TEN PAGES. page foub. ... t ' DAILY EAST OREC.QXIAN. PEXDLETOX. OREGON. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21. tli. 1 , ' - AN IM'l"l'l".M'l"NT XKWSPAl'EK. rbi!s!il lmHv n:id Soml Weekly at Tea dloin'ii. Uiftuu. by the OUKiJOMA.N riUUSHlSH CO MT.scKirnox katks. P1!t, one er. liy mll '.!!, fU uioiil iiH. l) mull I'ailv, tti:w munilis, by mail .... lailv, mil' ir.uiti. by moll me n-. by ramer la'.i'v. m n- niils, by carrier .... I a i iv, tliri- m.inili. by furrier .. Iii v. K'.ie moiii'a. by carrier .... trail W ei'klv. me yir. by mail... tietni Week V. six uomlia. by mail . aWmi Weekly, tour niooiha. by mall .t.YOO 1 J. 50 .50 t 7 .-.il . 3.75 1.95 .6.1 150 ! 150 j Mciuber I lilted Tresa A8oclatlon. The lal!v Kast Oresnla is kept on aale ; tihVorV-t.il Nea c. 3J0 iorrlaun , trvl. IV.rtlaml. Orec..D. Northwest Newa roruana, orrsun. , Portland. Oreeon. i i,i..,-, llun.au. tHUt Security I'uimuir. ' Wasiaucton. D C, liureau, 501 .Kour- titntb. f reeu X. V. j ... . ,. Kuterec ai lae M,etnrri at I'pniiieiou. Ori.u, a fv-ond-elas mall matter. Tetrphone Main I Official City and Counrj Paper. T THE TIME IV CHRISTMAS ; i Angels at the Christmas Time 4) that come from far away To watch the children as they sleep and dream of Christ- mas Day. sometimes, if you listen And when low the Night ma sings. You'll hear, outside the win dows, the fluttering of wings. II. And witches at the Christmas Time that's what the old folks say That try to get the snowy clouds to hide the stars away. And the Winds to blow the moon out and leave the darkness deep. But the sweet stars love the children, and watch 'em In their sleep. III. Jst everything at Christmas i Time, and, best of all, you know, The slelghbells of the Reindeer as they race- across the snow To where the midnight-houses are standing all so white And reddest sparks from chim neys high a minute light the Night. Frank L. Stanton. A BEAM IN M'COCRT'S EYE- John McCourt Is credited with a speech before the state bar associ ation upon the subject of "Duties of the lawyers of the present day," In which he set forth his personal views on several current political subjects. But people in this section would like to have something from Mr. Mc Court on -the subject of the duties of the United States attorney for Ore gon In the matter of establishing wa ter rights on the Umatilla Indian res ervation. Upon the Umatilla reservation are something like 1000 Indians, men, women and children. Through their reservation flows the Umatilla river, a stream which If properly utilized could double or treble the produc tivity of the Indian lands. The In dians have a right to this water un der the terms of a treaty and Mr. Mc Court says so himself. But their lands have gone unwatered for many years and are unwatered now be cause the Byerg milling company a former client of John McCourt's claim the right to all the water and has bluffed and bulldozed those who have tried to use water upon reser ation lands. Curing the past year William Cald well, a reservation renter, has been waging a fight to establish the right to use water from the river on In dian lands. It .is a fight in which the Indians are much more interested than is Mr. Caldwell. It is a fight that means a million dollars to the reservation Indians if it means a cent. The United i-tates government Is the official guardian of the redmen &nd should be upholding their legal ! rights. John McCourt Is the federal J attorney for this district and he is the man who should be doing the j vork. I Mr. Caldwell has gone to the Unit-1 ed States attorney for aid and he had . a right to expect aid. But it has been absolutely refused. Instead of assist ing in the suit Mr. McCourt virtually snubbed Mr. Caldwell, and has de clared, so Mr. Caldwell says that he will not molest the Byers right un less he has to do so. He has how ever seen fit to notify the city of Pen ,llfcton it cannot take water from the reservation fur municipal purposes (because of the government's early day treaty with the Indians. In other words he is enforcing the treaty . rights agulnst this city but not ugalm-t his former client, the wealthy milling company. This Is the ponition which Mr. Mc Court occupies upon this subjx't. It is the light in which he stood when he gave advice so freely to tils fel low lawyers in Portland the other day nd criticised among other things the jjnpci vi !t prosecution of trusts . Ho should look at the beam in his own eye. I.KSS ATTRACTIVE. SVcroUry MncYeaslVs indorsement o! the Aldrlch hanking plan has one iiiirnu tunt iiuatificntion, says the New York World. It should not, lie says, permit a bank in th Central Reserve Association to hold stock In any other bank. Ills belief is that American conditions are permanently opposed p.nv semblance of branch banking. This might serve to make the plan rure attractive to congress, but Its vn pularity among bankers would not likely be increased. If they could nut more than at present put the small institutions into th, eontrol of thJ .... . ,.. . large, subordinate country credit to 'that of two or three bic cities and! - torse ciiaius ot banns tor speculative purposes, then must the magnificent iwork of the Aldrieh i.lan be v orlj nf Mm 1.trinl. nl:n. hni'in ti. ill r.iintsh in their eyes. This fair and unworked garden of combination which they have tried vainly to break into through the plan devised by the National City Bank would be closed to them tighter than ever. Still, there will be left for conso lation the elaborate machinery pro vided for a centralized control r; American banking credit. The am bition of a few great bankers to own everything in the business might find a reasonable degree of satisfac tion in this possibility of controlling everything without ownership. It is something to be looked out for in the perfecting of the plan. KEEP THE PROMISE. It is very proper of course for local people to agree to celebrate the lay ing of the corner stone of the branch ! hospital building. It will be an event worth celebrating. But Pepdleton can best show its appreciation of the branch asylum by doing Its duty by the new institution. The chief duty of the city towards the branch asylum is to provide the institution with an abundant supply of pure water. When the branch asy lum was located here local people gave assurance that a gravity water system would be forthcoming. It is up to the people of the city to keep that promise and a further reason for keeping the promise l the fact that local people themselves want mountain water. NOVEMBER 24 IX HISTORY. 1638 New Haven, Conn., purchas ed from the Indians. 1758 The French abandon Fort Duque.sne at the approach of Gen. Forbee, Washington, and Armstrong with 9,000 men. 1804 Great Britain had 685 ships in commission in the navy. 1819 Campaign Canal declared to be navigable. 1S29 New England states began the observance of last Thursday in j November as Thanksgiving Day. 1832 South Carolina threatens to secede from the Union because her tariff laws were nullified. 1859 Adellna Patti makes her first appearance in America, in New York. 1864 Battle of Columbia, Tenn. 1869 National Woman's Suffrage convention meets at Cleveland. 1876 Sioux severely defeated by Ihe Fourth Regiment at a pass in the Big Horn mountains. 1879 Chllans gained a great victory at Iquiue, Peru. 1904 Japanese renew attack on Lone Tree Hill, south of Mukden and repulsed. 1904 Sid Edward Clarke derided title of "American" ambassador at Thanksgiving dinner in London; in sisted that "England was, territorially a larger American power than the United States. 1910 Crews of four Brazilian war ships mutlned, under the leadership of a negro sailor; three officers, sev eral sailors killed. THE FAMILY TREE. When I fall down and hurt my knee my grandma says "Be brave, It isn't like a Cunningham to fret and misbehave." And when I cut my finger a-whittling on a stick, ' "Remember you're a Cunningham," she says, "Stop crying, quick!" Oh! I suppose it's n'ce to have a gun and sword SO Old, And have a torn and faded flag, that's better far than gold! READ for PROFIT Ue foi ReaulU FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS They work directly on the KIDNEYS, BLADDER and URINARY PASSAGES, and their beneficial effect is felt from the start. For BACKACHE, KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLE, RHEUMATISM 1 ivii m i.j c - FLAMMATION of the BLADDER and nnoyingURIMARYIRREGULARITIES they exercise a permanent benefit. TONIC IN ACTION QUICK IN RESULTS J. A. Maple, 125 S. 7th St., Steu benvllle, O., says: "For years I uf fered from weak kidneys and a se vere bladder trouble. I learned of Foley Kidney Pills and their wonder ful cures so I began taking them and sure enough I had as good results as any I heard about. My backache left me and to one of my business, ex pressman, that alone is a great ad vantage. My kidneys acted free and normal, and that saved me a lot of misery. It is now a pleasure to work where it used to be a misery. Foloy Kidney Pills have cured me and have my highest praise." FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS Cotto The ray to healthful cooking is to start , right with Cottolcnc. Cottolcnc-cooked food agrees with one because Cottolcnc contains not an ounce of hog fat it is a vege table instead of an animal product Its wholesomeness and purity are vouched for by Nature. Cottotene is "the fat from the flower." All the country's best cooks Mrs. Mary J. Lincoln, Mrs. Sarah Tyson Rorer, Mr. Helen Armstrong, Marion Harland, Lida Ames Willis, and a dozen others of national reputation recommended Cotto lene in preference to lard or any other medium for frying and shortening.' Isn't the testimony of such experts worth something to you? You can afford to pay a few cents more per pail for Cottolene, because it goes one third farther than butter or lard. Made only by TIE N. K. FA1RBANK COMPANY Listen to theTIan- who Knows But, o I wish that I could be like Tom or Johnnie Brown, And not a hero's grandson and have to I've it down! Katherine Dunlap Wright. 10.10!),25(),000 STAMPS IN YEAR. Output of Bureau of Engravlrwr "d Printing I-argely Increased. Washington. A total of 10,109, 250,000 postage stamps was turned out by the bureau of engrfavlng and pr ntlng in the last fiscal year. This is an increase of nearly 9 per cent as compared with the previous year.'- DIFFERENT STYLES in plumbing appliances are as much in evidence with us as in any other avenue of bus iness. SANITARY BATH ROOM APPURTENANCES are as requisite for health as a doctor is when you are slcb Our estimates on plumbing will prove satisfactory. PLUMBING HERE IS Al. QUICK ACTION COMPRES SION COCKS. This Is the only plumbing shop In Umatilla county that keeps this latest and most up-ta-date device. It saves time and trouble and many plumb ing bills. Beddow& Miller rendlcton'a Only Exclusive Plumbers. Court and Garden Streets. Phone Black 3556 THE Thanksgiving Spirit prevails at this popular and sanitary market. Xo matter what delicacy you have decided upon, in tho way of poultry or meats, for the Thanksgiving dinner, you will find it hero. ? 3'rtS' v'';ii,-u,'Vt rVjT PHONE MAIN 33. A SNAP FOR $2500.00 7 room, modern house, stone toilet, shade and fruit trees, 1-2 block ground. Call at once as bargains of this character can't :cst It to appreciate it. MARK MOORHOUSE CO. Phone Main 83. 117 E. Court Street. Other Property of Every Description. Money to Loan on City and County Realty. THEFOUMJM'IOW of faVI The Foundation of every success, business or professional 's money. Save your money and a good OPPORTUNITY for you to make a profitable business Investment will surely come. Begin sav ing and KEEP ON saving, and you will get ahead. There is no other way to do so. The American National Bank Send us your order for Turkeys Ducks Sealshipt Oysters Geese Chickens Choice Meats V Everything freoh and clean. All orders receive our prompt attention. 11 1 ' "'" "' iimaini cellar, barn, wood shed. bath. Must sea 103 K ALT A ST. mm GUNT It Hotel V St. George Bar GEO. DARVEAU, Proprietor Pendleton's Popular Gentle mer.s Resort. Anheassr-Busch's famous BUDWEISER on draught, 5C e'aS8 Electric Mixed Drinks Served at this Bar. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Distributors of Echo Spring and Old Crow Whiskey. First class Cafe and Grill in connection A La Carte, ST. PAUL'S t srHnni yj va v- -r Opens Sept. 1 4 Boarding and Day School for Girls. Primary, Intermediate, Ae adeauio Special and Poet Graduate Courses. Depart ments of Music, Expression and Art PERSONAL ATTENTION REFUVINO INFLCENCaW THOROUGH WORK Nettie M. Galbrahh Principal WALLA WALLA, WASH. DR. GRAY THE paixij-:ss DENTLSrr. NOW AT g THE BOWMAN HOTEL WILL REMAIN ANOTHER WEEK. g The Dr. has already operatsd upon numbers of Pendleton 0 S citizens, all of whom will tell g you that he does exactly as he S 11 claims "ee When you want 2 the lAUTO CABi PHONE MAIN 4M. Z The OREGON MOTOR CO. 813 E. COURT ST. The Pendleton Drug Co. If In business for "Your Good Health" REMEMBER. THIS WHEN YOU 41 AVE PRESCRIPTIONS, OR WANT PURE MEDICINES HEADQUARTERS FOR Toilet Goods We are Sole Manufacturer! and Distributors of th Celebrated TOILET CRKiil COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and MT. HOOD CREAM. Tallman 8c Co. Leading Druggists of East ern OrogoTt. 0 a