PAGE X. DAipT EAST ORBtfOMAN. JTCmLETOX. OHJGOOV. WEDNESDAY, DECKMMTIC , Iff 11. EIGHT PAGKS. HOW ONE WOMAH WON Ber Health and Strength BacK Alain by The Use of Cardul. Tampa, Fla. Tn a letter from thli Mrs. E. C. Corum writes: "I m .& weakened and worn out with wo manlr trouhles. My husband brought tne pome Cardul as a toulc, and, from the first day. It sremed to help. I had almost lost my reason, but, thnr.Vs to C.irdul, I did not. Soon, I fi ll aad looked like a new woman. I - think- the remedy J3 wonderful. I - recommend It to Ey friends, for I hard - recoivod great benefit from lt'' Cardul acta specI-lcaUy on the weak . ened womanly orpins, strengthening tho inuscles ard nerves, and building them up to health. It helps to refresh the worn-out ner tous system and relieves the effects of . overwork, boih mental and physical. Fifty years' successful use fully prove the merit of this purely Tege- table, tonic remedy for women. tn every community, there live tome Who have been benefited by Cardul. The beneficial effects of this time tested woman's remedy. Boon show r themselves In many different way. I Try It. T. B TTnfcto; tJl,Artonf Oepc Chaitt aon MfJicin Co.. Chatunooea. Tenii.. tar Spoctai . a . a i . i j T" a a r Waaco." Mat. la p'.un vraptcr oa nuct. T'Hfx-seated coughs that resist ordi nary remedies require both external and internal treatment. If you buv a dollar Lottie of BALL.KD'S HOUE HOUXD STRVP you get the two remedies you need for the price of one There : a HERRICK'S RED PEPIIKR rORVS PLASTER for the ciiese. free witn each bottle. Sold by -A. C. Koeppen & Bros. ix rocxD. The following described animal has been taken up by the marshal of the City of Pendleton, to-wit: One red cow about six years old, both ears cropped, branded Juice .Surp on both hips and circle on right hlnrl leg. If said animal Is not claimed by the owners or those entitled to the pos session of them, costs and expenses - Afinst them paid and they taken away within ten days from the date hereof, then at 2 o'clock p. m. of the 8th day of December, 1911, the Raid animal will be sold to the highest bidder, at public auction, for cash, at t the city pound, in said City of Pen " 31eton, the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment of such costs and expenses of making sale. Dated this 27th day of November, 1JU. TOM GURDANB, City Marshal. ILL LAD TO 60 EAST 10 BE TREATED tSeciul Correspondence.) Weston. Ore., IVo. 6. Mr. Ollie O'Hurra, a prominent young man of Weston. Is very i 1 at the St. Mary': hospital in Walla Waila. Ho has been unable to attend school this fall Ha.- a. , , ,j a. V-. a-C j unt.l it is thought bet to. hike hum I to some eastern doctors. Mis .iiiia Kirkpatrick returned to lVndieton hav ng spent Thanks iiiving with her parents. Mr. ivnd Mrs. janu-s Kirkpatrick , Mr. t'rnn Heeler, who has tiwen la' til ritv : fM- fl.-lv-a. hiiat mtiirri.ii ; a a to his home In Dayton, Washington.! Mr. and Mrs. John Mcuae made a. busnosi trip to Athena Monday.- Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Madden of this city were in Athena on business dur ing the week. Mrs William Warren, who has been in Weston for some time pas-ed, . has , returned to her home in Raker CHy. j Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Withers of; Weston mountain, have moved, to town for the winter so that tSey mipht send their children to school. Mr. Walter Payne is employed, at ' the Craigen residence papering the interiod of the house. Miss Claudia Kelley, who has benn absent a week visiting friendSk return ed to Weston Monday. Mr. Win Nor Dean is spending- a few days this week in Pendleton- If Yourc Not at Your Best- don't worry alWit it tfUrre't no good in worry. Cet better! If your stomacHi i wrong;. liver and bowels innttrive your nerves arc sur tn he n edjre and your Wood impure. Be cheerful ami hopeful. As-Kliey have IteljK'd in tliousanda of cases. mm wmm will )ielj j on and will give j ur system tlie natural help it needs, A few diwes will niair a rrvi.t difference in your feelinjis and your looks. They will lulp you ull along the line to a clear head, free fronn aclu s to lirilit eyes to healthy active -organ.. 'Itis sure, quirk and"-Initio family remedy will help Nature to' Restore Your Full Vigor ScVi EvTwhcrc In tMxcm with fuM dirsctmM. 10c and 23c. , STANEIELD1ILL E (Special Corratpondence.)) Stanfield, Ore., Dec. 6. Rev.. Fath r Brady and Mr. Hennessy who are in charge of the chapel car now. lo cated at Echo were In Stanfield yes terday with Rev, Father Butlor and i .completed arrangements for the start- i i- m r.a,.? ins of work on the erection of a. new children of Athena, spent Sunday witn. Catholic church on their poverty friends and relatives in Wcton. Th cnutrh Mr Eraen- !taec. of this ritv is' 50x30' wltn a towen and when fln ... ,f, , , y,l ' -ithed will be a credit to the city, making a visit with friends in Pendle-, ,. , , . , . . to The ladies' aid soctety of th-Pres- n'fic D..K . v u byterlan church served a chicken:din- Mlss Margaret Proebstet who has' . . , . . . , , . mr yesterday which was wel iwtron- been making her home in Milton for i eij some time, arrived in Weston Sunday I to spend some time with friends and I Cotant and Hall wfco have the con re'atives in Weston (tract for making 5.0M feet of 30.inch Mr. Earl Hoge, who has been concrete P'Pe tor the dralnaje dist speriding the week with his parents ! Tict are maklnS Progress, hav- in this city, has gone to his work- In j in already raanufuetared 400 Kahlotus, Washington, where he- ia et of ,the P'Pe- The' receld from denot nennt ' Eau Claire, Wis., jtwrterday am adr ter M the Mrs. Dr. Powell, who has been-ill J Oitional form which will enable them "She is Waiting" MM ' Mm for a few days, is now able to return to her home in Walla Walla. M:ss Edna Ross a student of Wes ton High school, is expecting to dis continue her studies in the Weston school and move to Athena she may take up her work. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Pinkerton and infant chi'.d. arrived in Weston this I to make the pipe : rapidly.-as; will he required under the contract. E. P. Marshall of Pendleton, -was transacting business here yesterday. Glen McCullough-was an Echo vis- where;i,or yesterday afternoon. Mrs. W. H. Long f Echo was vbit Ing friends here yesterday.. Mayor Kyle and' Frank Sloan were week and are going to remain in- the transacting buslnms in Pendleton c'ty visiting friends and relatives for yesterday. some time. Quite a number f residents of Stan- Miss Lola Rogers of Adams, madefeid and vicinity were in- Penjlleton a visit to friend-! and relatives in Wes- i yesterday evening attending the meet- ton during the week. lng of the Pendleton Comtoercial Miss Clara Hall, who has been t club, among the number being; W: T. spending the week with ner parents ; Reeves. Chas. Kenison. O. L HUrl in Pendleton, returned to her work Zoeth Houser, G. L. Ward, A. W. as a teacher In the Weston school Gray, R. A. IBolte, Chas, J. Ward Sunday. and O. G. Alien. Mrs. Edna La Brasche ana son , Hon. W. J. Furnish- returned to Kendall, returned Sunday from a vis- Pendleton yesterday after spending it with friends in WMlla Walla. I the day here, The Misses Viva Warren and Maud ( Cook of Pendleton and Fortrand, re spectively, returned to their work In those cities after a short visit with relatives in Weston. Rev. John' Bonewitz of this city Is ser'ously 111 at hi home on South Water street with pneumonia and his dauehter Jaunita has an attack of ty phoid fever. and so are those she Is waiting on. And mini you, a good high-ball Is well worth waiting for. Good, pure, wholesome Rye Whiskey, like the brands we are now selling, will make one wait patiently, but enjoy the wait when the liquid arrives ool, comforting, and refresh ing. If you are a high-ball lover, better try a bottle of this splendid Whiskey of ours. Tou 'will always want that brand afterwards. And the price will satisfy you, too. TheOlympiaBar Phone Main 183 and Pioneer Bottling Works Phone Main 177. PETKRS & MORRISON, Prop. WHEAT NEAR ADAMS IS LOOKING WELL Spokane,, Wash, Deo & When. Cnlted. States Senator Miles- Poiudex- of Spokane, and Civntain 3rr..t cDermuMat of Kettle FiJls, Whsh.. appear before- the board i of United States river ami harbor wr;iiieeBS. n- ashtngtnn, D. C. on r-tVcembea- 11, urge the rejection of an adverse port regarding the imjaifovemeit. of e Columbia river between the Snake river and Wenatchee, ttiey fortified with telegrams from of fi rs. oC the Inland Empii's- Federation; Commercial clubs, reareswnting a-. embeshi of 15,000. In eastern- 'Oaihliigton. and Oregon, aad north ern Idaho,, giving adequate re.isons r the upeftlng of the rlvier frora.the oundary to the sea. Robert J Maclean, j-jocretn r v. of e SpokiUie chamber .if commerce and. tK IInirtd Empire arganijutloiv fi.j-ia; member of the Sational Riv era anl Harbors Congrois- said In. an interview Imfciy; "If the river tj open tt navigation tna entir Cohimbia watershed wiil fUrniatt ftig;ht for the- Pinanmi oa tml.. This wiil mean an immense ami ver-mcratng business betwetn the Interior and the poru of the worUU iso unit the development of tile la nd. Etnptre will go facward :wlth. a- rush. It nuans immeUate insreasnJ activity tn egrfculture,. Iumbtr- tuidi mining. "Telegrams from evry connnerciiil lull, bunrit of trade to.l chamber of coiomewtt in the Inland Erepire to Senator Piiimiexter- ami oth-tr wst- rti mf.uibrs of congress will Kft.iw the- bord of engineers, that the entire mntry Is. Interested and thitt .we de re iitUT.-p-d.ato and tUivorablo. ai.ilon. ntwlKl.stiinding the re-port of the-fed- ral engineer in eha.KV of tlltv Colum bia rtxvr above the- mouth of the Snake river. We Hlwitld tBa co- pert)n of evei-y commercial rgan- featlort in -Wajihingtun Orfsn, Idaho nd Montana In this project, which Involves the- ejcpemliture Syr tlx gov ernment of $7,00,(0fl." sli It's always somebody else that should be punished for all his faults. FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR COMPOUND For over three decades a favorite household medicine forCOUGHS, COLDS, CROUP. WHOOPING COUGH. BRONCHITIS. HARD andSTUFFY BREATHING. Take at first sign of a cold. Quick, safe and reliable. The Bee Hive on the carton is the mark of the genuine. Refuse sustitutes. Mrp. Anna Polzer, 2529 Jefferson St., So. Omaha, says: "I can recom mend Foley's Honey & Tar Com pound as a sure cure for coughs and colds. It cured my daughter of a. bad cold and my neighbor Miss. Ben -ion cured herself and her whole fam ily with Foley's Honey & Tar Com pound. Everyone in our neighbor hood speaks most, highly of It as a ?ood remedy for coughs and colds. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. (Special Correspondence) Adams, Ore., Dec. 6. Ike Christo pher was an Adams .s!tor Monday He said wheat was looking- fine and the roads aro In good shape for auto mobiles. Mr. and Mi's. L. L. Rogers and chil dren are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dupuls of Weston. Mr. and MTs. G. M' Morrl.-wm were guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. Bradley of Pendletor. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Watrus and family of Pomeroy, are- guests of Mr. and Mrs E. G. M"arqtfs this week Mrs. E. C. Bowling- was the gwest of Dr. and Mrs. McFalt of Pendloton Saturday. Mrs. Jim Chestnut went to Prndle. ton .Saturday to do aome shopping, Dr. McKenny was a bus-ines.' visit or In Adams Saturday. J. Harley of Long Valley. Is visits lng friends and relatives in Adams thfs week. .Mr. Whltely of Pullman, Wash was an Adams vls'tor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wallan returned 'to their home In Adams Monday after vls'tlng for a few days tn Hern.iston The situation in the Flowery Em piro is a good deal Okf a Chinese pua- zle. Ill When It Comes To Selling Material Buildmg 1 M Only the Best Grades of Lumber, Lath and Shingles and in fac any thing that is required in the building line is allowed to enter our yard. ESTl MATES FURNISHED ON SHORT NOTICE Crab Creek Lumber Co. OSCAR. MAHLER, Manager Fhone .Vain 92 fi'PIRt CLUBS BACH . river wnmm FSi fhmm Take A Fearful Fall An Astounding Proposition Why it Occurred, Lowest Prices Ever Seen in Print. HARRIMAK MEN ARE SURVEYING NEW LINE Ontario, Or., Iec. 5. HnuTroad cu- struetton--. In. tho Mathou-r canyort, i.eo- sibly by the- first of t.e ymr, and not later thun early spring Is the report said to orinrinate froin; Harriman rall- roar. officials. Thl.- rerwrt Is given stimulus by an Insivn-t-toa trip of W. H. Wattim general manager olj- the Utah Construction company, over- the survey of the Oritrrin & Iiastem through the Mallleur canyon. This cmpaiy, It is sad; has the contract for tho eonstructiin of the read west through the canyon to Burns. Work is now going on In the canyon, three crews of surveyor working nearly rH men are busy with permanent loca tion and cross section worlt. The difficulty- with the government over the powewito in the Payette riv er canyon has been settled There are 50 grading camps with over lOOl) men scattered through that canyon for distance of tOO miles. Tho Idaho Northern will be built frorn Emmett to the Payette lakes through , High val'ey and Round valley Into Long valley, antt trains running by next summer. It Is said. By straightening the Payette Valley road and running that line due west from Frultland, a distance- of only two miles It will con nect with the Malheur Valley road at Ontario. The Payette va'ley railroad brldgo at Payette 1 only a temporary ptructure, and has been taken out noarty every spring by high wnter. If ft whs to remain permanent It Is rea sonable hat a more permanent bridge would be built at that place. thai skt rort Tiiir.vr.s. Iloo-lcr rarmer AImo Guard Crops Willi Guns.' Columbus, Tnd. Many of of the far mers of Bartholomew county have set iraps In their corn erlba and chicken coops In tho hope of catching sneak thieves. They say that thieves are stealing their corn from the fields from the cribs, and chickens, turkeys and other fowls- from the coops. So numerous and ar-tlvn hnve the th'evcs become that some of tho farmers say thev are guarding their property with shotguns. Ccwar of Ointments for Catarrh Tha Contain Mercury. i mnrcurjr will surely destroy the sense of , mell snd completely di-ranfre the whole vHtm when entirlni; It tliroiiRh the mucous . . nrfitres. Hitch articles should never i HKed excopt on proscriptions from rpputable ohyHlclnns. as the damnge they will do la j n fold to thB good you enn posalbly de rive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure,! manufactured by F. J. flioney ft Co., Tole 1o, O., oontnlns no mercury, and Is taken nternnlly. actliiK directly upon the blood md mucous aurfncen of the system. In buy ing Hull's f'atnrrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It I taken Internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by K. J. Cheney ft Co. rc-t1monlnls fre. 1 Hold br Itrnri.'lst. Price, 7.1c per bottle. Take Halle Family I'll la for constipation. I UUANOKMKNTS wure coinpleknl last -week, iu compli nnco with instmctiin received from the piano manu facturers to tliu effect that our entire stock he turned into money or interest hearing paper at once, A lonij drawn out rxliersal of tho several, unforseen circumstances)-that have com pelled us to make this move would not he of gcner-iil interest. .ami only occupy valuahlo spae, so suffice it to say that our en tire stock of pianos and organs must he disposed of hefore Mon day, December 11th. There remains for us no other alterna tive. Wo have to clone out every instrument in:9toek offering every "piano and organ at such low figures as will dispose of tin .in tpiicker than we could hivo them loxe.d, carted and ship ped and in pursuance of this undertaking, we desire to frankly state that while we regret to quote such low prices as to'disar rtnge tho immediate futuro music trade here, we feel obliged to make such figures and favorable terms as will insure tho sale -of every instrument, within the next twelve-days- at which time tli It store will ho for rent and it shall ho vacant. In this stock are Jncludixl' some of the finest, most costl.y instruments to he had in America. Xew and beautiful Baby Grands and some 39 uprights and a most complete assortment of the Iatct-t 11)11 and 1912' styles and designs,, including the nation's greatest, the Chickerlng, and tho world's renowned and justly celebrated Kimball, besides numerous other New York and Chicago makes the sale and distribution of which was outrolled by thi store. THE PRICES In order to protect the interests of tho dealers who handle tlutio makes of pianos, no prices at which these instruments are now for sale caa be quoted here, ut every new piano and organ will be sold at less than, its actual factory coit.. Discounts of. from 10 to 15 per cent on tho actual cash cost of instrument will be made ou slightly shopwora or thoso that have been rented or lieconio secsnid hand. You will find hero now several squaro pianos for sale at $17. $00, strictly modem instrument with caned legs and round corners, wortli $100 and $125.. respeciively ad the lowest esti mate. Several second, hand uprights nnd used organs for a mere song. We must have tltem out of tho way. One $33 and one $47 and. otic for $56. $275 upright will, go for $174, these am-well known New York makes-and have never laten sold .Kant or West for less than $275 heretofore. Thorn are others that will go for still lees aioney, though all are good reliable pianos.. The (Hickering, the Noflmer, the Stock,, the Kuakau.jr, the Story & Clark, the Kimball and other well known makes arc tho natic'i) Lighest grade and most renowned makes. We offer tomorrow a .strictly high class sewn and one-third' octavo piaua, beautiful joliihcd plain panels, full swinging duet: music desk, revolving lock board, continuous nickel hinges ami three pedal (tho third ti soft or practicing pedal), for $288 which ti . Ioa than lialf price. A fancy niottWd figured walnut or a iiujsL In-autiftil dappled San Domingo mahogany case costs $3'J. more. Sumo daineryet very le4titiful imMrnments can be had for $227 and for $W. Almost $200 below the lowest retail jiricc vi tltijj grade ofihstnitnent in any other city. Largrt cabinet grand size, thoroughly warranted upright pianos, in .Mahogany or Oak standing four feet nine inches bigh with latest duet music desk, rolling fall board, three ped als and all up to date improvement., instruments that we guar aubee can not lm lvought at the Xew York factory for less thai $.ir0 each, g during this sale for $227 and plainer styles for $105. The dark and smaller cases aro still loss. Another well known make, miognizod everywhere in the trado as moat honestly constructed", most perfectly finished ami most durable piano made, in beautiful plain mahogany or quar ter sawed onk casets, retail price $150, now $312, on easy terms. ON EASY TERMS W ass. ITH the exception, of the four bighest pricetl1, very elalwately hand carved styles, the cost of which is over $350 and on which terms of payment will .not lie made less than $50 down and $15 a month, all pianos arc for sale on payment of $15, $20 or $25 down iyid at tho rate of $8 or even $0 per month, according to makes, styles nnd designs. ( Since all prices arc based upon actual cash cost, thoso taking advantage of tho above named easy terms, will pay interest on deferred payments at 8 per cent per annum. Every piano or organ sold will l accompanied by the respective manufacturers' five years' warranty, duly countersigned, thus fully protecting a customer 'in every way. . ' ' ' - . This sale as above will be at 813 Main Street, and com mences at 8 oVlock tomorrow morning nnd if everyone could realize tho exact situation as it is, nothing would bo left for salo after, tomorrow. Store nnd offico fixtures, typewriters, desks, etc., for salo for delivery in ten days and no decent offer ' will ha rejected. Store open day and night till saje closes. Snyder Music Co, 813 Main St., Pendleton, Ore. H. F. BENDIX, Factory Representative.