,,, .. : J.... ,-... ..... ,lv :. - .-m.-nm-iN.M- PAGE SIX.- DAIlT KATT OKBOOXIAX, PENDLETOX, OIUBQOX, KATTRPAY, DECEMBER 2, lMf, EIGHT PAGES: sornrry events. (Continue,! from rage three.) :! . f ;ln- ,My lor a number of jear-. Tin- hridesroom is ;it ricnt ..ni' ill.- (1 ; ut y sin-riffs of the coun "y iii; I i;s Iveii exceedingly popular ir .- nee the days v!ion ho was a .-t!v:i l. r,i r.f the local high -ch -. !. Mr. anJ Mrs. Strand Jiave an unus-unTy large circle of frien-Is v. ho hh them groat joy in llirii union. On their return they will lri.ko the r homo in -.he hand i'ie r--Uetuv t.f Pr. E. R. Swinburne jni v. il l.o at home so their friends -after 1V ember 15. The Current literature club was rn tort.iine.l by Mrs. R. Alexander and Mrs. C P. I'.ishop in tho Alexander alanine ins on Friday of this week. A proini m on Denmark proved of great interest to memiiers and gue-ts. Eight refreshments were servediin the din-i.-.; r i.vii. Mrs. O. J. Smith and Mrs. James IT. R.-ilev presided at the tea table. Tho following Is the program: Pani-h Traits and Customs. Mrs many' MeAU'stcr. To bid farewell to their -r:e!i.is in tins city. Mr. and Mrs. E. J Cities and Scenes in Per..nark, Mrs. -A. S.-hiffkr wtre at home at their ' F.erkcley. leid.n.e. Sir. Madison street, on Danish Folk-Song (Peter Thank.-.c vine rven'iiir and more than : n-;...,.,-, m, i-Knm Iifty of their friends ca led between the hours of eight and eleven. Mrs. aichiffler was assisted by Mrs. J. T. I3riwn, Mr. Dave Rogers and Mrs. Carl Sehifiler of Tuseo. Mr. Schif- To Get Its Beneficial Effects; Always Buy the Genuine and manufactured hyihe NSold by all leading One Size Only, 50t oBolile Influence of the Damson English History, Mrs. Colesworthy. Canute and the Danish Accession, Miss lloyd. The Royal Family, Mrs. Hampton. Read by Mrs Rice. Discussion Scientists and Explor ers of Scandinavia; Tycho Rrahe, the Astronomer: Finsen of "Light Cure" fame: Nobel. "Dynamite King;" Nor denskjold and Nansen, explorers. Leader, Mrs. Fee. - A pretty home wedding was sol emnized on Saturday evening. Novem ber 25. at 5:30 p. m. when Miss Em ma Cole and Bert C Wilson were united in marriage by the Rev. Frank J. Milnes at the home of the br'de's foster parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whetstone, 513 Lilieth street. The wedding was a quiet one and only a few friends were present. The bride wore a handsome gown of white silk mulle and Raby Irish. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson left Sunday evening on delay ed 17 for Portland, where they 'will be at home after December 1 to their many friends. In honor of Tier sister. Miss Emily Abbott, and Miss Esther Keene who are over from Walla Walla as her Thanksgiving guests, Mrs Roy Alex ander entertained a few young ladies at her home on Water street la-t evening. illlKl BREAKS 1 1 The Busy Bee club was Entertain ed Tuesday by Mrs. W. E. Fergus anl Mrs. F. H. Mytinger at the home of the former on Aura street. The In vited guests were: Mrs. Goedeckfi, Mrs. Ellis, Mrs. Stewart. Mrs. O'Harra, Mrs. "Cherry, Mrs. Wyrick. Mrs. Stev ens. The next meeting will be hell DIFFERENT STYLES In plumbing appliances are as much in evidence with us as in any other avenue of bus iness. SANITARY BATH ROOM APPVRTENAXCES are as requi.-ite for health as a doctor Is when you are sick. Our estimates on plumbing will prove satisfactory. PLUMBING HERE IS Al. QUICK ACTION COMPRES SION COCKS. This is the only plumbing shop in Umatilla county that keeps this latest and most up-ta-date device. It saves time and trouble and many plumb ing bills. Beddcw& Miller Pendleton's Only Exclusive Plumbers. Court and Garden Streets. Thone Black 3356 UP A GOLD IN SEVERAL HOURS A FEW DOSES END MOST SEVERE GRIPPE MISERY It. fler has Just recently ret'red from the In the Secret Society tailoring ouwness in wmcn ne nas been engaged here for many years and he and his wife will start on the first vacation trip they have taken for a hng time Wednesday, when they will entrain for California to spend the winter in sunny climes. They will re turn hero next spring but wdl leave so, .n afterwards on a trip to Oer-ni.inv. hall December Mrs. Clark Nelson wll leave Mon day for Portland to join her husband and she will remain with hlin during h!a tour of the Willamette valley with the Round-Up moving pictures. Mrs. Leona Thompson will leave Monday for Portland, where she will .-pond the winter with her daughters. Mrs. Seth Cat'in and Mrs Edwin Rurke. Mrs. John Vert entertained the Duplicate Whist club on Monday af ternoon of this week. Mrs Eleunor Re ifield of La Grande was a Thank-giving guest of Mrs. Lawrence G. Frazior. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Montgom ery are visiting their many friends in this city. ECHO SOCIETY. (Special Correspondence.) Echo, Ore., Dec: 2. The Henrietta Rebekkah lodge of this place held its regular semi-annual election Wednes day night. The following officers were elected and will be installed at the first meeting in January. 1912: Noble grand, Mrs. C. J. Gulliford; v'ce grand. Miss Zena Houser; secre tary. Miss Nona Houser; treasurer, Mrs. T. G. Smith. The firemen's ball given here on Thanksgiving evening was well attend ed. The music was furnished by the United Orchestra from endleton. THE CHURCHES. I Special music at the First Presby terian church, Sunday evening. Dec. 3d. Program: Anthem Magnify Jehova's Name Farmer Choir. Duet Love Divine Stainer Mrs. Maud Gray Swingle and Mr. Richard Mayberry. Solo Not Every One Shepperd Mrs. Osborn. Violin Obligato Mr Braden. Solo Zion ; Rodney Mr. Richard May berry. Accompanied by organ, piano, violin. Solo O Lamb of God Bizet Mrs. Maud Gray Swingle. Accompanied by organ, piano, violin. Solo The Lord os My Sheperd . Liddle Mrs. J. R. Dickson. There is not one grain of qu!nine in Tape's Co'd Compound which, when taken every two hours, until three consecutive doses are taken, will .surely end the grippe and break up the most severe cold, either in the head, chest, back, .'tomach or limbs. It promptly relieves the most mis erable headache, dullness,- head and nose stuffed up, feverishness, sneez ing, sore throat, running of the nose, catarrhal affections, soreness, stiff ness and rheumatic twinges. Pape's Cold Compound is the result of three years' re-earch at a cost of more than f.fty thousmd dollars, and contains no quinine, which we have conclusively demonstrated Is not ef fective in the treatment of colds or grippe. Take this harmless Compound as directed, with the knowledge that there Is no other medicine made any where else in the world which will cure your cold or end grippe misery as promptly and without any other as-25-cent package of Pape's Cold Com sistance or bad after-effects as a 25-c-ent package of Pape's Cold Com pound, which any druggist in the world can supply. .First Christian Church. North Main street. Holmes and Ridenour, evangelists. 9:45, Bible school. Room for all, and a separate room for each cla.-s. Come on time with a friend. 11 a. m., communion and sermon; 6:30, young peoples' meeting; 7:30, sermon and special music; Monday evening, rest night, but on Tuesday night and on through the week the regular evangelistic ser vices. A cordial Invitation to every one. Rev. Andrew Warner, the new dis trict superintendent, will preach at the Me hodist Episcopal church, corner Webb and Johnson streets, tomorrow at 11 a. m. and administer the sacra ment of the Lord's Supper. "A De ficiency" will bo the pastor's theme at 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, 10 a. m.; Epworth League, 6:30 p. m. A cor dial welcome for you at all services. O i, , f 1 a I iff-. I 7v On Christmas Morning as on any other winter day, you can make youx home more comfortable and cheery by using a Perrectxri Smoke ' less Heater. PERFECTS $M Its genial warmth is quickly al your service, ready for use in any emrrgcricy. You will need it as a supplementary heater when those extia cold spells come. Liter you will find it just the thing (or the charigeaLle weather cf early spnng. The Perfection Healer is Tight and easily carried. It is safe in the hands of a ch;!d - the safest and most reliable heater made. Drums finished either in blue enamel or plain steel, with nickel trimmings - an ornament to any room. A special automatic device maket imoking Imporiible. All parts eaiily cleaned. CailoD loot ; burnt nine houii. Cool handle ; damijrr top. Dcajen every wftwe or write tor oWnptive circular to any gicv of tin Standard Cil Company Incorporated! ni i 3m. Lit JSP) Cliurch of the Itoxlopmcr. Tomorrow being Advent Sunday, the Holy Communion will be celebrated at the 11 o'clock service The Litany also will be said. Divine service at $7.30 p. m. Hymns, sermons and les sons w'U be on the Advent. Soloist, Mrs. W. A. Slusher. All are cordially invited. Charles Qufnney, rector. The First Itaptlst ciuireh. Corner Johnson and E. Alta streets. Rev. Herbert T. Cash, pastor. Horn ing theme, "A Holy Alliance." Eve ning theme, "T.he Acceptable Sacri fice." Preaching at 11 and 7:30; Sun day school at 10; young peoples' meeting at 6:30; midweek service Wednesday night. A hearty invitation to all. Presbyterian Church. Corner Alta nn.l College streets. 10 a. m., Sunday school. 11 a. m, morning service, subject. "Retribu tion." 6:20 Christian Endeavor. 7:30 Evening service, subject, "Waster gjjins," service largely musical. Strangers cordially Invited. F. J. Mil nes, mini.strr German Evans. Lutheran. There will be services at Pendleton Sunday, Sept. 3 in the Presbyterian church, corner College and Alta streets at 2 p. m. All are cordially invited. Geo. L. Sprattlcr, pastor. S T O It E u -IT 14 IT'S GOING TO BUY a jC 1 ii CI) NEW THE CURE THAT'S SURE FOR COUGHS.COLDS, WHOOPING COUGH AND ALL DISEASE3 OF THROAT, CHEST AND LUNGS Famous for Forty Years of Cures. Price 50c and $1.00 SOLO AND GUARANTEED BY BU KOF.PPEN'S Toe evangelist announced that tho ireet'ng would continue river next week as everything Indicate 1 that the bes; results are yet to come. Swellings of the fleh caused by In flammation, cold, fractures of tho bone, toothache, neuralgia or rheu matism can be relieved by applying UALLARD'S SXOW LINIMENT." It should be well rubbed in over the part affected. Its great hoaling and pen orating power eases the pain, reduc es swelling and restores natural con ditions. Prce 25c, 50c and $1 pr bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. "I had been t roubled with constipa tion for two years and tried a l of the best physicians In Rristol, Tenn , and they could do nothing for me." wrl''S Thos. E. WiU'ams, Mlddleboro, Ky. "Two packages of Chamberlain's Stomach and Uver Tablets cured me." For sale by all dealers. "She is Waiting" and so are those she Is waiting on. And mind you. a good high-ball la well worth waiting for. Good, pure, wholesome Rye Whiskey, like the brands we are now selling, will make one wait patiently, but enjoy the wait when the liquid arrives cool, comforting, and refresh ing. If you are a high-ball lover, better try a bottle of this splendid Whiskey of ours. Ton will always want that brand afterwards. And the price will satisfy you, too. TheOlympia Bar Phone Main 188 and Pioneer Bottling Works Phone Main 177. PETERS & MOIUUSOX, rrop. When your feet are wet and cold, and your body chilled through and through from exposure, tcke a big doso of Cha jiber'ain's Cough Rem edy, bnthe your feet In hot water be fore going to bed and you are almost certain to ward off a severe cold. For sale by all dealers. Presidential candidate stillness has already conspicuously appeared Un derwood talk, for Instance. Men who work only with Jaws and tongue never teach anything profit able seldom anything true. the office A. SCHNE1TER, Prop. PENDLETON, ORE Farr)ily Liquor Store Phone Main 299 7 1 1 Main Street. Five Passenger, Six QOflflff Cylinder touring Car &UUUi The New Series Franklins Aro the most beautiful in designs and finish. They are almost noiseless. They are simple, economical and reliable. They are the most comfortable to ride in and the easiest to handle. They have no water to bother with and they are lighter and more powerful than anything else on the road. Latest model now on exhibition Ask for a demonstration Pendleton Auto Company AXOTIIEIl FINE SEltVICE I.ST MfiJIT Christian Church Kevlral to Continue Anotlw r a k at Ix-nst. Tho auditorium of the Christian church was again well filled last niqht to hear Evangelists Ho!mcs and Ride nour. After nn In firing song n which all Joined, some of the fa- mou:' Frank Heard cartoons along re form lines were thrown on the screen and discuwsed by Mr. Ridenour. Then there rame that splendid .long by the children which delighted everybody Jioth Mr. Jtldr-nous and Mr. Holmes deflated they had never heard chil dren sing any better than in Pend e toi . Evangelist Holmes gavo nn-'th.-r stirring fermon, uslni; ns a sul ject. "Three Judgment n..." VOC r.W CLUE THAT I1ACKAC11E Pain along the back, dizziness, headache and general languor. Oct (i package of Mother Gray's AltO-MATIC-I,EAF, the pleasant root and herb cure for all kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. When you feel all run down, tired, weak and without energy us thU remarkable combina tion of nature's herbs and roots As a regulator It bag no equal. Mother Oray's AromalttccbfwyOFSClessSwo Oray's Aromatlc-Loar in sold by drug gists or sent by mall for 50 cents. Sample sent FREE. Address, Tho Mother Gray Co., Le Roy, N. T. When it comes to Selling Building Material Only the best grades of Lumber, Lath, Shingles and in fact any thing that is required in the building line is allowed to enter our yard. Estimates furnished on short notice Crab Creek Lumber Co. OSCAR. MAHLER. Manager i loiii .cl Phone Main 92