DAILY EAST OREGOXIAX, PENDLETON, OREGON. Tl'KSDAV, NOVEMBER 21, 1011 EIGHT PAGES. T" First $f til SSJSSB PAGE FOCTl. i s rasp laiiwm MiSsai 67 Suits worth up to $30.00 See window display. Go at AS INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. Published Pally and Semi Weekly at Pen dleton, Oregon, by the BAST OUKGOMAN PUBLISHING Ca SUBSCRIPTION RATES. tally, en year, by mall $5.00 Dally, aix months, by mall 2.50 Dally, three months, by mall 1.25 Daily, one month, by mall 50 Daily, one year, by carrier 7.50 Dally, aix months, by carrier S.T5 Dally, three months, by carrier 1.85 Dally, one month, by carrier 05 Bernl-Weekly, one year, by mall 150 Beml-Weekly, aix months, by mail 75 8emi-Weckly. (our months, by mall... .50 Member United Preaa Association. Tbe Dally East Oregonlan is kept on sale t tbe Oregon News Co., 3JU Morrison street. Portland, Oregon. Northwest News Co., Portland, Oregon. Chicago Bureau, 909 Security Building. Washington. V. C, Bureau, 501 Four teenth Kreet, N. W. Entered at tbe postofflce at Pendleton, Oregon, as eecoad-claas mall matter. Telephone Main 1 Official City and County Paper. . a THE BARCAROLE. Night divine, oh, night of love. Bliss doth our senses sway. Smile on us, ye stare above For youth will have its way. Speedily the time doth flow Ah. never to return; Here alone the moments linger, Here where passions burn. Let rephers now embrace us To our pleasure's delight 'With tender soft caresses Oh, linger thou night. Xight divine, oh, night of love Bliss doth our senses sway Smile on us, ye stars above For youth will have its way. From Love Tales of Hoffman. A TIMELY ACTION. Through a resolution adopted yes terday the managing board of the Commercial Association urges that of ficials of the federal government take steps towards securing a full and tpeedy determination of the rights of the Indians of the reservation. It is a call to the officials to get tusy and apply the Montana decision to the Umatilla reservation if the courts hold it is applicable here. John McC'ourt, United .tats district attor ney, has already held the decision to be applicable here to an extent. He has ruled thtt local Indians may use water from the river for the irriga tion of th-iir allotments when they v-ork, in person. He has also notified the I'tndifcton water board that the InJians hnve first title to the water Dutfy's Purs f.!s:t Wftsfccy A tonic stimulant. An aid to digestion. A brain invigorator. A remedy for all throat and lung troubles. A sleep producer. Keeps tho old young, strong and vigorous. Sold by drupgirtu, grocers and dealers in sealed bottles, price J 1.00. If you can't procure it, let us know and we will tell you how to obtain it. Write for free doctor's advice and book of recipes for table and sick room. Tbe But !y Kilt Yluley Co.. Bachrslcr. K. T. -w 7t. yjrMf Positively no such Money Pendleton wants for its municipal needs. Having done this much it is square ly up to Mr. McCourt to go through with the deal. If he is going to ap ply the treaty rights to the city of Pendleton how can he escape apply ing that treaty to others, such as for Instance, his former client, the Byers milling- company? Since he has ruled Indians may use water when they farm their allot ments in person how can he escape ruling that Indians Are also entitled to water when they rent their allot ments to white men? Surely the United States government is not go ing to discriminate against the old men, the squaws and the children who cannot work their allotments in person. It will be a strange sort of guardian if it does. The establishment of the reserva tion water rights is a thing- of the ut most importance to Pendleton as well as to the Indians. If the Indian rights are fully established it will mean that thousands of acres of land immedi ately adjoining Pendleton may be ir ligated and brought under actual set tlement. It will mean everything to Pendleton. Furthermore if the mat ter is handled aright and reservoir? constructed to store flood waters the reservation can be irrigated without injury to anyone farther down the stream. On the other hand it will mean benefit to all concerned, includ ing the local mills, because when the flood waters are stored the summer flow of the river is Increased. The Commercial club is the repre sentative organization of the business iMerests of this city and the managing board is clearly right in taking the action it did. The Commercial club and local people in general should watch this matter closely and see that the proper officials do their duty The case is one wherein the rights of the Indians and the welfare of Pen dleton go hand in hand. We should see that the reservation rights are fully established or know the reason why. WILL THEY REMOVE THEM? At this time the street lights in the business section of Pendleton make a strange showing. In places there ere cluster light poles at close inter vals. Elsewhere there are none. The job looks unfinished and it Is. Strang ers within the gates often ask what is the matter and it is natural they should make such inquiries. The f.treet looks like someone had started to do something but wag taken sick r called away. The trouble, as everybody knows, arises from the fact that electric and telephone poles are in the way. They Hoil the effect of the cluster lights tnd they take up good space on the sidewalks. It will be impossible to illuminate our business streets prop erly until those poles and the over hi ad wir'-s arc removed. It wili be within the power of the new mayor and council to remedy tl is d' f-ct and render a good service to Pendleton. Do those who are running for office plan to bring about tiiis improvement or are they afraid cf hurting the electric trust and the telephone trust, both of which con cerns take enormous sums of money out of Pendleton every year and give just as little as possible in return. Where do the candidates stand? WATER IS WANTED. In another communication today James Johns intimates he has a scheme for -a municipal power plant or.d it does not involve the purchase of the Byers mill which Mr. John Saving opportunity exists anywhere in Pendleton. The reductions are exactly as stated. Come and see. ... Better Goods suggested not long since to the East Oregonian and did not speak in con fidence either. As Mr. Johns does not deign to give any Information regarding his new plan it would be out of place to com ment upon his enterprise. The East Oregonian will hope however for the sake of the city as well as for Mr. Johns, that the scheme Is Indeed more savory than the plan to pur chase the Byers mill and its uncer tain water right in order to obtain a water supply for the city. The city is looking for water, not a gold brick. The proposed organization of the Indians of the west might accomp lish some good by demanding that the United States g-overnment, guar dian of the local redmen, proceed with the establishment of the Umatilla reservation wator rights. Reactionaries are alright as ballast tut it does not do to let them run the ship. MO HE FROM JAMES JOHN'S. Pendleton, Ore., Nov. 21. 1911. Editor East Oregonian: I notice in your paper of the 20th Inst. "More About James Johns," that you refer to a conversation you had with me sometime since. I did not know I was talking for publication at the time, but since you have seen fit to refer to it, let us go into it fur ther. The subject of our conversation was then as it is now. "The Troubles of the Pendleton Water Question." When I suggested that it was too bad the city of Pendleton did not accept Mr. Byers proposition to furnish the city with water when he offered to do so, and at the same time develop a power sufficient to run his mill, light the city and have -other power to nrnlsh other industries, I also said it was not too late, as I under stood the owners of that " property wanted to sell. I did suggest that If the city charter permitted that it might be a way out of the difficulty, as I believe you and I both agree that the Byers people had some rights on the riper that might terminate In cost ly litigation. I also remember that we both agreed that if the Byers peo ple had the rights they claimed, they had a very valuable asset. We also agreed as I remember, that It would not be feasible for the city at that time to go into the milling business. Now I suppose. Mr. Editor, that Is the reason I am a "henchman, a ser vant, a follower, and employe of the Byers Milling Co." I will say, how ever. I th.'nk an Investment In the Byers mill property, at a reasonable figure would be considered by busi ness men, a better purchase than 26 acres of land at Thorn Hollow at $4 -000. You say the P.yers mill has no wa ter rights. John McCourt, United A HEALTHY, HAPPY OLD AGE May be promoted by those who centlV cleanse the system, now and then, when in need of a laxative remedy, bv takina a deseitsDoonful of the ever refreshing, wholesome and huly benehcial byrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, which is the only family laxative generally ap proved by the most eminent phy sicians, because it acts in a natural strengthening way and warms and tones up the internal organs without weakening them. It is equally benefi ficial for the very young and the mid dle aged, as it is always efficient and free from all harmful ingredients. To get its beneficial effects it is always necessary to buy the genuine, bear ing the name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. plainly printed on the frontof everypackage, 36 Suits worth up to $37.50 Will go at the low price of . TMENT .ST for Less Money Strong Healthy Women If a woman is strong and healthy in a womanly way, moth erhood means to her but little suffering. The trouble liea in the fact that the many women suffer from weakness and disease of the distinctly feminine organism and are unfitted lor motherhood. This can be remedied. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Cures the weaknesses and disorders of women. It act direotly on the delicate and important organs conoarned in motherhood, making them healthy, strong, vigorous, virile and clastic. "Favorite Prescription" banishes the indispositions of the period of expectancy and makes baby 'a advent easy and . K,.,,. ,i vjuicuj uuu vitalizes me icminine organs, and insures a healthy and robust baby. Thousands of women hare testified to its marvelous merits. Makes Weak Women Strong. It Makes Sick Women Well. Honestdruggists do not offer substitutes, and urge them upon you as "just as good. Accept no secret nostrum in place of this non-secret remedy. It contains not a drop of alcohol and not a grain of habit-forming or injurious drugs. Is a pure glyceric extract of healing, native American roots. States district attorney, says tHe 26 acres has no water rights." The By ers' still have a mill which can be run by steam or power from the Pa cific Power & Light Co., or unless the E O. gets too busy ."masting water powers, we might be enabled to fur nish them power from the municipal power and light plant which I pro pose. Cons'derlng your activities In slug ging Industrial enterprises run by wa ter power, I shall have to decline to give you any data at this time on my scheme, lest in your desire to rule or ruin, you may smash the municipal power and light scheme. I take pleas ure In saying to you. however, I "have the surveys all complete and ft is hap pily so located that it does not inter fere in any way with the Indian rights, the Byers milling rights or any other rights, but we hope to have mu A SNAP FOR $2500.00 7 room modern house, atone cellar, barn, wood shed, bath, toilet, shade and fruit trees, 1-2 block ground. Call at once as bargains of this character Can't lest. Must see It to appreciate It. MARK MOORHOUSE CO. Phone Main 83. Other Property of Every Description. Money to Loan on City and County Realty. TH EF0tfNt5ATl ON OF it (1:,,.. TJ A t 'RAN The Foundation of every success, business or professional "a money. Snve your money and a good OPPORTUNITY for you to make a profitable business Investment will surely come. Begin sav ing and KEEP ON' saving, and you will get ahead. There Is no other way to do so. ' The American National Bank if nicipal electric lights. I will have something to say to you about the filtration system later on, for I like to correspond with you even If you do refuse to publish my let ters. Yours very truly. JAMES JOHNS. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets do not sicken or gripe and may ,be taken with perfect safety by the most delicate woman or the youngest child. The old and feeble wllf also find them a most suitable remedy for aiding and strengthening their weakeneu digestion and for reg ulating Hie bowels. For sale by all aeaiers. Transient emotions are little worth; It is the right living through the years that counts. 117 EL Court Street. aA O XJ KGUNT 1 $24.95 ORE Hotel St. George Bar GEO. DAHYEAC. Proprietor Pendleton's Popular Gaatie- mer.s Resort Anheuser-Busch's famous BUDWEISER on draught, 5C glass Electrlo Mixed Drinks Served at this Bar. Finest Wines, Liquors aad Cigars. Distributors of Echo Spring and Old Crow Whiskey. First class Cafe and Grill In connection A La Carte. When you want THE AUTO CAB PHOXE MAIN 4 98, The OREGON MOTOR CO. 815 E. COURT ST. IHMIIMtMllsiiit.i,...' The Pendleton Drug Co. la In business for "Your Good Health" REMEMBER THIS WHEN YOU HAVE PRESCRIPTIONS, OR WANT PURE MEDICINES HEADQUARTERS FOR Toilet Goods We are Sole Manufacturers and Distributors of tba Celebrated S TOILET CHE.UI COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and' MT. HOOD CREAM. Tallman & Co. Leading Dmrgrfsta of East ern Oregon.