East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 15, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    1 -UtiTTri .
Just what our name Implies, every article purchased
from our new stock of staple and faney groceries will
be found of the HIGHEST STAMVK1.
Fresh and Priced Low
resides we tire Just as careful in "filling phone orders
as if you made the selection yourself. New stock arriv
ing daily at the
PHONi: MAIN" !)6.
Newsy Notes
of Pendleton
0 :
E. I. DavU Is Riu-k.
12. I. IHivis, well known civil engi
neer und who was one of the builders
of the I'matilla project was a vis-ttor
in the city yesterday accompanied by
his mother, Mrs. L. H. Davis. They
are otirouto for Hermlston where they
will spend the winter. Since leaving
the country Mr. llavis has been in
South America and more lately in
Porto Rico on engineering work.
; Plioto-n-.iplior to Ontario.
I J. I!. Purrell, one of the photograph
ers who took snapshots at the Round
Up and who has been Identified with
C. S. Wheeler here for some time
past, has decided to locate in Ontario
and he and his wife left for their new
home this morning. Mr. Hunell
slates he will be back for the 1912
'Die monthly business meeting of;
"Hie Epworth League was lield at the I
beautiful new home of Sir. and Mrs.1
K. L. Oliver -last evening, a hundred
jiierry young people thronging the
.spacious parlors. it being the time
for election of officers, after cheering
reports from department officers, the
following persons were chosen to serve
in the future: President, Wm. A.
Waters; 1st vice- president, Fannie
Wylie; 2nd Ella Gregory; 3rd, Goldie
McElroy; 4th, Mrs. Wm. A. Waters;
secretary Alfred Christiansen; treas
' .jrer, Edna' Earl; chorister, Jewell
itoorke; assistant, Edna Coutts; or
ganist, Audrey Hunter.
The 1st vice president reported the
attendance at the devotional meetings
during the past month ranged from
0 to 90.
The treasurer's report showed' $40
in the treasury. The young people
Slave' ordered an individual commun
ion set for the church and instructed
!the committee on church lawn to em
Uiloy a landscape gardner to put the
3an in first class condition.
The remainder of the evening was
?iven to social enjoyment and a de
lightful collation was served.
Ten new members united with the
M.-UNliulltown. Iowa, Mini-tor, With
Wife ami Six Children to Stmixtrt,
QxiiVs When Salary Is Redutttl.
'Marshalltown, Iowa. With a wife
and s;x children dependent upon him.
Rev. E. Howard Urown, pastor of the
Friend Church of this city, resign
ed when his congregation vijted by a
majority u( two to reduce his salary
from $1000 to $800. A further de
mand that the pastor credit the church
on his salary with his fees in wed
dings, funerals and the like was also
made Rev. Mr. Brown is a graduate
of Earlham College, Richmond, Ind.,
and formerly served charges at Tra
verse City, Mich., and Danville and
Noblesvilie, Ind.
Claims Ho Was Hold l.
i Cla ming three men stopped the
buggy in which he was riding through
the streets of Adams last night,
pulled h'm out, beat him and robbed
him of fifteen dollars Elbert Allen,
a mixed blood Indian, appeared at
the office of Deputy District Attorney
Pruitt this morning. The officers are
investigaing the story.
Fun Factory Comma: Rack.
The ladies who gave Aunt Jerusha's
Quilting Party in the parlors of the
M. E. church some time ago so suc
cessfully, and every one enjoyed it so
much on account of its original local
hits, they were prevailed upon to go
to Pilot Rock. They all went over
there in rigs and automobiles and
gave it to a crowded house. So many
who did not see it here but heard
about it expressed a desire to see it
that the Epworth League has asked
the ladies to give it for them in the
parlors of the M. E church Friday
evening. November 17. A charge of
25 cents admission will be made, the
proceeds of which will go to buying
an individual communion set.
A social good time will be had af
terwards. Among the features will
be a selection by the male quartette,
Jack Keefe and Chas. "W. Melghan
Electioneer Proof.
"Somebody really ougnt to get out
the society vote."
"I once tried to campaign among
the Four Hundred, but I heard one
woman tell her maid not to let any
s'.range politicians kiss Fido and then
I quit.
Nevada has only seven-tenths of a
man to the square mile.
THAT juicy, brown turkey,
fragrant pumpkin pie, cranberry
sauce, celery and other enjoyable
parts of the coming Thanksgiving din
ner will make a new reputation for
you as a cook and housewife if you
carefully make sure you are right be
fore you purchase.
Consider the great delight of your family
and friends when ihey find that the
dinner is the finest they ever tasted.
Select your stcre--this one, the best.
We buy to .loit-f- yon. not our.-ir-lvM. You will find here a
M'h-'k of Tliankivinu: eatables to choose from without an equal
in this town. An in.-ix.-eiiou will make von a purchaser. Come
an. see them rv.-n if you not buy. Thanksgiving Cheer of
every description to suit all pockets and tastes.
Fancy Applc3
ilineo Meat
Sweet Iielisli
Figs and Dates.
Pecans, PhilWts, Brazils,
Faney Cheese, all kinds.
Tones Dairy Farm Sausage.
Kippered Salmon.
Chestnuts, Walnuts, Almonds
Gray Brothers
Four in Police Court.
John Jurdels and John Poo, a
Swede, each forfeited five dollars a
piece this morning in police court for
be'ng drunk and K. J. Terry went to
jail for three days on the s-ame
charge. J. Burns, who declares he
has been drunk fur thee days, paid
ten dollars on a d and d charge.
Irrigation CnmNiny Sues Hank.
By a suit instituted today .by the
Maxwell Land & Irrigation company
against the Hermlston Bank & Trust
company the former seeks to have
a trust deed held by the defendant
set aside and cancelled and a quit
claim deed to the Dronertv Involved
delivered or asks that the bank be en
joined from selling the lands in ques
tion at auction as recently ordered
by the secretary of the interior.
Get LiccHso on Second Attempt.
Charles Dennis of Walla Walla and
Viola Baldwin, presumably of the
same city, were today granted a li
cense to marry by County Clerk Saling
after being refused one on the grouds
that the lady Is not a resident of Uma
tilla county. However, love laughs
at obstacles and this afternoon the
couple returned with a witness who
made affidavit that the lady is a resi
dent of this county. The legal re
quirements satisfied, the license was
Hurrying to the colored colony on
Garden street in re-ponse to a tele
phone message which stated that mur
der was being done in that part of
the city. Chief of Police Gurdane yes
terday arrived at the house of Bert
Marlowe in time to separate that ne
gro and his wife, who were locked,
bleeding and exhausted, in the throes
of marital combat Blood was pour
ing from a large gash on the bear of
the man, inflicted by a beer bottle
In the hands of his belligerent wife,
and his gore had spattered the room
and smeared the combatants.
Both were arrested and their trial
Is go'ng on in the justice court this
Marlowe and his wife, who Is some
times known as "Queen Bess," have
figured in encounters with each other
before. In fact, the officers say,
their married life recently has been
one series of battles, but the one yes
terday was perhaps the worst yet,
and it is probable that the court
will take steps to separate them in
the futuro least serious damage be
done. In fact the woman made the
threat yc-terday that the next time
she would "kill him or beat him to
death the next time."
Kansas City, Nov. 15 T'nited
States Senator Owen of Oklahoma, to
day pleaded in favor of the establish
ment of a national department of
health before the Trans-Mississippi
j congress today.
Ho asserted that 6!0,000 persons
d'ed annually in America of prevent
; able diseases and the establishment
I of such, a department would increase
I human life. Christian Selontlsts and
i other similar sects oppose the propos
al as a (('Doctor's trust."
To Maintain Bond Values.
I Washington, Nov. 15. As the re
sult of the first sale of postal savings
l.r.nk bonds in New York recently at
the low rate of 92.5, the trustees of
the postal savings banks are con
sidering the adoption of prompt
j rnethorls to maintain the securities at
! their face value.
i They will announce their willingness
1 shortly, it is expected, to Invent In
I these bonds at par the thirty per cent
i of postal savings deposits which the
I law places at their disposal for In
vestment "in bonds of other securities
Rockford, 111. Mayor Kate F. O'
Connor of the town of Arcadia, by
virtue of her office decided to act as
police magistrate ex-officlo and
weigh carefully the court business
that had accumulated since the town
was established. There was a woman
prosecuting attorney present. All
tight men with change were arrest
ed, tried and fined, the fines being
turned over tp the Rockford Catholic
Orphanage- fond. Suffragette pollce-,m.A.-,vfr
"Mi -pruffnl trr'secthfrf'lcts
of the suffragette mayor were carried
(Contlnlued from page one.)
Donated by Woolen Mills
toward Indian ltace 150.00
Horses, steers, etc.. sold... 448.35
Freight refunds 35.40
County warrant redeemed.. 4, 867.70
Concessions 376.60
I'iuneer float and district
fair 56 10
Pullman car rectipls 525.00
Check room receipts L'4 88
Cots sold 1,610.15
Interest on county warrants' 92.91
Percentage baseball games 237.05
Motion picture rights 2,500.00
Advertising ().-W. It. & N.
Co 126 40
Sundry rece'p'.s 53.00
Gate and grandstand re
ceipts (3 days) 22,944.75
Paid Matlock for grounds $ 5,000.00
Grading grounds, track and
other improvements .... 7,032.50
Grand stand, bleachers, ,
fence, corrals, etc 9,482.37
Maintenance 305 25
Prizes, purses and show' ex
pense 1911 15,065.90
Cwunty warrants purchased 4,867.70
Interest on $4000 borrowed 166.67
Balance cash on hand 8 741.85
At the suggestion of Mr. llartman
himself, an auditing committee con
sisting of A. J. McAllister. J. V. Tall
man and X. D. Swearingen, was ap
pointed to expert the accounts of the
association and the individual reports
of the committee chairwen, and at the
further suggestion of Treasurer Rit
ner, this commute ewas empowered
to 'employ a competent accountant.
I-'ljliircN on'Atn-iMlaiiec.
Mr. Hartman's report also showed
that the actual number of paid ad
missions during the three days' show
was 28,816, with the estimated num
ber of employes4 performers and oth
er persons entering on passes would
bring the attendance up to 31.000. Of
the total number of paid admissions,
6864 were secured on the first day,
11,875 on the second and 10,077 on
the third day. The morning show on
the second day gave that day the lar
gest number, although the greatest
attendance at any one performance
was on the last.
Assets of Round-1'p.
The list of tangible assets of the
Tlound-L"p association includes $8.
744.85 in cash, $2688.50 In chattels,
$490 in unpa.'d subscriptions and
$211.65 in accounts receivable, this
latter being for cots purchased by the
railroad company. Besides these, the
association has its equity In the lease
on' the grounds which run for nine
years more with the option of five ad
ditional years.
OHurrnttilatiiry Letters It-nd.
Congratulatory letters couched in
glowing terms from William McMur
ry, general passenger agent of the
O.-W. R. & X. company. Jack O'Nell,
traveling passenger agent, F. W. Rob
inson, general freight ngent, both of
the same company, Guy W. Talbot,
president of tho Pacific Power &
Light company, and Paul C. Bates,
prominent real estate and Insurance
man of Portland, were read before
the meeting, all of them commend
the Pendleton for its great institution
and the directors for tho wonderful
executive ability displayed, and de
claring the Round-Up the best Bhow
In the west.
Fine Stngo Coach Prevented.
In Mr. Robinson's letter the an
nouncement was made that B. W. Ar
lington, head of. the 101 Ranch Wild
West show has offered to make the
Round-t'p a present of a genuine old
Concord stage coach -which he has in
New Jersey. Mr. Talbot was so en
thusiastic over the fhow that he wants
to put up a silver cup as a trophy for
one of the events.
Klctlun KxHting.
It was following the reading of
these letters that the election of tho
new board was made, the stockhold
ers having already declared for the
new amendment curtailing the board
mombersh'p and aboll-hing tho board
of control. Upon a motion, the elwht
old members who had signified their
willingness to serve again, were unan
imously re-elected and nominations
were then made for tho three remain
ing positions. S'x candidates were
placed In the field, to-wit: James
Sturgls, Jack Kl.-fe. Henry W. Col
lins, Sam"R. Thompson, Dean Tatom
and Dr. W. H. Lytic. The first two
ran far in the lead, but the race be
tween the remaining four was close,
Collins nosing out ahead of Thomp
son by but two votes with Lytle and
Tatom not far in the rear.
Vpon the announcement of the re
sult, the . presentation of tho watch
to the retiring president was made
and the meeting adjourned. Tho new
board met Immediately following and
elected its officers.
The Jewelry Question
is quickly and eas
ily solved at
Our great lines of
jewelry, watches,
clocks and cut glass,
monogram and hand
painted china in
sures our patrons
tho exact choice they
desire dependable
in quality and abso
lutely right up to
tho minute in design
and workmanship.
Our tepair work guaranteed
The Jeweler
Pendleton, Oregon
Gut Ppices f3ow Ore
Have your clothes cleaned at an up-to-date place and by up-to-date
Pendleton Dye Works
Phono Main 10!)
206 1-2 E. Alta.
Watch our window
For Men's Shirts
1 Boston Store
Fresh Goods Every Day
Here's the Place to Get
.1.-0 cranberries, eclcrj and cauliflower and meats of all kinds
Pendleton Ccsh Market
Cor E. Court and Johnson SU. Phone Main 101
Quality Comparison Is
What we Ask
Prices signify nothing unless quality is taken into consideration.
One Lot Ladies Coats . . $5.98
Children's Bear Skin Coats . $ 1 .65
The Storo for Thrifty People.
visit i'i:xim:tox
When Joseph F. Klioehan, Ameri
ca's greatest tenor comes to the Ore
Bon Theater Sunday evening, Novem
ber 19, with his all star company, we
will have an opportunity of hearing
what critics pronounce to be the finest
musical organization In America.
The tour of. this famous organiza
tion has been one succession of tri
umphs. Everywhere both press and
public unit In pronouncing the mag
nificent performance of "The Love
Tales of Hoffman," the greaest com
ic opera which America has heard In
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
.Bearc the :
Signature of
We havo mado arrangements with a local German to
make Sauer Kraut. You can now pet the real goods
at tho same price you pay for uncured commercial
Kraut We also have a dry Salt Bacon to cook
Kraut with.
' Phone Main 174 6 12-MAiri Street