PAGH FOUR. DAILY EAST OREGON1AN, PENDLETON. OREGON. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 28, 1911. BIGHT PAGES, AN INDKPKNDEXT SEWSTArER. PublULod Puny n.l 8ml-Veeklj at Pen dleton, Oregon, by the AST OKKUONIAN rtUlLlSHlNO CO. SUBSCRIPTION HATES. Pall?, one your, by mull Dallv. kIi mouth, br mail .500 . 2.50 I'tlj, lure mouths, by mall Ia i iy, ono immili. by emit Pail), on year, by carrier laily. fix iroiiti. by carrier Dally. thiv months, by carrier Dally, one monlb, by carrier HiDl Wet'kly, oue year, by mail fceml Week v, ail month, by mall .... Beml erklj. (our months, by mall... . 1.25 . .ot . s ;s . 1.9.1 . s . 150 . .75 .50 Member lnited l'ress Association. The DallT Oreonian la kept on a!o at the Orecn New Co., 829 Morrison Street. I'ortlaml. Oregon. Northwest News Co.. Portland, Oregon. Chu-aco I'.ureau, !9 Security PulMinft. Washington, L) C, Bureau, 501 Four teenth freet. N. W. 1 Entered at the postofflo Pendleton, Orcgun. ae second-class mall matter. j Telephone Main 1 j Official t'ltj and Countj Taper. WINTER'S SONG AND l.AUGH- TEH. I. Now and then a day of light and Winter's song and laughter; blazing mighty bright (Hope it won't blaze hereafter!) II. Fire Holly reddening 6n the bough, just like rubies gleam- ing; Tell the old, sweet stories now dream the old-time dreaming. III. Lots' o' Joy in every place lit- tie children singing; Ain't this world a friend to grace,' with such music ringing? Frank L. Stanton. SOUND REASONS FOR IT. Commission government for cities is not a fad. It Is a nation wide move tor bettering municipal government and it has come to" stay. The commission idea first took form at Galveston, Texas, and since then the plan has been taken up by hundreds of other progressive cities, especially in the west and middle west. The movement seems spontan eous, yet it is not the result of chance nor is it a mere whim of the people. ! There are sound reasons for the commission government move and it is because of them the move Is proving so popular. First it is a move for greater efficiency and efficiency in everything Is what the modern worll is after. It Is the disposition every where to cut out waste, needless ex pense and incompetency. This idea has long prevailed in business circles but the idea has not been applied suf ficiently to public affairs. The com mission government move looks to establishing in the public service the same degree of efficiency that pre vails in the business world. There are explicit reasons why the public service, municipal, state and atlonal should be made more effici ent. One of the greatest of reasons Is to be found in the changes that are underway along economic-political lines. It Is a fact from which there is no escape that the people, through tnelr chosen officials, local, Btate and national, must soon participate more than at present in the regulation or actual management of the industries and commerce of the country. Every day brings new evidence to this effect There is evidence along this line In the proposal that the government mine Alaska coal. There is evidence along this line In the proposal the government should operate a line of steamers through the Panama canal. A vigorous expression upon this topic was given a few days ago by Col. P.oosevelt when he declared for .gov ernmental regulation of the prices of all monopolies doing an interstate business. The same idea was express ed here in Pendleton Saturday when the rival candidates for mayor an nounced their platforms and both de clared for regulation of public utility corporations In behalf of the people. Now since it Is a fact that official must face these new and graver du- Absolutely Pure Since 1780 HERMAN PETERS PENDLETON - - OREGON ties tt becomes necessary to bring a higher order of men into the public service and to allow them to work under such conditions as will permit of. the best results. This calls for tho concentration of responsibility and for the payment of salaries. Good service cannot be expected if respon sibility is not closely fixed, if offlcl- als are not closely watched and If ! they are not paid for their work. Because of thee considerations and others the East Orogoninn is strongly in favor of commission government 1'i.r Pendleton. In the view of this paper the adoption of the commission j charter will be a step forward and a j big step toward securing greater ef ficiency in our municipal government If local voters study the proposition . thoroughly, as they should do, they will find these things to be true and they will adopt the new charter l ' an overwhelming vote. ABOUT THE EXTENSION. j Much of the opposition being mani fested Just now to the extension of the Umatilla project may be charged t j Oliver P. Morton, John MeCourt or 'whoever is responsible for the ad judication suit that has been brought wif..r.1 ,. i 1 ' - that suit the government lawyers seek , comin motherhood, Should neglect to limit farmers along McKay and ' to prepare her system for the phys ( Birch creek to two and a half acre ical ordeal she is tc undergo. The feet of water per annum. It is hear-1 health of both she and her 'coming ing down too hard upon those water- j cn depends largely upon the care 1 users and it is not surprising . thev sh: be5510"'3 upon herself during the have joined in the protest against the I ''nS mntllS- f friend extension - PrePares the expectaut mother's sys- i T ' , , - tern, for the coming event, anl its use , m a bulletin published in 1909 the makes her comfortable during all the state engineer gives an opinion that term. It works with and for nature, it regulres from three to four acre and by graduf"" expanding all tis feet of water to reclaim an acre of , sues muscles w involved, land. If this estimate is correct then'. and keeping t f'S-tS in . od con- Mr. Morton is entirely too stingy with the old settlers who live on McKay creek. Birch creek and on the Uma tilla river this side of Butter creek. He should have been "more liberal with them and have allowed them ample water for their lands. They j have prior rights over the extension and should be allowed all the water I they need. It is also known that the reclama jtlon legal force does not look with j kindness upon the idea of having the , reservation water rights established. : In this they are also wrong. If tho ; Indians of the reservation are legally . - n t i H .i ...... i . entitled to water, as it seems they are i tnen their rights should be fully es tablished and protected. It is the plain ; duty of the government to protect (the rights of the Indians and the fact ithe redmen may be ignorant of their i jrights or of their own best interests i does not lessen the obligation at all. The extension of the Umatilla pro ject would be a fine thing and the ! East Oregonian would like to see it ! carried put. But obviously the ex- tension must be secondary to the res jetvation rights and secondary to the j rights of the settlers along Birch creek, McKay and the Umatilla. Fur thermore the" settlers on the Umatilla ! meadows, which Is needed for a reser j voir site are entitled to object if the government otters them but 50 per acre for land that sells in the market at 1200 per acre. Let the government carry out the extension but in doing so let it have full regard for the rights of present settlers, redmen and white. THE WATER SITUATION. There is no reason why anyone should oppose the commission charter for fear it will hurt the chances for a gravity water Bystem. People will be able to get a gravity water sys tem or any other system they may want, Just as quickly under commis sion government as under tu j0k nt "Jerk line" system of p In fact they should be aL what they want easier than at present. Under the commission plan there will be but a single board and the people will have a very close hold on that beard. At this time we have two dif- j ferent bodies having authority upon I the subject and they are working at "loggerheads." However, voters who want a gravity water system for Pendleton will do well Indeed to turn out on election day and vote for Will Moore for water commissioner. Mr. Moore is the out and out candidate of those who want gravity water. He Is for mountain water and the sincerity of his position Bottled in Bond YEARS OLD Smooth Mellow Rich cannot be questioned. His opponent, James Johns, says he favors a filter ing system. He was brought Into the race by people who want to beat Mr. Moore because he has been a sealous advocate of a gravity system, ; A vote for Mr. Johns will be a vote to rep rimand the present board for its ef forts to secure a mountain water supply. A vote for Mr. Moore will be a vote to encourage those who are J striving to obtain mountain water for tho city. Tho Stanfield people waited a Ion time before they got into the game but they scsm to be making a strong finish. Judje Lowell Bourne's toga, get it this time? is after Jonathan Will he be able t-i There would be things doing if the colonel wanted to run again. Hut he does not, picording to his close friends. The election occurs next Monday. Mothers 1 ?lU?' DSS.1 ae crisis baby too is more apt to be perfect and strong where the mother has thus prepared herself for nature's supreme j function. No better advice could be I given a young expectant mother than that she use Mother's Friend ; it is a I medicine that has proven its value la i thousands of cases. Mother's IS. W -X Friend is sold at JjlO 1116x5 drugstores. T? J Write for free rPiPTVfl. book for expect- " ant mothers which contains much valuable information, and many sug gesttons of a helpful nature. BRADF1ELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Co. When comes to Selling Building Material Only the best grades of Lumber, Lath, Shingles and in fact any thing that s required in the building line is allowed to enter our yard. Estimates furnished Err'j Phone Main 92 THE Thanksgiving Spirit prevails at this popular and sanitary market. No matter what delicacy you have decided upon, in tho way of poultry or meats, for the Thanksgiving dinner, you will find it here. (GemiihPsiD sift PIIOXE MAIN 33. Frninrnal Affection. Recruiting Sergeant Why do you say you won't enlist unless you're sent to the Seventy-fifth Infantry Tim Geoghegan Beca'se I want to be near me brother that's In th' Sev enty:slxf. Harper's Weekly. ; t fj ii j- i r n . e:.: a aa m n iu w a ar j Mi i sav it - irv , m A WINTER may come to you sooner than you think. The pru dent squirrel stores away nuts when ha can get nuts. Ha has them when winter comes. To HAVE MONET you must save as you make it. and put it in the bank where It will be safe. MAKE OUR BANK YOUR BANK. We pay liberal Interest consistent with safety, 4 per cent. The American National Bank A SNAP FOR $2500.00 7 room modern house, atone cellar, barn, wood shed, bath, toilet, shade and fruit trees, 1-2 block ground. Call at once as bargains of this character can't last. Must see It, to appreciate It. MARK MOORHOUSE CO. Phone Main 83. 117 E. Court Street Other Property of Every Description. Money to Loan on City and County Realty. Mvar Th rooh -Ho raft or Send us your order for Turkeys Ducks Sealshipt Oysters Geese Chickens Choice Meats Everything fmh and clean. All orders receive our prompt attention. No Experiment Station. Ella That young - farmer tried to kiss me, saying that ho had never kissed a girl before. . : Stella What did you tell him? Ella That I was no agricultural ex periment station. . , v . IVEN SQUIRRELS HAVEBAHIMCCOUNTS WHY NOT YOU? otice. OSCAR. MAiii ' ml wl3iH!i(&ft 103 E. ALTA ST. ; Hotel St. George Bar-- GEO. DARVEAC, Proprietor Pendleton's Popular Gentle- mens Resort ' flnheuser-Busch's famous BUDWEISER on draught, 5C glass Electrlo Mixed Drinks Served at this Bar. Finest Wines, Liquor and j Cigars. Distributor of Echo Spring and Old Crow Whiskey. First class Cafe and Grill In connection A La Carte. . ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL Opens Sept. 14 Boarding and Day School for Girls. Primary, Intermediate, Ac adeniio Special and Poet Graduate Courses. Depart ments of Music, Expression and Art PERSOXAIi attention REFINING rVFLCEXCKS THOROUGH WORK Nettie M. Galbraith Principal WALLA WALLA, WASH. DR. GRAY THE PAINLESS DEXTIST. NOW AT THE BOWMAN HOTEL WILL REMAIN ANOTHER WEEK. The Dr. has already operated upon numbers of Pendleton's citizens, all of whom will tell g you that he does exactly as he claims When you want THE AUTO CAB PHONE MAIN 408. The OREGON MOTOR CO. SIS E. COURT ST. The Pendleton Drug Co. la In business for "Your Cood Health' REMEMBER THIS WHEN YOU HAVE PRESCRIPTIONS, OR WANT PURE MEDICINES HEADOUARTERS FOR Toilet Goods We are Sole Mannfactaren and Distributors of th . Celebrated TOILET CRE.LM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and MT. HOOD CREAM. Tallman & Co. Leading Druggists of East ern Oregon. 9 iragimraacasccgisi