut rating ,1 rs formed an organ- one brief day. The funeral is to be rights Protection of their hold at 9:30 tomorrow and the burial a .... , wlu De ln the cemetery a! Weston. A very quiet city election was held' here on Tuesday. Onlv three ronn- ' . . cilmen. A. B. Thomson C J GullI-1 S'"'00 Examination, ford and R. R. Lewis being elected The U" W" ervt,ce C""rioi Mavor Stanf'M nii electea-' announces that a local agent exam - c ty off fcers h0,d over ,1 "m'llnin8 , nation wUl be held in this city Jan- ColnlLV: Thomson "an" Gu lifoTd "m i' ."h were roW, n .1 , trom which selection may be made ::ZTsTLn y Vith thenCe"c p! 1 "U V"? the PaM"0t tion of Tf n T iJ V. .i "cep"; local agent at 600 per annum, Bu- th?:-eekthdC Ch1Pel CarJ3 "sti'cS 6e sd evening " a""e htM Mch . nce to the Secretary. Eleventh Civil Virion r . Service District, Seattle, Wash., for oo f .1 Caswell yesterday re- application blank and full informa celed five more carloads of cattle for Hr n.tt-r leeuing. Mr. Ben Doherty of Vinson, and Mrs. Susie McWavet of Gurdane, are here visiting with their sister, Mrs. Jas. McLaughlin. WEDDING BY RAGTIME. Bridegroom Is Forced t0 Pay for the 1 Better Music Ho Bars Freeland, Pa. Taking exceptions to the music program arranged by Professor Gangwere for his wedding. Michael Schwartz of Jeanesvllle, re fused to pay the orchestra of four pieces. Gangwere had arranged what he declared a practical program, ren dered in faultless style; but . Schwartz wanted ragtime, which the professor failed to include in h:s 'repertoire. Schwartz wa arrested and taken from his bride's side by Constable Butcher. 'Squire Bonaci gave judg ment against Schwartz saying at the same time the man who wouldn't pay for his wedding music should not have a br'de. Schwartz then settled, pay ing the orchenra and co-ts. BOY OF TEN IS SENTENCED. Lad W'lk) Killed Farmer Is Sent to the Reform School. Fresno, Calif. Raymond Tretjce. the ten-year-old boy who shot and killed Andreas Alonzo, a farmer, while hunting two weeks ago, was sentenced to the reform school by unge Austin in the juvenile court. An effort to have him paroled failed. The parents and the probation officer both agreed to the sentence, the kiling having been de Iberate, although probably not with full knowedge of Uir- n.iture of the crime. j Tho ultimate ronmrner certainly j rays En enormous aggregate profit on almost anything he buys. Holiday Hin(s To Lovers of Good Meats A hi)iee 'Central" Roast. A "Central" iti-.ik thill's tender, A SeiiNliipl iyvtrr dinner. A "Central" liam for Itiudi. A "f'cntrnl" fish r poultry or der insures satifactlon. Photm the M;ti m r,3. Sanitary Market. CENTRAL Meat. Market .. 25 Cents 25 Cents . 25 Cents Newsy Notes of Pendleton Well on Mumm Hunch. A we 1 4G6 feet in depth has just boen drilled by Kbrel & Shaver on thi Jocrgen Mumm ranch six miles north of rendleton. Nor inn n Sarkis Here. Norman Sarkis, formerly with the East Oregoninn mechanical force and now la the oriental rug business In Portland la in the city and again haa a display of rugs at the Baker fur niture store. To Hold Silver Tea. j The ladies of the Frosbytorlan j church tire planning for a Silver Tea to be given at the home of Mrs. Wil liam Temple on Lewis street, on Fri day evening. The public will be In vited to attend. Young Stockman Married. William Behrens, a young stock man from Fox valley, Grant county, was wedded In this city last evening to Miss Augusta Fedles of this place. The ceremony occured at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weber, 407 West Alta street and was performed by Rev. Nathan Evans, pastor of the M. E. church. Little Girl Goes Home. Through action of County Judge ! Maloney, who also serves as judge of the juvenile court, little Alma Peck, vho has been involved In difficulties here, is to return to her home in Kansas Cltv- Th ou"S lady is well educated and of refined annear.inre anrl her nliht has ir.ilno,! m..u ' a n - " muLii sympathy the infant son ofj'n August, Chester and Mrs. Dermo Announcement. Having promised on my last trip to make another visit to Pendleton before Christmas, I now take the pleasure of announcing that I have with me a few pieces of Oriental rugs that will make the most pleasing and u eful Xmas presents. I will be at Baker's furniture store until Saturday evening. N. S. SARKIS. GROWTH OF MINERAL WEALTH Head of School of Mines at O. A. C, Predicts Advance in Mineral Out- 1 put. Corvallis, Ore. Prof. H. II. Parks j head of the school of mines at the Oregon agricultural college, predicts a general advance in the mineral out- put of the state and the development ; of mining into one of Oregon's lead- Ing industries. The vast mineral j wealth, not including gold, sliver, and , coal, such as raw materials for soda, j cement and many other natural ele- I merits abounding ln this region, awaits ' capitol and men to fit it for the needs of industry. In a bulletin of the bureau of mines I shortly to be issued by Prof. Parks, he shows the 1910 mineral output of the I state to be worth $4,200,546, an In- ! crease of alt lost $2,000,000 over that! of 1900. Gold, silver, coal, granite, j sandstone, limestode, clay for brick, tile and pottery, mineral water, cop- , per, sand and gravel and lime and , gypsum, are included in his list or valuable products of the year. BIRD MAN CHASES BIRD. Heron I'inally Drops Exhausted By Flight from Aviator. London. Chasing a bird on the wing and overhauling It Is the latest sport for airmen. A white heron was thus run down at Huntington by Moor house, a w-cll known aviator. The b'rd had Invaded the aerodrome while Moorhouse was aloft. Immediately the chase began. It led around the inclosure several t'mc, through a maze of tree'.ops, nnd included long sweeps up and down, tho monoplane being unier fine control and follow ing perfectly the lead of the winged quarry. Sper-tators enjoyed many thrills over the marvellous turns that Moor- j house made. At last the heron drop ped to tho ground, utterly exhausted. I measured four ftet across tho wings. 1 CHANGES AT WHITE HOCSE. Two ApoolntmcnU Glvo Hillles Free Hnixl to Do Pollt'es. Washington. Rudolph Forster, who hag been connected with the white house in an executive capacity for more than ten years, .was today aopolntod executive clerg to the pres ident at $5000 a year,' and Sherman P. Allen of the Washington bureau of the New York "Herald" was sworn in as his successor ns chief clerk Through the appointment of Allen and the promotion of Forster much work will be taken off tho hands of the president's secretary, inies. Thl has ronewed discussion as to tho probability of Hllles becoming chairman of tho Panama canal -commission. With the routine ?if the execut've offices in other hands, he probably wiil devote himself almost exclusive ly to observations of pol'tlcnl condi tions nnd consultation with republican leaders In the Interest of the presi dent. - .special! Shirts, Sox Underwear Sale It Will Pay You to Buy Here OSTON CHESTER'S "QUICK-HITCH" NOW LEGAL IX NEW YORK First Wife of Author Granted Final Divorce und Will Not Charge liiguiuy. New York. George Randolph Chester, creator of -"Get-Rich-Qulck Wallingford," was divorced from Mrs. Elizabeth M. Chester. Supreme Court Justice Guy granted a final de cree in favor of Mrs. Chester, award ing her the custody of their two chil- uioili Mrs. Chester named Mrs. Lillian Dermo In the divorce proceedings. When the interlocutory was granted, were In Europe. They were married abroad and returned to New York be- fore the final decree was granted. ' Mrs. Chester, the first, said that uiu nui cure 10 uring a Dla.t.iij charge. "MY WII1C WON'T LET ME." So Says a Millionaire When Asked to Pay a Debt Ho Acknowledges. Pittsburg, Pa. An Interesting suit was filed in court here by John Ross, a small contractor, against Joseph C. Trees, millionaire oil operator, for the recovery of $372 which he al leges he loaned Trees in 1896, when the present millionaire was poor and had Just been married. In his bill of complaint Ross says that after repeated attempts to col lect the debt he met Trees on the street recently and that Tress made the following statement: CLARK'S A few Specials AT PENDLETON'S BIG CASH GROCERY. Sliroadcd Cocoanut, 3 packages for 23 Condensed Milk, 3 cans for 23 2 lb. can larjre White Asparapnis : 30 Fancy Cabbage, per lb 2c Apples $1.60 per box CLARK'S Phone Main 174 Size 9x12. Large new line Regular low price of Smith's A 1 GOLDEN RULE STORE We Lead, Others Follow The HUB is the Best. Place in Town to Trade That s What They All Say Their bargains are real and will stand tho test Sample shoes are always tho best, Their prices are always below tho rest Our competitors regular prices sound very fine, But are. only a bait on a very weak line. THE RECORD BREAKER SALE Brings them to time, THE HUB The B13 Drummers Sample Store. ,TORE "I know I owe vou the monev Ann I I would pay you, John, because you i , . ..... uciuouuca mo wnen i naan t auy- ining; i would pay you. but Cluudlo my wife, won't let me." A Discussion On Dress Mr usually leads to a talk about Cleaning soiled dresses, and this will Inevitably brlitg the talk up to our special pro cess for Dry Cleaning all kinds of garments. By our method the work is done quickly and effectively, with out any injury to the most delicate fabric and you get complete satisfac tion with the work and tho charges therefor. Suppose you give us an early trial? Pendleton Dye Works Phone Main 169. 206 1 E. Alta. GROCERY GROCERY 612 Main Street Hi (TV? xminisfi rt Squares just received $19.50 Hotel St. George uar GEO. DARVKAU, Proprietor Pendleton's Popular Gentle mens Resort Anhsussr-Busch's mous BUDIVEISER on draught, 5C glass Electric Mixed Drinks Served at this Bar. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Distributors of Echo Spring and Old Crow Whiskey. First class Cafe and Grill in connection A La Carte. ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL t Opens Sept 14 I Boarding and Day School for Girls. Primary, Intermediate, Ac ademic Special and Poet Graduate Courses. Depart ments of Music, Expression and Art. PERSONAL ATTENTIOV REFUTING INFLUENCES THOROUGH WORK Nettie M. Calbraith Principal WALLA WALLA, WASH. We are Overstocked in Hard Milled Lanolen, Lettuce and Almond Oii Soaps, (the 50c kind) which we aro closing out AT 25 Cents a Box It lathers nicely, waahea away slowly, and it cleanses and softens the flesh. Koeppen's The Drug Store that Serves You Best. The Pendleton Drug Co. la In business for "Your Good Health" REMEMBER THIS WREN TOU HAVE PRESCRIPTIONS, OR WANT PURE MEDICINES HEADQUARTERS FOR Toilet Goods We aro Sole Manufacturers and Distributors of th Celebrated TOILET CRE1M COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and MT. HOOD CRE' ' Tallman & Co Leading Druggists of E ern Oregon. " g ' t.