EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OTtEGONlAN, PEXDLETOX, OMECON. TUESDAY, XGVEMIiEll 21, 1011. PAGE FIVE. PERSONAL MENTION ednesday, Thursday, Friday And Saturday Nowhere will yon find such gen uine bargains as we are offering this week. Read this list carelully $1.00 Mescalines, all shinies 77 $1.50 and $1.75 yard wide Taffeta, in colors ... OS $1.00 yard wide Satins in colors 77 $1.25 to $2.50 Dress Goods 9S $2.00 and $2.50 I'.road Cloths, a dozen shades 98? $3.00 Bear Cloth : 9S 75c and 85c all wool Dress Goods ....... 48 B5c to 50c Dres Goods 28 35c Iron (Mad Hose for hoys' and girls 18 50e. Bleached Turkish Towels 33 9-4 Sheeting, extra good grade 21 Calico ... . , 3 Thread, Clark's : 3 $1.25 and $1.50 Petticoat .. 69 $2.00 Petticoats, fancy $1.18 $5.00 Silk Petticoats $2.98 $8.00 Silk Petticoats $4.95 $0.50 Silk Waists $3.97 $S.00 to $10.00 Silk Waists $4.95 $22.50 Suits strictly iip-to-date $14.95 $27.50 Suits strictly up-to-dato $18.85 Ladies' and Misses' Coats. $1G.50 values $11.45 $10.00 and $12.50 Coats fur Misses' ... $4.05 15c Pillow Slips 10 10c Muslins 7 12 l-2c Outing 9 20c Hosiery, Children's 12 15c Hosiery, all kinds 9 Make out your list, hring it to us, we will fill it complete and guarantee to save you from 25 to 35 per cent. F.E.LiuengoodUo. Edgar Norvcll of Helix, wag visit ing in the city yesterday. Pcto Murray of Adams came down on the local thia morning. II. D'xy nnd Ed.- I.u-nton of Athu na, Kjictit hint night In Pendleton. W. 11. Walpole, Jr.. of Irrigon, was registered at thu Iiowman yesterday. ( E McLellan of Juniper was a j v'Mtor In the county seat yesterday. Nelson St. Dennis was an Incoming puf-scngir from Athena on the local this morning. Mr. and Mrs. C Xolen of Umatilla were, in the city yesterday, guests of the St. George. Attorney John P. Winter arrived home this morning from a trip to Minneapolis. Jack Fulr was in from his Cold Spring place yesterday for the tran saction of business. Carl Engdahl, Helix warehouse man, came In this morning on the Northern Pacific train. C. I). Gabrlelson, well known in surance adjuster, left for points west on the local this morning. Carl S. McXaught returned to hi home at Hermlston this morning af ter spending the night In the city. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Nett of Hefmis ton, were among the residents of the project town In Pendleton yesterday. Dan Row-man, manager of the Row man pressing parlors, was a west bound passenger on the local this morning. John F. Hoyt district manager of the W. O. W., left this morning for Athena, where he will work for a couple of days, after which he will spend tKe same length of time In Wes ton. James P. Neal. Freewater attorney and member of the local Commercial club quartet, came down from his home this morning to take part in the first social evening at the Commer cial association parlors. Horses Strayed. willow Springs, one nucKHKin norse and one black horse branded V on hip. One has halter on with piece of rope hanging, other piece of, rope hanging around neck. Anyone know Incr whereabout of above described animals will receive reward by noti- ; fylng Je Vey. 1502 East Court street Pendleton. Popular Couple) is Muirlod. Pendleton society received another half-surprise this morning when It be came known that George La Fontaine and Miss Nona Johnson had been unit ed In marriage at the home of the t ride's mother, at 10:30 o'clock. It was known that the wedding was ar ranged for an early date but no whis per that it was to occur today was heard. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. ami Mrs. Gus La Fontaine, pio neer l'endleton people, and the bride Is the daughter of Mrs. Winn John son, a resident of this city for many years. They will leave this evening on delayed No. 17 for a honeymoon trip and their friends are promising them a good "send-off." T1IK MKAMKST TlllXfi IX PEXDLKTOX" TONIGHT LOCALS Past'me pictures please all. I C Snyder, chimney sweep. RISU. Main 178 for coal and wood. For rent Front office In Judd building. Arply to J". E. Judd. If you have anything to sell see Teutsch & Bickers. Everybody goes to tha Orpheum to ee tha best and thn clearest pictures. Phone Dutch Henry for dry wood i and Kock Spring coal. Main 178. For clean coal and dry wood, phone Main 6. Special rates to horses boarded by tha week or month at the Commercial Barn, 620 Aura street. Phone Main 13. If you want to buy a horso, cow, hog or anything, come to our office Tcutsch & Bickers. All kinds of good dry wood, also clean nut or lump Rock Spring coal at Duth Henry's. 13000 cash to buy a houso and barn. Must bo a bargain. Teutsch & Bickers. We are Overstocked in Hard Milled Lanolcn, Lettuce and Almond Oil Soapa, (the, 50c kind) which wo aro closing out AT 25 Cents a Box It lathers nicely, washea away slowly, and it cleanses and softens tho flesh. Koefrpen's The Drug Store that Serves You Best. Wanted Woman to do general housework. Apply at Empire room ing house. Messrs. Leslie Gibbs and Mark Sto cum joined the day classes at the Pen dleton Business College yesterday. Save yourself fuel troubles by us ing our famous Rock Spring coal and good dry wood. Delivered promptly. Ben h. Burroughs, phone Main 6. Lost Mink fur near Christian church. Finder please notify Mrs. I. Chrlstonsen, 604 Jane street, or leave at this office and receive reward. Try the Cash Market for fresh Poultry, also remember we keep gro ceries and meats. Phone Main 101. Take Northern Pacific Ry. to Spo kane. Leaves 1:30 p. m., arrive 9:55 p. m. Tickets from W. Adams, Agent, Pendleton. If you have anything to sell, such as horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, autos see Teutsch & Bickers and learn more about the plan, If you want to move, call Penland Bros. Transfer, phone 3391. Large lray moves you quick. Trash hauled ince a week. 647 Main street. Gordon & Davis, carriage and au tomobile painting. We're here to stay and guarantee first-class work. State building. 114 E. Webb street. For Palo New University Encyclo pedia, ten volumes. Phone Black Kniigcllst Holmes Delighted WlUi Progress of Christian Church He vlval. "The Meanest Thing In Pendleton" Ir the subject announced for tonight at the Christian church by Evangelist Holmes. Quite a good deal of specu lating has been indulged in concern ing the matter, but no one but the evangelist seems to know Just what line he is going to follow, but some thing out of the ordinary may be ex pected. When asked of the prospects for the revival, the evangelist expre-sed great satisfaction with the results thus far obtained, not only In the number that have united with the church, but with the steady growth In the attendance, which reached its best in Sunday night's nudience which crowded the main auditorium. He said that he had heard so much about Pendleton being such a hard plnce, but thought after all. it was not different from most fields, and that straight forward preaching, in which the gospel was proclaimed in kindness, wo'uld yield the same re sults here as elsewhere. Asked about the town, Mr. Holmes said: "I think Pendleton has a good future. In fart, all these western towns are bound to grow, and rapidly too. Of course there has been a de pression In business everywhere for the last year or two. and the west has felt it. but things are brightening up and we may expect n prosperous era ngin and Pendleton will come in for her share. There are Improvements to bo made here ns elsewhere. Espe rial attention should be called to the water Water taken direct from the licautirul hnmn on nrth bide. Must i ,.ivpr i bound to brinir bad results see It to appreciate the place. We are I y0 wiser investment for the city could always rea.iy to snow you. icuiscn be mn,lt? th in that of tapping n moun tain stream and giving the city pure water. I am Interested in all that concerns the city, and may have more to say along this line later. Just now. this revival demands nil my time, but It Is going to succeed." There will be an illustrated songi tonight. mm vm vm , 1 j j ' , y 111 I! I xyp' Benjamin Qotfyes & lllckols. Fur transfer wrk. Hauling bag ?uge, moving household goods and plnnos and all kinds of job work, phonn Malnn 461. B. A. Morton. If to.ng cast, or west or south, havo tickets routed Northern Pacific Ry. Close connections at Pasco with all through trains. W. Adams, agent, Ptndleton. To Portland or California, take Northern Pacific, via Pasco, and S. P. & S. Ry. Leave 1:30 p. m ar rive Portland 8:10 a. m. See W. Ad ams, agent at passenger station, for through tickets and all arrangements. Masquerado ball, Eagle-Woodman hall. Thnnksglvlng eve. November 2 ih. Prizes to best sustained char acter and finest costume. Manage ment Saturday night dances. A mnn who robs hundreds, perhaps thousands, through a bank, Is about tho last criminal to Whom clemency should be shown.. Bloods Sarsaparilla Acts directly and peculiarly on the blood; purines, enriches and revitalizes it, and in this way builds up the whole sys tem. Take it. Get it today. In usunl Unhid form nr In chocolate coated tubluls culled Sarsatab. DRESS SMARTLY YOU can't make the right sort of an impression if you're dressed wrong. There must necessarily be a certain percentage of quality and a certain percentage of quality and a certain percentage of style to make a man look and do his best. It's Easy Wear a Benjamin Familiarize yourself with Benjamin Over coats. You are certain to appreciate the clever manner in which they combine style and qual ity at a moderate price. Why be so satisfied with make-believe style when you can secure authentic New York Style for $20.00 upwards. An assemblage of correct overcoat models and beautiful weaves await you here. Bond rothers Pendleton's Leading Clothiers si- & IV IT f