EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OKEGO.MAN. PENDLOTON. OREGON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, PAGK Ml YES. V Children Cry for Fletcher's In vwutim mi tvvvwvvV4.v Tho Kind You Ilavo Alwnvn Tvn. In oso lor over 30 years,. hm Who tbo signature of X2r gV ' " ' till 11,18 1ron K!aao under his pcr CayTjd F'0Iial CuP"iion since Us infaucy. ii I""- ADow 110 no to deceive yon in tLIs. All Counterfeits, Imitations end "Just-a-,'ool" arc but It-xperlments that trifle, with and endanger the health of lulants and Cbildren-Jlxpcrieiico against Jperimcnt. What is CASTORIA Caxtoria is a harraleHg puhstitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphea nor other Narcotic substance, its ago is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays FcvcriKhnens. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieve Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It asKimUates the Food, regulates the Stomach aud Dowels, grhinff healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panueca Thei Mother's Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS IBears the Signature of y3 The Kind Yon Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years TMt CEMTMJS COMPANY, TT MURRAY TBItT, NEW YORK CtTY. INDICTMENT AGAINST E. 6. LEWIS QUASHED St. Louis. Dec. 7. The Indictment agulnst E. G. Lewis the St. Louis and University City, Mo., publisher, bank er, manufacturer and promoter, charging him with using the malls to defraud, was quashed by United States District Judge Trleber. Lewis fought the postofflce Inspec tors' accusations vigorously, alleging that the charge developed from a spito against him held by George H. Cor telyou, then posamtser-general. He atsertcd that he wus being persecuted by the postofflce department. A sen sation was caused when ex-thlrd as sistant Postmaster General Madden published a scathing criticism of the department for Its charges against Lewis. The various enterprises In which Lewis has been the promoter nd dominating spirit during the last few years have Involved millions. He published the National Woman's Dally, organized the American Wo men's League, of which he Is presi dent, the Peojle's Savings Trust Com pany. Most of the Lewis enterprises were directed by him at a "city beau tiful" community he established and known as University City. The build ings erected by the Lewis Interests there are said to have cost $2,000,000. I'Wls has suld that he is a victim of a conspiracy to ruin him begun Ir. the postofflce department. Hotel McFeely The Only Strictly First-Class, Modern Priced Hotel in the City New House. New and Beautiful Furniture. Hot and Cold Water in, Every Room. NO INSIDE ROOMS. Rates $1.00 and $1.50 Per Day Corner Alder & 4th Streets Oppositt Keylor Grand Theatre, Walla Walla, Wash. - 7 "KIT ' tox53T-q3i A Warm Bathroom PERFECTION Every mother should be careful that the children take their baths in a warm room. The chill of a cold room is dangerous after com ing out of the hot water. A Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater brings bathroom or bedroom to just the degree of warmth you want in five or ten minutes. All you nave to do is to touch a match. The Perfection Heater burns nine hours on one filling and is always ready for use. You can move it anywhere it is needed. There is no waste of fuel and heat wanning unoccupied rooms. Just the heat you want, when and where you want it The Perfection is fitted with an automatic-locking flame spreader that prevents the wick being turned high enough to smoke and is easy to remove and drop back when cleaning. Drums finnhed either in turquoue-blu enamel or plain it eel ; light and orna mental, yet thong and durable suitable ioc any room in any bout. Dulera CYerywhert : or writ to tnr MeocY of tha Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) PACKING HOGS ARE FIVE CENTS HIGHER fOM'IDKXCK INSPIRED BY CHANGED SITUATION mayor; J. M. Ashworth, O. DeGraw, Is. B. Davis, F. H. Beathe councilmen; L. R. Van Winkle, recorder; S. A. Barnes, treasurer. It Is considered likely that the new council will now pans a saloon licence ordinance, imposing strict regulations. No Cattle Ilrceiptg Recorded at North Portland and Market Shows More Strensrtli I J) mix Advance n Quurler Wheat Is Still Weak. JOHN DAY PROJECT CLASSED AS DREAM Washington, Dec. 7. Protests con- There was a run of 439 during the!ti,lue to ""ur ln H8al"Kt the wet ex day, making the totals for the first , tension of the Umatilla project. The three davs of the week 1093, com- , Stanfield Commercial c lub sends an pared with 710 for the same week ln other 8t "f "solutions setting forth 1910 I the objections of the farmers near Hogs that Weigh from 200 to 250 piI,,t Rock to the government pro pounds are now bringing the top feeding with the extension . advising Packing hogs were 5c higher at $6.85 for top stuff at North, Portland. price. The change In sentiment, as Instead the construction of the so- noted In these columns yesterday, has j ta'-'ul ,Juy P"J- left the lighter stuff from 5 to 10c I , " understood here there Is no under the-heavier arrivals, while an John Day project. The government opposite situation has been shown for ot n7nd ,a" ne:stit0 'or U' v. itiuu was auuui f;,irn,'itiu, viitr za,- No Man is Stronger Than His Stomach A strong man is strong all over. No man can be strong who is suffering from weak stomach with its consequent indigestion, or from some other disease of the stomach and its associated organs, which im pairs digestion and nutrition. For when the stomach is weak or diseased there is a loss of the nutrition contained in food, which is the source of all physical strength. When a man "doesn't feel just right," when he doesn't sleep well, has an uncomfortable feeling in the stomach after eating, is languid, nervous, irritable and despond ent, he is losing the nutrition needed to make strength. Such a man should van Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It cures diseases of the stomach and other organs ot digestion and nutrition. It enriches the blood, invigorates tUe liver, strengthens the kidneys, nourishes the nerves, and so GIVES HEALTH HAD SYRZNGTH TO THE WHOLE BODY. Yon can't adord to accept a secret nostrum as a substitute tor this non alcoholic medicine op known composition, not even though the urgsnt dealer may thereby make a little bigger profit. Ingredients printed on wrapper. nals to cover 200,000 acres. Those many months up to this time. i Tnrlii'iiflfiriu urn t li :t t knira nro t - fng to the level where the packers flBures- however, were only an eatl- can have some confidence In the fu- at.e- Ac, ua "uctlon would ture. While there was further weak- like,y ental1 exPense exceeding that ness in east, due to the fact that the 8Um- run continues heavier than a year ago u fls manltartly Impracticable to the fact that packers there are taking decJ fj10"8, at"n to the so- the offering at the decline is evl-;e,aIled J'jhn Project And many rl,nno that fh.i.on nnt Inn'tno,! to -""0 ""'"" ""v.ov . ... look for any material drop within the Immediate future. North ortland swine trade today: Best $6.806.85 Medium 6.70i6 75 Light 6.70 6.75 Good to heavy 6.75 Rough ' 6.006.50 No Cattle Arrive. There were no cattle offering ln the yards at North Portland today and the small run of yesterday was cleaned up at fhat time. Receivers continue to quote the market as steady with only a nominal demand appearing. Packers continue to have all the cattle they need, their limited requirements being taken from the surp'.m in nearby feed lots. North Portland swine trade today: range: Select steers , $5 6017 6.65 Fancy steers 5.50 Choice steers 5 40 Feeders 4.55 Common steers 4.25 Fancv heifers 5.00 Fancy cows 4.57 Feeder cows 4.75 Fancy bulls 4.25 fi' 4.35 Good ordinary bulls 4.00 Stags 425 Fancy light calves 7.50 Medium calves 5.00 5.60 Ordinary calves 4.00 5.00 LamlM Advance u Quarter. An advance of 2oe was forced ln the mutton market today when a small number of Iambs sold at $5. En tire supplier offering In the sheep pens today consisted of 21 lambs and these were the only ones that brought the advance. Good quality !s In demand In the mutton trade; the sale of today con firming this forecast. Sheep values at North Portland: Select lambs $ 5.00 Choice lambs 4 00S4.23 Yearling- wethers 4. 40 4 50 Old wethers 4.U0 Fancv ewes 3.45 3.50 Ordinary 300fi3.25 firnln ami Hay. Wheat Producers' price nominal; track delivery, club. 76ffi77c; Turkey red, 79 iff 80o. Barley Producers' price 1911 Feed. $31 31.60; rolled, $32: brew ing. $37. Oats Producers' price Bran, $24 50; middlings, $31; shorts. $25.50; chop, $19iQ25. Hy Producers' price 1911 crop Valley timothy, fancy. $17: ordi nary $15; eastern Oregon, $17; Idaho SI8S 19; mixed, $12: clover, $10; wheat, $11S12; cheat, $11012; al falfa, $1212.50; oats, $11(512. vanclng Irrigation ln Oregon have de clared that the opposition so far, has not only been mysterious but absurd as well. In the absence of legislation these persons are forced to the con clusion that some hidden interest has prompted the flood of mere objec tions. It Is believed that individual farm ers in most instances are perfectly sincere In their opposition, but that they have been told things not, exactly squaring with the facts regarding the effect of construction on certain pri vate concerns which the west exten sion would produce. It is also held here that the highest interest of the greatest number makes the west ex tension a project that should be pushed to the earliest possible com pletion. Inasmuch as congress would have an additional of $15,000,000 to ex pend if Borah's bill providing for certificates of indebtedness should pass the tangle produced by these piotests seems especially unfortunate tt friends of Oregon development at the capital. Feet So Sore GIRL BREAKS LEG 'IN TWO PLACES SPl'lt CATCHES IN PASSING WAGON, DRAGGED OFF HORSE Lon Etter spent Sunday evening in Pendleton. Frank Humphrey of Pendleton, spent Sunday at Pilot Rock. J Sam and Harry Whlttaker of Nye, . i passed through Pilot Rock Monday j on therr way to Pendleton. Little Lillian Cooper spent Thanks giving In Pendleton with her aunt, MiFg Audrey Hunter. Archie, La. Veile and Grace' Rugg of Pendleton, spent Thanksgiving at the KenuiiiiH of Pilot Rovk Woman, Who home of their grandmother, Mrs. Gil Died In Pendleton. Sli.'inxHl HaliH'M, Oregon, for Interment. to TIZ Ct llEI) HEH QUICK. (Special Correspondence.) Pilot Rock, Ore., Dec. 7. Little Eva Belts, daughter of Mrs. Helen Belts of this place. Is lying at her home here, suffering from two bad fractures of one of her lower limbs, the injuries having been sus tained through the agency of a most peculiar accident. The little lady was enjoying a horse back ride and her spur caught in the wheel of a passing vehicle, dragging her from the saddle, with the results, above mentioned. Mrs. Charles Modell of Pilot Rock, died at the hospital at Pendleton Mon day morning at 4 o'clock. Her death was due to typhoid fever. She leaves a husband, one brother and two sis ters and a mother to mourn her death. The remains were shipped to Haines, Oregon, where they were laid to rest. A crowd of young folks spent last Friday evening at the Gilliam home. The evening was spent playing games after which light refreshments were served. Those present were the Miss es La Velle and Grace Rugg, Delia and Ora Barker, Vera and Georgia Jaques, and Helen Llnsner, and the Messrs. Lon and Clarence Etter, Wil lit, Claude and Henry Baker and Archie Rugg and Mr. Baker. The friends of Miss Alta Splalding will be glad to hear of her rapid re covery. Ruth Royer was a visitor at Pen dleton over Sunday. lian, near here. Mrs. R. Dick was a Pendleton bus iness visitor over Sunday. Elbert Casteel spent Monday eve ning in Pendleton on business. Oilman Folsom of Pendleton, jasa ed through Pi'ot Rock Monday on his way to t"ie mountains. Mrs Gill of Nye passed through Pi lot Rock Saturday on her way to Pen dleton. Julius Mathews spent Sunday in Pendleton. Charley Newcomb was a Pendleton visitor Monday evening. Georgia Jaques returned Sunday to her school at Pendleton after spend ing her vacation here. Mrs. Marion Smith spent Tuesday in Pendletcn. Carl Jensen was a Pendleton busi ness visitor Friday. Mr. Jensen nf the Pendleton Cream ery, vas a business visitor at Pilot Rock between trains, Tuesday. Delta Morris of Pendleton returned to her home Saturday after spending her vacation here. TO CURE A COLD IX ONE DAY" Take LAXATIVE BROMO Qalnlno Tablets. Druggists refund money If It falls to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signa ture Is on each box. 25c. Every famliy has need of a good, reliable liniment. For sprains, bruis es, soreness of the muscles and rheu matic pains there Is none better than Chamberlain's. Sold by all dealers. WE HAVE MOVED TO NEW AND ELEGANT OFFICES. AT NO. 14 EAST MAIN STREET, SEIL BUILDING. We cure any and all diseases that the human flesh Jsr helr to. My wounderful and powerful roots, herbs and remedies are composed of Chinese buds, barks and vege tables that are entirely unknown to medical science of the present day. They are harmless, as we use no poisons or drugs. No knife used. We cure stomach troubles, liver, kidney, catarrh, lung. throat, asthma, nervous debility, female complaints and f, .. . ,, j .v- V.1. J TX7. ra r Hi".1 rheumatism ana an oisuruers ui mc uuu. .. stay cured, and guarfntee to cure all kinds of Piles and Private Diseases of men and women. Call and see us or write. Consultation free. If you are unable to call and see us, send two cents in stamps for symptom blank. Address LEO CHING WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 14 East Main St. Walla Walla. Wash. ( liU-ntro Wheat Weaken. Chicago, Dec. 7. Wheat market weakened yesterday and closed un changed to 3-8c lower, after opening unchanged to l-4c - under Tuesday. Thprn na ft weaker tone abroad. cables as a ru'e. being lower than at a time. Tlifc is remarkable. Send . ' pt.1.1- .11... . . V. ,1 r. In ' tlx'n tilin, llAYM " 1 UeSday. 1 inn hiiucu hi n". mivf .1, ..... ... Buenos Ayre market and added to j No matter what ails your feet or, the benrishness of the pit crowd. what under heaven you have used' Minneapolis reported the cash ' mioui getting relief, just use TIZ. ' If you have sore feet, tired feet. sweaty feet, lame feet, tender feet, ! f sme'ly feet, corns, callouses, or bun Ions, read what happened to Mrs. Crockett, of Jeffersonville. TIZ DID IT. Mr. Cro kett says: "After tho Hewnd treati.tit she walked down stairs one fiwt at a time. She has not been able to waf down stairs before. In the Mt five year, except by Ktep piiitf down on each step with one foot St. George Cafe and Grill WHITE COOKS, SERVICE FIRST-CUSS Open Day and Night Prices are Reasonable Hot Merchants i-unch Daily 1 1 :30 A M. to 2:00 P. M. French Dinner every Sunday from 11 a. m. to S p. m. Entrance on Webb Street or through Hotel Lobby wheat demand fair, with millers and elevators buying moderately, WESTON IS OFF THE WATER WAGON THREE YEARS "DROUGHT"' ENDED BY GOOD MAJORITY II. A. Brunt Selected Mayor and Car ries UiKipixised Candidates Into Office Saloon Lficenso Ordi nance Expected Soon. It s different. It acts right off. It cures sore feet to sta cured. It's the only foot remedy evu- made which acts on the principle of drawing out all the poisonous exudations which cause sore feet Powders and other remedies merely c'og up the pores. TIZ cleans them out and keeps them clean. You will feel better and the I first time it's used. Use it a week and you can forget you ever had snire feet: There Is nothing on earth that can compare w'th it. TIZ is for sale at all druggists. 25c per box, or di rect, if you wish, from Walter Luther Dodge & Co., Chicago. 111. Weston, Ore., Dec. 7. Weston went wet by a vote of 75 to 35. after being ostensibly on the dry basis since June. 1908, when the prohibition wave swept over Oregon and 42 saloons were put out of business In Umatilla county. No active campaign was made by either side, and election day passed with no unpleasant Incident. The attorney general ruled that an election here under the home rule law would be Irregular because the precinct boundaries had not been es tablished by the county court, but lo cal authorities decided to hold it any way and ascertain community senti ment. A large traffic In near beer has boon carried on for severat years without revenue to the city. Ordi nance No. 197, fixing the license for the sale of this beverage at $1000 per annum was carried by a vote of 69 to 39. Three local tax measures were car ried. An ordinance holding property owners, lessees, agents or tenants re pponslb'e for damages tie to defec tive sidewalks, was defeated. The following officers were elected without opposition: II. A. Brandt, IN POUND. The following described animal has been taken up by the marshal of the City of Pendleton, to-wlt: One red cow about six years old, both ears cropped, branded Juice harp on both hips and circle on right hind leg. If said animal is not claimed by the owners or those entitled to the pos session of them, costs and expenses against them paid and they taken away within ten days from the date hereof, then at 2 o'clock p. m. of the 8th day of December. 1911, the said animal will be sold to the highest bidder, at public auction, for cash, at the city pound, ln said City of Pen dleton, the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment of such costs and expenses of making sale. Dated this 27th day of November, 1911. TOM GURDANR, City Marshal. Deep-seated coughs that resist ordi nary remedies require both extern. il and Internal treatment. If you buy a dollar bottle of BALLARD'S HORE HOUND SYRUP you get the two remedies you need for the price of one. There Is a ITERRTCK'S REP PEPTEU rORUS PLASTER for the chest, free witri enrli bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Household Helps ARE THE Practical Xmas Gilts THERE is an electric answer far almost every house hold need, and the. Christmas present that makes tlie wife's work lighter each day is the gift ideal. See Our Holiday Line of Electric Irons Electric Coffee Percolators Electric Toasters Electric Curling Irons Electric Chafing Dishes Electric Frying Pans Electric Hot Plates Electric Samovars They cost but little, and less than 2 CENTS AX 1IOUH TO OPERATE Als Electric Radiators and Electric Motors to run sewinir machines, vacuum cleaners, meat choppc-rd, washing machines, etc. Pacific Power & Light Company "Always at Your Service"