) page foub, DAILY EAST ORBGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1911. EIGHT FACES. Hotel St. George Bar GEO. DARVEAU, Proprietor Pendleton's Popular Gentle- AN IM'KI'KNPKXT SKWSI'Al'ER. roblUhrd Iai:y ami Sml Weekly at l'en illetuu. Oregon, by ihe BAST OKKUOMAX PIIILISUIXU CO SfUSCKirTIOX KATKS. IHtly, one year, by mall $.100 Uaiiy, tlx in. nulls, by mail -30 L'aily, ttiree nionllis, by mall 1 2r la ily, ouo oiou'.b, by mall 50 la.i, ime jir, by ramer 730 Ua;lv. nx irouilis, by carrier 3.75 t'any. ilin-e tiu.uilis, by carrier 1.93 Luiiy. n muiitb, by carrier 03 Brini-vtrvkly. ne year, by mall 150 Oeiot Week.v, six niooihs. by mail 75 tH-wl Wei'Lly. four months, by mall... .50 Member United l're&a Association. The Haily Kast Oregoniau U kept on aale at the Oregon Nevia Co., 3'JU Morrlaoo atreet. Portland, Ore-coo. Northwest Newa Co., Portland, Oregon. I'huaso liureau, IHiy Security BuiUlliiR. Washington. 1J. C, Bureau, 501 Kour teentb reeu N. W. Kntered at the postorflce at Pendleton, Oregon, as Krcond-clasa mall matter. Telephone kialn 1 Official City and Cotinu Paper. MORNING. The night is gone again. The world rolls on its way; Faith, hope and love remain; Youth's lauiter still is gay. What if the winds be chill. Or if the storm be neat ? Truth claims the highway still. And Sin must skulk In fear. Exchange. NOT AX EXPERIMENT. Opponents to the commission gov ernment idea in this city have been v ont to urge the argument that. Pen dleton is not ready to adopt the new form yet and would stand to gain much and lose nothing by waiting un til other cities had tried out the mer its of the plan. They would create the impression that commission form of government is new and untried and ' yet in the experimental stage, but either they know not whereof they speak or else deliberately misrepre sent the facts. Yesterday the East Oregonian printed a list of the cities in the Unit eo States which are at present oper ating under the commission form of government. In all there are 171 of these cities, ranging in population from one to one hundred thousand and in geographical location from Maine to Oregon and from Texas ta Minnesota. Many of these cities have been op erating under the new plan for a number of years and some for only a few months but all will testify to its superior efficiency, simplicity and business competency over the old plan which seeks to secure the same results from a large group of unpaid officials. ' It has not been long since two pros perous cities of the northwest voted to try the commission plan. The peo ple of North Y'akima and Walla Walla pclieved in the principles of the new government and decided to give it a trial. The result any loyal citizen of either of the cities will be proud to tell. Only yesterday the Oregon Jour nal contained a long dispatch from North Yakima telling of the success of commission government there and the article closed with this significant statement, "Commission government as administered here is so far calling fcrth nothing but praise." As for the benefits derived already by the Gar den City, Pendletonians have but to attend a meeting tomorrow evening ai. which Mayor Gillis of that munici pality will explain the application of the new form to the eviU and ill from which his city had been suffer ing fur long. The commission form of government is comparatively new but untried an 1 experimental it certainly is not. It has been weighed in the balance and found not wanting. Its permanency it assured. It has come to stay. Its growth since its first Inception and the success to which it has attained warrants the belief that it will be but a matter of a few years until it has entirely superceded the old form and relegated it to the ranks of things antiquated and unused. Pendleton has always been known as a progres sive city and the approaching election will prove whether or not this repu tation is Justified. THANKSGIVING TIDINGS. Those were Joyful Thanksgiving tid ing that Charles H. Carter, attorney In order to avoid an attack of Headache, Dys pepsia, Indigestion, Colds and Grippe, You should reaVy try ft XVw.YSj All Gone- and no cause for complaint Ctttollini mer.s Resort. Anheuscr-Busch's famous BUOVVEISER & fi) Let the children eat their fill of doughnuts if made from Cottolene. There's no stomach-ache or indigestion in Cottolene doughnuts, because Cottolene is a vegetable oil product, pure and healthful as olive oil. It makes food rich, without making it indigestible. It makes food palatable without the greasiness of lard-soaked food. It is more economical than butter or lard because one-third less is required. From the standpoints of health and economy, Cottolene is unquestionably the leading cooking fat on the market Use one-third less Cottolene than butter or lard. Cottolene shortens your food lengthens your life Made only by THE N. K. FAJRBANK COMPANY ffiV 0 on draught, 5C glass Electric Mixed Drinks Served at this Bar. Finest Wines, Liquor and Cigars. Distributors of Echo Spring and Old Crow Whiskey. First class Cafe njd Grill In connection A Ia Carte. ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL Opens .Sept. 1 4 J Boarding and Day School for Girls. Primary, Intermediate, Ac- t ademic Special and Poet- Graduato Courses. Depart- X menta of Music, Expression and Art PERSONAL ATTENTION REFINING INFLUENCES TIIOnOCGH WORK T Nettie M. Calbraith ' $ Principal WALLA WALLA, WASH, for the school board, .gave to the pub lic yesterday through the medium of the press when he announced th .si.le of the high school bonds. Thus the last obstacle in the way of the erection of a new, modern high school building has been removed and tht friends of good schools who lent their energies In the campaign for a new structure will know that their work has not gone for naught. The school board and its attorney deserve congratulations for the tire less manner in which they have la bored to market the bonds after a question of their legal validity had arisen. "The bonds will never be sold" quoth the pessimist but an end has been put to such howlings and the city had real reason to be thank ful yesterday. MODERN PLOWING. What would our forefathers who followed the plow through many a weary furrow think !f they could wit ness three oil-fed traction engines ti'rn over an acre in four minutes? says an exchange. A sixteen-foot plow accomplished this remarkable record the other day or. the grounds of Purdue University, in the presence of several hundred farmers and teachers of agriculture. The day of the man with the long chin whiskers, chewing a Btraw, has pone forever. With Improved meth ods of cultivation and the science of growing crops reduced to dollars and cents, it is no wonder that the farmer ot today rides In his own auto. Those persons and interests who, not many months ago, hinted of graft in the water department of the city and suggested, urged and demanded that the books of the commissioners be audited must feel rather chargrln ed by the report of the experts which says that "outside of a few minor er rors, we find the books have been well kept." ( " Mrs. Patterson has gone vfree and thus another name has been added to the nong list of murderers who 'have escaped punishment In the United ! States. OSTETTEB' CILEBRATk.? . STOMACH VW Ileppner high school will probably think twice and then twice more be fore' It again disputes the claim of the Pendleton football team to the championship of eastern Oregon. The humiliating drubbing which the Mor r w county lads received yesterday v. ill r.-t:kle long In Uv.-ir bosoms Dm! should cause them to do more anj talk less In the future. TOO GREAT A READEI The Journal Francuis. a little sheet I published by the Society of Teachers of French in England, gives in its first issue an amusing instance of I.a Condamine's thirot for knowledge. La Condainiiie. t may be observed, was a celebrated French physicist, and to him is credited the first men tion in Europe of the India rubber tree. , One day the savant visited Mme. de Choisel. She was at that time engag ed in correspondence and wished to finish her letter. He approached clo-e to her, and was reading over her shoulder what she was writing. She perceived the maneuvre and con tinued writing: "I .would tell you more about it If M. La Condamlne was not behind me reading what I am writing." Before she (v-uld proceed further he interrupted her. "Ah, madam, nothing could be more unjust. I as sure you I was not reading anything." INCONVENTIONALITIES. BW IHAVEBAHMCeOUNTS "Xo. I don't want any life insur ance, but you can go ahead and talk, It makes me forget my toothache." "Why, how do you do, Mr. De Trow? I was Just going out walking; but you may stay if you like. Good by." "I've stopped at a good many ho tels, landlord, and yours is the worst I ever saw." "If you 're only going to stay a week with us, Aunt Abigail, I think maybe we can stand it." "Mr. Spoonleigh, si's told me to tell you she's not going to come down; you're not the young man she was expecting." "Them hands o'your'n don't need manicuring, sir; they need laundry Ing. Please close the door as you go out." OLD TIME CRUELTY. One Time When Surgery I Often Needless Torture. Many operations for piles are simp ly needless torture, for when it's all over the piles come back. The only fine way to be rid of pile for good is to use Dr. Leonhardt's HEM-ROID. It cures piles by doing away with the cause poor circula tion. tt.for 24 days' treatment at Pen dleton Drug Co. and all druggists. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. Leon hardt Co., Station B, Buffalo, N. y., Prop. Write for free booklet. Swellings of the fle-h caused by in flammation, cold, fractures of the hone, toothache, neuralgia or rheu matism can be relieved hv applying BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT. It should be well rubbed In over the part affected. Its great healing and pen crating power eases the pain, reduc es swelling and restores natural cn il.Tirn"!. PrVe 2r,c, TOf nnd 1 p.-r Louie Sold l.y A. C Kofppen K- I'r . SQUIRRELS A WINTER may come to you sooner than you think. The pru dent squirrel stores away nuts when he can get nuts. He has them when winter comes. To HAVE MONEY you must save as you make it, and put it in the bank where it will be saf. , MAKE OUR BANK YOUR BANK. 3 "J We pay liberal Interest consistent with safety, 4 per cent. The American NationalsBank DR. GRAY THE PAINLESS DENTIST. NOW AT THE BOWMAN HOTEL WILL REMAIN ANOTHER WEEK. The Dr. has already operated upon numbers of Pendleton's citizens, all of whom will tell you that he does exactly as he claims When you want THE AUTO CAB': PHONE MAIN 468. The OREGON MOTOR CO. S15 E. COURT ST. J EAST END GROCERY The place where they dress the poultry for your table. Are now agents for the Celebrated Seal-Shipt Oysters. You will also find them right there with a complete lino of Grocoriee and everything in season. - J Phone Main 536 John Dyer. Prop. Ihe Pendleton Drug Co. la In business for ( Your Good Health" REMEMBER THIS WHEN YOU HAVE PRESCRIPTIONS, OR WANT PURE MEDICINES A SNAP FOR $2500.00 7 room modern house, stone cellar, barn, wood shed, bath, toilet, shade and fruit trees, 1-2 block ground. Call at once as bargains of this character can't last. Must see It to appreciate It. MARK MOORHOUSE CO. Phone Main 83. 117 R Court Street. Other Property of Every Description Money to Loan on City and County Rcnlty. HEADOUARTERS FOR Toilet Goods We are Sols Manufacturers and Distributors of tht Celebrated TOILET CItE.lM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and MT. HOOD CRB' Tallman & Co Leading Druggists of E ' era Oregon. . r- - w