East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 24, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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.Dross Sal
Livengood's Great
Dissolution Sale
Just 25 dresses that sold for $1 5.00 and fl? Qfi
$1650 for three days only, your choice at $OivU
See window
I C Snyder, chimney sweep. R 3812.
PasOme pictures please all.
Main 178 for coal and wood.
For rent Front office In Judd
building. rply to F. E. Judd
Franco-Hygienic toilet goods, 309
West Alia St. Phone Black 3141.
Six room house, only $800. TeuUch
A. Bickers.
Everybody goes to trie orptieum to
e the best and th clearest pictures.
Phone Dutch Henry for dry wood
nd Rock Spring coal. Main 178.
For clean coal and dry wood, phone
Main 6.
Closing out 300 pattern hats at half
price at the Campbell millinery.
Speclnl rates to horses boarded by
the week or month at the Commercial
Barn, 620 Aura street. Phone Main 13.
All kinds of good dry wood, also
clean nut or lump Rock Spring coal
at Dutch Henry's.
For Sale New University Encyclo
pedia, ten volumes. Phone Black
Beautiful home orS'orth Side. Bar
gain If Bold at once. Teutsch & Bick
ers. One of the best places on Wade
hill Ai-k about It today. Tcutsch &
See the place wo have In the east
end of town. It 1 a dandy. Price
very reasonable. Tcutsch & Bickers.
Save yourself fuel troubles by us
ing our famous Rock Spring coal and
good dry wood. Delivered promptly.
Ben L. Burroughs, phone Main S.
Lost Mink fur near Christian
church. Finder please notify Mrs. I.
Chrlstonsen, 604 Jane street, or leave
at this office and receive reward.
Try the Cash Market for fresh
Poultry, also remember we keup gro
ceries and meats, phone Main 101.
Take Northern Pacific Ry. to Spo
kane. Leaves 1:30 p. m., arrive S:55
We are Overstocked in
Hard Milled
Lanolen, Lettuce and Almond
Oil Soaps, (tho 00c kind)
which we are closing out
25 Cents a Box
It lathers nicely, washw
away slowly, and it cleanses
and softens the flesh.
The Drug Store that Serves
You Best.
p. m. Tickets from W, Adams,
Agent, Pendleton.
For fancy dressed chickens, phone
Red 2072.
If you have anything to- sell, such
as horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, autos,
see Tcutsch & Bickers and learn more
about the plan.
If you want to move, call Penland
Bros. Transfer, phone 3391. Large
Jray moves you quick. Trash hauled
ince a week. 647 Main street.
Gordon & Davis, carriage and au
tomobile painting. We're here to
stay and guarantee first-class work.
State building. 114 E. Webb street.
If co.ng east, or west or south,
have tickets routed Northern Pacific
Ry. . Close connections at Pasco with
all through trains. W. Adams, agent,
For transfer work. Mauilag bag
gage, moving household goods and
pianos and all kinds of job work.
'phone Malnn 4(1. B. A. Morton.
Learn why you should use our
"Wear-Ever" aluminum cooking
utensils at the public demonstration
by an expert, all next week at the
Taylor Hardware Co.
For Sale 4 80 acres wheat land one
half summer fallow, one-half in stub
blo, plenty water, fair improvements
Short hmaul to Vansycle warehouse.
For particulars address J. C. Royse,
Juniper, Ore. .
Do you realize there is poison in
tho food you eat Attend the dem
onstration at the Taylor Hardware
Co. next week and find out how to
eliminate it by cooking in their alum
inum utensils.
Masquerade ball, Eagle-Woodman
hall. Thanksgiving eve, November
29th. Prizes to best sustained char
acter and finest costume. Manage
ment Saturday night dances.
Learn why you should ue our
"Wear-Ever" aluminum cooking
utensils at the public demonstration
by an expert, all next week at the
Taylor Hardware Co.
Water Vscrs Attention.
A mass meeting of all thoso inter
ested (n irrigation rights in the Uma
tilla river and Its tributaries at Pilot
Rock, November 28, nt 10 a. m., for
the purpose of considering resolu
tions In opposition to the west exten
sion of the Umatilla project. Every
body invited to attend.
J, E. King returned to Helix today.
MIks Sybil Cole wc. t to Pilot Rock
thli morning to spend a few days.
Roy Klrkley came in this morning
from points east on delayed No. G.
John Burroughs of the J. E. Smith
Livestock Co., is In the city today.
Nelwon St. Dennis came in from
Athena on the loail this mdrning.
Attorney J. T. Hinklo of Hermiston
Is transacting business in Pendleton
Bert Smith, well known sheep
man, went to Pilot Rock this morn
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tulloch and son
left this morning on a v.slt to Cali
fornia. Russell Erownell of Hcrmlston,
was !n the city yesterday upon' busi
ness. W. J. Furnish is down from Gib
bon today and Is registered at the
Will Nordean, star first baseman
on the We.-ton ball team, was a vis-"
ilor In the city last evening.
A. E. McFarland and J. D. McFar
land of Umatilla, were visitors ifi the
city yesterday.
John Rosenberg, Jeweler at Schaef
ers, is pending the day in Pilot Rock
on business.
Oller Dickensen of Athena, arriv
ed in the city last evening and spent
the night here.
Wes Bowman, traveling hardware
salesman, was an outgoing passenger
or the local this morning.
O. G. Sapper, well known young
businc h man of Herm'ston, was a
visitor in the city yesterday.
Dr. W. G. Cole, formerly of this
city, but who is now located in Port
land, is in the city today.
Mrs. Rose Campbell left this af
ternoon for Spokane to visit with her
slKter during the apple fair.
James Carglll and family of Nez
Perce are visiting at the home of Mr.
Carglll's mother, Mrs. Dave Cargill.
Will NorDean, Weston cigar store
merchant, came down from his home
yesterday and spent the night in the
' James B. Keeney, formerly a resi
dent of this city, is up from his pres
ent home at Portland to spend a few
Mr. and Mrs. S"i R. Thompson left
yesterday afternoon on delayed No.
17 for Portland where they will spend
ten days.
Attorney Will M. Peterson returned
this morning from Po'rtland where he
attended a meeting of the state bar
J. W. MeCormmach, manager of
the Pendleton Auto Co., made a fly
ing trip to Milton yesterdny in his big
Franklin car.
Mrs. Gus La Fontaine returned to
Portland yesterday afternoon after a
few days' visit here following the
wedding of her son.
Jack Houston, formerly proprietor
at the Pendleton Printery, returned
to Portland this morning after a
day's visit In the city.
Walter Ginn, member of the Walla
Walla real estate firm of Copeland &
Ginn, passed through the city this
morning enroute to Portland.
County Judge J. W. Maloney re
turned today from the west end of
the county where he was attending to
business and hunting ducks.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sturtevant re
turned to their home at Pilot Rock
on the local to that town this morn
ing. John William", postmaster at Her
miston, was here yesterday attending
to business matters and ' returned
home on the motor car last evening.
Attorney Fred Wilson of Athena,
candidate for congressman from the
new Oregon district, passed through
Pendleton this morning enroute to
Do you realize there is poison In the
food you eat? Attend the demonstra
tion at the Taylor Hardware Co., next
week and find out how to eliminate
it by cooking In their aluminum utensils.
Lincoln Center, Kas., Nov, 24.
Evrett Clark, Watson Scranton and
Jay Fitzwaller who last week pleaded
guilty to taring Miss Chamberlain,
were sentenced to one year each in
the penitentiary today.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of
Only a few pieces of Table
Linens left. Hurry if you want
in on these prices, 25c, 49c,
69c, 98c and $1.25
New York. Nov. 24. Declaring the
fight against the alletd railroad
graft of millions annually In charges
for po-tal car service, will be taken
up vigorously at the next congress,
United States Senator La Follette ex
poses the graft which he says , has
continued for a decade under pow
erful protection, in a new installment
of his autobiography in today's Issue
of a magazine which Is running a se
ries on his life,
PU'kimckot Steal Discourse Headed
"ITemiro to Meet Thy Jixl."
Wilkesbarre, Pa., Nov. 24. A ser
mon entitled "Prepare to Meet Thy
God, ".which was taken from the pock
et of the Rev. M. E. Williams, a
Methodist minister of Athens. Pa.,
when he was In this city by pick
pockets, who extracted a large wal
let, has been returned to liim. Mr.
Williams' pocket was picked while
he was in this city for the purpose of
officiating at a funeral.
Chicago, Nov. 24. Federal Judge
Carpenter today postponed the
packers' trial until December 6th, on
the plea of the beef kings. The
United States supreme court meets
December 4th, when it will receive
the packers' appeal on the constitu
tionality of the Sherman anti-trust
33 Killed In I.omn.
Liverpool, Nov. 24. Thirty-three
persons were killed and seventy-three
Injured in an explosion of Bibby
Company's ollcnke mill here. A boil
er exploded hurling the mangled bod
ies grent distances. Many of those
Injured will die.
e Tal
The First Heal SaaiH:
ale &f the Season
67 Suits worth up to $30,00
See window display. Go at
36 Suits worth up to $37.50
Will go at the low price of . .
Positively no such Money Saving opportunity
exists anywhere in Pendleton. The reduc
tions .are exactly as stated. Come and see.
Uohlsnbirs ieoartan
Better Goods for Less Money
! Stir
Lo Angeles, Nov. 24. George
Loudin, former postmaster of Elk
River. Idaho, was nrrested here today
by the postal nu'hor'tios on n chnree I
of rinhe'zliiVT f ISO postal iwrpts.
emj amii
THE Thanksgiving season of good cheer
demands that every man look his best
in keeping with the festive spirit of the
Benjamin Overcoats
Benjamin Suits
Benjamin Evening Clothes
nro the accepts! American standard of authentic style. They aro the
highest typo of ready-to-wear garments it is possible to produce a
perfected combination of the best English and American Fashions.
Benjamin Clothes are tailored with the same regard for distinctive
STYLE as is exercised by the most exclusive tailors of Bond Street,
London and Fifth Avenue, New York.
Suits and Overcoats
Sg.jo (0 $3.jo
BOnd irOffiSS'S Leading Clmhiers