East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 20, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Hi Fiipst lea
i -3 (J 1 3
1 Suit
67 Suits worth up to $30,00
See window display. Go at
36 Suits worth up to $37.50
Will go at the low price of . -
Positively no such Money Saving opportunity exists anywhere in Pendleton. The reductions are
exactly as stated. Come and see.
Better Goods for Less Money
Why Pay More?
There, is no nenso in allowing yourself to 1)C hold up when buy
ing MEN'S CLOTHIXCr. Let us show you our fine Winter
clothing at the following reasonable prices:
Men's Suit at $-1.98
Men's Suits at $5.90
Men's Suits at $8.90
en's Suits at ...
i-n's Suits at.
en's Suits nr..
. $9.90
I C Snyder, ch'mney sweep. R 3 S 1 2. ,
Main 178 for coal and wood.
For rent Front office In Judd
building. rp!y to E- Judd.
If you have anything to sell see
Teut-ch & Bickers.
Everybody goes to the Orpheum t"
ee the best and the clearest pictures
Thone Dutch Henry for dry wood
nd Uock Spring coal. Main 178.
For clean coal and dry wood, phone
Main 6.
Special rates to horses boarded by
the week or month at the Commerclnl
Barn, 620 Aura street. Phone Main 13.
If you want to buy a horse, cow,
hog or anything como to our office.
Teutsch & Bickers.
All kinds of good dry wood, also
clean nut or lump Rock Spring coal
at Dutch Henry's.
$3000 cash to buy a house and
barn. Must bo a bargain. Teutsch &
Save yourself fuel troubles by us
ing our famous Rock Spring coal and
good dry wood. Delivered promptly.
Den L. Burroughs, phone Main 6.
Lost Mink fur near Christian
church. Finder pleaso notify Mrs. I.
Chrlstonsen, 504 Jane street, or leave
at this office and receive reward.
Trv the Cash Market for fresh
Poultry, also remember we keep gro
ceries and meats. Thone Main 101.
Take Northern Taclflc Ry. to Spo
kane, leaves 1:30 p. m., arrlvo 9:65
p. m. Tickets from W. Adam,
Agent, Pendleton.
If you have anything to sell, such
as horses, cattle, hogs, sheop, nutos.
see Teutsch & Bickers and learn more
about the plan.
If you want to move, call PenlanJ
Bros. Transfer, phone 3391. Large
dray moves you quick. Trash hauled
once a week. 647 Main Btreet.
Gordon & Davis, carriage and au
tomobile painting. We're here to
stay and guarantee first-class work.
Stale building, 114 E. Webb street.
For transfer wirk. Mauling bag
?ago, moving household goods and
pianos and all kinds of job work,
phonn Malnn 461. B. A. Morton.
For sale Six acres choice fruit, al
falfa and homo place, at electric car
station between Walla Walla and Mil
ton. Price $3fi00. J. W. Beckley,
38 2 X. Capitol. Salem. Ore.
For Sale 4 80 acres wheat land one
half summer fallow, one-half In stub
ble, plenty water, fair Improvements
Short hmaul to Vansycle warehouse.
For particulars address J. C. Royse.
Juniper, Ore.
To Portland or California, take
Northern Pacific, via Pasco, and S.
P. & S. Ry- Leave 1:30 p. m., ar
rive Portland 8:10 a. m. See W. Ad
ams, agent at passenger station, for
through tickets and all arrangements.
The following described animals
have been taken up by the marshal of
the city of Pendleton, to-wlt: .
One gray mare' about 20 years old,
weight 1000 pounds, no brand.
one Shetland pony, color bay, In
visible brand on left shoulder, almost
6 years old, weight about 600 pounds.
If said animals are not claimed by
the owners or those entitled to the
possession of them costs and ex
penses against them paid and they
taken away within ton days from Uie
ilato hereof, then at 2 o clock p. m. J
of the 30th day of November, 1911,
the Raid animal will be sold to the
highest bidder, at public auction, for
cash, at the city pound. In said city
of Pendleton, the proceeds of such
sale to be applied to the payment of
such costs and expenses of making
Oated this ISth dav of November,
City Marshal.
Will Nor Dean of Weston spent
Sunday in the city.
Mrs. Will Ferguson is visiting in
this city from Walla Walla.
C. J. Freeze .veteran Spokesman
Review agent, la in Pendleton today.
O. W. Jones of Gibbon, was down
from hi home yesterday.
Max Stewart was among the Her
mlstonlans in the city Saturday eve
ning. P. C. Hunter, O.-W. R. & N. agent
at Kcho, was a visitor in rendleton
II. L. Kissenger of Pilot Rock was
numbered among the Sunday visitors
In the city.
J. T. Lleuallcn. jr.. was down from
Adams Saturday and remained over
during Sunday.
P.en F. Swaggart. pioneer stock
man of Loxlng'.on, is visiting Pendle
ton for a few days.
Mrs. J. F. McNaught of Hermiston
whs in the city yesterday and spent
the n'ght here.
W. D. Ronlfer and family of Gib
b' n were Sunday guests at the St.
D. A. Barnes and James Baker of
Elgin were registered at the Bowman
Boone B. Watson wa an incoming
passenger on the Walla Walla local
this morning.
Homer I Watts. Athena attorney
and farmer, came down this morning
on the local.
It. A. Chisholm came In from his
home at Hermiston lapt Saturday and
transacted business in t chcity.
Al Slusher boarded No. 1 this
morning for Nolin where his father's
Fheep ranch is located.
William Hood and Morr's Lynch,
prominent stockmen of Cottonwood,
are transacting business in Pendleton
Cliff Turner, well known former
high school athlete, has relumed to
Pendleton after spending several
months in the Nez Perce country.
We are Overstocked in
Hard Milled
Lanolcn, Lettuce and Almond
Oil Soaps, (the 50c kind)
which we are closing out
25 Cents a Box
It lathers nicely, wasliea
away slowly, and it cleanses
and softens the flesh.
The Drug Store that Serves
You Best.
Attention' Knight.
Damon Lodge No. 4, K. of P., w-lll
meet in regular session this evening.
Important business to transact rela
tive to district convention.
J. A. BEST, C. C.
lies ix rorn statks
lants which he had deposited within
him kept the spark of life aglow.
Camden, N. J. James Stewart was
sent to jail recently by Pro.-ecutor of
the Pleas Henry S. Scovel for neglect
ing his family after he had twice let
Stewart off on his promise to care for
his wife and three children.
Despite her experiences, Mrs. Stew
art still believed her husband might
be made to see his duty and she ap
peared before the prosecutor today
with her three little ones. Her plead
ings so touched Mr. Scovei's heart that
he had Stewart brought from the jail.
The husband and father entered the
office sullen and defiant. The young
est child ran to him and, clasping his
knees, puckered up her lips for a kiss.
The father rudely brushed her aside.
Prosecutor Scovel, who had watch
ed the first of the little drama smil
ingly, arose, his face ashed with an
ger, and commanded Stewart to fol
low him Into his private office. Soon
sounds of a lively scuffle reached the
ears of those in the outer office, ac
companied by suppressed exclama
tions of fury and pain. Then the door
was opened.
Stewart emerged first. One hand
covered his right eye. His clothes
were ruffled. His sullen demeanor
bad changed to meakness.
The prosecutor followed. His neck
t'e was displaced and his knuckles
were barked. Stewart, looking at
the prosecutor, said he would care
for his family and was sent away with
"The fist is sometimes mightier
than the law " was the only comment
of the prosecutor.
Ppr Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Is our price for a
good heavy cotton
Union Suit' for men
Our price on Men's extra fine Wool
Union Suits is $2.25 to $2 65
Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Union Suits for 50c
Misses' Jersey Ribbed Union Suits for 30c
Boys' extra heavy fleeced lined Drawers ami Shirts, per garm't. 30c
Also a full Hue of Men's Wool Underwear In Separate Garments.
400 pairs of Drummer's Sample
Shoes on display
The Drummers Sample Store
Bears the
Signature of
Fred Torren Cooks In Arizona, Eiits
in Colorado, Has Rest Room in
New Mexloo.
Kansas City. When Fred Terron.
a stockman, came to Kansas City
with a load of cattle he was puzzled
as to what state to register from. He
explained that ho lived In four states
Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and
Arlzonn his ranch extending into all
four and his house standing on the
point where they meet.
Mr. Terron cats his meals In Colo
rado, sleeps in Utah, has flls "bost
room" in New Mexico and his kitchen
extends into Arizona,
Tlie stockman gets his mall at Cor-
tez, Colo., but votes in Utnh, because
he sleeps In 'that state. His legal bus
iness he does at the county seat of
Apache County, Arlzonn. becnuse most
of his ranch lies in that state.
Tho windmill which pumps water
for his stock is in New Mexico, but
the trough is In Arizona and tho rig
pen in Utah.
v..u- Vnrk. The nool rooms of
New York will long r emember a
horse named Rudolfo. indifferent two
veur old. which came in a winner over
the telegraph wires but is still a mai
den at thi race tracks. It was a gen
uine case of wire tn oping and it cost
tlie keepers of the poolrooms thou
sands of dollars.
Rudolfo was entered in the first
race at Louisville and opened here at
2 112 to 1. There were several long
shots In the race, including Mycenae
at 30 to 1, Carlton Club at 50 to 1 and
Casey Jones at 10 to 1. Certain bet
ters backed Rudolfo so strongly that
the price was cut tj 2 to 1. But even
then Rudolfo money continued to
come in until the race was closed.
There was little or no play on the
long shots.
There -was no hint of anything
wrong until just aftr the third race
when tho mutual betting was sent In.
It gave Myoense as he winner of the
first at 4v to 1.
Notice is hereby given, that bids
will be received by the Common
Council of The City of Pendleton at
the office of the City Recorder up to
November 29, 1911, at .6 o'clock p. m.,
for building the cement sidewalk on
Main Street at the north end of the
bridge, as heretofore ordered by the
Common Council, plans and specifi
cations being on file with the City
Bidders should specify the price per
cubic yard at which such sidewalk
will be built and each bid should be
accompanied by a certified check In
the sum of $50.00, to be forfeited if
bidder shall bo successful and shall
fall to enter Into contract In accord
ance with the bid.
The Common Council reserves the
right to reject any and all bids.
Dated Pendleton, Oregon, Novem
ber IS, 1911.
City Recorder.
Oregon Theatre!
Wed. November 22 1
And a remarkable cast of 20 prin
ciples, including ALFRED GOULXV
30 lntty Chorus GIRLS 3
The Rich
Mr. Hoggenheimer
One entire year at The Cainp
Theater, New York. Started alt An
erica laughing.
The Spokane Review of November
15th says: Max Dill has a poixj
show and pleases audience, company,
capable, chorus is good looking.
Special cut price?;
Dress Circle $l.r0, Trfiwer Floor $fr
..Balcony $1, and 75o, Gallery 50e. .
Seats on sale Tuesday, Novemln-r
21, at Pendleton Drug Store.
Floes Hospital When He Thinks Sur
geons Would Remove "Thirst."
Rockford, 111. David Reese of By
ron, who startled an Ogle County
coroner's jury last week by awakening
Just as an investigation into his death
was to be started, furnished a second
sensation, when, after conceiving the
Idea that surgeons at tlu Rockford
hospital were about to opernv9 on him
for the removal of his thirst, leaped
from a second-story window of the
hcspltnl and outsprlnted his attend
ants In n run to tho county jail, where
he. begged protection.
Reese was clad only In his under
shirt, despite tho chilly north wind.
He quieted down after getting a chew
of tobacco, and was taken to a sani
tarium for tho time being.
Reese was declared dead after he
had laid four days In a cornfield. His
body was cold and stiff, but sllmu
Notice is hereby given, tli.it bids,
will be received by the Common Conn- j
ell of the City of Pendleton at the of- I
fire of the City Recorder up to No-1
veinber 29. 1911, at 5 o'clock p. m. for
making the Improvement on Wash
ington street and Rlain street in the
City of rendleton, as heretofore or
dered by the Common Council.
Each bid shall be accompanied by
a certified check In the sum of $100,
and bidders shall specify tho price for
which they will make said Improve
ment as follows:
Excavation per cubic yard
Filling per cubic yard ....
Rolling with city road roller
per 60 foot frontage.... $
Sidewalk, wood, per lineal
foot $
Sidewalk, cement, per lineal
foot $
The Common Council reserves the
right to reject any and all bids.
Plans and specifications for the
above Improvement ore on file with
the undersigned.
Dated November IS. 1911.
City, Recorder.
popular that we are going to give all onr friends a chance
to share in this big bargain. Remember 7 1 0
garments cost you only . , O I 2w
Wool Shirts
Another offer that has
set the whole town' a
talking. Most stores are charging from $1.25 up to
$1 .50 for this same grade of shirts. We
will fit you out for only
Workingmcivs Clothing Go.