DAILY HAST OREGOXIAX. PENDLETON, OREGON. SATTODAV, DFXEMBER a, 1911. EIGHT PAGES. PACK TWO. Why pay the same price for Christ mas Gifts that are not so good? This store is best prepared to take care of your Christmas wishes. Our prices are far cheaper than elsewhere, quality considered. We handle no article of merchandise that we cannot fully guarantee. DO YOUR XMAS SHOPPING EARLY. YOU'LL GET DKTTER SERVICE, THERE'LL BE MORE TO CHOOSE FROM. YOU CAX MAKE BETTER SELECTIONS. TRADING COUPONS We give trading coupons on all cash or thirty day business. These coupons mean an actual saving to you of 5 per cent of your purchases. They afford you the easiest and best way of securing your Christmas gifts. You can get them free of cost if you'll onlv save vour coupons. . m Our stock of premiums is the best ever. New China, New Silverware, New Furniture, Rooking Chairs, China Closets. "Writing Desks, etc., Haviland China, Cut Glass and hundreds of other useful and beautiful articles that would cost you a lot of money if you had to buy them, but by saving your trading coupons they cost you absolutely nothing. Only Eighteen More Bey ing Days Until Christmas Have you done your Xmas sewing? You will want to mako a dainty hag, sewing apron, a pair of ribbon slippers or dainty toilet accessories. We have the materials for them all let m help you plan them. Tassels in a variety of colors for finishing bags and fancv work 1 .-. 10 to 50? Cords both large and small in every shade imaginable. You will need yards of it get it before the wanted shade is gone. Laces for your aprons and dainty lingerie, headings of lac(- and embroidery. Real and imitation Irish "lace, cluny and 'shadow laces for iabots and side frills. There are hundreds of dainty gifts to be made of riblmns. and we have them in every width and color. Our salespeople will gladly help you plan your gifts. In Our Ready-to-wear Department CAN BE FOUND MANY BEAUTIFUL AND USEFUL XMAS GIFTS, such a dainty lingerie waists, made in the latest models for Spring, trimmed in fine lace and embroidery. Side frill effects. Prices $12.50 to $13.50. SILK PETTICOATS IN TAFFETA AND MESSALINE, all colors, changeable taffeta in all shades made in plain and fancy models, price $4.9S to $18.00 "BLANKET BATH ROBES MADE IN ALL WANTED COLORS, finished with wide satin binding, cord and tassle at the waist. All sizes, 3G to 44. Prices $3.98 to $5.00. FURS, MUFFS AND SCARFS in all the new styles, made of Japanese Mink, Isa bella Fox, Narobia Lynx, Black and Brown Coney and manv other popular furs. Price $6.50 to $75.00, sold in sets or separate pieces. Mens Holiday Neckwear We have an immense stock of beautiful Holiday Neckwear, made by America's best neckwear maker, Rufus Waterhouse. Pure 'ilk, not mercerized cotton. The laest shapes and patterns, 25, 35, 50, 75 to $1.50 each. New Arrivals in the Art Department We have just received by express, a special line of Xmas novelties. Hand embroidered, and hand made articles, very neat and tasty. This special line includes bags, collar bags, sachet bag3, vanity cases, shaving paper cases, needle look3, handkerchief and glove boxes, all hand embroidered, now on display in the Art Department. Twenty-three Days to Christmas Dec. 2 Twenty-three Means "Skidoo." You For That. Shop Today THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE SAVE YOUR COUPONS WHERE IT PA YS TO TRADE Wnts for Roval Worcester, Bon Ton, Adjusto and Gossard Corsets, Buttericks Patterns and Publications, Everwear for men, women and children. THE BEST FOR THE LEAST MONEY. Hose COUPLE OF ADAMS WFD IN PENDLETON FOR THE CHILDREN AbtO rOR GROWN PERSONS QUICK - SAFE - RELIABLE NO OPIATES NO NARCOTICS FOLEY'S HONEY am TAR (Special Correspondence. ) Adams, Ore., Deo. 2. Ed Wpllen and Miss Edna Martin, both very prominent young people of Adams, were married In Pendleton November 2!, and went to Hormiston to spend j i ilHimsglving Willi iriemia tutu atlves. j Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Lewis enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Downing and Mrs. Kelly of Pendleton Thanksgiv ing day. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bowyer and chil dren were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Baker Thursday. MIbs Alta Smith of Pendleton was the guest of Celia Slmonton for a few days this week. Mr. Hayworth and brother of Athe na, have finished sawing one hundred and fifty cords of wood. Air. and Mrs. Q. M. Morrison were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Brad ley of Pendleton Thursday. Miss Barnes, Miss Murphy and Miss Mclntire teachers of the public school returned to Adams Wednesday eve ning and were Joined by Claud Wul lan, Lile Mclntire and Clark Maxlo and went to Claud Wallan's home where a supper and refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. T. Bruster were euests or Mr. and Mrs. Claud Stein Thanks giving. Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Hale and chil dren were guests of Mr. and Mrs. El mer Hale Thursday. Mr. Nelson of Milton, was the guest or Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Marquhi Thursday. Mr. and nice and children of Mil ton and Mr. and ' Mrs. Christian of Athena, were guests of Mr and Mrs. I L. Lleuallen Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Murelman of Helix, n nd Mr. and Mrs. T. Henry were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John King Thursday. Clark Maxle attended n danco at Weston Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. T. Martin wero Pen dleton visitors Wednesday. COMPOUND A COMMON COLD neglected may go quickly into CROUP, BRONCHITIS, or PNEUMONIA which often means a sud den fatality. Keep FOLEY'S HONEY a un tar COMPOUND always in tbo house and give at first sign of cold. Refuse substitutes. John Persons. Stewart, Ohio, writes: "We use- Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound as our best and only cough remedy. It never falls to cure any of riv neven children of cough. My Z- nonth's-old baby has had a most se vere cough which our Doctor saia ne cculd not cure and that Baby would surely dlo. Several of our relations and neighbors had gathered to witness the ending of the child's lire, two l.ntMoH of Foiev's Honev and Tar Compound cured the child and 1 U alive and well today." FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. The quicker a "old is gotten rid of the less the danger from pneumonia and other serious discuses. Mr. B. W. U Hall of Wavcrly, Va., says: "I firmly believe Chamber lain's Cough Remedy to be absolutely the best preparation on the market for colds. I have recommended It to my friends and thev all agree with me." For sale by a'- dealers. ! They Fit I and Wear That's the kind of shoes t you pet at this store if jou aro looking lor cneap stun, don't conio here. SHOES aro my specialty and I handle only the kind that satisfy and mako my patrons my friends. I would like to prove this assertion to YOU. A. Eklund i Pendleton's Pioneer Shoe Man. www ww wwwv wwi I5oware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury, as mnmiry will surely destroy die sense of smell and completely derange the whole sj-Rtera when entering It through the mucous Biirfnres. Such articles should never be need except ou prescriptions from reputable phvslclnns, as the damage they will do Is ten fold to the good you can postilbly de rive from them. Halls Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Tole do, O., contains no mercury, and Is taken Internally, actlne dlrerflv nnnn H. land mucous surfaces of th ivutum t h... ilnu Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the f;""', " wcn internally and made h Toledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney ft Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists. Trice, 73c per bottle. Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation. CHICHESTER S FlS TIIK IHAVIIVr ! -w III. In K.4 ml ti4 n.llfc Tke a atkn.. ta) cf ,, V HnurcM. Askf ,'ll. kVk.TPH iiajIoni iuAnu Pii.i.iV;?? years knovn as Best. Sa:t o.h... - soioBitaooisisnatwiERF COLDS VANISH Quick-. Sensible Method Tliat Docwu't I'liMct tlio Stomach. Have you heard of the overnight cold cure that Is putting colds In the head and chest out of business be twoen sunset and daybreak. Hero It Is. Cut It out and save it If you don't need It now. If you have a cold, cough, throat soreness or acute catarrh, be sure and try it to n'ght Just before going to bed. Pour a scant tenspoonful of HYOMEI (pro nounce It High-o-me) Into a bowl of boiling water, cover head and bowl with n towel and breathe for several minutes the vapor that arises, then go to sleep and awake with a clear head free from mucous. H YUM EI Is guaranteed for catarrh, colds, coughs, crop, asthma, sore throat and bronchitis, or money back. Bottle of Hyomel 50 cents at Tallman Drug Co. and druggists: everywhere. A SNAP FOR $2500.00 Call at once as bargains of this character can't last Must see It to appreciate it. MARK MOORHOUSE CO. Phone Main 83. 117 E. Court Stretrt. Other Property of Every Descrlotlon. Money to Loan on City and County Realty. ATTHE PICTURE SHOWS Orplieuni. A swell program for Sunday and Monday's change: 1. "Wig Wag." Vitagraph. Boys will be Boys. Willie Van Duyn's par ents are so solicitous about him that they cannot bear to have him out c-f their sight. He goes down to the lake and jumps into a boat and push es out Just as his father and mother mother rush to the edge. X. "The Way of the Esqulmo." So li. A unique story of the far north. The way of the Eskimo opens with sn altogether unique scene In plcture d m. A tribe of Labrador Eskimos ar seen In their peculiar ceremony of bidd:ng the sun good bye. It is calUO the feast of the adieu to the mn Zik 8. "The Smugglers." Kalem. A, the opening of our story Old Tom and Ulllie are off for a two days" flshlnq; trip. Rose, Old Tom'B Daughter, gos along the beach to gather mussels. JuH ahead of Rose, hidden by mon jtr boulders is a party of smugglers t urreptitiously landing a party of Chi nese. Roe unexpectedly comes acrons the smugglers and-Is captur ed. A thril'Ing production mad? n the rocky shore of southern Califor nia. I'.u li Jiolati.l as Hose. i. "The Traitor." ';.!h. In Cor-ica love runs at fever heat, which accounts for the fact that Peppino is in love with another man's wife and that he is roused to jealous anger when the woman's rightful husband showers care-ses upon her. She has repulsed Peppino until he decides) to get rid of her husband. Then the wife promise's to marry the one who will avenge her husband. Tlio Pastime. Where you see the best In motion pictures. Sunday's program follows: "The Venom of the Poppy" (Edi son). Here Is a novel smuggling story with an interesting love tale In which a girl must condemn her bro ther or her lover, but the brother, a custom inspector takes the matter In to his own hands, and refuses to di vulge the name of the leader of the smugglers, who is his sister's sweet heart. The brother resigns. "Making a Man of Him," (Sellg). A comedy drama drawing strong com parisons between city and country life. Hurtle was perhaps too much of a dude when he married the pret ty country girl Iiertle "touches" his new father-in-law for a hundred and spends the next few months "playing the races." It Is papa who makes a man of Bertie. See how he does It. "Rejected," (Kosmlk). Recount ing the incidents of a comlo opera star's vacation in the country, dur ing which, though not Intentionally, ith" bp iikw the heart of a ruftlo youth. "Pansies." A beautiful picture. "The Ranch Girl's Terrible Mis take," (American). An exciting story of a ranch owner's daughter's elope ment with a cowpuncher. Just how the story ends it would be a shame to tell. The Cosy. For Friday and Saturday. A pro gram strong on comedy. "A Few Minutes .With ..Steeple Jack Lindholm." Jmp How would you like to climb a pole 685 feet above the ground with a big flag snapping at the end of the pole? The steeplejack does this; he Is also seen swaying In the air 86 stories high. "The Life of a Muschik." at. North ern. This film taken In Russia, be sides telling a pretty story, shows the way in which the Russian peaants are oppressed. The home life of the family Is shown. The official Insult ing the farmer's wife was beaten. Fill ed with repentance, he appointed tho farmer to a good position. "The False Alarm." Gt. Northern. A good comedy In which hubby tried to dodge his mother-in-law, who comes to visit him. "Cupid's Pocketbook." American. The lover put some money in his sweetheart's pocket book while she was out and put it In his pocket, and lost it. An old lawyer found It and advertised it. Both went to claim It but neither couid describe its con tent:!. 71c sent for the police but everything was straightened out at last. "His Dress Shirt." Imp. Dandy comedy. Klrby receiving an Invita tion to a party told his wife to send his only dress shirt to the laundry but she forgot till it was too late. She then tried to launder the shirt herself but made a mess of it "A Midnight Visitor." Solax. A screaming comedy. Brown and wife asleep, heard a terrific crash and started to investigate. Brown took several "nips" to brace his courage and soon fell asleep. CADKTS CAUGHT CHEATING. Annapnlte Midshipmen Punish Their Fellows for Violating Oodo of Hon or. Annapolis, Md. For the first time In the history of the new naval acad emy, four cadets have been caught cheating at examinations. As a viola tion of the code of honor, the matter was turned over to the midshipmen for action, and the four cadets were punished immediately by their fel lows with 75 demerits and restriction for the rest of the vear. (Continued on page five.) TO OTIlE A COLD TS ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Qjlnlne Tablets. Druggists refund money If It falls to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signa ture Is on each box. 25c. St. George Cafe and Grill I WHITE COCXS, SERVICE FIRST-CLASS Open Day and Night Price8 are Rea9onab!e Hot Merchants -unch Daily 1 1:30 A. M. to 2:00 P. M. French Dinner every Sunday from 11 a. m. to 8 p. m. Entrance on Webb Street or through Hotel Lobby UE HAVE MOVED TO NEW AND ELEGANT OFFICES AT NO. 11 EAST MAIN STREET. , SEIL BUILDING. h.J?CU a"y a,1d,8ease hat the human flesh Is heir to. My wounderful and powerful roots, herbs and remedies are composed of Chinese buds, barks and vee. tables that are entirely unknown to medical science of th present day They are harmless, as we use no poisons or drugs. No knife used. . Wf CUr.t "tomach troubles, liver, kidney, catarrh, lung, throat, asthma, nervous debility, female complaints and rheumatism and all disorders of the blood. We cure to stay cured, and guarantee to cure all kinds of Plies and Private Diseases of men an - or write. Consultation free. If you are unable to call aid see us. send two cents In stamps for symptom blank. ' lwo ' Address LEO CIUNQ WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO 14 East Main St wmi- w.. Independent Meat Market We have re-opened the Farmers' Meat Market on east Court street and will carry a fine and fresh line of FRESn AND CURED MEATS. SAUSAGES AD LARD. POULTRY EVERY SATURDAY. KURRLE & SON rhone Main 415. Trompt Delivery.