EIGHT PACKS. DAILY EAST OKKUONIAN, PEN D OBION, OREGON. THURSDAY,' DECEMBER, 7, 1911. PAGE FIVE. ' PERSONAL MENTION EM G R EAT nn ma in i Sale n w g 10 011 apartment issoli&um a ns mm Tomorrow we will place on sale all Ladies and Misses Dresses, 1 23 in all, at prices that will surprise the most careful buyers. We want to sell every dress in the house and we believe these prices will do the work. Presses up to $15.00 to closo out $6.90 Dresses up to $20.00 to close out $9.90 Dresses up to $22.50 to close out $11.-45 Dresses up to $27.50 to closo out S1G.70 Dresses up to $30.00 to close out $18.85 Dresses up to $35.00 to closo out . $21.90 Sizes 1'4 to 20 and 34 to 47 No charges for alterations F.E.LIvengo Ladies and Children's Store oil & Co LOCALS I C Snyder, ch'.mney sweep. R 3812. PasOme pictures please ell.- Maln 178 for coal and wood. Phone Dutch Henry for dry wood and Uock Spring coal. Main 178. For clean coal and dry wood, phone Main S. ' Everybody goes to the Orpheum to see the best and thn clearest pictures Special rates to horses boarded by the week or month at the Commercial Barn, 620 Aura street. Phone Main 13. All kinds of good dry wood, also clean nut or lump Rock Spring coal at Dutch Henry's. Wanted Roomers and boarders by the day, week or month. Apply 623 Col$fc( street or phone Red 3112. Fay yourself fuel troubles by us ing our famous Rock Spring coal and goo dry wood. Delivered promptly. Bsn t. Burroughs, phone Main I. Tor rent Well furnished room with furnace heat and bath. Inquire at 121 Willow street. For nent 8 room house, 4 lots, with orchard and barn, chicken loU and houses. Apply Frazler's Book Store. Lost Mink fur near Christian church. F.nder please notify Mrs. I. Chrlstunen, 504 Jane street, or leave at this office and reeeha reward. If you want to move, call PenlanJ Bros. Transfer, phone 331(1. Large Iray moves you quick. Trash hauled nce a week. 617 Main street. For transfer work. Hauling bag gage, moving household goods and pianos arid all kinds of job work, phone Malnn 4(1. B. A. Morton. Frank Sloan of Stanfleld, returned to Stnnfield this forenoon after having been hero last evening as a Stanfield reiircsi ntative ut the Commercial club session. Ii r go 9 room house and 3 lots fair bnrn, splendid location on north side; this property is a bargain ; must be sold at once. Teutsch & Bickers. Wanted Girl to do general house work. Good references required. Cull at Room 3, Association Bldg. Mlsi Florence Brooks of Hermlston is reglBtered here today. W. H. Morrison of Helix, has been vli king In the city today, Mr. and Mrs Charles T. Groom of Dale are vlsl.ors in the city. James Ashworth of Weston, came down on the local train this forenoon. W. A. Dalzell, state factory in spector, is now here upon a nofflclal trip. Deputy Sheriff Blukeey left this morning for Butter creek to serve legal papers. Mrs. t. M. Ubil. wife of the O.-W. R. & N. ticket agent at Umatilla, is hero upon a vacation. W. E. Brown of Heppner, has been In the city attending the state meet ing of the farmers' union. A. J. Sturdevant, aged resident of Pilot Rock, returned to that town this morning. S. D. Peterson, Milton lawyer and representative, came down on the .lo cal train this morning. P. T. Harbour, manager1 of the brick yard at Weston, has been here today upon a business trip. H. H. Gilbert, well known Butter creek farmer, returned to his home near Pilot Rock this morning. Dr. Frank Gros is to leave today for Portland from which place he will later go east upon an extended trip. Charles Nelson, son of James Nel son, left this morning on the Pilot Rock train for the Nelson ranch. Charles Bond and T. F. Boylen left for the west end of the county this morning upon a dusk hunting trip. C. C. Conway, traveling passenger agent for the Northern Pacific, came down from Spokane this forenoon. A. C. Henderson, pioneer re-ldent of Pilot Rock is now here in company with his wife, who i taking treat ments. Rev. Nathan Evans, pastor of the Methodist church, is iow able to be around again after an illness of sev eral days. Bert Wilson,, former deputy sheriff of this county and now claim agent for the O.-W. R. & N. company, is here tJday. I. M. Rates, .representative of the Ruffalo-Pltts company, and well known here is now in the city from his headquarters in Portland. L. L. L.!euallen and family were passengers for Pilot Rock this morn ing and will vl-'it with Dr. LleuaKen and wife in that town. Mike Dukek, prominent farmer of the Mayvirio .section who was here at tending the farmers' union eonven tlon, returned home today. James Cooper and W. A. Brown, local hotel men who have been at tending the hotel men's convention in Portland are expected home tonight. Allen J. Olson, senior member of the firm of Olsen & Johnson, con tractors who are building the branch asylum, has arrived from Missou'.a, Mont. I). J. Cooper of The Dalles, and the father of James Cooper, popular man ager of the Hotel Bowman, was a delegate to the state convention of the farmers' union. Rcbubj Not Satisfied. Shanghai, Eec. 7. The republicans are not satisfied with the, abdication of the prince regent. They plan the organization here of the provisional a sembly. Nanking will then be made the capital of the proclaimed republic and the rebel army, occupy ing It, will be marched to Pekin. It is generally believed that Premier Yuan will soon Join the rebols. It does seem that hanging is too good for some' criminals. But Isn't life imprisonment worse? BET ILK TOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN THAN CASTOR OH, SALTS, OR PILLS, AS IT SWEETENS AND CLEANSES THE SYSTEM MORE EFFICIENTLY AND IS FAR MORE PLEASANT TO TAKE. YMJPfFl0SaEnXIRfSBNN4 IS THE IDEAL FAMILY LAXATIVE, AS IT GIVES SATISFACTION TO ALL, IS ALWAYS BENEFICIAL IN ITS EFFECTS AND PERFECTLY SAFE AT ALL TIMES. bt i "i j ,n i ir a v -j. - - - CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. la the Circfe. on every Pacftaga of the Genuine. ALL RELIABLE DRUGGISTS SELL THE ORIGINAL AND CENUINE WHEN CALLED FOR, ALTHOUGH THEY COULD MAKE A LARGER PROFIT BY SELLING INFERIOR PREPARA. HONS, YET THEY PREFER TO SELL THE GENUINE. BECAUSE 'T IS RIGHT TO DO SO AND FOR THE COOD OF THEIR 'CUSTOMERS. WHEN IN NEED OF MEDICINES. SUCH DRUGGISTS ARE THE ONES TO DEAL WITH, AS YOUR UFC OR HEALTH MAY AT SOME TIME DEPEND UPON iTHQR SKILL AND RELIABILITY , WHEN BUYING Note tfefuff Name of tho Gompamv SIC: J-conTaiNs ilk M" t I I CENT. Or ALCOHOL jlj I TiAsmjAi coiKnfno, I jjjj M kllMifVt HVt.BAJ.I K I I fill I cioiroitMAnc'sYRiJPciiJ $13,000 HOARD SHOWN MY DEATH OF RIXXISE Supposed Poor Man Resident of This City for 23 Years MeToro Mig t iro. San Francisco. Stephen Cunning ham, a resident of San Francisco for a quarter of a century before the big fire, who was believed to have been in almost Indigent circumstances, died alone in his lodgings, 2527 Shattuck avenue, Bcrtteloy, leaving a bank book showing deposits aggregating 115, 000. Cunningham was 65 years old As far as known he leaves no relatives. Cunningham complained of being ill a week ago. He sought a physici an, but his condition was not con sidered serious. His body wa3 discovered by George McNeil, proprietor of the lodgings, when he went to Cunningham's room with breakfast. Edward E. Nlehaus, deputy coroner in a search of Cunningham's effects, discovered deposit slips for sums ranging from 1500 to J10.000, the largest amount being held by the Hi bernian Savings Rank of Kan Fran elseo. l uniiirigiium uvea the lire ol a re cluse, telling little of his past to ac quaintances. He told McNeil that he had been u tailor in San Francisco before the fire, but never mentioned any relatives. Ho cultivated few friends. He was a native of Ireland. MINIATUHE PICTURE OK PACKAGE -i-i - I r " - PRINTED STRAICHT ACROSS.NEAR THE BOTTOM. AND IN THE CIRCLE, NEAR THE TOP OK EVERY PACKAGE.OF THE CENUINE. ONE SIZE ONLY. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS. REGULAR PRICE 50c PER BOTTLE., SYRUP OF FICS AND ELIXIR OF SENNA IS THE ONLY PERFECT FAMILY LAXATIVE, , BECAUSE IT IS THE ONE REMEDY WHICH ACTS IN A NATURAL, STRENGTHENING WAY AND CLEANSES THE SYSTEM. WITHOUT UNPLEASANT AFTER-EFFECTS AND WITHOUT IRRITATING, DEBILITATING OR CRIPING, ANO THEREFORE DOES NOT INTERFERE IN ANY WAY WITH BUSINESS OR PLEASURE. IT IS RECOMMENDED BY MILLIONS OF WELL. INFORMED FAMILIES, WHO KNOW OF ITS VALUE FROM PERSONAL USE. TO CET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS ALWAYS BUY THE CENUINE; MANUFACTURED BY THE . CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. DKAt'ON I'ltOl l) OF RKC OKIV 'or Thirty Years Avcrajrcw' live Sor tie n Week; Walks 25.000 Miles. Newark, N. J. Deacon C. C. IJald- wln of Verona, N. J., celebrated an accomplishment , rare in records for church attendance. For thirty years he has been a member of the Metho dist church in his own town and has attended on an average of about five services a week. In all he has visit ed the little church 7000 times, mak ing the two-mile Journey from Tils home and the church he has covered more than 25,000 miles, 0 What O SIEl 1 -Y..9 EX rzzsa 70 to lip AY we help you solve the problem and put you in tho way of (loins: your Christmas shopping with pleasure, satisfaction and economy? We take the liberty of making a suestion regard ing the Ik-sI time to do your shopping .and earnestly urge you to do it AT OXCE. Come early while tho pick is the choicest, avoid the crowd and make your selections at leisure and in comfort, from a . full and complete assortment. Our stock i3 known to comprise high-class jewelry and our pri ces are less than those found in the majority of high-grade stores. First-class engraving free on all articles purchased here. FREE-Hand Painted Plate As an inducement for early buying we will present to every purchaser of $5.00 or more a hand painted plate of an artistic de sign. We retail these plates from$1.00 to $1.50. A Few Suggestions Diamond Necklaces .... $ 10.00 to ?75 Diamond and Pearl Rings $10 to $400 Diamond Brooche9 $ 10.00 to $200 Diamond and Emerald rings $15 to $100 Diamond and Solitaire Ear rings, a pair $15 to $600 Fancy Diamond TJings $20to $750 Diamond Pendants $10 to $100 Diamond Stickpins $6.00 to $150 Diamond Studs - . $25 to $300 Diamond Solitaire Pangs $10 to $800 Bracelets $2.00 to $50 Combs $1.00 to $25 Purses $2.50 to $45 Link Buttons 75 to $100 Chains $1.00 to $40 Lockets $1.50 to $45, Watches $4.50 to $150 Toilet Sets $6.00 to $75 Umbrellas....:. $2.50 to $35 Scarf Pins 75 to $50 Q THE JeweSor1 The quicker a "old is goUen rid of the less the danger from pneumonia and other serious diseases. Mr. B. W. I Hall of Waverly, Va., says: "I firmly believe Chamber lain's Cough Remedy to be absolutely the best preparation on the market for colds. I have recommended it to my friends and thev all agree with me." For sale by a'.l dealers. Fat young dressed geese, 16c lb., weigh 11 to 14 pounds. Home made nuer kraut. 1802 W. Webb street. SAVED BY BLOOD. AIRSHIP FOU POLE DASH. Antarctic Expedition Sails from AuS' tralln; Maw-son Is Leader. Hobart, Australia. The Austral Ian Antarctic expedition, under the leadership of Dr. Douglas Mawson, sailed for tho south In the ship Au rora, commanded by Captain J. K. Davis. The expedition comprises a number of experienced explorers. The Aurora also carries a monoplane. Christian Churvli Itovtvnl Well At tended list Night Two Solos Given. There were several new face along with the regular attendants at the Christian church last night to hear Kvnngellst Holmes and Miss Ligen felter of Seattle. The evanselist read as a lesson tho parable of the rich n,no nn.i Tninnn na a basis for the discussion of the question "Will Any Perish?" He noted that Jesus uivui- ed all mankind, into two classes here and declared that the th judgment there would still be but the two. One must, be on the side of Christ or wits tho devi' there is no middle ground. Such a h'.ig as an "inactive Chrs tlan" does not exist, save in the minds of backsliding Christians who seek to excuse their inactivity. They are really on the wrong side if they are not at work in the church. Mr. Holmes pointed out the fact that to live for Christ means the re storation of the image of God, lo oerve Him is to advance, to grow bet ter, to "go on unto perfection," and as John declared, "We shall eome day be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is." On the other hand, sin destroys the Imake. it Is demoralizing, debasing, downward, a debasing and gels of the devil " Heaven is prepar results in the effacing of the last re semblance of God, eo that the lost are not addressed as "men," but as "an ed for the righteous, those who re store the Image of God, hell is pre pared for those who sink to the level of tha devil. Another interesting phase of the discussion last n'ght was the declara tion that both the enjoyments of heaven and the suffering of hell will be in proportion to the degree of ser vice rendered for Christ, or the ex tent that sin has ruled the life. "Ac cording as his work shall be," will be the measure of reward and pun ishment. The singing of Miss Lingenfe'.ter delighted everyone. She Is certainly an artist in her chosen work. She sinss without apparent effort but with a marvelous sweetness and pow er. Her gentle, unassuming manner, coupled with her devotion to the work attracts all who come in touch with her. Sho sings twice at each service. The subject announced for tonight is "Saved By Blood." IF YOl- Alt K A TRIFLE SENSITIVE About the size of your shoes. It's some satisfaction to know that many peo ple can wear shoes a size smaller by shaking Allen's Foot-Ease, the anti septic powder, into them. Just the thing for Dancing Parties, Patent Leather Shoes and for Breaking in New Shoes. When rubbers or over shoes become necessary and your shoes p'neh. Allen's Foot-Ease gives instant relief. Sold everywhere, 25c. Sample FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmstead, Le Roy, N. Y. Don't ac cept any substitute. Well. Hardly. "Are you a friend of the groom's family?" asked the usher at the church wedding. "I think not," replied tho lady ad dro sed. "I'm tho mother of the br'de." v mm L v..3ft .-.i.--Avg:- .A - TO PORTLAND TO C ALIFORNIA Ask for Through Tickets Via Northern Pacific Ry. and Pasco. And the "North Bank Road." Or via Northern Tacific Ry., T.u-oma and Seattle. SLEEPING CARS FROM PASCO Let us arrange your berth reservations. To Spokane Seattle Tacoma 0 To All Points East, West Or South FOUR TRANSCONTINENTAL TRAINS Daily from Pacific Coast to the Kast. One Tlyomrh to Cliicauo. One Through to St. Louis. TllK NOKTll COAST LIMITED To liimenpolis ami St. Paul. W. ADAMS, Amnt, Pendleton, Ore. is always pleased to quote through rates and furnish full information. A. D. ClT.TH.TO A t. Cun'l Pa-'r Ant.. PortL-vl, Ore-.