East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 25, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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A Treat For You
Monday, Nov. 27
We will have with us for Monday
only, one of the largest
in the United States, with a complete
. line of High Grade Furs
The line will be open at Our
Store for your inspection.
Every lady should avail her
self of this 'opportunity at the
A swell program for Sunday and
Monday's change:
.1. "Through His Wife's Picture."
I Blograph. Mr. NelHon Is a newlywed
and carries his wife's picture always.
He almoHt falls for the temptation to
go to the mask ball dressed as a pi
rate, but changes his mind. The wife
goes to catch her hubby. , So while
hubby waits at home, wife is keeping
her eye on the bold, bad -pirate whom
the husband has sent In Ma place.
2. "The Inventor's .Secret." Bio-1
graph. An old toymnker Invents an
automatic doll and applying for a pat
ent. A young girl Is reported miss
ing. The cop think the doll Is the
missing girl. For a while he has a
vision of $500 reward, only to wake
up to find both he and his sweet
heart out of a Job.
3. "The Two Fugitives." Esaanay.
After successfully eluding the London
police, David Goodwin, an embezzler,
sails for America and locates In the
west, At the opening of our story
he Is married and has several little
children. A sheriff and posse are
pursuing a fugitive cattle rustler, who
successfully eludes them and seeks
protection with Goodwin.
4. "A Day at West Point Military
Academy, New York." Edison. At
West Point we see the United States
army officer In the making and a
knowledge of the dally routine soon
removes the idea that the student of
ficers' life is one of ease and luxury.
6. "The Renegade Brother." Pa
the. In Old Mexico a father has two
sons. One beloved and the other less
so. As is usual In such cases, his
father has to drive the worthless son
services Monday night and on through
the week. Every one welcome.
Church of the llm-etiHT.
There will be a celebration of the
Holy Communion at 7:30 a. m. Morn
ing service at 11 o'clock. ' Evening
oervlce at 7:30. Sunday school at 10
a. m. The Rt. Rev. F. W. Keator.
U V., Blwhop of Olympla, will be the
celebrant at the early service. He
will preach both morning and even
ing and confirm several persons at
the morning service. Mrs. J. R. Dick-
from home. He runs away with hiSs"n W'H be the soloist at the morning
brother's sweetheart. Finally he and , service, and Mr. C. W. Moighen at the
his wife and l.ttle child have sunk to
the lowest depths of degredation.
evening servir-n. Al! nr. r.r.vUniu- in
vited. Charles Qulnny, Rector.
A SNAP FOR $2500.00
7 room modern house, atone cellar, barn, wood shed, bath,
toilet, shade and fruit trees, 1-2 block ground.
Call at once as bargains of this character can't last. Must see
It to appreciate It.
Phone Main 83.
117 E. Court Street.
Other Property of Every Description.
Money to Loan on City and County Realty.
Salts, Calomel ami Catliartlo Pills
Aro Violent They Act on Bowels
- an PcpjKT Acts In Nostrils.
Take a Cascaret tonight and thor
oughly cleanse your Hver, stomach and
bowels, and you will surely feel great
by morning. You men and women
who have headache, coated tongue,
can't sleep, are bilious, nervous and
upset, bothered with a sick, gassy,
disordered stomach, or have back
ache and feel all worn out.
Are you keeping clean inside with
Cascarets or merely forcing a pas
sageway every few days with salts,
cathartic pills or castor oil? This Is
Cascarets Immediately cleanse and
regulate the stomach, remove the
sour, undigested and fermenting food
and foul gases; take the excess bile
from the liver and carry off the de
composed waste matter and poison
from the intestines and bowels.
Remember, a Cascaret tonight will
straighten you out by morning. A
10-cent box from your druggist means
a clear head and cheerfulness for
months. Don't forget the children.
Tl. Pastime.
If you see it at the Pastime it Is
the best. Sunday's program follows:
"Her Wedding Ring." Edison. The
villian forced Lulu to marry him.
The man from the east fell In love
with her. Her husband overheard the
conversation and it shamed him into
becoming a man. This Is an interest
ing picture,
"A Hot Time In Atlantic City." Lu
bin. Carisford leaves his cottage. Two
tramps enter the house, dress up in
the count's clothes. The supposed
noblemen make the acquaintance of
two girls, but when the count sees his
clothes trouble starts. This is a film
of a thousand laughs.
"The Clown'B Baby." Essanay. A
dramatic story of life under the "big
white top." Majorle, daughter of a
trapeze performer, who Is killed by
a fall.- Majorle Is adopted by Pierro,
a clown. Later Majorie is adopted by
a wealthy couple. A dreary year pass
es. She wanes in both body and spir
it and at her first opportunity she
runs off and Joins the circus and is
a happy child once more.
"The Upward Way." Kosmik. This
film is built upon incidents in the life
of Giovanni Lully. The Florentine
violin! t who was born in 1633 and
died In 1687.
Cintra, a picturesque town of Portugal.
K.rtrt linptiwt f huivh.
Corner Johnson and E. Alta streets,
Rev. Herbert T. Cash, pastor. Morn
ing , theme: "A Holy Alliance."
Evening theme: "The Acceptable
Sacrifice." Preaching at 11 and 7:30;
Sunday school at 10; young peoples'
meeting at 6:30; midweek service
Wednesday night. A hearty invita
tion to all.
Christian Science,
Services are held at 11 a. m. Sun
day school at 10 a. m., Wednesday
evening at 8 p. m. Subject of lesson
sermon, "Ancient and Modern Necro
mancy, Alias Hypnotism, and Mesmer-l.-m
Denounced." All are cordially
welcomed to the services. Corner of
Webb and Johnson streets.
Methodist Episcopal church, cor
ner Webb and Johnson streets, X.
Evans, pastor. Thanksgiving will be
the morning theme and "Glimpses of
Gipsy Smith," the evening topic.
Choir and appropriate music. Preach
ing 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday
.school 10 a. m. Ep worth League
6:30 p. m. Strangers will find a cor
dial welcome.
Four Million
of the best tobacco leaf grown
is always in our warehouses.
We have to carry that much
to produce uniformly the spe
cial blend that gives the mild,
delightful flavor to the
Gen? Arthur
mm 10c Cigar
M. A. Gunst ca, Co.. Distributors
Catarrh Doctor
You Can Cot the Rest One In the
World for $1.00.
Go to Tallman & Co. today. Say "I
want a HYOMEI outfit," take it home
with you, open the box and pour a
few drops of HYOMEI (pronounce it
High-o-me) into the little hard rub
ber inhaler.
Then breathe pleasant, soothing,
healing germ killing HYOMEI over
the raw. Inflamed, germ ridden mem
brane for a few minutes and relief Is
Stuffed up head will vanish. Keep
up the treatement four or five time?
a day for a few days and hawking,
spitting and forming of mucus In the
nose and throat will cease.
HYOMEI is guaranteed to end ca
tarrh, coughs, colds, croup, asthma,
catarrhal deafness, or money back.
Complete outfit $1.00, subsequent bot
tles If needed 50 cents at Tallman &
Co., and druggists everywhere.
The Cosy.
Our steam-heated theater is nice
and warm these cold afternoons and
evenings. Program for Friday and
"The Lie." Thanhouser. A pretty
story, introducing the little "Than
houser Kid." The elder of vhe two
Bisters was offered money by her era
Dlover to play a part, not knowing
the result and needing the money
she agreed and was the means of
dividing two lovers. The hero later
rescued her little sister from drown
ing and the big sister confessed to the
"Such is the Kingdom." Reliance.
Gladys, the daughter of a minister,
ran away and her father disowned
her. She returned home, but was or
dered out. Her father's assistant, a
young minister, angry at her father's
Iniustlce. tore thy insigna of office
from his neck and exclaimed: "If
that Is your kind of religion. I don't
want it." Shocked by the act, the old
man saw the true light and forgave
the erring girl freely.
"The Indian Rustlers." Bison. The
Indians returning from an unsuccess
ful hunting trip and being hungry,
decided to steal some cattle. Seen
by a cowboy they tried to kill him.
The Indians rushed to their tribe and
the cowboys rushed to aid their pal.
In a fierce be ttle the Indians were de
feated and the cowboy saved.
"The Scandalmonger." Yankee. A
comedy drama, showing the harm
that a man gossip wrought by his ma
licious lie'. Old Si likes to talk and
in this case he talked too much and
got a nico ducking in the millpond.
Denver. When Secretary W. H.
Malone went through Governor Shaf
roth's mail he discovered $16,000 In
an open envelope. The envelope was
addressed in bold round lettering,
"State of Colorado," and was franked
from the Department of the Interior
in Washington. All the envelope
contained was the warrant for $16,
000, the sum due the state as 5 per
cent of the amount taken in for the
sale of agricultural lands in Colorado.
Notice is hereby given, that bids
will be received by the Common Coun
cil of the City of Pendleton at the of
fice of the City Recorder up to No
vember 29, 1911, at 5 o'clock p. m. for
making the Improvement on Wash
ington street and Blain street In the
City of Pendleton, as heretofore or
dered by the Common Council.
. Each bid shall be accompanied by
a certified check In the sum of $100,
and bidders shall specify the price for
which they will make said improve
ment as follows:
Excavation per cubic yard $
Filling per cubic yard .... $
Rolling with city road roller
per 50 foot frontage.... $
Sidewalk, wood, per lineal
Sidewalk, cement, per lineal
foot $
The Common Council reserves the
right to reject any and all bids.
Plans and specifications for the
above Improvement are on file with
the undersigned.
Dated November 18, 1911.
City Recorder.
WMcfe for Yom?
"Wear-Ever" Aluminum
r'nrtlf-ii-trv f Unrl!. Save Time, Health
Fuel and Money
metal, no glass coating to chip off cannot rust, do not contain and can
not form any poisonous substance, save your food pract ically ever
lasting. To Housewives of Pendleton
Wo have arranged, for Mrs. Kcarns, an expert direct from the factory,
to bo with us ono week commencing Monday, November 27th and dem-'
onstrate to the people of Pendleton the great convenience, wearing qual
ities and general all-around usefulness of tho celebrated "Wear-Ever"
Aluminum Cooking Utensils. This lino is carried in stock tho year
'round by TKe Taylor Hardware Company.
The Taylor Hardware Co.
TJv. T. Walker Found Pond In
Woolshol at Vancouver.
Vancouver. The Rev. T. Walker,
an Episcopalian, committed suicide In
St. Luke's Home by hanging. He was
found suspended by the rope of his
dressing gown from one of the rafters
of a woodshed, and it w as evident that
he had tried to slash his throat with
a safety razor before hanging himself.
Ho was despomWnt over sickness.
First C'lirl-t'nn
North Main street.
Rldenous. evangelists,
school. Mothers' Pay.
Holmes and
9:45 r.ihle
Special mu
sic. Mrs Bowman will sing. "Toll
Mother I'll He There." Remember
! 20.) in the bible school. A class for
any ago or grade. 11. communion
an. I sermon, subject. "Keeping At It."
6:M0, young peoples' mooting: 7:30,
sermon, "Mother." sole by Ridenous,
"Home and . Mother." Evangelistic
It ia the duty of every expectant
mother to prepare her system for the
coming of her little one ; to avoid as
far as possible the suffering: of such
occasions, and endeavor to pass
through the crisis with her health
and strength unimpaired. This she
may do through the use of Mother's
Friend, a remedy that has been so
long in use, and accomplished so
muoh good, that it is iu no sense an
experiment, but a preparation which
always produces the best results. It
Is for exernal 'application and so pen
etrating in its nature as to thoroughly
lubricate every muscle, nerve and ten
don involved during the period before
baby comes. It aids nature by ex
panding the skin and tissues, relieves
tenderness and soreness, and perfectly
prepares the system for natural and
safe motherhood. Mother's Friend
has been used and endorsed by thou
sands of mothers, and its use will
prove a comfort and a benefit to any
woman in need ot sucu a remedy.
Mother s Friend
is sold at drug
Stores. Write for
free book for
expectant moth
ers, which con
tains much valuable information.
State of Oblo, City ot. Toledo, Lucu
Frank J. Cheney makes oath tbat be la
ienlor partner of the firm of F. 1. Cheney
Si Co., doing business Id the City of Toledo,
County and State aforesaid, and that uM
firm will pay the lum of ONH HUNDRED
DOl.LAliS for each and every raae of ca
tarrh that cannot be cured by the use of
nan l alarm core.
Sworn to before me and subscribed In my
riTTT-uvc, ims uiu unj ui iecemuer. A. u
I Seal) A. W. GLKASON.
Notary Pnblle.
nail's Catarrh Cnre Is taken Internally,
ana acta directly on the blood and fix-out
jurracea or tne sj-atem. Bend for teatl-
mouiaia Tree.
o ,, J;. CITEXEY & CO., Toledo. O.
Sold by all Drugglita. 75.
ToJte Hall's Family rills for eoottlpa
, Notice Is hereby given, that the
Common Council of The City of Pen
dleton, on the 22nd day of . Novem
ber, 1911, did make an assessment for
the Improvement of Alta Street In
The City of Pendleton from the east
line of Main Street to the South line
of Court Street, and did assess the
contract price for making said im
provement against the lots, parts or
lots and parcels of land specially ben
efitted thereby. AU persons affected
by such Improvement and assessment
desiring to take advantage of the pro
visions of Chapter 5 of Title 28 or
Lord's Oregon laws providing that
such assessments may be paid in ten
annual Installments are hereby noti
fied that application so to do must
be made to the City Recorder, as in
such Chapter 5 provided, within ten
days from the date of this notice.
Forms for such application may be
secured from the City Recorder.
Dated Pendleton, Oregon, Novem
ber 23. 1911.
City Recorder.
Notice Is hereby given, that the
Common Council of The City of Pen
dleton on the 15th day of November,
1911, did make an assessment for the
improvement of Cottonwood Street in
The Citv of Pendleton from the South
line of Water Street to the North line
of Railroad Street, and Webb Street
in The City of Pendleton from the
West line of Cottonwood Street to the
East line of Main Street, and did as
sess the contract price for making
said improvement against the lots,
parts of lots and parcels of land
specially benefitted by the improve
ment to be made thereon.
All persons affected by such Im
provement and assessment desiring
to take advantage of the provisions
of Chapter 5 of Title 26 of Lord's
Oregon laws providing that such as
sessments may be paid in ten annu
al Installments, are hereby notified
that application so to do must be
made to the City Recorder as in said
Chapter 5 provided, within ten days
from the date of this notice. Forms
for such application may bo secured
from the City Recorder.
Dated Pendleton, Oregon, Novem
ber 23. 1911.
City Recorder.
Reformers always expect their vic
tims to show results.
What a pity It is to observe so many
people with thin and faded hair and
tin n realize, that the most of those
po iplo might have a fine, healthy
ho.td of hair if they would but use tho
simple "sage tea" of our grandmother-,
combined with other Ingredients
for restoring and preserving the hair.
No one, young or old. need have gray
ha'r, weak, thin or falling hair, dan
druff or any other trouble of tho sort
if they would but uso Wyeth's fago
an, I Sulphur Hair Remedy. On the
contrary, it Is possible to have healthy
vigorous hair of perfect color, by a
few- applications of this remarkable
Wyeth's Sago and Sulphur Hair
Remedy quickly removes dandruff,
loaves tho scalp clean and healthy,
promotes tho growth of tho hair and
re.-toros tho natural color of tho hair
wlieh has become faded or gray. It
is a clean, wholesome dressing, which
nuiy bo used at any time and with
perfect safety. Don t neglect your
hair. Start today with Wyeth's Sage
and Sulphur.
This preparation is offered to the
public at fifty cen'.s a bottle and Is
recommended and sold by special
agent, Pendleton Drug Co.
Seattle ? Spokane ? Portland ?
Leave Tendl
( Arrive Seattle S:15 A. AL
eton 1:S0 F. M. I Arrive Spokane. 9:55 P. M.
V Arrive Portland S:10 A. M.
Northern Pacific Railway
Tho Pioneer Line.
First class trains. Close connections. Good leaving time.
Gootl arriving time.
Through Tickets to all Points
East or West
Secure tickets and full information from
Ask about EXCURSION FARES for those events:
Nation Apple Show, Spokane, November 23-30.