.Ari. u., ,t..wy,'..-s.w-..,. -i. ''- w w rl wa WW' . p. Ml - t FAGS TWO. DAILY RAST OREGON IAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, TlUTRSttAY, DECEMBER 7, 1011. EIGHT PAGES. j i i i i ! i 1 1 i i Our 5f ore is Brim Full of Xmas Clothing Suits, Overcoats and Raincoats for men and young men. Gifts that are practical and will be ap preciated. Smartest crea tions known to the tailors art. All Greatly Re duced in Price for our Christ mas Sale. We Have too Many Suits and Overcoats They Must Go Now lira plv.21fr S7.50 Suits ami Overcoats for ...... $3.95 10.00 Suits and Overcoats for.... S7.85 S12.50 Suits an.l Overcoats for S9.80 $13.50 Suits an.l Overcoats for $10.15 $15.00 Suits and Overcoats for $11.70 $16.50 Suits and Overcoats for $12.20 $17.50 Suits and Overcoats for $12.98 $20.00 Suits and Overcoats for $15.65 $22.50 $23.50 $25.00 $26.50 $27.50 $2S.50 $30.00 $32.50 Suits and Suits and Suits and Suits and Suits and Suits and Suits and Suits and Overcoats Overcoats Overcoats Overcoats Overcoats Overcoats Overcoats Overcoats for for for for for for for for $17.90 $18.35 $19.80 $20.40 $21.97 $22.60 $24.95 $26.59 Xmas Suggestions for Men Shirts Sweater Coats Sweaters . Underwear Ik-Its - Holies Handkerchiefs Fur Gloves Hand Knit Mitts Umbrellas Silk IIierv Collar and Cuff Boxes.... Mufflers Scarf Pins - Studs and Vest Buttons Automobile Caps Buckskin Gloves Knitted Vests $1.00 to $5.00 $2.00 to $6.50 $2.50 to $5.00 .. 50 to $5.00 50? to $1.00 $2.50 to $18.50 10 to $1.50 $3.00 to $5.00 50? to $1.50 $1.00 to $7.50 50 to $1.50 $1.00 to $3.50 50 to $8.00 . 50 to $3.00 50 to S1.50 $1.00 to $2.50 $1.00 to $2.50 $3.50 to $7.50 Cravats 25 to $2.00 Traveling Bairs $5.00 to $25.00 Shower-proof and Dust Coats $5.00 to $35.00 Dressing Gowns $5.00 to $20.00 House Coats $3.75 to $20.00 Pin and Cuff Button Sets $1.00 to $4.50 Tie Holders 25 to $1.00 Jewelry Sets $1.00 to $5.00 (Hove $1.00 to $3.50 Iinp'd Knitted lur-in-IIands 50 to $5.00 Knitted Silk Mufflers $3.00 to $3.50 Suspenders, plain and fancv 50 to $5.00 Kverwear Hosierv, a box... $1.50 to $3.00 Arm Kami '. 10? to $1.50 Pajamas $1.50 to S7.00 Garters 25 to $1.00 The Peoples Warehouse Save Your Coupons Where it Pays to Trade SPORTS Const jUnjriie Meet. Snn Francisco, Dec. 7 The annual meeting of the Pacific Coast Baseball league was held last night and today. Quest'orn of umpires and of the make of balls to be used were discussed, but no decision was reported. Tho principal subject decided was that the McCrtvlie may continue to have a Northwest league team in Portland for the season of 1912. There wns no opposition to this plan, For mal action awarding the pennant for the season of 1911 to Portland also was taken. The f ag will be presented at the opening game In Portland. Al Baum was elected president for the term of five years. The sea-on will open April S and will continue until October 27. Oak land w ill begin at San Francisco, Port land at L09 Angeles and Vernon' nt Sacramento. The opening game at Portland will be played between San Francisco and Portland, the first time that these teams have met In an opening engagement at Portland. Italian Holds T.'t'iP New York. Dec. 7. Giovanni Hat cevltch, holder of the Italian heavy weight wrestling ti'la threw six heavy weights In le-s than 20 minutes actual wrestling time at Madison Square Harden last night. The champ'on un dertook to throw all the men In two hours time, catch as catch can style, with only a moment's rest between bouts and to forfeit $1000 to each man 's he did not throw him In twenty minutes. A LITTLE DANDERINE WILL MAKE YOUR HAIR LUSTROUS, SOFT, FLUFFY, ABUNDANT Get a 25 Cent Eottle Now and Forever Stop Falling Hair, liching Scalp and Dandruff If you Wish to Double the Beauty of your Hair in Ten Minutes surely Try a Danderine Hair Cluanse Your hair becomes light, wavy, fluffy, ilniiulant and appears as s.ift, lu:'rous and beautiful as a young girl's .-.fu r a Danderine hair cleanse. Just try this moisten a cloth with a little Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand it a time. This will cleanse t!ie hair of dust, dirt and excessive oil and in just a few moments you have doubled the beauty of your hair. A delightful surprise .awaits particularly those who have been careless, whose hair has been neglected or is scraCY, fajed, dry, brittle or thin. Ik-sidcs beautifying the hair at once, Danderine dissolves every particle of dandruff: cleanses, purifies and invigor ates the scalp, forever stopping kching and falling hair. - Try as you will, sftcr one application of Danderine you cannot find any liandruff or 1 a loose or falling hair, and your scalp will never itch, but what will please you most will be after a few weeks use when you will actually see new hair fine and downy at first yes but really new hair sprouting all over the scalp. Danderine makes the hair grow long, heavy and luxuriant and we can prove it. If you care for pretty, soft hair and lots of it surely get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any druggist or toilet counter, and just try it. riynn to Moot Caponl.' Salt Lake City. I'tah.. Dec. 7. Jim Flynn of Publo has agreed to a match with Tony Caponl to be held here December 27. The men probably will fight ten rounds. ;mi.s WlUi 1KCI..1M. Intor.'liisM Content for Prizes During Winter Short Course Hi O. A. C Corvallis, Ore. The girls at the Oregon agricultural college will com pete in an inter-clas declamation contest under the auspices of the de partment of public speaking during the winter short course. The tryout will be held December 16. Two priz es have been secured from local mer chants for the two best girl oators, one a kodak and the other q ruff neck sweater. This, with the inter-class debate to be held between the fresh men and sophomores Is the first at tempt at class declamation and debate here, and the present interest mani fested indicates a success for this method of public speaking. AT THE PICTURE SHOWS Orpi'pum. Excellent program for Friday and Saturday: 1. "A Victim of Circumstance." Biograph. It is hubby's birthday and the wife interviews a Jeweler. Her action arouses suspicion and the hus band follows her and witnesses the meeting between her and the clerk. All would have been well, but the clerk encounters the husband. 2. "Their First Divorce Case." Bi- ograph. The famous Biograph sleuths j nearly cleared up anotner case- airs. Grimm catches Mr. Grimm strolling in the park with a chorus girl. The s euths follow them, thinking the wife is the woman mentioned. 3. Somebody's Mother." Lubin. Jimmie, the "newsie" plays an Im portant part in this pretty story. 4. "As Fate Decreed." Pathe. A young monk is unhappy under the re strictions -jf the monastery and he es capes He marries, enters business and is remarkably successful at first. Kevtrses come. His thlld dies, his business fails, his health is broken. 1 "A Painter' Idyle." Selig. A unique picture showing an artist at work in that wonderland, Yosemite valley, in making this picture an a'temp: has been made to show the methods of the painter at hii work. Tiu PaxtlnK'. The home of good pictures. Fri day's change of program: "The Long Road," (Biograph) This picture Is full of beauty from first to last. The first scene shows a little quarrel of two lovers. Pride In both widens the breach till the man mar ries another and the girl enters a convent. Especially fine is the scene in the church during the wedding ceremony. "Get Rich Hall and Ford," (Es sany). Hall and Ford are Ingenious tramps. In order to make good their getaway from the workhouse, they Join In a marathon race and win the I irst prize. "The Cure of John Douglas"- (Lu bin). Drink was ruining a most promising young man In John Doug las. His sweetheart finally married his rival, Henry Briston. Briston and some friends concocted a scheme ti cure Douglas. He was led to believe that he had killed his best friend during a drunken brawl. "Old Indian Days." (American Pathe). This film gives an almost r.erfeot portrayal of life among the Indians before the pale faces took po- ssehsion and throughout the film there is a charming love story. Tlie Cosy. Our programs are always good here's one still better. If you're a better, it's a safe bet you better see this. The Review of the Fleet In New York by President Taft." Solax. On November 1 and 2 there were assem bled the largest fleet of sea-fighter ever seen, 102 shlp in all, ranging from the 26,000 ton Utah, largest battleship in the world, down to the torpedo boats. The new "Maine," Don't Neglect That Cold Chronic catarrh, often a most loathsome disease, In in first stage merely Is a cold In the head. When nt-glected this becomes worse and worse until what might easily have been cured becomes a chronic disease imply because it was not checked In time. It doesn't pay to neglect a cold. We have many good remedies for cold and catarrh on our shelves but we have never found a remedy that gave r-ich Instant and pos.tlve relief as Mrntholyptus. We have tried this ourselvan and our friends have tried It and tne re port Is the same from everybody the ,-ffect r Mentho'yp-us Ik Instan taneous. Just Inhale tho pleasant va por and use a little of the soothing salve and the cold disappears. No more suffering from Inflamed tissues, splitting headaches watery eyes and all the other disagreeable accompan iment of a hard cold, if you use MentholyptuH. We are so sure Viat Slentholyptus wl'.l give you Instant re lief that If the first package does not do exactly as we say it will not cost you a cent. Better lrop into our store today and find about this wonderful new remedy for cold and catarrh. Pen- ton Drug Co, flagship Connecticut; big guns on the Vermont and how they are worked; the submarines; the fleet passing In review before President Taft's yacht "Mayflower;" firing the presidential salute; largest collier in the world: illumination at night; fleet leaving New York Harbor, S'atute of Liberty. "When the lea'-s fall." Eclair. A beautiful story. The doctor said the boy's mother would die when the leaves fall. He tried to tie the leaves on tho trees and fell. Kind people then sent them south where his mam ma would not die. "The Higher Law." Thanhouser. Thanhouser Kid is seen in this pic ture. The story of a mother who left her child and went out into the world. By a strange turn of fate she became rich and came back for her child. They asked her to pick her out from a group of ch'Idren but she was un able to do so. In despair she turned away, but the great power of love drew the child and lead her to her "The Fall of a Knight." Rex. He was only a writer, but wanted to mar ry a rich girl, so pretended he was a nobleman. Dad' fell for him, but the girl's lover recognized tho bogus count. Then as the night fell, the Knight fell propelled by dad's foot. Dad's blesslng9 fell on the two lov ers who fell Into each others' arms. See the "Fall of a Knight tonight." "The Robber Catching. Machines." Eclair. An amusing trick picture. The two robbers were drawn by the big magnet and forced to run back wards and be caught. AX EYKWITXKSS. Yesterday at the Snyder Music company's closing out sale a lady who was present says that she saw Mr. Bondlx sell two fine pianos to two different parties In less than nine minutes by the clock. Snyder Music company at 813 Main street I about the busiest place around Pendleton now-a-days. Cus tomers may be seen there at almost any hour of the day and evening making arrangements to secure one of the many fine pianos and organs included In the great closing out sale Twenty-five dollars down and on many Instruments only $15 or $10 down and $10 a month and even lea securei an elegant upright piano, brand new, at prices ranging from $168 to over $300. for choice of tho remaining most beautiful cabinet up rights and grands ever displayed In this c'ty. ATTEND TO IT Saving Money I Making Money, and H'h Now or Xvt. Please bear in mind that it will be necessary for you to attend to that piano matter without delay, if you would save more than enough money In a purchase of a fine Instrument to fairly educate the whole family In mu sic. Dozens of your neighbors have taken advantage of the opportunity during the pa-t week to step in and get a first class piano for Its actual intrinsic worth, without paying a dol lar profit to any middleman or agent. Do not let this opportunity slip by, and then later on be obliged to line up some dealer's pocket with a good snug profit which ought to remain In your own. Every instrument sold here during this sale is absolutely guaranteed, and shall prove a per fect gem to its owner or money back. Come In ton'ght or tomorrow, sure, and take choice. If we are busy, await your turn. You will be well paid for the waiting. You can buy two pianos of us now for the price of one, or one at half price. We mean business. Talking machines will not last long at the rate they are g 'ng There are a few latest style cylinder and disc machines left at reductions of $8 and $12, and even $15 Any reasonable of'er will be accept'"! payments to suit your purse. Now Is the time. Violins, guitars and mandolins, at your own price. The;.- must and will be sold, at once. SXYDEIt Ml'SIC CO. 813 Main Street. HANDICAPPED. Tlita Is the Cnso With Many Pendle ton People. Too many Pendleton citizens are handicapped with bad backs. The unceasing pain causes constant mis ery, making work a burden and stoop ing or lifting an Impossibility. The back aches at night, preventing re freshing rest and in the morning la stiff and lame. Plasters and lini ments may give relief but cannot reach the cause. To eliminate the pam and aches you must cure the kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills ire for sick kidneys. The following statement should con vince every Pendleton reader of their efficiency. Mrs. Thomas Burns, 803 W. Birch street. Walla Walla, Wash., says: My back caused me much suffering and It was almost impossible for me to attend to my housework. The secre tions from my kidneys also bothered me a great deal and were very un natural. Soon after I began taking Doan's Kidney Pills these difficulties were relieved, and my kidneys were restored to a normal condition. My relatives also think highly of Doan's Kidney Pills, having used them with benefit." For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, Sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. For Sale 480 acres wheat land one half summer fallow, one-half In stub ble, plenty wator. fair Improvements Short hmaul to Vansycle warehouse. For particulars address J. C. Royse, Juniper, Ore. JL MOTHERS DUTY It Is 'the duty of every expectant mother to prepare her system for the coming of her little one; to avoid as far as possible tha suffering: of such occasions, and endeavor to pass through the crisis with her health and strength unimpaired. This she may do through the use of Mother's Friend, a remedy that has been so long in use, and accomplished so muoh good, that it is in no sense an experiment, bnt a preparation which always produces the best results. It is for exernal application and so pen etrating in its nature as to thoroughly lubricate every muscle, nerve and ten don involved during the period before baby comes. It aids nature by ex panding the skiu and tissue s, relieves tenderness and soreness, and perfectly prepares th system for natural and safe motherhood. Mother's Friend has been used and endorsed by thou sands of mothers, and its use will prove a comfort and a benefit to any woman in need of such a remedy. Mother s triena is sold at drug stores. ''Vritefor free book for expectant moth ers, which con tains much valuable information. BkAbnUD REGULATOR CO.. Adult. U CHICHESTER 5? PUS hl-rbM-lfVl lllumoniT TlndV I'llla la Hri (nit U14 DwullkV boiM, MM with HIik Rllfoa. V Tka m vtkrr. Hu mt mi V Kr.irlrt. Atkfnrt l. irV.T?BS lllAMOM IIUANII PILLS, t & jtm knows u Bnt. Satnl. Always ItelUb SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Every Woman It Inter ettra and thou id know bout the wonderful i MARVEL Wbiriisi Spray Ttaa in Vaginal ayrine. moncaiTenlRS.) it cleanses Instantly. aflr,-T Ak your drugim If bt cannot aui MARVEL, kccb but aend tiAiap fed ook Mled. l ,1 parti ru- hra and directions lnr:aableto ladle HUIU CI . 44 bal 234 Stmt, kavlxk' MOTHEBS FRIEND. When you want the : AUTO CAB: . PHONE MAIN 408. i The OREGON MOTOR CO. : I SIS E. COUHT ST. J Gordon & Davis, carriage and au tomobile painting. We're here to stay and guarantee first-chins work. State building, 114 K. Webb street. Independent Meat Market We have re-opened the Farmers' Meat Market on eaaf Court street and will carry a fine and fresh line of FRESH AND CURED MEATS, SAUSAGES AND LARD. POULTRY EVERY SATURDAY. KURRLE & SON Phone Main 445. Prompt Delivery. Give a Watch Watches as Christmas Presents are demonstrations of the deepest friend ship between the giver and receiver, and are remembered ALWAYS. We have an elegant and large now line now showing of the fol lowing celebrated makes: Howards, Elgins, New England's, Walthams, Hamiltons, Swiss Makes. Prices range from our Round-Up $1.00 Watch, up. All Fully Guaranteed. You can buy now and have your purchase laid away. Our engraving is dono by experts. A. L. Schaefer i i 4 1 L