-PACK SIX. daily Eiw cntrcaraur, piaroiiHroK, ormock. Tuesday, xovembek tu mt. EKUIT PAGES. CASCARETS SURELY STRAIGHTEN YOU BUI "No Ili'til;i;-lii-. r.il.ou-no s. l'sot MiMu:irli. I ji.v l.vir or tVn-l i,'ml : u '. v ; vo-ir li.v,i-il I'm r r; I .- :i f h cie.in, jure ;,nj fresh v lii v'.is.-.,-e!s, or niore'y Inn-ins a ;---.v;iy through th.w alimentary - r V-..:n:j;. t -reins every few days n.1:. cathartic jU!.. cas'.or oil -'.r j urutlve waters having a bowel wash-day. I- t 'is.-.ir-'ts thorouphly ileanse nn.l re-ulrtt.- the stotnaeh, remove the uiuii-:s:e-l. -our and fermenting food and I' 1 biases, lake the i s- o.-s bile from (he I vir and carry out of the system i'll the dteomp sed waste matter and iiioisims in the intestines and bowels. Casearet t-irrirht will make you uei preat by morninsr. They work .li.lt' jou sleep never gripe, sicken . n uso any inconveniencei and cost only 10 cents a box from your drus K'si. Millions of men and women t:ke a Oascaret now and then and never have headache. biliousness, t-r-au'd tongue, ind'gestion. sour stom ch or constipated bowels. Cascarets rK-lonsr in every household. Children just love to take them. llobnery Was Neatly Done. j Oregon City. Sheriff Mass, who ' Tnss been investigating the robbery of j the past office and AVells-Fargo ex pirees office at New Era, says that he ) .confident the job was the work of, experienced men. The burglars ob lalned J100 in gold coin and a JlOOi money order and several railroad tickets. 'XV CURE A COLD IX ONE DAY take "LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money If it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signa ture is on each box. 25c, AT THE PICTMOWS Orp'umuj. A feature of features for Tuesday's chanse. Foul Flay, by Charles Heade, in three reds. A f lm w hich iiui;ks an ep.vh in silent drama. The compl.1:.- n.iwl is clearly told. 1 "F.ul riay," Fan 1. K-lison. Ar lm- Wardlaw, tho son of a London vvvihaiit. j-r.i .luates fro n Oxford hc.rvKy in iteht from pam'o'.ing. I'n-.1-r a r! a of lend'ng Kohert Tenfold in :.ey. ho f-rges his father's name, f.itipir Kohort ti cash it and give him the abount above the loan. Rob ert is sentetne.1 to ex le. Arthur is emrag.-'i to :narry lld'ti K'l!es'.on, the daughter of General Kolleston. 2. "Foul Play," Part 2. Robert i'enfoU'., under another name, H a convict on parale in Australia. Arth ur Wardlaw, 'who has involved the firm of Wardlaw & Son, arranges to have a ship belonging to the firm scuttled for the insurinee. Helen, Ar thurSs fiance, sails on this very ship and Robert staves her. They are cast on an uninhabited island. 3. "Foul Play." Part 3. General Rolleston arriving In London finds his daughter has been wrecked at set. He starts to search for her. Mean time Robert and Helen are living happily on their island. Robert has dispatched a number of wild ducks with, messages attached giving their location. In the closing scene Arthur is confronted with his double villainy and Robert Penfold 'comes into Ms own. 4. "Wife's New Hat." Lubln. She got a hat and put t in the safe re moving $50,000 worth of bills to make room. Rurglars cracked the safe but overlooked the drawer where she had put the valuables. Hubby was so pleased that he said she should have twenty hats if she wanted them. 5. "The New Creator." Lubin. A barrel of fun in this one, picturing the troubles and experiences of Sam Law son, who starts out to take moving pictures. reels, Tlie Pastime. A swell program for Tuesday O. A. C. SHORT COURSES BEGIN JAN. 3, CONTINUE FOCK WEEKS. YOU ARE INVITED Every citizen of Oregon is cordially invited to attend the short courses of the Oregon Agri cultural College, beginning Jan. 3. Eleven distinctive courses will be offered in Agricul ture, Mechanic Arts, Domestic Science and Art, Commerce, Forestry and Music. Every course is designed to HELP the student in his daily work. Make this a pleasant and pro fitable winter outing. No tuition. Reason able accommodations. For beautiful illustrat ed bulletin. . address, H. M. TENNANT, Registrar, Corvallis, Ore. Farmer's Business Course by Correspondence. rhni.c BIgr extra in three tioucicalt's masterpiece r "The Colleen Bawn Katm. Every us-Ana In thla niu-arfiil Trlel rlrnmil ' wns made In Ireland. Reel No. 1, 1000 feet. Hard res Cregan meets "The Colleen Bawn" and they are see: ?tly married at her mother's grave. His mother desires that he take to? wife his cousin. Reel No. 2. 1000 feet. Danny Mann. A simple minded youth seeks to relieve his master of the low-horn wife and decoys the colleen out to the rock in the lak and nttempts to drow n her. Ho Is nvftaken for an ! otter and shot by Myles Xa Coppa- leen. hen attempting to retrieve his game, Myles rescues the colleen. Reel No. 3, 1000 feet. Danny Mann escapes) death and confesses to drowning the colleen. This confes sion leads to an attempt to arrest ) Hardress Cregan lust ns he N about ! to be married to Anne Chute. But In the confusion, Father Tom. to whom the confession was made, Myles und the Colleen entej and the affair is cleared up. "How She-Got the Money." E sa nay. This is a bright little comedy. It Is amusing. "And the Cat Came Back." Essana-y. This is a slight anecdote picture. Uusual price: Adults, 10c; chil dren 5 cents. w i-t:" i . . - nil - - si XlU Jgfc ITS GOING TO BUY r r, v -m w i i lip im tw v 'j", tv "J,'.7 mm m wmmm . new.. COV1 The Cosy. For Monday and Tuesxlay. "The Godfather." Reliance. Pow erful dramatic play with a cast of over fifty. A disappointed lover be came godfather of his former sweet heart's baby and after depositing- $3, 900 to the baby's credit, went wrst. On his 21st birthday he received the money and lost it gaubling. He went west and in a card game shot It's godfather, who saved him from befng lynched. A ring revealed the biry's identity and they both went back east to mother. "A Western Tramp." Bison. The tramp, made the butt of the cowboys' Jokes, was befriended by Joe. He learned that Smith and a dancehnll girl were in a plot to break up Joe's home and forced the girl to confess, while he run Smith out of town. "Lost Illusions." Rex. Grace, a mountain girl met an artist froim the east. She loved him, but she only amused him. After he left she- mar ried Bill, a mountain boy, and they went east, where she met the artist. Her husband, finding them embrac ing, left her all his money and went back home. Next day she found the artist was married and started back to her true mountain lover and hap piness. "Mutt and Jeff Spend a Quiet Day in the country." Nestor. Mutt and Jeff, while fishing, were set upon by two convicts and relieved of their clothes. They had some trying ex periences while wearing the convict suit?. Mutt decided a barrel would be better and after stealing a night gown for Jeff they started home. "The Meddling Parson." Nestor. He thought a poker game was on and told the chief of police. A bum heard him and held up the players, but found his big haul was only stage money. j THE CURE THAT'S SURE FOR COUGHS,COLDS, WHOOPING COUGH AND ALL DISEASES O? THROAT, CHEST AND LUNGS Famous for Forty Years off Cures. SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY Price SOc and $1.00 KOEPPEN'S R. I ASSISTS IMMIGRANTS Salem, Ore., Nov. 21. That the state railway commission enables hundreds of poor people to obtain justice in instances where they culd not without the intervention of the commission, is the claim of J. H. Walker, of Salem, who gives his own story to illustrate this contention. walker came tom Sedalia,. Mo, to Salem a year ago this month. Through an error made by an agent of the Missouri Pacific railway company the proper notes In regard to the pay ment of freight on Walker's house hold goods were omitted. When he arrived at Salem, Walker Five Passenger, Six Cylinder touring Car The New Series Franklins Are tlie mox beautiful in desiens and finbk They are almost noiseless. They are simple, economical ami reliable. TIipv are the most comfortable to ride in and tbe easiest to handle. They have no water to Wh with and they are lipliter and more jiowcrful than anything eL-e on the mad. Latest model now on exhibition Ask for a demonstration Pendleton Auto Company AT THE OREGON THEATRE "Tim lUcli Mr. IIokjjciiIh'Iiiiot." Possibly the most important attrac tion of the present theatrical season at the Oregon Theater Is the engage ment of Max Dill and his splendid company in the famous musical com edy "The Rich Mr. Hoggenheimer." I Competent critics decjare the work of Mr. Dill to be the funniest and best j thing he has ever attempted. Max uill nas enjoyed a wonderful season since starring alone, his success has been phenominal. While he has only confined his time and talent to the coast exclusively for a number of years it is Mr. Dill's intention of tak ing "The Rich Mr. Hoggenheimer" East and appearing on Broadway late this winter. "The Rich Mr. Hoggenheimer" is anoriginal piquant musical comedy. The costumes, scenery, electrical ef fects are all new and the musical numbers are acknowledged to he the greate-st of their kind. The cast is a collection of well known theatrical celebrities, with a chorus whose fame is synonymous witn the title of the comedy. The critics of the coast h&ve praised this production until Its lame is second to none. Thf public which pays its good money to be en tertained at the theatre has seen marveled and commended In highest terms. It is conceded to be better than the season's best. It will bo seen at the Oregon tomorrow even ing. f. 'i -t ; . . V? W;T-4'"-SL4 VI hi -., '. fc' mm mm Oregon Theatre Wed. November 22 MAX DILL .nj a remarkable cast of 20 prin i.I,s, including AIFitKD COVL.V-IX-;. DKNTON VANK, WILME I"'OL I l;l, UiN CHANEV, EDITH WJHT I.EV, WINNIE BAULDWJN, LOR A OAKLEY. The Rich Mr. Hoggenheimer Ore entire year at Tlie Casino TiiMtir, New i'ork. Started all Am-i-Ica laughing. The Spokune Review of November ir,th ays: Max Dill has a good t:how and pleasrs audience, company capable, chorus Is good looking. Special cut price; lm- Circle $1.50, Iymrr lloor $1, . . iralf.Hdiy $, and 75c, (iallcry 50c. Sent on sale Tuesday. November 21, nt Pendleton Drug ."tore. HOY TRIKS TO Ill'V "A PAPA." .ApKiais to t liarity orianijUioii to Sell Him one. Dos Moines. "Please, can't 1 buy a papa here?" With a few pennies hfld in hrs cold, dirty fist, Herbert Weirs, a 6-year-old newxhnv nnnfl dently appealed to the orfict rs of the Associated Charities for a fath er. Six months ago, according to the records of the charity organization, the father dosertrd the motli.-r and children. Since that time a ha by s's tcr has come into the deserted home. The mother developed symptoms of tuberculosis and upon tlie ail v ice of physicians was tp.ken to the state tu btrculoslH hospital at Iowa City. The lad's appeal wns the result of child ish reasoning that a now papa would re tore the homo. avowed policy of the company to en courage westward travel, by the fact that the subordinate officials of the railroad companies are held strictly to account for collecting all charges and If they are itt doubt they over charge to make- sure of getting enough. Then the overcharge be comes involved in the general rail road machine and can not be gotten b'- an individual; NOW HANISHKD IXMt ('It I ME. Incorrigible Youth Sent Out of the Country for Tou Years for Theft. Oakland, Cal. Banishment from. American soil for ten years ih the effect of a plan for the probation of John Owens, to. which Superior Judge Bledsoe agreed. Owens will sail on a ship leaving; San Francisco within a few days, and If he returns to Am- BREAKS IIP A COLD AND CURES GRIPPE NO QCIX1NK rsi'l IN THIS l-.I'I 'KCTI V K I-RKPAI SATION trica wlthlni the time set he will be found that he had to pay an addition- liable to a ten years' term in prison. al $9.37 in order to get his freight, although he had prepaid It He took the matter up with the state railway commission and the commission In turn took it op with the companies By February a signed statement was obtained admitting the overcharge, but it was nt until today that Walker was enabled to get his money back. Early this month he went again, nine months after the overcharge had been acknowledged, but was told by the company that he had to pay $3 In addition to what he had already overpaid. This Is no exceptional case, accord ing to the rate clerk of the commis sion, but he declares there are hun dreds of similar examples. In one In stance there was an overcharge of $100 and it took the man almost a year to get it refunded. He accounts for this treatment of Immigrants, which seems inconsistent with the The proposition to banish Owens wns suggested by representatives, of the Welsh Society of San Frajijclsco, v ho desire Owens to return to Wales to the care of his family. He pleaded guilty to a grand lar ceny charge originally, and when his probation was revoked was committed to th reformatory at Preston and feigned Insanity after his release. Contractor Stalw Rival. Sheridan, Ore. E. Bowers and William Cranford, rival contractors, ecgaged In a street fight here In which Bowers was severely cut with a large jack-knife In the back of the neck. Tlie men quarrelnd and separ ated. Cninford soon returned with an open knife and called Bowers a vile name. Bowers struck him a se vere blow and in turn received the cuts, which are not regarded serious. No arrests have been made so far. You can surely r,end grippe and break up the most sovere cld either in head, chest, back, ttomach or limbs, by tak ng a tniae of Pape'a (fold Compound every two hours until threeconsecutlve doses are- taken. It promptly relieves the ratwt mis erable headache, dullness head and nose stuffed up( feverishnefs. sneez ing, Bore throat, mucous catarrhal dis charges, running of the nose soreness, stiffness and rheumatic twlng. Take this harmless Compound as directed, without interference with your usual duties and with the knowl edge that there Is no other medicine made anywhere else in the world which will cure your coM or end grippe misery as promptly and with-, out any other assistance or bad after effects as a 25-cent package of Pnpe's Cold Compound, which any druggist In the world can supply. Tape's Cold Compound Is the result of three years' research at a cost of mon thao fifty thousand dollar" and contn'ns no quinine, which we have conc'tsively dfniona'rated is not ef fect I1 ' In the treatment of colds or Krlpf. Hound to Have. It. "Vy wife can't di-c ldc on a ear." "This model Is the last word In touring cars." "The last word, eh? Then she'll have it." Seattle Post-Intelligencer. HAIR WHITE AS SNOW Restored to Natural Color ,with ' WYETH'S SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR REMEDY ALMOST A MIRACLE - My hair was as white as snow when I commenced using ' Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy. One bottle re stored my hair to its natural dark brown color. As I am now 70 years old, I consider the result most remarkable. It is an cgreeablc and refreshing hair dressing, keeping the hair soft and glossy, without being in the least greasy or sticky. WM. WESTLAKE, 210 West Main Street, Rochester, N. Y. 1. 1! UCMQl ru COT AN IDEAL Tonic mi! Ores l"- "MA rMlar itching n4 wife kiatrt k PRICE 50c AND $1.00 mmutkixw ma VTHE WYETH CHtMICAL CO.) niw vow art . fitnte of Oblo, City of Toledo, Loom County Frnnk J. Cheney mitke, oath that be la senior partner of the firm of F. J. Chny Co.. doing business In th City of Toledo. County anil Htate aforesaid, and that aald firm will psy the snm of ONB nrxprtKD lifll.LAItS for each and r"ry can of ea rn rrh that cannot be cured br tbe om of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and iibcrlt)4 In my nr.nee, tlili Utb day of December, A. D.. 188. Heal A. W. OT.KARON. Notary I'nblle. nnll'a Catarrh Core la taken tnternillf. and arta directly on tba blood anil f'cnns anrfarea nf tbe ayatem. Bend for taatl tnonlals free. P. J. Cnr-NRY A CO., Toledo, o PnM by all Droffgtsta, To. Take nail's Family Tllla for constipation wmm. Why hesitate when WYETH'S SAGE AND. SULPHUR HAIR REMEDY is daily producing just such results? , After years of study and analysis of the hair, we have been able to produce an ideal Hair Tonic end Restorer, which contains an actual constituent of hair, combined with ingredients of recognized merit for treatment of hair and scalp diseases. It makes and keeps the scalp clean and healthy, gives life, strength and lustre to the hair, and Restores Gray Hair to Natural Color No matter how long and thick your hair is. WYETH'S SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR REM EDY will make it longer and thicker. It will re move every trace of dandruff in a few days, stop falling in one week, and start a new growth in from one to three months. Guaranteed to be as Represented or Money Refunded 50c. AND $1.00 A BOTTLE rr-JT Wyeth Chemical Company, FREE If , Tour Drutfglat Deaa Not Keep It Sena 50o. In Staunpa cud Wo Will Send You o. Largo Dottlo, Express Prepaid 71 COKTLANDT STREET ISEW YORK CITYs Its Vo A 2Se Cake of Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Toilet Soap Free to anyone who will tend us this advertisement with 10c in stamps to cover cost o! wrapping and mailing the soap. SOLD 2Y TILE l'Li Ui.uU CO