PAGB FOCH. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PE.YDLETON. OREGON. MONDAYj NOVEMBElt 27, 1911. RIGHT PAG1 AN 1NPKIENPKNT NEWSrArER. Published lal!y n.l Soml VWn-kly at Pen dlotua, oi't'son. by lUe EAST OKlHJONlAX lTUMSUlSU CO. srnscKimox kates. lull?, one year, by mall $3.00 t'l.v, six nuuillis. by mail - Laliy, itirw mouths, by mail 1.-3 liailv. nu mnuh. br mall .50 Dal iv. one yenr. by i airier 7.50 Lallv. six nomhs. by rarrler . . . . IiallV. ilii'ii- mouths, by carrier 1.03 IniIIt, one uioiuu, by vanier 13 t-mi kly. one yi'ar, by mail 1 30 1 Bea.l-V eekiy, six ui.niihs. by mall 75 j tteml u eridy, four nioutus, by mall... .ou little to say regarding the mnyorallty contest during the few, days between this time and the election 'but will de vi te its chief energies to urging the adoption of t,he commission form)f gi vemment a reform that aims at an elflcient government all the time and a reform that should be "adopted by tl.e people of Pendleton. ' COMlNti OIK WAY. Member l'ni:ed l'resa Association. Information received from Wash ington by Major Swartzlander, agent 3.73 upon the reservation, shows that the acitation for the establishment of the reservation water rights is bringing results. The slow moving wheels of t!,e government are getting into mo tion and good should follow. It seems squarely up to Mr. McCourt to act Tbe lially East Ore;onlan la kept on tale t tbe OreKon News Co., 3-9 Morrison "ToVthS-c NeiTO Portend, Oregon. '" ' he does his full duty he will try Csiraeo llureau, SHW Security Hulhliug. Waf.Uiui.ton. U C, liureau, 001 Four teenth i- reet. X. W. Entered at the postoffiee at Pendleton, Oregon, a eecoiKl-class mail matrer. telephone Main I Official C!tj and County ltper. T1IK EVENING BL.UE. When stark trees rattle their long gaunt arms In the echoing blast of the ' wintry gale, When the winds of night shriek their wild alarms O'er hollow bracken and bar- ren vale, Then away with the woes and the carking cares That harry and vex the fleet- ing days; Then it's, ho! for the place where the hearthstone flares! And ho! for the light of the evening blaze! i to prove the reservation water right. are appurtenant to the land. It would be a farce to ask for water for such Indians only as are able to farm their own allotments. That would be denying the benefits of water to the old men, the squaws and children, who need such blessings the most. For his good work in striving to have the reservation rights estab- I lis-hed local people owe much to Ma jor Swartzlander. The agent is act j ing with a view to promoting the in terests of the Indians under his care. He is doing his duty and his course and encour aged by the Indians and by local whites. His behavior is In contrast with that of some of his predecessors and it gives the major a rare distinc tion. Fortunately the question of reser vation water rights is one wherein the interests of the Indians and oi' Pendleton are one and the same. It What to us that in other climes j ill be a great thing for the tribes- Flowers glitter and fountains leap! What to us that thro blossom ing limes Soft the breezes of summer creep! Give me a vigorous blast and bold. That carries the snow from the mountain-ways. Give me the winter stern and cold, But ho! for the Joy of the evening blaze! At the ingle side here's a cher ry seat; And gaily the shadows dance on the wall; What care we here for the driving sleet. And winds that rave o'er the chimneys tall! The cold may sting the way farer's cheek. The snow may swirl in a 'wilderlng maze. But here shut in from the night so bleak AH hearts grow young In the evening blaze! Anna J. Roberts. I j men to secure water for the irriga . t inn nf their. allotments. It will be !a blessing to them whether they do 1 farming work themselves or rent their allotments. The establishment I of reservation water rights will be. a I particularly fine thing if reservoirs. are constructed to store some of the j flood waters. Such a course would j make it possible to irrigate a large ; section of the reservation and to do so 4 without injury to "waterusers farther j down the stream. The importance to Pendleton of i having a large irrigation district ad- j joining this city is so well known as . to need no comment here. It is of j sufficient importance that local peo- ! r.lo .-I. .... 1 1 V...I I . i . uimg iiiiu pmy every pos sible influence that can help towards securing a full and speedy establish ment of the Indian wator rights. THE TWO MAYORS. Through the announcement Satur day of their respective platforms the two candidates for mayor have made I known what may be expected of each in the event of his election. It must be said also that Jaoth platforms are "very pleasing in most regards. Each candidate has given an em phatlc pledge to stand by the present liquor ordinance and to prohibit, any increase in the number of local sa loons. This should insure a continu ance of the policy of strict regulation, regardless of who is elected. With reference to public utility- corporations both have something to w-y. Mr. Matlock is explicit in the declaration that if elected he will work for cheaper electricity and for cheaper gas and he says that should a controversy arise between the pub lic and a public utility corporation he will Ktand first, last and always, as a champion of the people. Mr. Raley confines himself fo a general state ment favoring municipal regulation l public service corporations and all public utilities in all things which fill promote the best interests of the city and the people. . Both candidates declare for an im proved water system but do not go into details. Apparently they are waiting to hear from the people as to whether they want a gravity system or an improved system of some other sort. That thy will work for civic im provement is declared by both men. -Mr. Haley nays he favors a constant development and improvement of suburban street and sidewalks while Mr. Matlock favors progressive city improvements commensurate with the population and wealth of the city. Jn announcing their positions open ly as th-y have done both candidates have taken the proper course and the East Oregonian, which has been in sistent upon such a step, desires to fongratulate them upon their frank-nc-sg with the people. This paper al so cherishes the hope that the new mayor, who ever it may be, will keep hacred the promises just made. If those promises are kept in spirit and letter there will be an improvement In the municipal government of the illy of Pendleton. As to which of the two men should b.; elected the East Oregonian is wil ling to trust the Judgment of the peo yi: i-'o t;;is papor will probably have ADOPT THE CHARTER. In the present municipal campaign the mayoralty fight is occupying the center of the stage. There are some seven or eight mtm running for the cr.uncil but it is doubtful if one man out of 10 can name them all, though their names have all been published. This is the usual state of affaire. Whenever there is a fieht over the mayorality it generally absorbs the public's attention and little care is fciven to the selection of councilmen. As a result we do not have good councils and more than likely the members thereof are picked to serve some other Interest than the welfare of the people at large. Should the people adopt commis sion government for Pendleton they will then have to select but two men instead of eight or 10. They will be able to get better men than at pres ent and they will be able to jude more accurately of their qualifica tions. Xo candidate will be able to HOW TO TREAT OLD SORES The proper way the only suc cessful way to treat an old sore is to destroy Us source. Not by dangerous surgical operations or irritating, " drawing" plasters, bat by Nature's true method of purify ing the blood and Riling the circu lation with rich, nourishing proper ties; then the cure will be natural and lasting. We can easily under stand how impurities in the blood will infect some weak point on our bodies, and by continually dis charging imparities into it keep the place open and inflamed until a chronic ulcer is formed. Nothing then is so sure to produce a cure J of these old sores asS.S.S. This medicine is Nature's perfect blood remedy, composed of the most heal- J ing and at the same time the most j penetrating and blood-purifying j properties. It removes every par- j tide of impurity or morbid matter from the circulation, and assists nature in the increasing of healthful, ! nutritious corpuscles in the blood. S. S. S. iiiakes pure blood, and pure ! blood is Nature's unfailing cure for 1 old sores. Every sufferer with an old ; sore should use S. S. S., because it is the remedy they most need. Book on Sores and Ulcers and medical ad vice free. S.S.S. te sold r.t drug stores. THE SWIFT SPrCTSC CO., Atlanta, Co. The titdh M Time when suffering from Dyspepsia, or any form of Stomach or Liver trouble, is to resort to the never- failing properties of Beecham's Pills. The well-known family medicine has proved to be the right thing in innumerable cases during the sixty years of its popularity. For people who suffer from headaches, indigestion, biliousness, constipation, nervous debility, anaemia, depression, kidney troubles and other similar ailments, the right treatment Is To Take . W They are not only the right thing where a specific remedy is required, they are also an excellent tonic for the general health. If you suffer from derangement of the Stomach and Liver, or any distressing ailments that interfere with your well-being and happiness, the right thing for you to do is to take Beecham's Pills. You will prevent much serious illness if you take care to always follow this course When First 'Out of Sosrts Hotel St. George oar CEO. DABVEAC, Proprietor Pendleton's Popular Gentle men Resort Meusr-Busch'sfcua BUDVEISER on draught, 5C g'399 Electrlo Mixed Drinks Served at this Bar. . Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigar.. Distributors of Echo Spring and Old Crow Whiskey. First class Cafe and Grill in connection X La Carte. At all drugguU, ta box, IOC ZSc Directions of special value to women with every box. sifp Into office while people are not looking. Adopt the commission charter and you will take' a step towards simpli fying local politics and towards bet ter municipal government. A stitch in time may save patching up a quarrel. AH things the hustler doesn't want come to him who waits. PILES CURED I 8 TO 14 DAYS. Tour druggist will refund money !f PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in to 14 days. 50c. A SNAP FOR $2500.00 7 room modern house, atone cellar, barn, wood ahed, bath, .'toilet, shade and fruit trees, 1-2 block ground. ' Call at once as bargains of this character can't :&st. Must see It to appreciate it. MARK MOORHOUSE CO. Phone Main 83. 117 K Court Street. Other Property of Every Description. Money to Loan on City and County Realty. The East Oregonian delivered to your liome for G5c a month. Lumber and Building Material A Large and COMPLETE STOCK Always on Hand and PRICED RIGHT The Best Mill Work to Be Obtained in the Northwest LET US FIGURE WITH YOU ON YOUR NEXT ORDER. Pendleton Planing Mill and I nmKor YaPll J. a. borie lumber PHONE rwUlllUCl M al U COMPANY, Props. MAIN 7 ST. PAUL'S I Opens Sept. 14 f r j? j r DO&raing ana Lay School for Girls. r Primary, Intermediate, Ac ademic Special and Poet Graduate. Courses. Depart ' taenia of Music, Expression and Art. ; PEKSOVAL ATTENTION ItEFEMNG INFLUKNCTCS Tnouoccn work Nettie M. Galbraith Principal WALLA WALLA, WASH. DR. GRAY THE PAINLESS DENTIST. NOW AT THE BOWMAN HOTEL S WILL REMAIN ANOTHER S WEEK. The Dr. has already operated upon numbers of Pendleton'i citizens, all of whom will tell you that he does exactly as he S claims When you want THE AUTO CABj PnONE MAIN 408. t The OREGON MOTOR CO. 813 E. COURT ST. Z THE Thanksgiving Spirit prevails at this popular and sanitary market. No matter what delicacy you have decided upon, in tho way of poultry or meats, for tho Thanksgiving dinner, you will find it here. mmm& t If J TT. I Pendleton Drug Co. la In business for "Your Good Health" REMEMBER THIS WHEN TOU HAVE PRESCRIPTIONS, OR WANT PURE MEDICINES Send lis your, order for Turkeys Ducks Sealshipt Oysters Geese Chickens Choice Meats Everything 'fresh and clean. All orders receive our prompt attention. HEADOUARTERS FOR Toilet Goods We are Sole Manufacturer,, and DiBtributori of th Celebrated S PJIONE MAIN 33. 108 E. ALTA ST. TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER arfd MT. HOOD CREAM. TalIman& Co. Leading Druggists of Eaat- j f frn OrogoTL f