KIGUT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGOMAN, PECpLETOlf, OHEGOX. MONDAY, NOVEMBER it, 1911. PAGE FIVE. Two Days of Genuine Bar gains in the Linen '.Department at Livengood's Great Dissolution Sab. Only two days to buy that Thanksgiving Linen, and this is the place. Beautiful Patterns in 72-inch Linens, all Reduced All $1.00 Linens go at 67 All $1.25 Linens go at .. 83 All $1.50 Linens go at 98 All $1.75 Linens go at - $1.18 All $2.25 Linens go at 81.63 All $3.00 Linens go at l.OS PERSONAL MENTION Ready-Mad i Table Cloths $2.00 Crude will go at $1.39 $2.50 Grades will go at $1.78 $3.00 Grades will go at :. $1.98 $4.00 Grades will go at $2.45 $5.00 Grades will go at $3.48' All napkins go accordingly. F.E.Livengoqd&Co. LOCALS I C Snyder, chimney sweep. R 1812. Pastime pictures please all. Main 17S for coal and wood. For rent Front office In Judd building. ArP'y to S E. Judd. Franco-Hygienic toilet goods, 309 We.t Alta St. Thojie Black 3141. Phono Dutch Henry for dry wood and Rock Spring coal. Main 178. For clean coal and dry wood, phone Main 6. Closing out 300 pattern hats at half price at the Campbell millinery. Everybody goes to trie orpheum to see the best and thn clearest pictures. Special rates to horses boarded by the week or month at the Commercial Barn, 620 Aura street. Phone Main 13. All kinds of good dry wood, also clean nut or lump Rock Spring coal at Dutch Henry's. Save yourself fuel troubles by us ing our famous Rock Spring coal and good dry wood. Delivered promptly. Ben L. Burroughs, phone Main 5. For Sale A 25 H. P. gasoline en gine, mounted. Emv terms. Address Box No. 1, Echo, Ore. For rent Well furnished room with furnace heut and bath. Inquire at 621 Willow street. Lost Mink fur near Christian church. Finder please notify Mrs. I. Christensen, 004 Jane street, or leave at this office and receive reward. Try the Cash Market for fresh Poultry, also remember we keep gro ceries and meats. Phone -Main 101. Take Northern Pacific Ry. to Spo kane. Leaves 1:30 p. m., arrive t:55 P. m. Tickets from W. Adams, Agent, Pendleton. If you have anything to sell, such as horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, autos, see Teutsch & Bickers and learn more about the plan. If you want to move, call PenlanJ Bros. Transfer, phono 3391. Large dray moves you quick. Trash hauled once a week. 647 Main street. Gordon & Davis, carriage and au tomobile painting. We're here to stay and guarantee first-class work. State building, 114 E. Webb street. R. ,W. nltner has returned from a 1 vlHlt of several days In Portland. Mrs James Nelson of Butter Creek Is a visitor In Pendleton today. Qeorge W. Done was In from his home at Pilot ltock yesterday. i Judge James A Fee took delayed N 5 for Portland thl morning. Ernuat Knight returned to Helix on the afternoon N. P. tra'n. Edgar W. Smith h;i3 returned from Portland, where he spent a week. C. E. McLellan was In from his home at Juniper yesterday. E I,, and L. It. Norvefl of Helix, were Sunday visitors in Pendleton. , Ben F. McCullough, well known Echo resident, spent Sunday in Pendleton. Bert Smith went to tlio nT t nl of the county on the local this :n jr.'. Ing. Dan P. Smythe left tVs afta-nn for Sunny side to look after h's r'.vjtrj interests. Herbert Strohm, retiring council man at Hermiston, Is spending the day in the city. J. King arrived Saturday from Mabton, Wash., to attend the Fuinl Latourelle nuptials today. E. N. Wheeler, banker and promi nent resident of Stanfleld, has been a ! visitor In the city today. Mrs. J. S. Landers accompanied her husband to Baker where he is attend ing the annual teachers' institute. Frank Frazlcr, well known horse man has been 111 at his home on Jack sen street but Is now recovering. Elmer Storie left on the local this morning for Condon In the interests of the Hold, Manufacturing company, j Father Neati of the Catholic mis sion on the reservation left this morn ing on a visit to the Warm Springs reservation. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McBee leave tomorrow morning for California, where they swill spend the winter, af ter a few days' visit In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Rogers of Ad ants, drove to Pendleton this morn ing In their big Franklin car to lay In a store of Thanksgiving supplies. Mrs. W. R. Reinhart left this morn ing for Portland where she will spend the winter. She was accompanied as far as Heppner Junction by her hus band. ' Charles Frazier, who was in the city yesterday to attend the funeral of his brother, Julius Arthur Frazier. returned to his home at Colfax this morning. G. M. Itlce cashier of the First National bank, returned yesterday from Eugene where he had been to visit his son Lyman who is a sopho more In the university. Mrs. Lee Teutsch returned thU morning from Portland, where she had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. M. B. James, and her Infant grand daughter. . Op Pep o eniitg of Our Toy n"r. W II a. To Portland or California, take Northern Pacific, via Pasco, and S. P. & S. Ry. Leave 1:30 p. m.. ar rive Portland 8:10 a. m. See W. Ad ams, agent at passenger station, for through tickets and all arrangements. Masquerade ball. Eagle-Woodman hall, Thanksgiving eve, November 29th. Prizes to best sustained char acter and finest costume. Manage ment Saturday night dances. fvaAr -A The best and most care SUP liMUS fy elected line of new toys are now ready for the children and parents. This store shows the largest assortments of new toys and at the right prices. Dolls of all kinds and sizes, t t , , , , r j l r i i i i t i Go-S rts of all kin ). ) from $1.75 fo $12 Mechanical tovs Books, Chairs, St ores. Banks. Wash Sets, etc. Make your selections early, they will be carefully packed and stored away for you FREE. Wohlenberg Dep't Store Better goods for less money I I f U SIA . 7ifc If 7 For transfer work. Mauling bag gage, moving household goods and pianos and all kinds of job work, phono Molnn 461. B. A. Morton. If co-ng east, or west or south, have tickets routed Northern Pacific Ry. Close connrctions at Pasco with all through trains. W. Adams, agent, Pendleton. A dry "Wear-EveT" aluminum tea kettle will be left on a hot gas flame all week to show Us great wearing qualities, at the Taylor Hardware Co. ; Watch this paper for announcement fit special demonstration of " ear- Ever" aluminum cooking utensils all this week at the Taylor Hardware Co. Violin and mandolin lessons, by Miss Doris Gregory. Studied at U. of O. under E. O. Cpitzmer. Portland; also Gustave Fischer, Wuerzburg, Bayern, Germany. Call at 508 Clay street. Phone Red 3451. Tuesday's Demonstration. See Mrs. Kearns burn tomatoes In a "Wear-Ever" aluminum pan with out injur'ng the pan, Tuesday at the Taylor Hardware Co. Turkeys, ducks, geese and chickens for Thanksgiving. Oysters, celery,, lettuce and all the seasonable vege tables. Roman Beauty and Spitzen berg apples. Pendleton Cash Market,, phone Main 101. Starts Much Trouble, If all people knew that neglect of constipation would result In severe in digestion, yellow Jaundice or virulent liver trouble they vould soon take Dr. King's New Life Pills and end it Its the only safe way. Best for bil iousness, headache, dyspepsia, chill and debility. 25c at Koeppens. COOKING A Delight or a Drudgery "Wear-Ever" Aluminum Cooking Utensils Save Time, Health and Money "WKAR-EVER" ALUMINUM COOKING UTENSILS are 00 per rent pure solid metal, no glass coating to chip off cannot rust, do not contain and cannot form any oisorious substance, save your food practically everlasting. To Housewives of Pendleton Attend our free demonstration, all this week even tlio oldest user of Aluminum utensils can learn Wv tricks from Mrs. Kearns, our expert direct from tlio factory. Specials in "Wear-Ever' Aluminum Ware Lip Sauce Tan, regular 5!ic seller, special : Stew Tan, regular C5c seller,' special - 2 pans for tlio price of one. 30 Golden Rule Store Will be the real headquarters in Pendleton this year For Christmas Gilts and vour presents tins vear are going to cost you less than you have ever paid in this city's his tory, owing to our modern and honest merchandising methods. In fact our prices on gift sug gestions arc so low in comparison with intended competition that they almost seem unreasonable. Dolls! Dolls! Dolls! at prices that will enable every little child in Umatilla -county to have one in their stocking Christmas morning. Our line is a largo and beautiful one. Toy Our Great Department AM, Trunks. Mechanical Tovs, Books, Boxed Stationery, Games, Blocks, Horns, Trains of Cars, Wagons, Doll Buggies, Guns, Balls, Battles, in fact anything you want in the way of toys. A large assort ment of new toilet cases, handkerchiefs; gloves, ties, cuff and collar boxes; albums, manicure sets, traveling, jewelry boxes, shaving sets, etc. ,GOODS MAY BE PURCHASED NOW AND CALLED FOR LATER WE WILL LAY THEM AWAY FOR. YOU. ALL SALES SPOT CASH AND XO GOODS EXCHANGED. The Taylor Hardware Co. WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW