EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OKEGOXIAN. rENSLBTOIT. ORBGOW, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1911. PAGE SXTEf. HER FRIEND'S GOOD ADVICE The Results Made This Newburd Lady Glad She Followed Suggestion. Newbnrg, Aid. "For more than a year," writes Myrtle Cothrum, of thle place, "I suffered with terrible pains In my back and bead. I bad a sallow complexion, and my face was co- ered with pimples. Our family doctor only gare ma temporary relief. A friend of mine advised me to try Cardul, so I began taking it, at once, and with the best results, for I waa cnred after taking two bot'les. My mother and my aunt hare also used Cardul and were greatly benefited. I shall always praise Cardul to sick and suffering women." Cardul is a purely vegetable, per lectly harmless, tonlo remedy for w men, and will benefit young and old. Its ingredients are mild herbs, hav log a gentle, tonlo effect, on the wo manly constitution. Cardul bas helped a million womea back to health and strength. Hara you tried ltT If not, pleas do. It may be Just what you need. H. B. Write tot Uit' Advhonr Dept. Chin-.. aaca Mrdlclnt Co.. Chaitanooca. Tenii.. tor Special Wrw, mqi la plain srrappar, ao rati mat. El 1 1 TAKES STOCK TO PORTLAND I'UIC'K OX HOGS IS VKKY IJTTI.K CIIAXGKD Ton I.ouds of Shi-op Leave Market in SU-luIy Tone CaU, Situation SIiowh SIkiim of Weakness Shorts Take Cover in Wlu-iit. Woman Every Lf'v.-JaT It Interested and should know bout the wonderful k MARVEL Whirling Spriy The oew Vaginal Syringa. Best moat convenient. It cleanses Intuntlr. Aik tout dnurultt f If be cannot supply thc MARVEL, accept DO Oth c but send suu&p for Illustrated book sealed. It elvea full particu lars and directions InvaluaMeto ladles" aaakiEL CO.. 44 Ust Hi (trsat, Msw Yara" (From Friday's Journal.) The first livestock that ever came over the Tillamook railroad arrived at North Portland today. The ship ment consisted of a load of hogs sent in by J. D. Jones, who had previous ly been a shipper by boat to this market.' The Installation of the rail road Is expected to further the live stock industry of the Tillamook sec tion and bring greater supplies to the North Portland market. Hogs sold at (6.75 for tops in the local yards this morning this being the same price as in effect previous to the holiday. There was quite a fair tupply offering, a total of 531 head being received from local points while a week ago the run was 173 head. The local trade is discriminating against the heavier packing stuff and for this class of goods prices are less favorable. While there has been a material improvement in the demand for packing house stock at eastern centers and recently top prices have ru'.ed there, the trade here Is still in clined to pay most for the lighter of ferings of quality. North Portland swine trade today: Heist eastern Oregon $ 6.75 Medium eastern Oregon.. 6.656 70 r.i-st Willamette valley... 6.606.70 Good to heavy 6-6u Feeders 6.50 6.85 Sheep Market I Steady. There was a steady tone in the sheep trade at North Portland during the day. There were 10 loads offered and the trade took offerings at the first opportunity. Yearling wethers sold this morning at $4.40 for 89 pound average. Sheep values at North Portland: Se'oct iambi $ 4.75 Choice lambs 4 50 Common lambs 4.004.25 Yearling wethers 4.00 4.50 Old wetliers 4.00 Fancy, ewes 3.4503.50 LeCompto Davis rose to his feet. "On behalf of my client, James B McNamara, I desire to withdraw the plea of not guilty heretofore entered 1: this case and to plead guilty," said Ordinary 2.50 3.00 . ne- n,!1 voice cresenciing. tuttlo Murk.t Weaker. W1,en tn0 crowd ln the room realiz- Wh'le there was only a small e,(1 what had happened there came a Miowlng of cattle in the yards at d,'eP murmur, almost a sob, and every North Portlan today, the market was ey 80U8ht out the slender prisoner weak. There was an over supply in ; wno 8at s,lv,e or the "r8t tlmt v,nnfl. niinr. n itv. .h hnl. , t admitted that he was the agent 3.25 4.75 M.35 4.25 4.25 7 60 Underwood j Standard Typewriter UNDERWOOD SERVICE UNDERWOOD eco nomical systems for the simplification of office methods and reduction of expenses are in use throughout the country. The Bill and Charge System prepares the cus tomer's statement, ledger account sheet and list of daily sales at one writing. The Unit Bill and Order Blood Humors "nr-tr.only r.tiiFf" pimples, bolls, hives, (zema. or fait rheum, or some other 'orm of eruption: but sometimes they ':l.t in the rystem. Indicated by feel .n:r.s of weakness, languor, loss of ap petite, or geni'r:il debl'lty, without ;au. Ing any breaking out. They are expelled and the whole sys '".t. li renovated, strengthened and toned by Hood's Sarsaparilla Get It today In usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called SarsatabS. Iday Just over and everyone filled with turkey there Is naturally a decreased call for meals. At Chicago today there was a steady tone In the cattle trade with a run of 600 head for the day. At South Omaha cattle run was 1, 800 head today w?th the market firm er and higher for ordinary quality. Select steers 5.60 Fnncv steer 5.50 Cho'ce steen Feeders ' Common steers Fancy heifers Feeder cows Fancy cow Fanry bulls 4.25 Good ordinary bu'ls Stags Fancy light calves ...... Medium calves 5 00fl)5 60 Ordinary calves 4.00fa5.00 Grain and J lay. Wheat-T-Producers' price nominal; track delivery club 77c; bluestem 81c; fortyfold, 79 fi) 80c; Willamette val ley, 73c; red Rus'ian. 76(9 77c; Tur key red, 79W80c. Barley Producers' prices 1911 Feed. I3131.50; rolled, $32; brew ing. $37. Oats Producers' price Track No. 1, spot delivery, w'aite, $30 50031; gray, $30 50. Mlllstuffs Selling price Bran. $24.50:m!ddlings, $31; shorts, $25.50 chop, $19f?25. Hay Producers' price 1911 crop Valley timothy, fancy, $17; ordi nary $15; eastern Oregon, $17; Ida ho, $18 W 19; mixed. $12; clover, $10; wheat. $11(3)12: cheat, $1112; al falfa, $1212.50; oats, $1lifj)l2. Shorts Cover in 'Wheat. Chicago, Dec. 2. Wheat sellers who covered were responsible for the better showing of wheat prices yes terday. Closing was l-2c higher for each of the three options after an opening that was l-8c up for Decem ber and May and l-4c for July. There was a mixed tone abroad with the feeling of uncertainty re garding the Argentina situation. that caused the terrible explosion that killed 21 men last October. "And on behalf of our other cli ent," added Davis, "J. J. McNamara, indicted Jointly with this prisoner we want to withdraw the former plea of not guilty to the charge of placing dynamite under the plant of the Llewlyn Iron Works and enter a plea of guilty." It was done. People Bat bolt up- fio-ltt ii .1 .t ,Vilu HrviA it 'i i r. I at Tnlin R 5.305 40 11 , Z , v . ff" ! McNamara, the labor leader who sat D3 I 4.25 I 5.00 quietly before the bar, chewing a toothpick. The painful pause which followed was finally broken by Captain Fred ericks who arose with the original Indictment charging James with the murder of Charles Haggerty and 4 If the blood ii poor end filled with the poisons from diseased kidney or ioaetire liver, the heart is not only starved bat poisoned as well. There are many con ditions due to impure blood such dropsy, fainting speils, nervous debility or the many scrofulous conditions, ulcers, " fever-sores," white swellings, etc. All can be overcome and cured by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery This supplies pure blood by aiding digestion, increasing assimilation end im parting tone to the whole circulatory system. It a heart tonic and a great deal more, having an alterative action on the liver anJ kidneys, it helps to eliminate the poisons from the blood. To enrich the blood end increase the red Hood corpuscles, thereby feeding the nerves on rich red blood and doing away with nervous irritability, take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and do not permit a dishonest dealer to insult your intelligence with the " ju'.t a3 good kind." The " Discovery '' has 40 years of cures behind it and contains no alcohol or narcotics. Ingredi ents plainly printed on wrapper. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent fret on receipt of stamps to pay expense of wrapping and mailing only. Send 51 one-cent stamps lor the French cloth-bound book. Address : Dr. R.V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y seems to me that the least we can do prosecution. Ever since the arrests for a man who has saved us a lot of were made, labor papers have reekerl money is to spare his life. While It 1 with libelous charges. Men like walked over to James McNamara who Js an unusual thing for a man to plead Samuel Gompers charged us with con arose and gazed squarely in ills eyes guilty to a crime punishable by death, spiring against labor, and insisted or whilo Fredericks hurriedly read the ln lnls case that fact will be consul- , It despite our absolute denials. ered, M'NAMAHL NOT .BE HANGED DRAMATIC rOXFKSSIOX TO DYNAMITING .MAY SAVE HIM IN POUND. The following described animal has been taken up by the marshal of the City of Pendleton, to-wit: One red cow about six years old, both ears cropped, branded Juice harp on both hips and circle on right hind leg. If raid animal is not claimed by the owners or those entitled to the pos session of them Greutost Murder Trial I" Nation's History H"l Ilurdcned Heavily on Mimis of Every One. Interested and Court Will Give Man Consideration. document: "James P.. McNamara, you have heretofore pleaded not guilty to the charge of murder contained in the indictment. Do you wish to with draw that plea?" "I do, sir," was the answer. "Do you want to plead guilty?" "I so plead," said McNamara and he sat down without a muscle in hit face twitching. Judge Bordwell quickly announc ed that he would impose sentence at ten o'clock next Tnesday morning, which is election day here. The same proceedure was gone through with John McNamara. Al though he was in Indianapolis at the time the Llewlyn Iron works explos ion took place he was asseccory be fore the fact and his plea was there fore entered as that of a principal. He like his brother was impassive. It was plain they both realized that the end had come and the last act of the big case was closing. Then the prisoners were remanded to the custody of the sheriff and crowds rushed ln to congratulate! Fredericks. "I've simply won another murder case," said he. "That's all." Others crowded around Darrow seeking an explanation of the sudden termination of the case. His face j pallid, the famous lawyer stood stern, I every line showing that he had been I struck a heavy blow. He had little to say. When the court room was cleared the jurors were notified and excused. They expressed pleasure at not being compelled to pass on the case. "It's a great load off my mind," said Judge Bordwell simply as he j hurried away. Deputy District Attorney Horton is of the opinion that McNamara will not hand. He said: "Although the court could sen tence McNamara to be hanged, it and will save J. B. McNamara." Asked about McManlgal, he said: "He will have to take his medicine with the rest. He won't go free. Probably he will plead guilty to the indictment charging him with explod ing dynamite at the Baker Iron Works and will be sentenced for that." Bums Vindicated. Chicago, Dec. 2. William Burns, head of the detective agency that hunted down the McNamaras speak ing of the confession of John and James McNamara said: "It Is a great vindication of the "We were certain of convictlot from the beginning. I hope the au thorities will now make the rest of the guilty persons come into court and plead guilty. They ought to be forced to do so. "I think one result of the confes sions will be the election of Georgo Alexander as mayor of Los Angeles next Tuesday over Job Harriman." Every family has need of a good,, reliable liniment. For sprains, bruis es, soreness of the muscles and rheu matic pains there is none better than Chamberlain's. Sold by all dealers. Los Angeles, Dec. 2. The confes sion of John and James B. McNamara yesterday afternoon, which brought one of the greatest murder trials in recent history to a sudden and aston nir termination, and ended for costs and expenses nI, Ume the conlrversy regarding the System prepares the cus tomer's invoice and the numerous departmental orders at one writing. The Condensed Billing System prepares the cus tomer's invoice and sales book page at one writing. In addition, the service includes a special check writing and perforating machine; a card writing machine and machines for writing extended statis tical forms, waybills, in surance policies, balance sheets, statements and re ports of all kinds. We have expert simplifyers of office methods to show customers how to use the UNDERWOOD to best advantage how to make it work for them at its highest efficiency. Their service is free. You can not get it on any other typewriter at any price because the UNDER WOOD only makes it possible. "The Machine You Will Eventually Buy." against them paid and tney lanen :, which the Times was away within ten days from the date!h,own UJ)i ,,roi,ably means that James hereof, then at 2 o'clock p. m. of : McXamara will not hang, the 8lh day of December, 1911, thej u was dram(itlc in the extreme, paid animal will be sold to the highest For over nn nour previous chief coun bldder, at public auction, for cash, at ' . . t. ,i,.fense. Clarence Darrow, the city pound, in said City of Pen-ij Dstrlct Attorney Fredericks sur- dleton, the proceeds of such sale to i be applied to the payment or sucn costs and expenses of making sale. Dated this 27th day of November, 1911. TOM GURDANB, City Marshal. NOTICE OF STREET ASSESSMENT INSTALLMENT IMUVILEGE. Notice is hereby given, that the Common Council of The City of Pen dleton, on the 22nd day of Novem ber, 1911, did make an assessment for the Improvement of Alta Street in The City of Pendleton from the east line of Main Street to the South line of Court Street; and did assess the contract price for making said im provement against the lots, parts of lots and parcels of land speclally ben efitted thereby. All persons affected by such improvement and assessment desiring to take advantage of the pro visions of Chapter 5 of Title 26 of Lord's Oregon laws providing that such assessments mny be paid In ten annual Installments are hereby noti fied that application so to do must lie made to the City Recorder, as ln such Chapter 6 provided, within ten days from the date of this notice. Forms for such application may De secured from the City Recorder. Dated Pendleton, Oregon, Novem ber 23, 1911. THOMAS F1TZ GERALD. City Recorder. rounded by their assistants, had been In earnest consultation with Judge Bordwell In his chambers. Then shortly after two o'clock Fredericks and his deputies seated themselves ln the court room and were followed a few moments later by Darrow and his aides. Then ensued a tense silence throughout the crowded court room which was broken only by a whisper occasionally as James B. McNamara, on trial for murder, conversed with Attorney Davis seated near him. A momentary buzz of voices follow ed the sudden appearance of John McNamara, secretary-treasurer of the Ir.ternation Association of Brldgeand Structural Iron Workers, who was charged with conspiracy In dynamiting the Llewlyn Iron Works near here. Then the buzzer above the clerk's dosk hummed. Indicating that Judge Bordwell was coming Into the court room. An Instant later he appeared and with set face took his seat. "The State vs. McNamara," droned the judge. NOTICE OF STItEITT ASSESSMENT INSTALLMENT PRIVILEGE. Notice is hereby given, that the Common Council of The City of Pen dleton on the 15th day of November. 1911, did make an assessment for the Improvement of Cottonwood Street ln The City of Pendleton from the South line of Water Street to the North line of Railroad Street, and Webb Street ln The City of Pendleton from the West line of Cottonwood Street to the East line of Main Street, and did as seas the contract price for making said improvement against the lots, Darts of lots and parcels of land specially benefitted by the improve mcnt to be made thereon. All persons affected by such lm provement and assessment desiring to take advantage of the provisions of Chapter 5 of Title 26 of Lord'r) Oregon laws providing that such as sessments may be paid in ten annu al installments, are hereby notified thnt application so to do must be mado to the City Recorder as in said Chapter 5, provided, within ten day from the date of this notice. Form? for such application may bo secured from the City Recorder. Dated rendleton, Oregon, Novem l.cr 2i. 1911. THOMAS FIT', C, K U ALP. City KeivM-.lcr. -LA. It Never Flickers The long winter even ings give a woman a splen did chance for sewing or embroidery; but her eyes suffer from the strain unless she has a good light The Rayo is the best lamp made. It gives a strong, diffused light that is remarkably easy to the eyes. There is no glare to it; no flicker. It lights up a whole room. The Rayo is an economical lamp, too. You gst the most possible light-value for the oil burned ; and the Rayo itself is low-priced lamp. Yet 't is a handsome lamp an ornament to any room in the house. The Rayo Lamp is easily lighted without removing shade or chimney ; easy to clean and -ewick. Made of solid brass, nickel-plated ; also in numerous other styles and finishes. Ask rour dealer to show toii his Una el Rayo hmpit at write foe iau'nAin circular to any agency at the Standard Oil Company (Incorporatad) GRAY HAIR MAKES YOU LOOK OLD i Gray hair Is a mark of age, and 1 nothing that can be said as to its beauty will offset the disadvantages ' of this mark of age set upon your , brow. I Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy darkens the hair and re stores it to its youthful beauty. Our grandmothers and their grandmothers before them used sage and sulphur for darkening their hair. Nothing has ever been found more effective for this purpose than these two time honored remedies, but Wyeth a mod ern chemist, has combined the two with other ingredients, which -makes a delightful dressing for the hair, and which not only removes every trace of dandruff but promotes the growth of the hair. It also stops the hair from falling out, and makes It beau tiful. All druggists are authorized to re fund tho money If it fails to do exact ly as represented. Don't neglect your hair and don't report to old-time hair dyes. Oet a bottle of Wyeth's Sago and Sulphur from your druggist today and notice the dlfferen'1 In your ha!r after a few days' use. This preparation is offered tlv public nt fifty cent n bottle, und 1 iv.ii!iiii I 1 "til s-U 1-y rrvci.il nt. lYndlclotl Pm.'T Co. Women who bear, children and re main healthj' are those who prepare their systems in advance of baby's coming1. Unless the mother aids nature in its pre-natal work the crisis finds her system unequal to the de mands made upon ic, and she is often left with weakened health or chronic ailments. No remedy i3 so truly a help to nature as Mother's Friend, and no expectant mother should fail to use it. It relieves the pain and discomfort caused by the strain on the ligaments, makes pliant and elas tic those fibres and muscles which nature Is expanding, prevents numb-" ness of limbs, and soothes the inflam-! raation of breast glands. The system being thus prepared by Mother's Friend dispels the fear that the crisis may not be safely met. Mother's Friend assures a speedy and complete recovery for the mother, and she is left a healthy woman to enjoy the rearing of her child. Mother's TJATIHTTlC Friend is sold at liU AlliillNJ Writfforourfree FRIEND ' book for expect- ; ant mothers which contains much valuable information, and many sug- . gestions of a helpful nature. I BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta. C I Akers' Hoe Attachment All farmers realize the Im portance of sowing their grain at a uniform depth and at the right depth; but this cannot be accomplished with any drill as they are found on the market. This problem Is solved by the simple attachment shown in the accompanying cut. It consists of a collar which fits the hoe, to which It la se cured by means of two set screws, and a ' shoe, with means for adjusting same for any depth of sowing desired. The shoe answers the double purpose of Insuring the proper depth of sowing and packing the soil around the grain you cannot afford to be w ithout them. They are manufactured and sold by The Pendleton Iron Works Lumber and Building Material A Large and COMPLETE STOCK Always on Hand and PRICED RIGHT The Best Mill Work to Be Obtained in the Northwest LET US FIGURX WITH YOU ON YOUR NEXT ORDER Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard J. A. BORIE LUMBER COMPANY, Props. PHONE MAIN 7