East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 06, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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n nnn r i m n
jV 4m. fk. w
g 10 YOU
nn m
usans in
In Ever; Dap
Tomorrow we will place on sale all
Ladies and Misses Dresses, 123 in all,
at prices that will surprise the most
careful buvers. We want to sell every
dress in the house and we believe
these prices will do the work.
Dresses up to $15.00 to close out $G.90
Dresses up to $20.00 to close out S9.00
Dresses up to $22.50 to close out Jj?ljl.45
Dresses up to $27.50 to close out $16.70
Dresses up to $30.00 to close out 818.85
Dresses up to $35.00 'to close out $21.00
Sizes 1 4 to 20 and 34 to 47
No charges for alterations
Ladies and Children's Store
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Scott of Helix, are',
now 'n the city. i
J. D Brown of Arlington, id regis-I
tered at a local hotel.
C. V. Huffman of L,a Orande. Is
among those ,nnw here attending tho
farmer)' un'on convention. " i
It. A. Holt, cashier of the bank at I
Stanf'eld was a member of the Stan- I
field delegation Jure hut evening. I
Ij. T. Kenison was a member of the
delegation from Stanfield at the Com- i
merclal club meet'ng last night. j
J. P. Nell, tho Frecwater attorney, j
anil member of the local Commercial:
club quartet, was here last night. i
Dr. H. W. Coe was a passenger on
the outgoing local train for the west
end of the county this morning.
C. W. Kenison of Stanfield, was
among' the west end people at the
Commercial club meeting last night.
O. 1). Teel returned today for the.
west end of the county after having
attended the Commercial club meet-;
ing last night. '- ' I
Mrs. A. W. Gray and children of'
Stanfleld came up from that place
this morn'ng, Joining Mr. Gray, who j
came up yesterday.
Charles Ward and G. L. Ward of
Stanfield were here last evening in !
attendance upon the Commercial .c'ub ;
meeting. !
H. D. Wagnon, prominent single i
tax advocate of Port'and, has been ;
in town since yesterday, having come j
up to adjust some insurance losses, j
Henry McKinney, former univer
sity of Oregon student anjy member!
of the legislature from Baker county, ;
is hero in attendanc e upon the farm- I
ers" union convention.
Herbert Bo len, well known Pilot i
Rock sheepman, returned to that
town this morning after having at
tended the Commercial club meeting j
last night.
Now Sacrifice1
Choose any $1 5.00 Suit now for $9.25
Choose any $20.00 Suit now for $14.25
Choose any $25.00 and $28.00 Suit fur . . . $18.25
Choose any $30.00 Suit now for $21 .00
Choose any $35.00 Suit now for $23.75
Choose any $45.00 Suit now for ..... $29.25
Ladies' aftd Misses' Coats
I C Snyder, ch'.mney sweep. R 1812.
PaBt'me pictures please all.
Main 178 for coal and wood.
Thone Dutch Henry for dry wood
and Rock Spring coal. Main 178.
For clean coal and dry wood, phone
Main 5.
Everybody goes to the Orpheum to
ee the best and th clearest pictures
Special ratea to horses boarded by
the week or month at the Commercial
Barn, 620 Aura street. Phoni Main 13.
All kinds of good dry wood, also
clean nut or lump Rock Spring coal
at Dutch Henry's.
Wanted Roomers and boarders by
the day, week or month. Apply 623
College street or phono Red 3112.
Save yourself fuel troubles by us
ing our famous Rock Spring coal and
good dry wood. Delivered promptly.
Ben L. Burroughs, phone Main 5.
For rent Well furnished " room
with furnace heat and bath. Inquire
at 621 Willow street.
For Rent 8 room house, 4 lot',
with orchard and barn, chicken lota
and houses. Apply Frazler'9 Book
Lost Mink fur near Christian
church. Finder please notify Mrs. I.
Chrlstonsen, 604 Jane street, or leave
at this office and recelva reward.
Take Northern Pacific Ry. to Spo
kane. Leaves 1:30 p. nv, arrive :B5
p. m. Tickets from W. Adams,
Agent, Pendleton.
If you want to move, 'call PenlanJ
Bros. Transfer, phone 3391. Large
dray moves you quick. Trash hauled
once a week. 647 Main street.
Gordon & Davis, carriage and au
tomobile painting. We're here to
'stay and guarantee first-class work.
State building, 114 E. Webb street.
For transfer work, Mauling bag
gage, moving household goods and
pianos and all kinds of Job work,
phone Mnlnn 461. B. A. Morton.
Lost Box containing 5 red silk tas
sels. Return to office Peoples Ware
Fat young dressed geese, 16c lb.,
weigh 11 to 14 pounds. Home made
auer kraut. 1802 W. Webb street.
Wanted By elderly lady, house
keeping in widower's family or ma
ternity nursing. Inquire C this office.
Notice to tlio I'ublPc.
Marlon Jack has disposed of his
interest in the Pendleton Iron Works
and a'l those knowing themselves to
be indebted to the company will
pleaso call on C. W. McKinney at the
American National Bank and settle at
Tfrnnlr Slnnn nf Stnnflpld. returned
to Stanfield this forenoon after having
been here last evenfng as a Stanfield
representative at me commercial ciud
1 jrtra O mom hniiRA and 3 lots fair
barn, splendid location on north side;
(Vila rvrnnrrlv la a. hnrnin: must he
. , , j .
sold at once. Teutscn & UlcKers.
27 1-2 acre ranch, 20 acres In al
falfa and small orchard, box house,
some timber all first-class land. This
In a snap. Ask about it today.
Teutsch & Bickers.
San Francisco, Dec. 6. Rogers to
day told one of his prison companions
that he had confessed to tho Good
man murder. He was arraigned to
day and his preliminary hearing set
for Thursday.
Northwest Rug Co. of Portland, rep
reseptatlvo Is here.
If you have any Brussels or Ingrain
carpets you wish woven Into Fluff
Rugs, notify S. A. DOllNEK per Gen
Our Record Broahor Salo
cn for tho entire month of December, should bo linked with
every thought of new apparel for men, women and children. .
is the center of Pendleton's groat wheel of business institutions.
the pivot around which all prices revolve in this city keep
Tho II lib in tho center of your mind on every shopping trip
to town.
The Big Drummers' Sample Store.
Began by Little Pimples. Scratched
Until Blood Came. Kept Getting
Worse. Could Not Sleep Nights.
Used Cuticura Soap and Ointment
v and the First Day They Relieved
Itching. ln3WeeksEczemaCured.
"I suffered with eczema on my neck for
about six months, biKiiuiins by little pim
ples breaking out. 1 kv.pt scratching till the
blood came. It kept Betting worse, I couldn't
sleep nights any more, it
krpt itching tor about a
month, then I went to a
dudor and got some
liiuld to take. It seemed
as if 1 wns going to get
better. The Itching
Mopped for about ttirpo
days, but when it started
airam, was even worse
than before. The eczema
itched mj badly 1 couldn't
stand it any more. I
went to a doctor and he
tare me some medicine, but didn't do any
good. We have been having Cuticura Rem
edies In the house, so 1 decided to try them.
I had been using Cuticura Soap, so I got me,
a box of Cuticura Ointment, and washed off
the affected part with Cuticura Soap three
times a dav, and then put the Cuticura
Ointment on. The first day I put It on, it
relieved me of itching so I could sleep all
that night. It took about a week, then I
could see the sc;ib come off. 1 kept the
treatment up for three weeks, and my eczema
was cured.
"Myfcrother got his face burned with eun-powder-and
he used Cuticura Soap and Oint
ment. The people all thought he would have
scars, but you can't see that he ever had his
face burned. It was simply awful to look at
before the Cuticura Itemed ies f Soap and Oint
ment) cured it." (Signed) Miss tlutabeth
Gebrfci. Forrest City. Ark.. Oct. 16. 1910.
Although Cuticura Soap and Cuticura
Ointment are sold by druggists and dealers
everywhere, a liberal sample of each, with
32-page booklet on the skin and hair, will
be sent, post-free, on application to Potter
Drug & Chem. Corp., Dept. 17B, boston.
Choose any $1 5.00 Coat now for
Choose any $ 1 8.00 Coat now for
Choose ny $20.00 Coat now for
Choose any $25.00 Coat now for
Choose any $35.00 Coat now for
$1 1 .00
SI 2.50
g mm
"Better Goods for Less Money"
secured by residents of Pendleton will
be secured during this sale. With
out doubt the store at 813 Main
street will witness a most unpreced
ented rush. Familes that have for
years bjen putting off the purchase
of. a piano on accounroi nign prices
will now see the realization of their
long cherished hopes, and It Is safe
to predict that announcements of the
magnitude and dependableness as
published by the Snyder Music Co.,
and now under the auspices of the
manufacturers is nothing less than a
veritable sensation In the western pi
ano market.
At Frazer-Nelson Book Sforo
Progress and Poverty
Social Problems
The Land Question
25 Cents
25 Cents
25 Cents
Surprising Announcement of
the Snyder Music Company.
A Big Undertaking.
No little surprise will be manifest
ed in business and musical circles by
an announcement that before tha
middle of the present month Pendle
ton will haveJost Its foremost piano
and organ house, conducted here by
the Snyder Music Co.. 813 Main street.
On learning of Mr. Snyder's final
decision to discontinue the Pendleton
office one of tho generul wholesale
representatives was instructed to pro
ceed to Tendleton Immediately and
arrange for the disposition of complete
stock at that point. After due con
sultation It was decided to immedi
ately advertise and soil out the entire
stock of something like 39 pianos re
gardless of the usual regular price.
As stated In their advertisement on
the sixth page of tonight's East Ore
gonlan, final arrangements have been
completed. The entire stock of mu
sical Instruments Is thrown on the
market on most liberal terms of pay
ment, with utter disregard of cost or
profit, and at prices absolutely with
out precedent, and nt which figures
everyone of these benutiful Instru
ments will undoubtedly find ready
buyers Inside of allotted 10 days.
The remarkable superiority of the
beautiful Instruments In this sale is
so well known and universally rocog-1
niied that nothing could bo said here
to add to their highly honored ropu
tntln. There are more than 1000
Chickerlng pjanos In use In the state
of Oregon. There are over 7000
Kimball pianos In use In the state of
Oregon and thousands upon thous
ands of the other Illustrious makes
' contained in this sale.
1 Tho groat est bargains ever to be
Have t H
For, this week only we are offering
absolutely the greatest bargains
ever known to Pendleton men, in
Winter Site
185 in the lot, sold regularly from
$12,50 to $17.50, now going for
'4,.s,l-.-V-....r ...
1 $ lsT
. Fit Guaranteed or your money back
Sizes up to 48. The patterns are tips seasons and the
regular prices are as above stated -dont take our word
The Otter Eftds Saturday Night
Worldiigmeif s Clothing Co.
' Pendleton's Pricereokers in Men's Wear