East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 01, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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" -
New Holiday Stock
In anticipation of the coming Holidays and in order to outdo all previous efforts.
. feince tha inception of this store, we have assembled the most elaborate and complete
took of
Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry,
Sterling Silver, Clocks,- Hand
Painted China, Cut Glass
and other kindred lines, yet seen within the City of Pendleton. No expense has been
spared and every effort towards the fulfillment of refined and exclusive Christmas
Gifts is now possible. Your early choice is advisable, as you then procure the cream
of our stock and avoid the rush later on. It will bo our pleasure to reserve your
pifts now for future delivery.
Articles, Purchased at this Store, Engraved Free
South Bend Watches-Sole Agent For Pendleton
Wm. Hanscom
THE Jeweler
Dale Rothwell, Optometrist
0. A. C.
Special NiimlxT of ClirMiuu Young
Mn'n Publication, ImmucJ from
PortlutuL Contains Many Mlxstatc-iiu-iilM,
According to Faculty.
Oregon Agricultural College Cor
vall , Ore., Dec. 1. That "Apple
Growing In the Pacific Northwest."
a book Just issued by the Y. M. C. A.
8t Portland, la erroneous, misleading
and unscientific, is the dictum of the
experts at the Oregon Agricultural
College who gave ten of the lectures
reported inaccurately In the book.
No request for permission to print
the lectures was received at the col
lege from the association, nor were
the lecturers given opportunity to look
over either stenographic reports or
proofs before the book appeared from
the press.
"As far as horticulture Is concern
ed, the book might well be termed
"A Horticultural Joke Book," said
Prof. C. I. Lewis, chief of the division
of horticulture at the college, this
morning. "It is supposed to be the
report of some 19 lectures given by
various horticultural experts from "a 11
over the northwest. Ten of these lec
tures were given by representatives of
the college and experiment station.
The division of horticulture alone fur
nished five of these. Unfortunately
we had no opportunity to see the
stenographic reports or to read the
proofs before the book went to press;
consequently the book la full of er
rors in fact ridiculous errors. Un
fortunately many of the errors are ser
ious, as they misrepresent certain
sections of our state, as well as place
myself and other members of the di
vision of horticulture in a false light
before the people of our state.
"In my first article, 'Selection of
Orchard Soil,' I find on the first page
alone there are seven errors. I am
quoted as giving the rainfall for The
Dalles region as only 7 Inches, when
a perusal of the weather report will
show it to be several times greater
than that I am quoted as stating
that the soil in the Umatilla valley
will grow pears better than any other
soil, when probably the pear is one
of the few crops to which that soil
and those climatic conditions are not
very well adapted, and I would not
wish to encourage pear growing In
that section until we have experi
mented more."
Prof. Lewis continued giving other
instances of misquotations, as to the
Freewater-Milton district, the White
lands, the amount of rainfall, and al
titude. E. J. Kraus, horticultural re
search expert for the experiment sta
t.on, also pointed out numerous er-
r.?T".,n. tne report of h)s "ecture on
The, macoas membranes of the
nose and throat are exposed to the
irritating influence of dost, impure
air, etc., and for this reason are
the places Catarrh usually first
manifests itself. Bat these are
simply exciting causes, the inflam
mation and discharge being really
produced by an impure and vitiated
condition of the blood. It is well
enough to use some local treatment
to cleanse these membranes, bat
any one can readily see that if
the inflammatory matter is left in
the blood, such treatment cannot
possibly have any permanent effect.
S. S. S. cures Catarrh by purifying
the blood of all impure catarrhal
matter and irritating germs and at
the same time builds up the system
by its fine tonic effects. When
S. S. S. has purified the blood, the
mucous surfaces are all nourished
and made healthy. There can be no
inflammation of the membranes
then, because the biood is pure, and
every tissue receives nourishment in
stead of irritating matter. Our book
on Catarrh will give proper advice as
to what is best to use as a local aid
while S. S. S. is purifying the blood.
This book is free, also any special
advice you may feel you need.
S. S. S. is sold at drug stores.
having the same general purposes as
those for which the exchange is
formed, may be affiliated upon ap- '
plication. He added: "The exchange
will fir.-t form as a statistical bureau
bue we shall be in a position to han
dlet the 1912 crop."
The Orplionm.
A swell program for Friday und
Saturday's change:
1. "Out from the Shadow." Rlo
graph. Since the death of their only
child. Sirs Vane gives herself up to
morbid grief, to the neglect of her
husband and he seeks compnnlonsh p
outside his own homo and In time the
wife appreciates his Indifference.
However, the awakening has come too
Into for her husband has formed an
attachment for a vivacious young wid
ow. 2. "The Cross of Tearls." Melies.
Gabr'el confesses the crime. Con
science strikes deeper and the dastard
suffers untold agony lest an innocent
man be punished for the crime of
WMch for' Yon?
A Delight or a Drudgery
Save Time, Health
and Money
"Wear-Ever" Aluminum
Cooking Utensils
cent pure solid metal, no glass coating to clii oft cannot rnst, do not
contain and cannot form any poisonous substance, savo your 'food
practically everlasting.
To Housewives of Pendleton
Attend our 'free demonstration, all tliis week even the oldest user of
Aluminum utensils can learn new tricks from Mrs. Kearns, our expert
direct from tlio factory.
Specials in Wear-Ever" Aluminum Ware
Lip Sauco Pan, regular frc seller, special 30
Stew Pan, regular G.rc seller, special 35
2 pans for tlic price of one.
The Taylor Hardware Co.
slaying his brother.
3. "Their Tiny Babies." Essanay.
A decidedly novel comedy photoplay
which will prove exceptionally pleas
ing to the children.
4. "Tis Better to Have Loved and
Lost." Essrrriay. A pleasing comedy.
Pretty Kitty fends Smaxon and Jim
Stack off to await her under the old
oak tree. When she will elope" with
them. Of course neither knows of
each other. Kitty then elopes with
6. "Saved by the Flag " Pathe. A
conventional love story with the scene
laid in Mexico and a chase as its chief
feature. A young American wins the
affection of a girl from her Mexican
lover, who Is. a general in the army.
The Pastime.
Special announcement, Friday and
Saturday. December 1 and 2:
"Auld Lang Syne." Vitagraph.
200(1 feet. This two-reel picture is a
picturesque story of the highlands of
Scotland based upon the sweet and
noble sentiment of "Auld Lang
Syne." Bobbie Burns, who wrote the
poem, immortalized himself in this
Inspiration. See th's pretty and im-pre-sive
production for yourself. j
"An Island Comedy." Edison This
story of an estrangement between two
lovers, has its happy ending on a
beautiful island. The trouble came
through a young man growing confi
dent over his position with the girl,
lie rtrikes a bargain with the young
woman's brother and the girl is left
alone upon the island and is rescued
by the young man.
"The Tale of a Soldier's Ring." Se
lig. Marion Dtinlap is betrothed to
Robert Alroy. who places a diamond
r n upon his sweetheart's finder.
Tho civil war h.ii begun and Marion
returns the ring to Alroy. which ends
the engagement when Alroy enlists
In a union regiment After many
thrilling and stirring war scenes peace
restores Marion to her lover. i
ERI'IT Itri.T mi I.V-.I-..
Spokane. Wash. Twelve districts
in Washington,, Oregon, Idaho and
.Montana have been established by the
Central Fruit Marketing Exchange,
which was formally organized hero
on November 29 by a committee of
11. appointed by the Walla Walla
convention last February. Larned E
Meacham. secretary, will have charge"
of the bureau to be established in the
Hutton building, Spokane, the mid
dle of December. The 12 districts are-
Distrct 1 Southern Oregon
Jackson and Josephine counties
District 2 Willamette valley
Douglas, Lane, Benton. -Linn, Marion
Polk, Yamhill. Clackamas, Multno
mah, Washington and Columbia
District 3 Lower Columbia: Hood
H ver, Wasco, Sherman and Klickitat
District 4 Yakima: Yakima, Kit
titas and Benton counties.
District 5 Wenatchee: Chelan,
Okanogan and Douglas counties
District 6 Inland Empire: '.Spo
kane, Stevens, Kootenai and upper
Whtnian counties.
District 7 Snake river: Latah,
-Nez Perce, lower Whitman. Asotin
and Garfield counties.
District 8 Southern Idaho; Wash
ington, Boise, Elmore. Ada, Canyon
and Malheur counties.
District 9 Eastern Oregon: Union
and Baker count!es.
District 10 Walla Waila: Walla,
Columbia and Umatilla counties.
District 11 Montana.
Di.-trict 12 Western Washington.
W. H. Otis of Peshastin, Wash.,
chairman of tho committee, said to
day that any district organization
San Francisco. All, or the great
er part, of the reserve battleships of
the United States navy are to be main
tained on the Pacific coast, according
to announcements made here today
that naval officers on the coast have
received orders to that effect from
the navy department.
It is said that this plan will be put
Into execution immediately after the
opening of the Panama canal, and that
as there is no fresh water basin avail
able on the Pacific coast the vessel
probably will be stationed somewhere
on the San Francisco bay. The re
serve fleet is now stationed at League
Island, near Philadelphia. It com
prises the battleships Indiana, Iowa,
Maine, Massachusetts and Wisconsin.
to which the Illinois, Alabama and
Missouri will be added soon.
Quick climatic changes try strong
constitutions and cause, among other
evils, nasal catarrh, a troublesome
and offensive disease. Sneezing and
snuffling, coughing and difficult
breathing, and the drip, drip of the
foul discharge Into the throat all
are ended by Ely's Cream Balm. Thii
honest remedy contains no cocaine,
mercury, nor other harmful Ingredi
ent. The worst cases yield to treat
ment in a short time. All druggists,
60c, or mailed by Ely Bros., 56 War
ren street. New York
Savet! HIh Wire's Life.
"My wife would have been in her
grave today," writes O. H. Brown of
Muscadine, Ala, ":f it had not been
for Dr. King's New Discovery. She
was down in her bed, not able to get
up without help. She had a severe
bronchial trouble and a dreadful
cough. I got a bottle of Dr. King's
New Discovery and she soon began
to mend, and was well in a short
time." Infallible for coughs and
colds, its the most reliable remedy
on earth for desperate lung trouble,
hemorrhages, la grippe, athma, hay
fever, croup and whoop'ng cough. 50c.
J100. Trial bottle free Guaranteed
by Koeppens.
Deep-seated coughs that resist ordi
nary remedies require both external
and internal treatment. If you buv a
dollar bottle of BALLARD'S HORE
HOUXD SYRUP you get the two
remedies you need for tho price of
one There is a HERRICK'S RED
c liest, free witn each bottle. Sold by
A. C. Koeppen & Bros.
Seattle ? Spokane ? Portland ;
Leave Pendleton
TlianUsihliiir Football.
Providence. K. I., Dec. 1. The Car
lisle Indian team yesterday defeated
Brown at football, 12 to d The scor
ing was done in the first half.
Ohio state 11. University of' Cinci
nnati 6.
Western Reserve 5. Case 9.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That
Contain Mercury. j
as mumiry will surely destroy the sense of
smell and completely derange the whole'
system when entering It through the mucous
Kurl'ncos. Such Hrtlclcs should never lie
used except on prescriptions from reputable
puysicians. ns me uainagc tncy will do is
ten fold to the good you run possihly de- i
rive from them. Hull' Cntnrrh Cure. '
tnnntifactiired liy V. .1. Cheney & Co., Tole- '
do. . contains ho mercury, and Is taken '
inf ornnllv. flcthitf illrccllv mmn tin.
nnd mucous surfaces of the system. In buy
ing Hall's I 'in anil Cure lie sine von get the
genuine. It Is taken Internally" an, I made
l-i Toledo. Ohio, by K. ,1. Cheney & Co.
Testimonials free.
Sold liv Prinvrlsts. Price. 7."e per bottle.
Take Hull s Kunilly Tills for constipation.
f Arrive Seattle 8:15 A. M.
1:30 P. M. Arrive Spokane 0:55 P. M.
I Arrive Portland S :10 A. M.
Northern Pacific Railway
The Tioneer Line.
First class trains. Close connections. Good leavin? time.
Good arriving time.
Through Tickets to all Points
East or West
Secure tickets and full information from