EIGIIT PACKS. DAILY BAST OBEGONIAN, PENDIETOW, OKEGOtf, I'IHdAY, DECEMBER 1,' ltll. PAGE FIVE. itotiirday Spoeials if , BJvsngo'of ft -GREAT' Here are a few out of hundreds and hundreds of genuine bargains. Read the list carefully All shades 27-in. Mescaline, Salo l'rico 77? All shades Silk Velvets, $1.25 grade, Salo - 98 Henderson Corsets up to $2.50, Sale 98 $22.50 and $25.00 J Hack Broad Cloth ('oats $14.95 $8.00 Silk Petticoats, Jtole $4.03 $7.00 Silk Wast, Sale ,. : $3.97 'J4 Sheetifi?,. Pest I : : ...... 21e 12 l-2c Outings, all colors , 1 9p 12 1-2c Percales, all shades '. 9? $2.50 Silk and Wool Union Suits $1.98 Children's 05c Union Suits - 47 One Lot Children's 75c and $1.00 caps 19 JANUARY' Ladies Home Journal Patterns Koady. FlLivenp(l&C Ladies and Children's Store PERSONAL MENTION Joo Cox wont to Walla Walla yes terday to Fpend the holiday. Mrs. C. Ogilvy of Pilot Rock was a visitor In Pendleton hint evening. Prof. L B. Keelor of Echo Is a visitor In Pendleton loday. C. W. Polk of .St." was reg istered at tho Uowman last evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. White of Wes ton were Thanksgiving visitor.-) In the1 city. J. M. Gilbert, well known Pilot Iloek resident, was in Pendleton last owning, j J. B. Haylor, Veil known east end resident, tarns, down from Milton oni the local this morning. i M. D. Oranpe, Pilot Rock druggist, : was among the re-idents of the sheep : town In the c!ty yesterday. I Miss-Col'a Bonn, stenographer at i the Haitman Abstract company, ent, yesterday In Walla Walla with her ' pu rents. ! Joseph Easier, well known former resident of this city, is here from Portland to look after his property Interests. Mr. and Mr. K. P Dodfl of Hermis ton spont Thanksgiving at tho home of Mrs. Dodd's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Alexander. .James P. Xeal, Freewater attorney and member of the local Commercial club quartet, came down pn the local this morning. . , Jack Keefe, Commercial club sec retary, returned this morn'ng from Weston, where he spent Thanksgiving with friends. Mr. and Mr.-. Albert Henderson re- turned to their home at Fossil this morning after visiting for several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Blakely. Miss Constance Henderson of Hood River was a Thanksgiving guest of Mrs. K. F. Averill, the two having been students together at the Uni versity of Idaho. Walter Hawks, who has been with the Halfour-Guthrie company for the past seven years and in charge of' mat company's Myrlck warehouse for the past four, will leave Saturday for Ashland Ohio, to spend the winter. LOCALS I C Snyder, chimney sweep. R 3812. Past'me pictures please all. Main 178 for coal and wood. Phone Dutch Henry for dry wood and Rock Spring coal. Main 178. . For clean coal and dry wood, phone Main S. Everybody goes to the Orpheum to see the best and the clearest pictures Special rates to horses boarded by the week or month at the Commercial Barn, 620 Aura street. Phone Main 13. All kinds of good dry wood, also clean nut or lump Rock Spring coal at Dutch Henry's. You learn something new every day at tho aluminas demonstration of the Taylor Unrdwaro Co. Save yourself fuel troubles by us ing our famoui Rock Spring coal and good dry wood. Delivered promptly. Ben L. Burroughs, phone Main 6. For rent Well furnished room with furnace heat and bath. Inquire at 621 Willow street. Lost Mink fur near Christian church. Finder please notify Mrs. I. Chrlstonsen, 604 Jane street, or leave at this office and receive reward. Take Northern Pacific Ry. to Spo kane. Leaves 1:30 p. m., arrive V:65 p. m. Tickets from W. Adams, Agent, Pendleton. If you want to move, call PenlanJ v Bros. Transfer, phone 3391. Large dray moves you quick. Trash hauled once a week. 647 Main street. Gordon & Davis, carriage and au tomobile painting. We're here to stay and guarantee first-class work. State building, 114 E. Webb street. For transfer nark, Mauling bag gage, moving household goods and pianos and all kinds of job work, phone Mninn 461. B. A. Morton. For Sale A 25 H. P. gasoline en gine, mounted. Eafy terms. Address Box No. 1, Echo, Ore. Fai young dressed geese, 16c lb., weigh 11 to 14 pounds. Home made gauer kraut. 180J W. Webb Btreet. Wanted To rent 7 or 8 room house near business section. Bath and toilet on ground floor. Address Box 534, City. If eo. tig east, or west or south, have tickets routed Northern Pacific Ry. Close connections at Pasco witn all through trains. W. Adams, agent, Pendleton. One of best small alfalfa ranches In Umatilla county for price asked This Is a bargain. If you have 11500 in real monev it will pay you to come and see us. Teutsch & Bickers For Sale 480 acres wheat land one half summer fallow, one-half in stub ble, plenty water, fair improvements Short hmaul to Vansycle warehouse. I' or particulars address J. C. Royse, Juniper, Ore. 160 acre wheat ranch, 80 acres In fall wheat, good fence and cross fence, fair house, small barn and granury. This id a snap for man with small capital. Must be han dled at once. If you have 7 or 800 dollars, come and tev us. Teutsch & Bickers. Wool for Sale. Have for salo good dry wood, In cluding fir, tamarack and yellow pine. Will sell by the cord or carload. Price $6.60 for 4 foot length and $7 sawed. Address Commercial Stables, Pendle tor, Oregon, or phono Main 13. Aluminum Demonstration Saturday. Saturday will be the Inst day of Mrs, Kearns' demonstration of "Wear Ever" aluminum at tho Taylor Hard ware Co. Tomorrow she will melt chocolate without grating in an alum inum utensil housewives know how hard this Is to do. Do not overlook the spec' Is for this week only. See ad In tins paper. At tho Grand. The Grand opened matinee yester day, Thanksgiving day, with two tea- turo acts. Nine people. On account of the large crowd two extra shows were given last night. The four musi cal Bonnolls open the bill and they have a very classy and refined act, and would be a feature In any large house. The two Honnell children are very clever. The five Austins, better known as Dick Austin and his "dancing Bugs close tho show and aro one solid laugh. Dick Austin is one of the cleverest and most original Swede comedians ever seen In the west and with the old of Mrs. Austin gives one of the most laughable sketches In vaudeville. They are assisted by a chorus of three dancing girls and made a decided hit. There Is not a dull moment In either act and they should be a big drawing card the re malnder of the week at the Grand. NEW CANALS APPEAR ON MAltS; LINES SEEN pro- The Cosy. For Friday and Saturday. A gram strong on comedv. "A Few Minutes .With ..Steeple Jack Lindholm." Imp How would you like to climb a pole 685 feet above the ground with a. big flag snapping at the end of the pole? The steeplejack does this; he Is also seen sway'ng In the air 36 stories high. VThe Life of a Muschik." Gt. North ern This Clin taken In Russia, be s'des telling a pretty s-tory, shows the way in which the Russian peaants sre oppressed. The home life of the family Is shown. The official insult ing the farmer's wife was beaten. Fill ed with repentance, he appointed the farmer to a good position. "The False Alarm." Gt. Northern. A good comedy In which hubby tried to dodge his mother-in-law, who comes to visit him. "Cupid's Pocketbook." American. The lover put some money n his sweetheart's pocket book while she was out and put it -in his pocket, and lost It. An old lawyer found it and advertised It. Both went to claim It but neither could describe Its con tents. He sent for the police but everything was straightened out at last. "His Dress Shirt!" Imp. Dandy comedy. Kirby receiving an Invita tion to a party told his wife to send his only dress shirt to the laundry but she forgot till it was too late. She then tried to launder the shirt herself but made a mess of it. "A Midnight Visitor." Solax. A screaming comedy. Brown and 'wife asleep, heard a terrific crash and started to investigate. Brown took several "nips" to brace his courage and soon fell asleep. TWO BEST NIGHTS. Flagstaff, Ariz. New canals have appeared on Mara (tho Pabaeus, Sinus and Marelcarum) according to an an nouncement from Lowell observatory. They were seen at tho observatory for the f'rst time November 21 and were photographed the same evenlrg. The observatory records now ex lend through a whole cycle. In appearance the new canals nre Ktralght lines, like the canals gener ally and connect at pivotal points with the rest of the system. Hew Lino of Folt Slippers Just tho thing for these cold morning and evenings and ideal Xmas gifts for any member of the family. Children's fur top slippers 79 Children's fur top slipicrs - 9S Ladicvs' fur top slippers, assorted colors Ladies' fur top slippers, assorted colors $1.49 Men's Felt slippers - -- 9S GOLDEN RULE STORE Wo Lead, Others Follow. Evangelist well Ptonswl With At tendance and Results Iist Two Nights. Evangelists' Holmes and Ridenous consider the last two nights of the revival nt the Christian church to have been the "best yet," and are expecting a fino crowd ngaln tonight. The stereopticon is to be used to night in presenting some rare car toons from the famous cartoonist, Frank Beard. These wjll be thrown on the screen before the sermon, so nil should bo very prompt. Mr. Holmes spoke last night on a subject announced early In the week, "A Good Time In Jail." The address was well received and the name of Christ was confessed nt the close. The evan gelist remarked that the rsults thus far obtained In this meeting were pe culiar In that not a single child had yet desponded to the invitation and Just half of the converts had been men. As a rule the children are won early In a revival and the men at the close, but the men are falling In line and the others are sure to accept Christ too, so all Interested are feel ing Jubilant and hopeful. The sub ject announced for tonight is "Three Judgment Bars." and all are assured of an interesting time. This will be the closing evangelistic service of the week as Mr. Ridenous la to give his famous lecture entitled "In His Steps" on Saturday night. The lecture will be fully illustrated by beautiful paintings, and several illustrated songs will be used. Many tickets have al ready been sold. Thugs Bob Pawnshop. Los Angeles, Dec. 1. Using the gas plpo thug system, two masked bnn d'ts this forenoon entered a pawnshop owned by A. Sehapiro, slugged K. Pearlson, a clerk ond escaped with several thousand dollars worth of dia monds and $120 In cash. Italians to Attack Town. Constantinople, Dec. 1. Italian warships are preparing to bombard Salonika nml the people nre fleeing Op t Our Toy D . v A.. A The best and most care- r O TO K El IF. fully selected line of new toys are now ready for the children and parents. This store shows the largest assortments of new toys and at the right prices. Dolls of all kinds and sizes. Oo-Oarfs of all kinds from $1.75 to $12 Mechanical toys Books, Chairs, Stores, Banks, Wash Sets, etc. Make your selections early, they will be carefully packed and stored away for you FREE. WohSenberg Dep't Store Better goods'for less money --.JvT'lVH rrrz rr. . i T VOTE, fir immwm. -1 T' " I 1 I I II I 1 K r ' EACH TITFPi I I V t , ?sf4r vwf-tV-t ) CepyrifM If) 10 hy Maker of Benjarnjn Qotres The Coming Election will decide who is to be Pendleton's next mayor, but the question of correct clothes for gentlemen, has been settled many years among those who demand and know, the latest au(horatative .styles. Their unanimous recommendation is Wear a BENJAMIN Benjamin Clothes are made in New York City by the nations fashion cre ating tailors. $20.00 and Upwards Other Suits $12.50 and up Bond Brothers ?es2sl5lkria