a M.jf 1 : ,.:.V- f! I, DAILY EAST OltBGOXIAX. PK.VDUKTOX. OREGON. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, Itll. EIGHT TAG! ! i it I' Twenty-seven Days to Christmas Nov. 28 The Procrastinator Gets Left. Buy Those Presents Now Thanksgiving day is Donation day at St. Anthony's Hospital. Those desiring to donate will find the most complete lines of Linens, Nankins, Sheets, Pillow Cases, Bedding etc. at this store. This store will close at noon, 12 o'clock, Thanksgiving Day. If you enjov bavin? vour fwl stuff come from an ABSOLUTELY CLEAN and SAN ITARY STORE. THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE i. that ONE STORE in Pendleton. , Thanksgiving Poultry Leave vour order now. Fine, fat Turkeys, Duck, Geese and Chickens. Fine Pipe Cranberries, quart 20 Fancy Mixed Nuts, lb i 23 Fancy New Crop Dates, lb. .. 15 Plum Pudding, cans .. 15 and 35 Fig Pudding, cans 15 and 25 Fancy Canned Asparagus, can "30d Cherries in Maraschino, bottles 35, 60 . and 90. Candied Fancy Cherries and Pineapple, lb. 75 Fancy Tablo Raisins, per package 20 Fancy Sweet Midget Pickles, pint 35 Fancv Lobsters, cans 25 anil 35. Sweet Apple Cider,per gallon ... 50 Extra Fancy Rome Peav ty Apples, 1kx... $2.25 Extra Fancy Figs per package o and 10 Good old Fashioned Mince Meat, 3 lbs 50? MEADOW FARMERS PASS RESOLUTIONS ASKIXG GOVERNMENT TO BVILD JOHN DAY ntOJECT O'pUs Sent to President, Secretary of tho Interior, Oregon ('oiiro8.siiiial IHie;.3itloii, Orcein Development League and t'onimerclul IUhIIom. (Special Correspondence.) j Stanfield, Ore., Nov. 28. Strong resolutions were adopted by the farm-, ers living on the "Meadows" adjacent .to the Umatilla river at a meeting which was held at the home of Zoeth Houser Saturday evening. Copies have been sent to President Taft, the secretary of the interior, senators from Oregon, representatives In congress from Oregon, the Oegon Develop ment League, and to vaious Commer cial bodies. The resolutions follow: Whereas, some 200,00 to 300.000 acres of fertile soil in Gilliam, Mor row and Umatilla counties, in the state of Oregon, which are now un productive because of insufficient precipltat'on of moisture, might be made highly productive and capable of supporting 10 000 to 80.000 famil ies by the construction of what Is known as the John Day project In Oregon; and 1 Wherens the rlenartment nf the In terior has pronounced the said John Day project both feasible and desir able, and I Whereas. Oregon Tias contributed largely to the reclamation fundi and has not received through expenditure within the state the amount of rec lamation funds which she justly de serves; and Whereas, the irrigation of the lands of the West Umatilla extension, by means of flood water from the Uma tilla river, according to present plans of the United States reclamation ser vice would unjustly deprive old set tlers and small farmers along the Extra Fancy Mushrooms, individual cans 25 Extra Fancy Diamond V. Oysters, cans 25 and 45. Special Walnut Sale, 5 pounds good nuts ?1 Tryphosa and Wine Jelly makes delicious dessert, packages, 2 for 25 Extra Fancy Stringles? Beans, cans 25 Extra Fancy Peas not colored with cop per cans - - -j 2o Our Celebrated Ehmann Olive Oil, bottles 35, 60 and 91.00. Lemon and Orange Peel and Citron, fancy, pounds - - 2o Extra Fancy Snowball Cauliflower 20 and 25. Extra Fancy Cannon Ball Cabbage 11). 3 We have a choiced lot of Dress Turkeys, 25c per lb. Extra Fancy Bleached Celery, crisp and fresh, bunch - 15 Extra Fancy Large Smooth Sweet Potatoes pound '. - Extra Fancy Head Lettuce, each 15 Extra Fancy Tomatoes, Bmssells Sprouts. Egg Plant and Cucumbers, Turnips. Beets, Parsnips, Carrots and Squa-sh. Fancy Ripe Bananas, doz 40 Fancy Oranges, doz 50 and 60 Fancy Lemons, doz .-. 40 Extra Fancy Pineapple, cans 25 0 cans Choice Pineapple -. $1.00 Choice Winter Xellis Pears, lb 5 And to complete the meal, use the Celebrated T. P. W. special blend Coffee, lb 35 The Peoples Warehouse Save Your Coupons Where it Pays to Trade Only o FoivDays ILongor Tooth Extracted and Filled Uiihoiil Pain DBRS-GRAV NOW AT BOWMAN HOTEL TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN BY THE USE OF VITALIZED AIR. TEETH FILLED WITHOUT PAIN BY THE USE OF ELECTRICITY. As Drs. Gray & Co. have already operated upon scores of Pendk-ton's best citizens, and as testimonials proving their pain less work have been seen in every household, it makes further personal reference unnecessary. ALL KINDS OF DENTAL WORK DONE. GOLD CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY. Only a Few Days Longor made, would be rendered useless and destroyed by the construction of the reervoir for the West Umatilla ex tension; and Whereas, several thousand acres of will be destroyed by being Inundated by the waters covering the site of the proposed reservoir for the west ex tension; and Whereas, many official, political, corporation and public Influences, a well as many Individual persons, have (Continued on page eight) mnat ft.rttlA anA nrnrillpMvp In ml Ul- I Umatilla river and all Its tributary, on wWoh beautlfu, home, , repre8ent streams above Stanfield. .of water, h , and of more wh'ch they need and desire for the. , ... Irrigation' of their lands; and Whereas, there Is douot as to thej: at."1 Irom the umatiiu veTBnTits 1 Nw Remedy tor Colds and Catarrh trihntflrlaa after tha riehta nf all, 9 prior appropriators have been com plied with, to irrigate efficiently the sandy lands nearer the Columbia riv er, of which the West Umatilla exten s'on is comprised; and Whereas the continued considera Don't let that cold grow worse, and possibly develop into a case of chron ic catarrh. Check it now it is so easy, with' the new discovery, Men- iicjca-, tn? iviihhu'-u v.".w. thrtlvntna I' f ,he T:l,Uat,!,ta nf '6ome It Is now known that to cure colds is retarding development of !an(1 catarrh the MBa tract mugt be 10.000 acres of land for which Mrriga- disinfected. The infecting tlon has already been Provided, and 8 destroyed, without h'nder ing and P"" '?;e" however, irritating or Injuring the of capital in further IW"" ' rellcate' membranous tis ues. How lands already under cultivation: and, be m whlch Whereas, even needed "ada and . physic al for year, highway Improvement by the county P question, for cour na ue ru. . - , d fc, new remedy, Men existing uncertainty that such roads. " ,.i. or highway improvement, for which expenditures mlgM otherwise be Remedy6 CATARRH UMATILLA COUNTY GIRL DIES IN INDIA Friends of Mrs. Charles Ruther ford, formerly Miss Gertrude Preston will be shocked to learn of her un timely death which occurred on Oc tober 13th. 1911, at the American Baptist Mission in India, where her husband was stationed as missionary pastor. Eleven days after the birth of her child, Dorothy Janet, she was seized with a deadly attack of malar ial fever to which she succumbed aft er a three days' struggle. Native Christians at their own re quest bore her re.nains on their shoul ders a distance of more than a mile to the last renting place, where ac cording to the laws of that country, she was buried within twenty-four hours of death. The casket was plac ed un'ier ground in a cement recep tacle and covered with solid rrfasonry. The distressing news reached her paren's, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Preston, at Huntington Beach, Calif., in a let ter from the stricken husband which was received November 17. This i a sad blow for the parents, b"th of whom are In very poor health. Gertrude wag laBt seen by her par ents and friends In this country In the summer of 107, when nhe left the United States for a seven years'-stay In the foreign field Khe was nearlng her thirty-fir.-t birthday, being the eldest of a family of nine children, the young'-st also having died some years ago. Khe was graduated from the E. O. 8. N. S. In 1901 and from McMlnnvllle . College in 1906. Mrs. J. N. Scott of Athena, with Mr. Scott and little daughter, arrived at Huntington Beach Juirt two days after the new of Gertrude's death. Weston Leader. but a fine audience came out. This will be the only Monday night service during the meeting. Saturday night will still be used as before and Mon day night as "the rest night " But next Sunday night is to be used by Mr. R'denous in giving his illustrated lecture. "In His Steps," for which a small admission fee will be charged. Evangelist Holmes spoke last night on "The Price of Power," taking Matt. 15:24 as a text. He said that this text was the usual one chosen for a sermon on what most people call "oelf.ili.nl.il " the mnklne of some sort of a sacrifice that good may come. This, dcdeclared, to be lore'gn to me mind of the Savior when He spake these words: He referred to the "denial of Self." Paul calls tnis "..eif "the flesh." the "old man," etc. In every one there Is the con stant warfare between the forces of evil and of good the expressions not ed above were figures or speecn indi cating the evil factor in tnis warrare. Jesus demanded that "no" should be the answer to all temptations to do wrong one must deny the flesh, "self," and follow Him in the course of g.tod. It was a somewhat new line of thought, but the audience greatly appreciated the effort. All rejoiced in hearing "The Good Confession" at the close. Some will be baptised again on Wednesday night. One remarkable feature of this meeting Is the number of men that have been won for Christ. Others are deeply concerned and it is thought by the workers that the "real har vest" Is yet to come. "Selling Out" will be the subject of the sermon for tonight. MOST SEVERE COLD IS EASILY BROKEN EXDS All GRIPPE MISERY IX JUST A FEW HOURS XVK SCHOOL REPORT OUT FOR LAST MONTH CHRISTIAN CHUtOH REVIVAL. Hue Moixluy Xltrlt Crowd Grw-t tin? EvangelihtH. Many thought that after the great crowd that attended the Christian church revival on Sunday, the at tendance would be very small last n'Klit. and especially slri'e there had Veen no M'jndny niirtit s. rv're before Nye, Ore., Nov. 28. The report of school district 81, at Nye, Oregon for the month ending November 24, 1911, has been Issued by the teacher, Mrs Stanton, and Is as follows: Number of days taught, 16; per cent of attendance. 97. Those who have been neither ab sent nor tardy arc: Clare Waldron, Mildred Judd, Ruby Judd and Floyd Adams. School will be closed all Thanksgiv ing week. Killed hy STatli of Tak. Creeriwirh. Conn. While ele.-.ninit Pape's Cold Compound Is the result of three years' research at a coat of more than fifty thousand dollars, and contains no quinine, which we have conclusively demonstrated Is not ef fective In the treatment of colds or grippe. It Is a po.-ltive fact that a dose of Pape's Cold Compound, taken every two hours until three consecutive doses are tuken, will end the grippe and break up the most severe cold, either In the head, chest, back, stom ach, limbs or any part of the body. It promptly relieves the most mis erable headache, dullness, head and nose stuffed up, feverlnhnesa. sneez ing, sore throat, running of the nose, mucous catarrhal discharges, sore nes, s'iffness and rheumatic twinges. Take this harmless compound as di rected, with the knowledge that there is no other medicine made anywhere else In the world, which will cure your cold or end grippe misery as prompt ly and without any other assistance or bad after-effects, as a 25-cent pack age of Pape's Cold Compound, which any druggist In the world can supply. Ely's Cream Balm Is quickly absorbed. iies Relief at Ones. It cleanses, soothes, beals and protects the diseased menu brane r.-snltin from Catarrh and drives away a Cold in tho Head quickly. 1'e-UAYFFVFR Stores the Senses of IllH I I blbll Taste and Smell. Full size 50 Cts., at Drug, gists or by mail. In liimid form, 75 cents. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren Street. New York. f m 1 I tholyptus. for ourselves The vapor from Mentholyptus reaches and cleanses every part of the Infected tissue. When this is followed by the soothing and healing Menthol yptus salve, the treatment is the most effective ever known for colds and catarrh Although we have on our shelves many good remedies for colds, we can especially recommend Mentholyptus. for we know what It can do. We are so sure of its merits, that if the first package fails to reach your case, It will not cost you a cent. Don't fail to investigate this rem edy for colds and catarrh. Anyway, call at our store and let us show you. the outfit. You can then see for your self how simple th's Mentholyptus treatment Is. Pendleton Drug Co. THE OFFICE PENDLETON. ORE Farpily Liquor Store A. SCHNE1TER, Prop. Phone Main 299 711 Main Street. house Mm. James Healey, a mother of five small ' children, slightly scratched her hand on a carpet tack. She was taken ill and died from lock jaw. There Is little danger from a cold or from an attack of the grip exoept when followed by pneumonia, and this never happens when Chamber lain's Cough Remedy' Is used. This remedy has won Its great reputation and extensive sale by its remarkable cures of col'ds and grip and can be re lied upon with Impllc't confidence. For sale by all dealers. For pains in the. side or chest dampen a piece of flannel with Cham berlain's Liniment and bind It on overj the seat of. pain. There Is nothing bitter. For snle by all dealers. WMcSa for Yi ? COOKING A Delight or a Drudgery "Wear-Ever" Aluminum Cooking Utensils Save Time, Health and Money "WEAR-EVER" ALUMINUM COOKING UTENSILS are 99 per cent pure polM metal, no glass coating to chip off cannot rust, do not contain and cannot form any poisonous substance, savo your food practically everlasting. To Housewives of Pendleton Attend our free" demonstration, all this week even tho oldest user of Aluminum utensils can learn new tricks from Mrs. Kcarns, our expert direct from the factory. Specials in "Wear-Ever" Aluminum Ware Lip Sauco Pan, regular 55c seller, special 30 Stew Pan, regular 65c seller, special - 35 2 pans for the price of one. The Taylor Hardware Co. it. i