PAGE SIX. DAILY EAST ORBGOXIAX. raXBLBKOW. OBMOX MONDAY, NOVEMDE31 SO, It it. I0IQ11T rAOlU, THE DANGER OF RHEUMATISM The danger of Rheamatism is in temporizing in the treatment, or in failing to realize the powerful mture of the trouble. If ths blood ' is cVioirei to remai.i infected with j eric ccid, Rheumatism soon be cvtnes chronic, and then if not chtxkcJ it sometimes makes com- j jflfte physical wrecks of its victims ' f) permanently stiffening the joints ar.d seriously interfering with the bodily nerve force. External ap-' plications will often temporarily , relieve Rheumatic pains, but do not reach the blood, where the cause is located, and to depend entirely upon such treatment is a very dangerous thing to do. S. S. S. cures Rheumatism by removing tiery particle of the cause and purifying the blood. It filters out of the circulation every trace of the soar, inflammatory matter, cools the acid-heated nerves, causes a natural and healthy nourishment through the blood to all muscles, joints and bones, and perfectly cures i r l. ,:... : ' 1 : . . t o o o ! AutuuiuLi.'-m iu an us luuus. o. o. o. does this great work because it is the greatest of all blood purifiers, acting directly on the source of the disease. Our special book on Rheumatism and any medical advice will be sent free to all. S. S. S. is sold at drag stores. THE SWIFT SPCC!;? CO.. Atlanta. Co. SPORTS PASTOR'S SONS MAKE GOOD. Now l'nrli tit Portland. Portland. Nov. 20. T)u plans for tlr iu- base bull park are finished and tb.f-so are carried out it will me r.'t'i:anil the fine.-t playing field .11 till' IVOfl. With the plans as they now stand, drains will bo placed about one foot uniirrni'at li the pl.iyitisr field along full Miks and boneycomhinit the iianio'iil. S.iml will be placed around the fit' an 1 with about six inches of . .; I'.'V.-fiiii; thorn. IiiTOHtlRHtor Says Tliey Climb Often Into "Who's Who" Class. New York. Minister's sons were Riven credit for greater success In life than those of any other class In a ser mon by Kev. Christian F. Reisner, at tho Grace Method st Episcopal eliureh. Wist 104th street, who said: "Airordiiiir to 'Who's Who In Am erica SHEEPMEN ACTIVE NEAR STANFIELD Welch to ltofenv rii;lit. I."S Ans. les, Oal.. Nov. 20 The .1 ! li.'.-k oxer the question of who !-. ui!,l referee llie scheduled twenty r.nir.d i ,cht between Ad Wolsiast and K' , .!.! o Welsh for the lightweight elvmipionship of the xxorKl at Vernon That.kssivinjr day. has been broken by We'.sh consenting: to have Jack Welsh of Francisco act as referee. Wol xtrtoTi Welsh, Tom Jones. Wolgat's m;i:i.ivr, and Tom MeCnrty. promot er, held a meeting at xxh'eli Jones re quested Welsh to act ns referee. Welsh responded that an "undesirable man was being forced upon him." but rather than lose the chance to fight for the championship he would con--cnt to Welsh refereeing the contest." (Special Correspondence ) Stanfield, Ore.. Nov. 20. Ouite a mini tors' sons succeed in lite largo number of sheep have been re- 221 times more frequently than those ceived and sh ppe(l from this point of any other class of people. In recently, the shipments from here he- Kmtlund an investigator has discov- ii g mostly to the Portland markets, ered that "of the men prominent in Saturday twenty oarloads wore receiv- Eng'.ish history. 1270 have been mm- ed from l.a Grande and Hakor cn- isters1 sons. 510 children of lawyer signed to U. N. tstanficld, who Is food- ami Jj" ousprnigs or uoeiors. .n m- nig extensively m tills vicinity vostigator selected one volume of the sixty-s x of the "Oictlonary of Nation al liiography' and found that one in every nine was a mltvster's son. "Pe Oandollo, a French scientist, says: The suns of clerical families have aotuallv surpassed during 200 The Stanfitld Ladies' Study club met Thursday afternoon fur its reg ular semi-monthly session at the res idence of Mrs. C. W. Spencer, He ss 'des matters of business an inter esting program was rendered consist ing of a paper on the fubjoet of "The America " James K. SENDS PAl tiHTEK TO JAIL, F.eautlful home on North Side. Must it to appreciate the place. We are .11 ways ready to show you. Tcutsch ISickers. CHICHESTER S PUS m l'illies Win n (innio. Havana, Nov. 20. The Philadel phia National team defeated the Al mendares S to 1 yesterday. w a Ldlrit Ak jomr Dragf ( tor j mke-tr't IHamon lrd ins ta Kf4 ui Void nitnitic -, sealed with Blue Riibam. " mw. liny tr roar fniawfc asic nrt iiik ii t.T:a 5 tlAMO.M fIRM flLLA. foe years koown as Bat. Safest. Al wars Reiiai .a SOLD BV CRLQGISTS EMRYViHERF i ji DIFFERENT STYLES In plumbing appliances are as much In evidence with us as In any other avenue of bus iness. 'SANITAP.V BATH KOOM ' APPIHTENANCES are as requisite for health as a doctor is whin you are sick. Our estimates on plumbing will prove satisfactory. PLVMIHXG I1EP.E IS A I. -QTICK ACTION COMPRES SION COCKS. - This is the only plumbing shop In Umatilla county that keeps this' latest and most up-ta-date device. It saves time and trouble and many plumb ing bills. Beddow& Miller Pendleton's Only Exclusive PI urn tors. Court and Garden Streets. Phone Black 3536 Saturday's Football Results. Syracuse 12. Carlisle 11. West Point 12. Colgate 11. Harvard 5, Dartmouth 3. Monnesota 6, Wisconsin 6. Yale 3. Princeton 6. Chicago . Cornell 0. Michigan 11, Pennsylvania 9. ersey 0, Penn. 0. Knox 0, Beloit 0. Kansas Agrics 3. Arkansas Univer sity. University North Carolina 4, Wash ington and Lee 0. Transylvania 12. Kentucky State 0. Virgin:a Military Institute 80, Catholic University 0. Pewanee 3. Alabama 0. Mount Union 23. Hiram 0. Marqpette 3. Creighton 12. Lombard 3H. Bradley Poly 9. Colorado College 11, Colorado School of Mines 0. Nebraska 28, Kansas 0. St. Louis University 5, Missouri State 0. Minnesota 6, Wisconsin 6. Vanderbilt 21. Mississippi 9 Reserve 13, Carnegie 0. Eu'ler 3. Depauw 0. Washington 6, Drake 6. Perdue 33. Rose Poly 6. Case 5. Buchtel 0. Michigan 11, Pennsylvania 9. Army 12. Colgate 6. Illinois 27. Northwestern 12. Swarthmort 18. Dickinson 0. John Hopkins 1", St Johns College 0. Chicago 6, Cornell 0. Harbard 5, Dartmouth 3. Oeorgetown 9, Virginia 0. Navy 0. Pennsylvania 0. University of Pittsburg 12. Wash ington and Jefferson 0. Trinity 24, Haverford 6. Williams 8, Amherst 0. . Syracuse 12. Carlisle 11. Brown 6, Vermont 0. Cornell of Ioxva 43 Coe 0. Princeton 6, Yale 3. Western Games. Univers'ty of Washington 29, Uni versity of Oregon 3. Bradway High (Seattle) 6, Queen Anne Hieh (Seattle) 0. Washington State 11, Whitman 0. Tacoma High 0, Everett High 0. years in their contrib.ittons to the roll Prominent Women of of eminent scientists the sinvlur con- which was read bv Mrs. tributions of any other class of fain- Faucett. also a paper by Mrs. Norton toes, i who had the subiect. "The j or Europe with the Early Indian and l Other Early Wars of America." ! Thursiliix- nftermmn X1 ilv Man Accuses Her of Purtiolpulliir In Ueil, entertained the Ladles' Reading i lieu i "is nm-, of Echo teveral ladies coming Kansas City, Mo W. J. Hoss. .0 f Echo in the morning to years old. of Rlue Springs, near this the (,.ly reUmllng on the ,ocn, city, identified a woman at police Jn thg afternoon headquarters who was accused of L. E. Marchand of Lewiston, who is stealing his horses, as his only daugh- . intere;(te(i in the Bla.hholj! Hardware tor. Ella. 32 years old. Co of thls ... , her hl,,!nps, A trader notified the officers that ...... a man and woman were trying to dis- Mr T ,..,,,- .Tr nt Mi,i0 pose of horses which answered the who has bpon vlsitlng at Kverott,' description of the stolen animals. i Wash., is somo.irnin st.,nfiM f.,r The couple were arrested and H.xss a Tpw wpek3 was sent for. He round the w oman . n h irxx In enrt.,rv. f was his daughter, and told the police ; i,.rlgation companv, j9 transacting III lOOK lier up. m. t'UJ i..!- l.,w nu , pf.n.l,..r.n tr.,1... reward offered for the recovery of Dr Henry w Coe and FrRnk I Thev Fit I I and Wear Tl::it.V tin? kind of Fhof; vr.ii i'ct at t.Li- st if you cr.' YfYvA? for ch'-an stuff. . f'.on't voifie Lr-ro. SHOES My ?;.'-fi:,lty end I lian'lle nly h '.:;' iLat satisfy ui.' Tn;:kc iiiy jiafrons my frieii'!-. I .,:.; i'-.v-rl.OTi ! likf to prove tl,i YOU. ! A. Eklund .Shoe IVfiili' 'oti's Pionrer ACT QUICKLY. Delay Has Been Dangerous in Pendle ton. Do the right thing at the right time. Act quickly in time of danger. Backache is kidney danger. Doan's Kidney Pills act quickly. Plenty of evidence to prove this. Charles E. Berg, 815 N. Sixth St., Walla Walla, Wash., says: "I cannot give Doan's Kidney Pills enough praise for what they did for me after I had spent hundreds of dollars In an unsuccessful tffort to get relief. I attribute niy trouble to getting my f.;et wet and working in damp places. One day when stooping 'a sharp pain like the stab of a i:nlfe, caught me in my back. In a few days I got so bad that I had to take to my beed and I was attended by a nurse. My secretion'? were frequent in passage and contained sediment. I lost weight, had a poor appetite and was bother ed by dizzy spells that blurred every thing before me. One day I read about Doan's Kidney Pills and dis carding all the other medicines, I be gan taking this remedy. Before I had finished half the contents of a l.ox, I felt better and my appetite be ran to pick up. As I continued using thU preparation I regained my -tr'-ngth and my kidneys did their work as they should, j was soon able to leave my bed and I feel that Doan's Kidney Piils saved my life. My cure hag been permanent and I am so grateful that I will g'adly answer any letters, providing a stamp is enclos ed." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 er.t3. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole. agent3 for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. I Sloan were pahsengers on the local " """" this morning to Hermiston. HAS Itl'KYING GROUND Mrs. Charlotte Bell went to Seattle FOR HER ANIMAL PETS this morning wheTe she will spend ! a couple of weeks visiting relatives Woman Who Has Many Dogs. Cats nnd friends. ami Horses. Has Cemetery on Herj p r Holland. Col. H. G Newport l-'ami. and E. P. Dodd were Stanfleld visit- New York. It !s rather rare that ors Thursday, having come over from family pets are provided with a spe- ' Hermiston via automobile. cial cemetery where their last rest- j p. Robinson and Leon Cohen of Ing places are marked by flowers and Pendleton were in Standfield Thurs their names are inscribed on stones. day. They "motored" down from the Such a cemetery is maintained on county seat, a farm owned by Mrs. John Henry Pell of this city, w ho resides in the M KKS yOM y SLIM IIY winter at No. 6 East Thirty-sixth j SLICING OFF SI RPLI S I'LESH street and in the summer at 182 Riv-1 erslde Drive. The latter home Is a; Philadelphia Dr. W. Wayne Bab large broxvn stone mansion with a spa-I C(Vk at the .Samaritan Hospital dem cious stable in the rear of the same ; onstrated the most up to date meth character of construction. j nd of making a stout person slim and isxlphlike, and allowing all women to WON'T TRAIL PINK RABIHT. glory in the straightest of "straight I fronts" should they decree that such Dors Have Aversion to Runny That shall be the style. The technical Attracts Hunters. name of the operation performed by York, Pa. A pink rabbit or one of Dr. Babcock for the edifications of light broxvn shade closely approaching the surgeons attending the clinic is pink, xvas included in the bag of Le- j "resection of abdominal wall for obe vi Darone, an aged Wrightsville gun- sity." ner. who returned here from a two- The patient xvas a woman. Twelve day hunt in the neighborhood of the pounds of fat had been removed. Picketts, this county. I The operation itself seemed to be Darone says it jumped up with an-'simple Dr. Babcock said that xvith cither bunny of orthodox color, but ' a skilled surgeon, such an operation that the dogs paid no attention to it, ! was not dangerous to the patient, the gunner being compelled to knock! Great care had to be exercised .wo that It over without their assistance. no muscles were severed. It Is said that other gunners have i seen the pink rabbit, but have been M-OVT WAIT lon OPENING, unable to bag it because of its pe- j lu,Mr "uii.iy irom irauing oy me, V..U t.. Tliron.,1. m. hounds. nal' a Year Before. Date Set. Nexv Orleans. Vessels) will be al- Uiiiiiixacliablo lf you were to see lowof, to pags through the Panama the unequalled volume of unimpeach able testimony in favor of Hood's Sar saparilla. you would upbraid your self for so long delaying to take this effective medicine for that blood, dis ease from wh'ch you are suffering. NEW DREADNOUGHTS ' TO LEAD THE WORLD THE OFFICE A. SCHNEITER, Prop. PENDLETON. ORE Fdrpily Liquor Store Phone Main 299 711 Main Street. New York ami Texas to Have Arma ment Superior to Auytlilng in Eng land's Navy Oklahoma ami Ne vada Moro Dangerous Still. Washington, D. C. Three 14 Inch i guns will appear in each of txvo tur rets on the giant battleships Oklaho ma and Nevada bids for the construc tion of which are to be received by the navy department next month. That this innovation is Included in the design of the nexv vessels has Just become known and Is exciting consid erable interest in. naval circles. No hip now afloat has moro than txvo big guns in a turret, and while Italy and Russia are building several ves sels xvith this feature, they will use 12 inch rifles. It Is explained that the primary purpose of concentrating guns in few er turrets is to reduce tonnage. On the Oklahoma and Nevada the weight of one great turret will be eliminate 1 as with the nexv arrangement only four turrets will be required for the main battery of ten 14-Inch rifles. The Nexv York and Texas, noxv un der construction, and which when commissioned will be the only craft in the world with 14 Inch main bat teries are designed along the old lines, with their big guns placed two In each of five turrets. With the completion of the Nexv York and Texas the United States will wrest from Great Britain the dis tinction of having the world's heav iest armed warships. At present Eng land's 13 5 gun ships hold this place, the American commissioned dread noughts carrying only 12 inch rifles. Falls Into Boiling Lake. La Grande, (ire. J. N. Sullivan, a laborer, Is suffering as the result of having been immersed In the boil ing hot water at Hot Lake. Sullivan had been working on a dam near the outpouring of the earth's waters. The foundation gave way suddenly and he was dropped Into the boiling lake. Almost instantly Rkin and fleBh were cooked, for as he was rlahed out by other workmen and rushed to a ward In the hospital cooked flesh fell from his body. The burns are waist high. Centralla Wash. A warrant was Issued by the superior court for the arrest of L. K. Young, the Adna blacksmith, who was detained a mon'h ago on the suspicion of having mur dered Mrs. O. E. Santhuff at Adna and starting a fire to cover up the evidence of his crime. The warrant charge Young with murder in tho first degree. , canal before the official date of the opening, which has been set for Jan uary 1. 1915. Major F. C. Boggs of the United States Engineers Sorps at Washing ton, in a letter says; "I am directed by the secretary of war to Inform you that while the of ficial date of the onenins of the ca nal has been set for January 1. 1015. It is the intention to allow vessels to utilize the canal just as soon as prac ticable. Indications seem to bear out the opinion previously expressed by the chairman and chief engineer of the Isthmian Canal Commission that this can be accomplished during the latter half of 1913. Jap Girl Conies to Weil. Tacoma One of the. Japanese proxy brides arriving on the steamer Canada Maru of the Osaka Shosen Kaisha is In a predicament, having forgotten the address of the bride groom. The groom probably walls some place in blissful ignoranee. ex pecting the message that will sum mon him to Tacoma, while ever pres ent Is the law that will deport the lit tle bride if the husband Is not found after a reasonable time. The Immi gration authorities have a record of nil arrivals and as the little bride is ble to tell some of the facts concern ing his arrival In this country It Is po-slblo that the Intended husband may be located In this manner. Oregon Hens Arp Prolific. Corvallls, Ore. Txvo hens in the de partment of poultry and husbandry of the Oregon Agricultural college have. It is believed, broken all records In egg production in the United States, with 259 eggs each for the last 12 mon'hs. The nearest that any other experiment station has come to breed ing and feeding such prolific hens was done at the Ma'ne agricultural col lege, where a hen produced 251 eggs In 12 months, several years ago. No Candidates at Sumpter. Sumpter, Ore. Sumpter has been unable to secure a candidate for any of Its municipal offices. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lncw Connty . Frank J. Cheney mke oath that ht Is tn I or partner of the firm of F. J. Chroej 4 Co.. doing bnnlnwwi In ths City of Toledo. County aod Rtat afortaald. and that Mid firm will pay tbe sum of ONB IIUNPtlKD DOLLARS for each and erery caaa of ca tarrh that rannot be cared by tbe use of Uill't Catarrh Care. FRANK J. CHKNHT. flworn to before me and snbscrlbed la my presence, this Uth day of December, A. D., l8I8eal ' A. W. OLRABOM. lB ' Notary Poblle. Hall's Catarrh Cnre la teii Internilly. and acta directly on the blood and ftjcnm aiirfares of tbe ayatem. Bend (or tastt monlala free. nN fc CQ o)e Q Bold bT all Prmfslata. TB. Take Dall'a Family Pills (or cooitl patio Buv A First-Class We have a first class p:ftraK with a louse on the building until October, 1 D 12, with the first privilege of renewal. The building is .10x110 ft. deep, con crete floor, brick walls, plate glass front, and steel laths plastering. Situated in the center of the Citv of l.a Grande, Ore. WE WILL SKLL THIv DUSIXKSS for $7")00, giving nnv man that wants a business of this kind a snap. THK 1IKST HQUUTED OAK AG K IX EASTERN OKKGOX. Let us know at oneo if tliis interests you, Write. Oiitebraiit li Auto Co B Phone Main 758. LA GRANDE. ORE. O. A. C. SHORT COURSES HlXilX JAN. 3, COXTIXUK TO fit WKKKS. YOU ARE INVITED Every citizen of Oregon is cordlnlly invited to attend the short courses of the Oregon Agri cultural College, beginning Jan. 3. Eleven distinctive courses will bo offered In Agricul ture, Mechanic Arts, Domostlc Science and Art, Commerce, Forestry and Music. Every course is designed to HELP the student in his dally work. Make this a pleasant and pro fitable winter outing. No tuition. Reason able accommodations. For beautiful illustrat ed bulletin, address, H. M. TENN'ANT, Registrar, Corvallls, Ore. Fanner's Iluslncm Course by Correspondence, St. George Cafe and Grill A 1 WHITE COOKS, SERVICE FIRST-CLASS Open Day and Night Prices are Reasonable Hot Merchants Lunch Daily 1 1:30 A M. to 2:00 P. M. French Dinner every Sunday from 11 a. m. to 8 p. m. Entrance on Webb Street or through Hotel Lobby KNOWN FOR ITS STRENGTH THE First National Bank PENDLETON, OREGON Capita, Surplus and Un Ji vided Profits, $500,000.00 Resources $2,000,000.00 KNOWN FOR ITS SECURITY Hotel McFeeSy The Only Strictly First-Class, Mod ern Priced Hotel in the City New House. New and Beautiful Furniture. Hot and Cold Water in Every Room. NO INSIDE ROOMS. Rates $1.00 and $1.50 Per Day Corner Alder & 4th Streets Oppositt Keylor Grand Theatre, Walla Walla, Wash. WE HAVE MOVKI TO M:V AM) IXKC. WT Ol l'ici.a AT NO. II FST MAIX STKKKT, SFIIi miLDIXO. We cure any and all diseases that tho hnmnn flesh Is heir to. My wounderful and powerful roots, herbs and remedies are composed of Chinese buds, barks and veite tables that are entirely unknown to medical science of the present day. They nre harmless, as wo use no poisons or druffs. No knife used. Wo cure Btomach troubles, liver, kidney, catarrh lun throat, asthma, nervous debility, female complaint's and rheumatism and nil disorders of tho blood. Wo euro to stay cured, and guarantee to euro all kinds of nios nnd - aim women, tall nnd ae or write. Consultation free. If you are unable to call and aee us send cents in stamps for symptom blank. ' 0 Address LEO CHINO WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO 14 East Main 8t Walla