nw'"; - . ... -. bigiit pages. DAILY EAST OREGOXIAN. PEJTDIiETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1911. PAGE fEYKif. IS ... LIGHT AT PORTLAND It. N STANI'IF.Mj BUYS LOT Ol' SHEEP Cattln Market Maintain Qui it Tone Willi hw Arrival IIoj-h Arc Hold. Inr SU-July ('hluiK AYIicat Trail ers Vult for fr News. (From Friday's Journal.) There was only a small run of ntuff In the yarda today. The sheep run tapered off and only 273 head ap peared at North Portland during the pant 24 hours. A feature of Interest In the mutton market was the shipment to this city from Shanlko by the Prlnevllle Land & UlveHtook .company of a number of cuih of feed sheep. This Btock has bet n held over on the market for sev eral days, b.ut was finally sold to go back almost Into the hanie- country from where it was shloped. U. N. Ktanfield of Stanfield, was the f.urchaser and the stock will be ship ped back todny. It will be fed for this market and returned later In tho sea m;ii In the shape of finished mutton, I Backache Is only one of many symptoms which some women en dure through weakness or displacement of the womanly organs. Mrs. Lizzie White ol Memphis, Tenn., wrote Dr. R. V. Pierce, as follows : "At times I was bardly able to be on my feet. I believe I bad every pain and ache a woman could have. Had a very bad ease. Internal . organs were very much diseased and my back was very weak. I suffered a treat deal with nervous headaches, in fact, I suffered all over. This was my condition when I wrote to you for advice. After taking your 'Favorite Prescrip tion for about three months can say that my health was cever better." Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is positive cure for weakness and disease of the fenr.inins organism. It allays inflammation, heals ulceration and soothes pain. Tones and builds up the nerves. Do not permit a dishonest dealer to substitute for this medicine which has record of 40 years of cures. ' No, thank you, 1 want what I ask for." ' Dr. Pieexe't Pleataat Pellet Induce mild natural bowel movement one a day. thus making- two trips to this city and one back to the country. The stock sold at $3 for yearling wethers. Sheep values at North Portland: Select lambs 4-75 Choice lambs 4. BO Common lambs - 4.004.25 yearling wethers 4.50 Old wethers 4.00 Fancy ewes 3.45W3.50 Ordinary 2.501 3 00 Dulry Cows From Minnesota. Two more loads of dairy cows came forward to North Portland during the day. The shipment was from South St. Paul and was made to a stock yards firm. There remains a quiet tone in the cattle trade. Keceipts for the day were merely the dairy cows, therefore no beef stock was uvailablo. Late icceipts have been all the trade wish ed for, therefore there Is no scarcity here. Select steers $ 5.50 Taney steers 5.40 Choice steers 5.30 Feeders 4.55 Common steers 4.25 Fancy heifers 5 00 Feeder cows 3.25 Fancy cows 4.75 Fancy bulls 4.234.35 jber, unchanged for May and l-8c ! higher for July, after an opening un I changed for December, l-8c to l-2c ! higher for May and July, respectlve- Iy- Liverpool was slightly higher at both the opening and closing. Broom hall estimated world's shipments ot I wheat on Monday at 5,200,000 bunh- els, exclusive of North America. He predicts a moderate change on pas Mi ge. Official prices furnished by Overbeck & Cooke Company: WHEAT. Dec. Open, 95 1-4; high, 95 1-2; low; 95; close, 95. May Open, 100 5-8; high, 100 7-8; low, 100 3-8; close 100 1-2. July Open, 94 7-8; high, 94 7-8; low, 94 3-4; close 94 3-4. NEWS ROIFS FROM ADAMS AND VICINITY Good ordinary bulls Stags Fancy light calves Fancy light calves 4.00 4.25 7.60 7.50 The Famous.JffiJ& Lamp The best part of the day is the evening, when the whole family is gathered together around the lamp. The old days oi the tmoky fireplace and flickering candle are gone forem. Ia their place have come the convenient oil ttove end the indiipeiuable Rayo Lamp. There are to-day, in the United States alone, more than 3,000,000 of these Rayo lamps, giving their clear, white light to mote than 3,000,000 homes. Other lamp cott more, but you cannot let a better light than the low-priced Rayo gives. It ha become so popular we may almoat call it the official lamp of the American family." The Rayo is made ol solid bran, with handtome nickel finiih an ornament anywhere. Aak roar dealer for a R.vo lamp ; or write for oVttriptivc circular to any agency oi tba Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) J. T. MOHGA.V 1LIS'I. CIIUItCH Medium calves 5.006.60 Ordinary calves 4.00 5.00 1 1 OK .Arc Holding Steady. There was a fair supply of hogs of fered at North Portland today. The market continued steady with no change In price from yesterday's av erage. Total run for the day was 173 head compared with 86 head last Friday. North Portland swine trade today: Best eastern Oregon 6.65 Medium eastern Oregon ., o.ou Best Willamette valley . . . 6.60 Oood to heavy 6.00 Feeders 6.50if5 6.85 ('rain ami liny. Wheat Producers' price nominal; track delivery, club 79c; ' bluestem, 82a83e: fortyfold 80 W 81c; Willam ette valley, 79c; red Russian, 78c; Turkey red. 81c. narlev Producers' price 1911 Feed. $31 31.50; rolled, $32; brew ing, $37. Oats Producers price Track No. 1, spot delivery, white, 30.50c3i; gray, $3030.50; December and Jan uary delivery, No. 1 white, $34. Millstuffs .Selling price Bran, $24.50; middlings. $31.00; shorts, ?r, RO: chon. S19(ft25. Hav Producers' price 1911 crop Vallev timothy. lancy. lli: ordinary $15: eastern Oregon, $17; Idaho l ffitfl- m xed. 112: clover, no: wneai $llft12; cheat, $1112; alfalfa, $12 U 12.50; oats, 111"? 12. Waltlno- for Crcm News. ' Chicago, Nov. 25. Crop news from Argentina seems to be the issue in tho wheat trndp at this time. The ab sence of definite Information has left the trade uncertain in Its actton. Closing was l-4c down for Decem- rliiancli r Kii'IIm t'olltvtion at tho Feet of Hlsliop Greer. New York. J. Plerpont Morgan tripped in church and falling to the floor, spilled the contents of the col lection plae, which was piled high with money. The banker was unin jured. Mr. Morgan, who Is senior warden of St George's Protestant Episcopal church was about to pass the plate to Bi'hop Greer for the offertory benediction when he stubbed his toe over a misplaced pew cushion on the floor JuBt behind the chancel rail and fell on his hands and knees. Mr. Morgan probably was the vic tim of his own gallantry for the new cushions were placed on the chancel steps at his suggestion to permit many" women, who had been standing ' In the back of the church to sit down. (Special Correspondence ) Adams, Ore., Nov. 25. Mr. and Mrs. Itoy Perlnger of Walla Walla, are v'siting friends and relatives In Adams this week. Dr. McKenney of Helix was called to see Baby McBride-who had an at tack of pneumonia. Hit condition H much improved. Dr Itingo of Pendleton came up to see Frank Martin, who has an attack f pleurisy. Mrs. P. Martin was a visitor in Walla Walla Monday. Pete Murray was a business visitor n Pendleton Tuesday. Mr and Mrs. John Giess left Ad ams Thursday for Hood River, Ore gon, to spend a few days with Mrs. Nudamaker and then they will go on o California for tlje winter. Master Frank Krebs returned to his home in Adams Thursday after pending a few weeks in Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. F. Henry were Pen dleton visitors Wednesday. Mrs. John Winn went to Pendleton Thursday to do rarae shopping. Mrs. McDaniel was a Pendleton visitor Friday. KIDNEY TROUBLE Suffered Ten YearsRelieved in Three Months Thanks to PE-IiU-NA. man FOR THE CHILDREN AuSO FOR GROWN PERSONS QUICK - SAFE - RELIABLE NO OPIATES HO hHBIIC FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR COMPOUND a rrtMMnw rrtTT nptrlBctefi mav po aTta s J - 1 J - ... nn.wn TMM-iuTrittrTrs AH quickly into UKUur, DKwv,nn v DMcuMnMiA which nften means a sud- JT "L mwm " den fatality. Keep FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR COMPOUND always in mo house and give at first sign of a cold. Refuse substitutes. John persons, Stewart, Ohio, writes "Wo use irolev's Honev and Tar Com nr.iinri as our best and only cough remedy. It never fails to cure any of riy seven children of cough. My z mnnth's.nlrt hnhv has had a most se vere couch which our Doctor said he cculd not cure and that Baby wouia mrf.lv Several of our relations and neighbors had gathered to witness tv,P endir.tr of the child's life. Two t.nttien nf Folev's Honey and Tar Compound cured the child and ho la alive anl well today." FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS '''.A '""77 ' ' &i W'h FIZEB.. For pains in the side or chest dampen a piece of flannel with Cham berlain's Liniment and bind it on over the seat of pain. There Is nothing better. For sale by all dealers. C. B. PIZP:K, Mt. sterling, Ky., says: " have suffered with kidney and bladder trouble tor ten years past "Last March I commenced using Penina and con tinned for threo months. I have not used it since, nor have I felt a pain." mXAITE IN S. P. Tt'NNKU P.edding. Five t-ticks of dynamite and 'an unused candle carefully wrap ped in a newspaper, were found on top of a Southern Pacific tunney by William Hanks, a logging man. Hanks brought the package to Red d'ng and delivered it to Sheriff Mont goery and a railroad detective. An investigation will be made. Significance is attributed to the find In view of recent attempts to dyna mite Southern Pacific trains. 3P Kant ids. WANTED. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES, IP you want to subscribe to maganlzes or newspapers In the United States r Europe, remit by postal note, check, or send to the EAST ORE GOXIAN the net publisher's price of the publication you desire, and we will have It sent you. It will save you both trouble and risk. If you are a subscriber to the BAST OREGONIAN, in remitting you can deduct ten per cent from the pub lisher's price. Address, EAST OREGONIAN PUB. CO., Pendleton, Oregon, WANTED Continued. HAIR WORK MADAM KENNEDY" is at the Bowman Motel for two days. Anyone wishing hair work, please call and see her. Room it. ENGRAVED CARDS, INVITATIONS wedding announcements, embossed private and business stationery, etc Very latest styles. Call at East Ore gonlan office and see samples. WANTED Lace curtains to laundry Work done with especial care. Phone Red 2521. SALESMEN TO AID US SUPPLYT the brisk demand for our goods;? some vacant territory yet In everjr state west of the Mississippi; ,easl weekly. Capital City Nursery Co.,. ' Salem, Oregon. LEGAL BLANKS of every descrip tion for country court, circuit court, justice court, real estate, etc., for Sale at East Oregonlan office. WE TWO IN -AN AEROPLANE dlk-z:- -j ! j i Featured by ANNA HELD In Florenz Ziegfeld Jr.'s production vxst, We would not "fall out," You'd not "throw me down," I swear., tare, To spoon, I de - clare. Will soon be the milk - y way.... "MISS INNOCENCE" TorcU by 1 IARRY VILL1AMS Tmfto V(t!e. Music by EGBERT Van ALSTVNE UP-- Lf tj ' . - r. U un . 1 ii it , i GZISr I 1 i m aOQ, wi -r L-4 i. Come take a trip with me, Wot on the a. There ii no one to care, How fait we n Tiix Voire t r .3. :? f f f f -c!l-rr r r ) u i i 1 l i fcjr5-- I -rH: I r i.nrf nr aea . Hp in the tky a - way we'll fly, And 6o up there;:::::::::..:::::. - r a t0p to hoi - ier, "stoPi- whue !a ZtPFJ W 'H-m-- Sirj?$9r- Sr CHORUS fa Come, dear, with me, where I'll hold you the world bove;.. 1 P-f ' ' "4"' I I " ' 'i r Wo - bod - y by us, To gos - sip and "guy" us, We'll live 1 1 1 11 there we mo - tor I 1- U --- will ing bap in py the be;., air;. Yon would not stand a Come with me now, I m -0 J J- rl r 11: mm -- -a-X -a- -s- "dare," pfyi ... 1 czrurrrj "-j - cj -s-. 1 1 1 r.i . -. 1 Tf I cot YOU up in me air, For, dear, in a near fu - ture day -I 1- Al though you may The great thor-ough- i , 1 1 1 1 ' 1 - r . rr- j-gL Copyright, MCMvm, by JEROME H. REMICK & Co. - v. Successors to the Whitney Warner Publishing Co., Detroit and New York .... Bnerad aeconling to Act of tha Parliment of Canada in (he year mcmviu, by Jerome H. Remick & Co., in he Department of Apiculture Published by MURRAY MUSIC Co., Hew York. Used by permission Xo. 88) TTTT? TC! oE OF A SERIES OF POPULAR SOTsO HITS AI'PE ATJTXO TX KAHt ISSUE , O TOIS IS Ui a 01.1v OTHER FAMOUS MUSICAL SUCCESS Wll on love, 1 1 1 111. . 1 1 1 l - - -0- 3 11 ,y 1 f -H 1 s 1 ; Though we are not "on the lev - el," We'll not 9 com - - plain, We , ! ' ,-iJ i ' j 1, - j j -r 1 1 , 1 -1 1 r' 1 J Cff- ? i "g 3- ZjzlZlzJLz e . rj.3aT.ar. -p-..-- ---r--5- -i y-sz C will live high, you and I, In my aer - - p - - - plan plane 1 ttutp m-j-M- --!-- -xsfz-oz--- : s-;j w-te r s-'-"- ' 1 1 1 zm - j I i 1 j l 1 j : ir: , - j We Tao in an Aeroplane. .Vo. as. F T1IF SVTUR1VVY E VST OTvEHOXTAX. F ASTEKX OPvECON'S GREATEST PAPER. AN L APPEAR iS' EXT WEEK WATCH FOR IT.