1 ': i . TKN PAGES. " ' 1 ' '. PAGE THREE. .DAILY EAST OltEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGOX, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1911. TV mm (5r 1 Right, here almost next doer and perhaps you do not realize it. YOU HAVE HEARD THE STORY OF THE man who hunted the wide world over after happi ness and found it at last in his own home? You perhaps have hunted the stores through to find FIT and STYLE and PERFECT VALUE, without thinking that you had it here at home at ALEXANDER'S. We know clothes here, and when we tell you that nowhere in this state will you find a wider selection or better values in STEIN-BLOCH'S SMART CLOTHES than with us, we tell you the truth of some 30 years experience. Value is the greatest service anyone can ask. Our name plus Stein-Bloch's label assure you that plentifully. When ,you trade with us vou know you'll get your money's worth, if we have to lose on the transaction. Suits and Overcoats irom $20 to $35. Othir makes $7.50 to $18.50 The Progressive Store THE OFFICE A. SCHNEITER, Prop. PENDLETON, ORE Fan)ily Liquor Store Phone Main 299 711 Main Street. FRESH MEATS By all means-Fresh Hint's what you want. That's what we sell. .This murket for years has been Fcndloton's most popular nuirket. Drop In and see us you'll then see why it Is. THANKSGIVING MAIIKKT DELICACIES ore found here In endless profusion. Everything fresh and good everything neat and clean. Empire Heat (Do. Phone Main 18. 607 Main St. WHERE TO ? Seattle ? Spokane ? Portland ? Arrive Seattle .8:15 A. M. Lcavo rendleton 1:30 P. M. Arrive Spokane...-.) :55 P. M. Arrive Portland 8 :10 A. M. Northern Pacific Railway The Pioneer Line. First class trains. Close connections. Good leaving time. Good arriving time. SLEEPING CARS FROM PASCO Through Tickets to all Points East or West Secure tickets and full information from W. ADAMS, AGENT N. P. RY., PENDLETON. Ask about EXCURSION FAKES for these events: Nation Apple Show, 'Spokane, November 23-30. GOVERNOR WEST OFF FOR JAUNT Salem, Ore., Nov. 24. Governor West has departed for San Francisco, ', where he will Join the governors' Fpe : c'al train for a trip of nearly a month I through the leading cities of the east In company o.f tome dozen western ! and northwestern governors. During I his absence, Secretary of State Ol ' cott will be acting governor and will transact all business from his private office in the department of state, hav ing announced that he will not move Into the executive offices for the time 'he acts. The governors are expected to be in St. Paul on November 27, leaving that evening for Chicago, where they will spend the following day. From that point the train will carry the party to the following cities In each of which a day will be spent: Indian apolis, Louisville, Cincinnati, Dayton, Columbus, Pittsburg, Harrisburg, Bal timore, Washington. Philadelphia, New York Albany, Vtlca, Syracu-e. ltochestor, Fuffalo, Cleveland, Tole do, Detroit, Grand Rapids and Kala mazoo. On Sunda- the train will not move and no public meetings will be held. After leaving Kalamazoo on Decem ber 18, the party will go to St. Paul where the governors will attend the land show as special guests on De cember 20, Governors Day. At this point a conference will be held, at tended by governors and members of both houses of congress, to consider uniform action by the states In the league and urge co-operation by con gress for legislation that will encour age the development and settlement of the northwest. Nelson and Thomas Anderson, sea men; W. S. Connauten and John Wil son, firemen; Harry Warner and Lawrence Patterson, oilers; S. H. Brown, wireless operator, one Japa ntse cook and one Japanese mess boy. The value of the Tato.osh la placed at $90,000 and of the Washington $40,000. She carried a cargo of 500,000 feet of lumber and 49 pas sengers and crew. The libel alleges nothing but the action of the Tatoosh in rescuing her when other bar tugs had found it impossible could have saved the vessel and those aboard her. The complaint asks the court to fix a "reasonable and proper salvage in piopqrtion to the value of said vessel and cargo." SEA MOXSTF.K MOKE TIIAX 150 VEAItS OLD After Judge Jordan had filled out the license and was Just about to tie the knot the young man had a thought. "What's the charge?" he Inquired. "Five dollars; $2.50 for the license and the same for the hitching;" re plied the judge. "Goodness sakes, judge; hain't got that much money. I thought it was only $3." He carefully searched his pockets, but could only scrape up a total of $3.30. The bride nearly fainted with cha grin. Judge Jordan took pity on them, and they were made happy. TWO YKAIIS A BLANK TO A FOKMEU LAWYER WASH I XGTOX LIBELED FOK 'PKOPEIl" SALVAGE Portland, Ore. Alleging that but for the efforts of the tug Tatoosh and her crew the steam schooner Wash ington and all aboard her would have been lost on North spit November 13, the Puget Sound Tugmoat company and tho crew of the Tatoosh have filed a libel in tho United States district court against the Washington. The crew participating In the libel include C. T. Bailey, master; S. S. Connauten, mate; Charles Tlnsley, chief engineer; N. Sigage, assistant englneor; Martin Martsen, Theodore Manatee Captured Alive Off Texas t'oa.nt Being Exhibited lit South ern Cities. New Orleans. If Methuselah were alive today he might feel something in common with a sea cow which is at the stables of the Wells-Fargo Ex press company at Dryslde and Calli ope streets. On account of the thick ness of its skin the animal Is esti mated to be between 150 and 200 years old. It was brought to' the stables from Shreveport, where it had been on exhibition, at the State fair. The creature is 1 1 feet and 4 inch es long, and weighs 1,310 pounds, and despite its years is enjoying the best of health. This species of the sea cow, also known ns the Slrenian or Manatee, was captured in July off the coast of Point Isabel, near Brownsville, Tex. The fishermen of this region noticed fot some time a peculiar looking ani mal In- the waters thereabout, and a number of seins belonging to the sea faring men were ruined through com ing in contact with this monster. After several attempts to land the animal on the beach, the fishermen finally succeeded in capturing him, 32 seins and 93 men being needed to iccomplish the feat, it is stated. Tlte creature destroyed the first two Uiiiks which were provided for him after he had been kidnaped from his briny home, and for 32 days lived en tirely on water, refusing to eat any of the solids put before him. He is pi rfectly tame now, and eats between 60 and TO pounds of vegetables dally. In diet the animal Is strictly a vege tarian, lettuce being his favorite dish. The Home Doctor The Easy Way To Take a Raw Egg. Mmt nMinle find errat deal of trouble in twnl lowing a raw eg. VVlirn prepared in the following aimple manner it will be a pleasure. Put one teaapoonful of any fruit syrup Into a thin ola Currlnll dron a raw ecu In on this, be inn particular not to break the yolk. Over the ri; pour a tnblcspoonful of PuttVa pure tnalt nliinkcr: drink. The taste of the ecu will not bo noticed, and takins it tliii wujr uaUcait doubly nourishing aud bcucticial. he was un heard him I raus; get MAIIKIED AT CUT KATES BY A JIDGE IX KANSAS Jurist Tnkes S3 for Uio Llcensei and Ceremony When the Price Is $3. Hutchinson. Knns. If you are con templating committing matrimony don't attempt it on less than $3. A Hutchinson young man who tried to get through on $3 got cut rates, but bargains have been sus pended. They called nt tho home of Pro. bate Judge J. SI. Jordan and asked to bo married. The Judge keeps an emergency supply of licenses at his home and he had one filled out in short order. Dot -tors frizzled by the) Case of Attor ney Who Had Been Delwrred. New York. There is a gap of two years in the mind of James A. How ard of No, 113 Gates avenue, Brook lyn, a lawyer disbarred in June, 1909, on a charge of subornation of per jury, and many doctors are puzzled ober the unusual case. On October 21 last. Howard fell from a trolley car and Injured his head. For twelve days conscious, but his wife murmuring: "I must get an appeal an appeal." Howard cannot remember'anything, even the most important and inti mate events in his life, that has hap pened during the two years and five months since he was disbarred nor during the few months before that when his ruin as a lawyer impended. But he remembered well what hap pened previous to that period. His wife, who is constantlv at his bedside says howard believes Theodore Koos-t-vclt is pre-ident. that Justice Hughes is governor and that Mayor Gaynor Is a. supreme court justice. It seems that everything thnt hap pened since disgrace overwhelmed him left but a slight impression on his memory, for his mind reverts only to his debarment. During the last few days Howard has regained partial realization of his surroundings and has recognized his wife. But he keeps saying to her: "You don't think I was guilty, do you, Lena?' And he asks her If the men of the dub of which he is president believe in his innocence. It has been his wife's only ambition to restore his good name, and his clouded brain seems to realize thnt. Newspapers have been given to Howard in the vain hope that the news would bring to h'm the realiza tion Miat he Is living in today. "and it is right, for perpetual motion in its ordinary sense is impossible. My machine Is, therefore, called a 'self acting motor.' There is no limit to its power and it will continue to run until It falls to p'eces. its principle is magnetism, and the secret of the dscovery lies in the shape of the magnets, which makes them grow stronger the more they are used. The motor revolves in response to the same forces that make the world go round. "From experiments made as a boy with penny magnets, milk cans, and fittings from incandescent gas Jets, my father encouraged me and sent me as a pupil to S'r Hiram Maxim. There I worked in the laboratory. "The machine can be fitted up In private houses and used to work a dynamo and so supply electric light, work the lift or sewing machine, do the cooking or pumping, or anything requfred of it at no cost at all. "Its power is unlimited and It could be built inside the ordinary mo tor omnibus bonnet. The only cost after Installation is for lubrlcat'on." SURFLY SETTLES UPSET STOMACHS INDIGESTION. GAS. HE AltTIU ItN OK DYSPEPSIA VANISH XEAU PEUrinTAL MOTION'. London. Perpetual motion is a recognized impossibility, but a qual ity that nearly approaches it is claimed for the invention of a 2 2-year-old Englishman. He has obtain ed a patent for a motor which, he asserts, will run as long as its iron and steel last. The young man's name is Stanley J. H tchcock and he lives In a London suburb. tho title Tcrpetual Motion,' " he said, order. live Minutes After Takinj a Little Dhirtepsin Y'onr Stomach Will Feel Fine Atrain Fat Your Favorite Food Without Fear of Distress. Every year regularly more than a million stomach sufferers in the Un't ed States England and Canada take Pape's Diapepsin. and rel ?.e not only immedite hut lasting relief. This harmless preparation will di gest anything you eat an 1 overcome a sour, gassy or out of order stomach five minutes afterwards. If your meals don't fit comfortably or whit you eat lies 1 ke a lump of lead in your stomach, or if you have heartburn, that is a sign of indiges tion. Get from your pharmacist a 50 cent case of Pape's Diapepsin and take a dose Just as sion as you can. There will be no sour risings, no belching of und'gosted food mixed with acid, no stomach gas or heartburn, full ness or heavy feeling in the stomach, nausea, debilitating headaches dizzi ness or intestinal griping. This will all go. and. besides, there will be no sour food left over in the stomach ta poison your breath with nauseous or-ors. Pape's Diapepsin is a certain euro for out of order stomachs, because it takes hold of your food and digests It just the same as If your stomach wasn't there. Belief in five miuutes from nil stomach misery is waiting for yon at any drug store. These largo 50-cent cases contain moro than sufficient to thoroughly cure nlmost any case of drsDers'a. In digestion or any other stomach dis-