EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. TI'ESDAynOVEMBEK 21, 1911. PAGE SEVEN. Women who bear ch'ldren and re main healthy are those who prepare their systems in advance of baby's coining. Unless the mother aids nature in its pre-natal work the crisis finds her system unequal to the de mands made upon ii, and she is often K-ft with weakened health or chronic ailments. No remedy is so truly a help to nature as Mother's Friend, and no expectant mother should fail to use it. It relieves the pain and discomfort caused by the strain on the ligaments, makes pliant and elas tic those fibres and muscles which nature Is expanding, prevents numb ness of limbs, and soothes the inflam mation of breast glands. The system being thus prepared by Mother's Friend dispels the flar that the crisis may not be safely met. Mother's Friend assures a speedy and complete recovery for the mother, and she is left a healthy woman to enjoy the rearing of her child. Mother's WATIIT'TVC Frien4 is sold at lllLKu Write lor oir free HQEffl) book for expect ant mothers which contains much valuable information, and many sug gestions of a helpful nature. FMAPrT-LD REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta. C Every Woman If Interested and thou Id know about the wonderful L MARVEL Whirling Spn- i new vaginal bynnoa. Bestmatt convenient. It l Instantly. Alk you druggist f If he cannot supply tht MARVEL, accept DO c but tend lump lot Illustrated book sealed. It etvo full partlra. I.rt and directions invaluable to ladles. MUIU CO , 44 Cast HI Intel, Raw ttiy Underwood Standard Typewriter UNDERWOOD SERVICE UNDERWOOD eco nomical systems for the simplification of office methods and reduction of expenses are in use throughout the country. The Rill and Charge System prepares the cus tomer's statement, ledger account sheet and list of daily sales at one writing. The Unit Bill and Order System prepares the cus tomer's invoice and the numerous departmental orders at one writing. The Condensed Billing System prepares the cus tomer's invoice and sales hook pacre at one writing. In addition, the service includes a special check writing and perforating machine; a card writing machine and machines for writing extended statis tical forms, waybills, in surance policies, balance sheets, statements and re ports of all kinds. AVe have expert simplifyers of office methods to show customers how to use the UNDERWOOD to best advantage how to make it work for them at its highest efficiency. Their service is free. You can-, not get it on any other typewriter at any price because the UNDER WOOD only makes it possible. "The Machine You Will Eventually Buy." CATTLE MARKET LITTLE CHANGED ki: i:ins at poktlaxd heavy OVKlt sex DAY Khccp Market Ih showing Consider nl.lt, Slri'iiglli Despite Heavy Ship. kk iiIh Kivclvcil Hojc Muik-t Is Stationary ( hicufo Wheat Is Up. (From Monday' Journal.) In Bcrieral t he-re was little change this morning In the cuttle situation "t North Portland. Receipts over Sunday were quite heavy, a fotal of 51 8 head being received compared with (.VI la t Monday. Two loads of cattle came forward from Oregon during the 48 hour, ar rivals in that line bein? princ'pally troni Idaho and Montana. From the latter section 11 loiidu r-nmu r..rnrn.,i North Portland cattle market range: Select steers $ fancy steers Choice steers Feeders Common steers Fancy heifers Feeder cows . , . ; Fancy row 5.50 5.40 5.39 4.55 4.25 5.00 3.25 4 75 Fancy bulls 4.25 M. 35 flood ordinary bulls 4.00 Stuns 4.25 Fancy light calves 7.50 Medium calves 5.00fji)5.60 Ord'nary calves 4. 00 (i 5.00 Shc- Market Kemalns Firm. Considerable i-trength Is showing in the mutton division of the North Port land yards today although the run durintr the latter part of last week was somewhat greater than had been expected. Four loads came forward since Saturday: these belnc received from an Oregon point. Sheep values at North Portland: Select lambs I 5.00 Choice lambs 4.75 Common lambs 4.00W4.25 Yearling wethers 4.55 old wethers 4.25 Fancy ewes 3.75 Ord'nary 325 Hog Market Is Stationary. While there was only a small run of hogs In the North Portland yards over Sunday, sufficient stock came forward to test the tone of the trade. There was practically no change from the flu e of last week. At Chicago there was a steady tone In the hog market with a run of 52 000 bead, compared with 31,000 a year ago. Tops sold at J6.60. this price be ing paid both for mixed lots ad for good and heavy stuff. North Portland swine trade today: Hi'st eastern Oregon ) 6.60 Medium eastern Oregon . 6.50 Post Willamette valley ... 6.50 flood to heavy 6 25 Hough ami heavy 6.00 Feeders 6. 50 6.85 ;raln and liny These prices are those at which wholesalers pell to retailers, except as otherwise stated: Wheat Producers' price nominal; track delivery club TSZSOc; blue stem, SIffiS3c: fortvfold, S0W81c; Willamette valley. 79c; red Ku-sian, TSc; Turkey red, 81c. Ha rliy Producers' prices 1 911 Feed. $31 ti 31.50; rolled, 132; brew ing. 37.' oats Producers' price Track No. 1. spot delivery, white, JSO.fioV 31 ; gray, $30 'a 30 50; December ami Jan uary, dol'very, No. 1 white. $31.50. Millstuffs Selling price Bran, $4.r.O; middlings, $31; shorts, $25.50; chop, Jl!"!! 25. Hay Producers' price 1911 crop Valley timothy, $31; short', $25.50; chop. $llijr. Hay Producers' price 1911 crop Valley timothy, fancy. $16; ordinary $15; eastern Oregon. $17.50; mixed, $12- clover. $10; wheat, $11?1150; cheat. $llftf 11.50; alfalfa, $12 12.50; oat, $1 Iff 11.50. Chicago Whewt .lumps V. Chicago. Nov. 21. There was an advance of 3-4c In the December and l-2c in the May options of wheat at the closing yesterday after an open ing that was I-2c to l-4c higher re spectively. No change was shown In the Jury option either at the opening or close. As a rule there was an advance in foreign markets News from Argen tina and Australia was of such char acter as to cause covering by shorts. The news from Russia, which told of unfavorable weather for seeding was jikew'se an Influence for the bull side. Snow in Mountains. Ore. The mountains of. eastern i.irepon nro covered with ft depth 'l" snow unprecedented at such an earlv date. Several feet coVef the mountains surrounding the linker vi.lley, and transportation to mining ramps Is ntready badly hindered by the conditions. the fall Inst week put nn end to work on the new city pipe line, and along the line of the Similiter Valley heavy falls have al ready set in. Since the heavy storm .veral dnys ago It mis mawco some nd ,c irrigation and other i,.,t reservoirs are fuller thnn usunl nt this s( ason of the year. STOPS THAI ITCH If yon are suffering from Eczema, Psoriasis or tiny other kind of skin trouble, drop Into our store for In stant relief. We will guarantee you to stop that Itch In two seconds. A 2!ie trial bottle will prove It. We have sold other .remedies for skin trouble, but none that wo could recommend more highly than the well known compound of Oil of Wln tergreen. Thymol and a few other in gredients that have wrought auch wonderful cures all over the country. The compound, known as D. D. D. Prescription, will cool and heal the itchy, burning skin as nothing else ran Get n regular bottlo and see- on our no-pay offer. Tallman Drug Co. Children Cry yj tew I if TIio Kind You Have Always In use for ovr SO years, All Counterfeits, Imitations und "Just-as-good' aro but Experiments that trifle with and endanor t!io health cf Infants and Children Experience against ' Experiment. What is CASTORIA Cnstorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphia nor other Jfarcotio substance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Fcvcrlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatule-acy. It assimilates the Pood, regulates the Stomach ar.d Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children'; Panacea The Mother's Priend. , GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS si Bears the The Kind Yon Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THt CtNTAUR COMPANY, It Ml.HSAT STRCCT, NEW YORK CITY. SLAYER EVELAND WAS JUSTIFIED The Dalles, Or., Xov. 21. Fred Eveland was Justified in taking the life of Dave Mannausaw, whom he shot to deaiu in front of his dwelling In thi eiy on the morning of Octo ber 13, said the Jury before whom he was tried in tile circu't court here. After being out all night the Jury an nounced It ha,; arrived at a verdict of acquittal. Kveland was apparently unmoved. Throughout the trial he kept his nerve remarkably and ' maintained all the time that he would be cleared, since he felt that he was Justified in taking the life of ine man he killed, and did not feel the least remorse. From the beginning of the trial sympathy has generally been with him, and public sentiment has been pretty general that at most he would not be convict ed of a greater crime than manslaugh ter. The fact that Mannausaw was a large, powerful man and Eveland a mere stripling created sentiment in favor of the latter, and too, the fact that Mannausaw was cursing Mrs. F.veland just at the time the shooting began, and that he was acting in de fense of his wife, he ws acting in de fense of his wife, served to cause the Jurors to excuse his act. Immediately after the verdict Eve land was released and will probably go to North Yakima with his parents. WINS MISTRF.SS OF 51 TONGUES. Savant Is Hot rot ! to the- World's GrvntOM I. In );u W. Northampton, Mass. Miss Eliza beth S. Cotton, master of fifty-four languages and reported to be the greatest linguist in the world, now has learned the language of love. An nouncement was made of her engage ment to David P.rainerd Spooner, I'll. P., of India, who is likewise an adept in half a hundred tongues. Dr. Spooner is superintendent of the archaeological survey or Hengal. eastern Bengal, the central province of India and Assam. Miss Cotton has a beautiful soprano Voice and was to have sung with the Theodore Thomas Orchestra, hut gave It up at her father's request, and us a solace took up the -study of lan guages, Khf W n liiehibei' of the Royal Asi atic Society, which has only two oth er women members in the United States, and is a member of the Soci ety of Biblical Archaeology and the American Oriental Society. Marshal Iises l'lnjer. John Day, Ore. Stanley Morris, said to be the son of n prominent fam ily living nt Prineville, Crook coun- ty was taken in o " " was Arrested nt Canyon City the night before and while resisting Incarcer ation closed the pail door on the mar shal's thumb, so badly mashing It that amputation was necessary. He was fined in the recorder's court and al lowed to go out and get the money to pay the fine. He tried to escape but was taken here and lodged In the county Jail, where it was discovered that he was the victim of ii drug hab it. His parents were notified at Prineville. and he was held In the county Jail awaiting their action. Fnwvntrr Ticket Named. Freewntcr, Ore. The caucus of the citizens was the biggest In the history of the city and the "dry'- forces con trolled the situation. The following candidates were nominated:: Mayor, Dr. J. K. Haynle; recorder. Meryle Hadlev: treasurer. Will HalU coun- cllmen. John Crtmmlns, T. Taylor and Howard Hansfleld, the latter recelv Ing every vote cast. Considerable feeling Is felt In the town that the lulquor question should he brought up In the primaries when It was decided at the recent election that the town should be "dry". It is certain that another ttckct will be named. for Fletcher's 7 ry A Botiyltt. and vhlch ha bccri has lun-no tLc si;;natiiro f and has been itiatie under his pci- Ulnnl Eira-rvi!'ii kineA lf Infn.icr. Signature of Parisian Sage IJBAXISIIES DAXDKCFP. It quickly kills the dandruff germs that's why dandruff vanishes so promptly when Parisian Sage Is used. PARISIAN SAGE Is Guaranteed by Tall man & Co. to eradicate dandruff, to stop falling hair and itching scalp, or money back. Get a fifty cent bottle today and become acquainted at once with the most delightful hair dressing In the world. "I gladly recommend It as the best ha'r tonic I have ever known. I find it the only hair tonic that will cure dandruff, cleanse the scalp and make the hair grow long and beautiful." Miss Signa Ahl, 2 Farwell . St. W. Worcester, Mass. IX POCXD. The following described animals have been taken up by the marshal of the city of Pendleton, to-wit: One gray mare about 20 years old, weight 1000 pcinds, no brand. One Shetland pony, color bay, In visible brand on left shoulder, almost 6 years old, weight about 500 pounds. If said animals are not claimed by the owners or those entitled to the possession of them costs and ex penses against them paid and they taken away within ten days from the date hereof, then at 2 o'clock p. m. of the 30th day of Xovember. 1911, the said animals will be sold to the highest bidder, at public auction, for cash, at the city pound. In said city of Pendleton, the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment of such costs and expenses of making sale. Oated this 18th day of November, 1911. TOM GURDANE City Marshal. xotick ron rids for street IMPROVEMENT. Notice is hereby given, that bids will be received by the Common Council of The City of Pendleton at the office of the City Recorder up to November 29, 1911, at 5 o'clock p. m., for building the cement sidewalk on Main Street at the north end of the bridge, as heretofore ordered by the Common Council, plans and specifi cations being on file with the City Recorder, Bidders should specify the price per cubic yard at which such sidewalk will be built and each bid should be accompanied by a certified check In the sum of $50.00, to be forfeited if bidder shall be successful and shall fall to enter Into contract In accord ance wlt.h the bid. The Common Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated Pendleton, Oregon, Novem ber IS, 1911. THOMAS FITZ GERALD, City Recorder. NOTICE FOR RIDS FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT. Notice is hereby given, that bids will be received by the Common Coun cil of the City of Pendleton at the of fice of the City Recorder up to No vember 29, 1911, at 6 o'clock p. m. for making the Improvement on Wash ington street and Blaln street in the City of Pendleton, as heretofore or dered by the Common Council. Each bid shall be accompanied by a. certified check in the sum of $100, an,l bidders shall specify the price for which they will make said improve ment as follows: Excavation per cubic yard $ Filling per cubic yard .... Rolling with city road roller per 60 foot frontage.... $.. Sidewalk, wood, per lineal foot t Sidewalk, cement, per lineal foot t The Common Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Plans and specifications for the above Improvement are on file with the undersigned. Dated November 18. 1911. THOMAS FITZ GERALD " J i . City Recorder, SPOR TS llughy for Kansas. I.'erkeley, Cal., Nov. 21. The grad ual encroachment of Kugby as a uni versity sport is .shown by letters re ceived here from middle west and eastern universities about the g;ime. j Hake In sballow pan. If for desncrt. Kansas has already adopted Ilughy a.j 1 bake In layers. I'll! with whipped a secondary snort, and is thinking r,f.creatn, flavored with lemon. taking It up for the "big game" witn Nebraska next ytar. With this ob ject, the Kansas students are making earnest efforts to persuade Xebra.sk a to take up the sport, with a good chance of success. It is predicted that both universi ties will have Itugby teams on the coast to play the University of' Cali fornia and Stanford next year. A. A. V. at Xt-w York. New York, Nov. 21. Delegates from all sectional associations of the Amateur Athletic union met here in annual convention. New York was awarded the indoor national athletic championships, and Madison' Square Garden was selected as the place for holding the events, which will be de cided December 20 to December 2" Inclusive. All Games Forfeited. Seattle, Nov 21. All the games played by the Wenatchee high school football team in which Gillespie, right end, participated, were declared for feited by the state board of high school athletic control today. The ruling was made that Killespie is in eligible to participate in lnterschol- istlc contests. As a result Walla Wal la, Queen Anne (Seattle) and Lincoln (Seattle) high schools will show on the official records as having defeat ed Wenatchee 1 to 0. This eliminates Wenatchee as a contestant for the state Inter-scholastic championship. Sullivan to Vernon. Kansas City, Mo., Xov. 21. John Sullivan, a former catcher of the lo cal American association team, sign ed a contract today with Manager Hogan to play with the Vernon. Cal., team of the Pafcific Coast League. Michigan May Return. Minneapolis, Xov. 21. That the University of Minnesota '.9 plant ing to induce Michigan to return to the western conference was stated in pni veraity circles today. It is said that with Michigan back in the confer ence, Minnesota and Michigan will be- No Cigar Is Good for You unless it leaves you with the desire to smoke another. Be ware of the smoke that leaves you satiated. But each light, domestic cigar tastes better than the other. Try he mellow Gen! Arthur mm 10c Cigar M. A. Gunst (& Co., Distributors Y A Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater brings bathroom or bedroom lo just the degree of warmth you want in five or ten minutes. All vou have to do is lo touch a match. The Perfection Healer bums nine hours on one falling and is always ready for use. You can move it anywhere it is needed. There is no waste of fuel and heat warming unoccupied rooms. Just the heat you want, when and where you want it. The Perfection is fitted with an automatic-locking flame spreader that prevents the wu k being turned high enough to smoke and is easy to remove and drop back when cleaning. Drums fi.iished rithri in turquotte-blue enamel or plain strrl ; light and orna mental, yet strong and duiable suitable lot any room in any house. Dfalen everywhere ; or write to any agency el the Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) THKKK is somi: iii'..sox l ou Tin: gkkativ inckuaskd attf.xo- AXCE AT TI1K PENDLETON THE SCHOOL OK MODF.HN MKTIIODS The best systems. Individual Instruction and u personal Interest In a U pupil are the rea-sons for the rapid advancement and the short time requirt-i5 to grndunto in our school. PookkeepliiK, Shorthand. Typewriting and all business, shorthand nm? English subjects practically and thoroughly taught. KNIIOLI, NOW. Day and evening classes. Graduates assisted to Rood positions. Fcc are lower than in most schools. M. K CLANCKY, H. A., Irc. Delicious Gingerbread (Ptcipt by Mr: Mary J. Lincoln) Children are -great lovers of ginzef bread, and grown folks, too, if it is the rich, "mcU-in-your-mouth" kind. Here i nme!hin the children can eat freely without fear of "tummy-ache": Mix two cups flour, one-half -levef tenspoon salt, one ltvtl teaspoon soda, one level tablespoon glnper; stir In ono cup molasses, two tablespoons softened fnttolene nnd one-half cup boiling water. Cottolene makes liaht. rich nastrv that digests with cae. gin a battle for general re organist ton of athletic condition in ihe west. If Michigan does not return it is con sidered probable that Minnesota witi wth.lraw. Kirby Heads A. A. A. Xew York, Xov. 21. Gustavus T Kirby of Xew York, chairman of the executive committee of the intercol legiate A. A. A, was elected today president of the Amateur Athlette Union of the Unfted States. He de feated George F. Pauling of Philad-f-pria, ' president of the middle-Atlantic association 22 to 6. Mr. Kirby will succeed Everett C. Brown of Chicago. Attell Outpoints Jones. New York, Nov. 21. Champion Featherwe'ght Abe Attell showed aU his old time cleverness last night, having the better of every round bnt one of his 10-round bout with Willto Jones of Brooklyn at the Olympic A. C. "I am pleased to recommend Cham berlain's Cough Remedy as the best thing I know cf and safest remedy for coughs, colds and bronchial trou ble," writes Mrs. II B. Arnold of Den ver, Colo. "We have used it repeat edly and It has never faileu to ffivo relief." For sale by all dealers. G HOME For Christmas? The Qanadian Pacific (Soo Spokane Route) offers you the very best service and lowest rates from the Inland Empire to all Eastern and Southern cities. Through Electric-lighted Com partment, Observation, Library, Standard and Tourist Sleepers from Spokane to Mlnneapofij and St. Paul, leaving at 2:00 p. m., making direct connection for Chicago and all points East and South. We will also be pleased to name you rates to all points in Europe via AXY steamship line you wish on hearing from yon. For further information, call on your local O.-W. R. & N. and S. & I. E. agents, or write M. E MA LONE, T. P. A. T. J. WALL, General Agt. 14 Wall St., Spokane-l GQ1N A Warm Bathroom PERFECTION Every mother should be careful that the children take their baths in a warm room. The chill of a cold room is dangerous after com ing out of the hot water.