PAGE FOCH. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1911. EIGHT PAGES. i v m r i : n i i : n t s l : w s r a r e u.'i! I't y n.l S 'mi Weekly at Ten i ik. tin-null, by th EAST okLi.oMAN rri.LisiuNii CO SlTSCKll'TION KATES. !U. .-ru y-'iir. ly mail 1 .jr.oo v, : lii.'hlliS. tu iiihiI Liii..v. ....-o in-'inti. t-y mail 1 (.: :"; . .i . in . .:. : 1;. I y li'.all i'ul.v. ... r:t: I'V l .i'i' I'n: v .-..v n-,.t::s. t' itt;iier l'hi. 1 ii ;-. m.i;it Iiy i-arrlor ... 1k::v. t :." ui. by i:uTi T bii v t-t ;i . . :u by ui:Hl . . . . K-n.i W i. mv lu.iniiis. by mail .. t-i kly, four monu.s, by mall. .: 7..V" 3. To l.lO .(." 1 SO .73 .SO Member I uiu-d 1'rfK AHMXlatUm. The 1'iii'y Kat orejii'iilhu li kejit on sale t tl.e ini.n News Co., o-'J Morrison :roT, I'orilautl. Ortvou. Norihw ii News Cn, Portland, Oregon. 'hs. Cf.r.ian Oil' SA-in-irv llnll.t I n ir 1 C, 1'ureau, 001 K our-, tecntii f.ieet, . W. Kntemi at the p.istoffl.e at Pendleton,' Oregon, as -ondclasa mail waiter. J (eirphoDe Main 1 Official Cltj and Countj Paper. SKHNSl CUT. Io you hear low voices whisper In the light Of the moon, alone and dream ing In the night. Your heart finely still with beauty. Pure delight. Of the fair and the far. Of the blue and the star? And the winds that whisper morrow To the hearts so full of sorrow Thai they long from birds to borrow Wings to fly. ever fly. With the snaring blue sky. Do their universal echoes Never fill you. And with hope's far-off desires Ever thrill you. That naught else, in earth or thought. Could still you But the fair and the far. But the blue and the star? A. Pascal Coviei. THEY AIDED PENDLETON. There are those who speak with scorn of the rights of the Indians of the Umatilla reservaion and jest be cause a plea is made for justice to the redmen. Such people seem to tl-ink. the Indians have no rights that white men need respect and that Pen dleton is under no obligations to its neighbors. Tet it was not many years ago that local people held the friendship of the Umatilla, the Walla Walla's and the Cayuses in high esteem. When Buffalo Horn and Egan with their Bannock warriors swept towards Pendleton in 'TS the local Indians held Two Holes in the Household" Parse If you u?e butter otherwise than as a spread for bread you are wasting money, because Cottolene will make just as light cake and pastries as you ever i made from butter, and it can be bought . for about the price you pay for lard. One-third less Cottolene, moreover, is required than of either butter or lard. With Cottolene you save in another way. Lard-cooked food leads to indi- gestion, and indigestion sooner or later i lands you into the hands ot the doctor. I l se Lottoiene and your bills will be less both with your grocer and with your family doctor. For Christmas? The Canadian Pacific (Soo Spokane Route) offers you the very best sf-rvice and lowest rates from the Inland Empire to all Eastern and Southern cities. ThrouKh 'Electric-lighted Corn-purt-iient. Observation, Library, Statdard nnti TourNt Sleepers from knne to MintK-apolln arid St. Ban!, l-nving- at 2; 00 p. lit., making ijire't connection f-r '':; ;r-, onj :: points Crist '1 .-'It'!. ' wiil nl.o be plensed to '''- you rates to all points in Europe via ANY steamship line J"m; wMi un 1, rari risr from you. For further information, call on your local o.-W. It. & N. an3 s. & I. E. agents, or write M. E M ALONE, T. P. A. T. J. WALL General Agt. 14 Wall St., Spokane. AN f" f GOING HOME TIItP.K IS SO.MK REASON FOIt THE OKEATLY INCKEASED AT TENDANCE AT THE 11 A THE SCHOOL OF MODERN METHODS The bert systems. Individual Instruction and a personal interest In each pupil are the reasons for the rapid advancement and the short time required to graduate In our school. Bookkeeping, Hhorthand. Typewriting and all business, shorthand nnd English subjects practically and thoroughly taught. Our instruc tion is individual. Our students have the privilege of taking any num ber of subjects without extra cost- ENROLL NOW. Day and evening classes: Graduates assisted to good positions. Fees are lower than in most schools. L L. CLANCEY, B. A., Pre. the balance of power. They were im plored hy the hostile Bannooks to t;ko the war path ami unve tho en iroaching white men from the rs turos of thi-ir fathers. It was a call that was hard to resist. Had that rail boon j'.nswere.i as was expected !y the rann.uks it would have been a sad day for Pendleton and there vould have been a bloody chapter in tile history of Umatilla county. Put tb.e news columns of the Kast !et.nian of that day show that th- reservation Indians, lor the most part, stood firm and true to their hite' friends in this town. For a time the I'maiillas held the hostile in check on the north fork of thej John Hay and it was an Indian cour i. r. js.-nt by Major Cornoyer. thai biousht the word of -danger to Pen-j dhton. Later on in the campaign it I was old Vmaplne, father of the pics e;.t Cayuse chief, woo kiilod K;.m and left the hostile Snakes without a leader and with their fighting spir it broken. There are many here who still re member those events. There arel i il'.ers here whose fathers and moth t is were in Pendleton then and whose lives and safety were largely in the j keeping of the redmen whose right are now at stake. In view of these things are not the Ir.dians entitled to somj consider- jalion from local people? They were friendly to Pendleton at a time when j their friendship was sorely needed. Miouid we now in this age of peace and prosperity, jest at their ignor ance and misfortunes and deny them privileges that are justly theirs? Dur ing war of "78 the Umatilla's helped protect the women and children of Pendleton. Should we not insist on jestice for their squaws and children end for their men who are old and feeble? It happens of course that the wel fare of the Indians is not the only thing involved in the adjudication of the reservation water rights. The Interests of Pendleton in this matter are identical with the Interests of the Indians. But were the Indians the only ones involved there is much that might be said in their behalf. A PECl LIAn PLAX. E. C. Simmons, head of the Sim- j mons hardware company, think thatj the present anti-trust law is bad and j should be amended. He would have a convention of business men cor-: pnration managers evidently to draft j a measure for the regulation ot I trusts. I Quite a novel idea and no doubt it ! i. a good suggestion from Mr. Sim- j mon's standpoint. But it so happens j that the consuming public does not want an anti-trust law drafted by the trusts. Mr. Simmons has put the accent in the wrong place. The cor porations are the servants, the con suming public the served. It must be granted that should a convention suc as Mr. Simmons suggests be called ! I'. would draft a plan looking to the V f,fare of 'he trusts rather than to the welfare of the people. It would mnke tile situation worse instead of Better. Before the trust question is finally stttled it will be necessary f.r the trust magnates to readjust their ideas of proportion. XOYE.MLI.K II IX IIISTOKV 1318 Mcst disastrous earthquake ever known in England. I K70 Explorer Bruce discovered j the sources of the lilver Nile. 1SU4 Congress met in the library j of the eapitul, since the south wing ! wag unfinished. j 1S09 Bonaparte congratulated as the greatest of heroes on his return , from Austria. 1S54 Telegraph line opened be tween Paris and Bastia. I860 Announcement of annexa tion of territory on the Amur by liussia. H74 Lieut.-Oovernor V. V. Smith proclaimed himself governor of Ar ; kansaa. 18 84 The French forces captured : and occupied Tamsul, China, if 18J4 Lexington, Ky., had a sensa tion in the marriage of Cassius M. Clay, octogf-narian, and a fourteen year oid girl. lV.tS Aivhb'thop Grosrg of Oregon died. : 1!01 Col. Henry Mapeson, imprcs sario, died. K"il Pension Comml-'sloner Ware, rf -ii'r.od. j '.') 4 Japanese begin attempt to i 'iti'e Kuropa kin's army back to Mukden. J'JOn Goneral Jor-e Miguel Go-; niez, the candidate of the liberal par ty, was elected president of Cuba. 1910 Prince Victor Napoleon and Clementine of Belgium were married after an engagement lasting many years arid bitterly opposed by the princes1 father, the late King Leo- pold. THE VXHArrY POODLE DOQ. The Jones have a poodle dog whose (Kxcept when for promenades, he'd coat was wh te as snow ' thr.ough the coal bin go). "A disgrace to our family,'1 Pere Jones exclaimed, with wrath. "Can't sameb idy fir. I time today to give that dog a bath 11 Hut mother had a, dub meeting, big sis'.er had a call, A bridge, a tea and Bobby, why, lie had no time at all. The speaker of the club was ill, so mother home did hie; She gave V xey a bath and rubbed him warm and dry. Sister came back after her cjl. "I'll please papa," said she; "I'll give that darling dog a bath and cut that foolish tea.'1 She seized Dixey without a glance, and plunged him in a tub. With sleeves rolled up, most vigor ously did pretty sister scrub. Dixey was keeping house alone when Hob ran in from play. "Fy jinks!" he cried. "I'll soak that cur to see what pa will say." Again Dixey was scarcely dry when father turned the key, "I'll wash that wretched dog," he said, "and shame my fami'y." , With pride, that night, each Jones awaits for Dixey to come in. He came at last (we'll draw a veil) 'Twas straight from the coal bin. Itebecca Deming Moore in McCall's Magazine. THE FRIEND DECLINED. A Japanese diplomat on Admiral Togo's American tour, relates the Louisville Courler.-Journal, said at a dinner at Narragansett Pier: "Admiral Togo well merits his Wealth and his honors. But a boy hood friend one day after the man ner of the boyhood friend sneered at the Admiral's success, whereupon our great warrior retorted: "Come, now, I'll resign all my mon ey and titles to you, but on one con dition that you pay the same price for them that I did. We'll Just go out int.) the garden there, and I'll fire a cannon at you ninety times. All I have shall be yours If you survive." noaci Dunutng by convicts may prove to be a very valuable innova - tion. CHANGE IN WOMAN'S LIFE Made Safe by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Granitpvillo, Vt "I was passing tnrougu tue i natigeot J.ueandsuBered jr r o in nervousness and other annoying symptoms, ana I can truly say that i.yuia L. iiukham s Vegetable torn, pound has proved worth mountains of gold to me, a3 it restored my health and strength. I never forget? to tell my friends what l.vdin K.'si Vegetable Compound has done for mo during this trying period. Complete restoration to health means so much to me that for the sake of other suffer ing women I am willing to make my trouble public so you may publish this letter." Mpr. Chas. JJakclay, U.F.D., Graniteville, Vt. Xo other medicine for woman's ills has received such wide-spread and un qualified endorsement. . Xo other med icine we know of has such a record of cures as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. For more than 30 years it has been curing woman's ills such as inflamma tion, ulceration, fibroid tumors, irreg ularities, periodic pains and nervous prostration, and it is unequalled for carrying women fii-VIv through tho period of change cf life. Mrs. Pinkhom, at Lynn, Mass., invitPK all siok women to write lier for ad viee. Her advice is f rec and always Lclpi'uL STYLE ! A SI FOR $20 Suits $15. LADIES' New Shipment ot 4 Middy Dresses Don't Overlook This Money Saving Chance One True iedsoina Bevare jusi cr.c , T'"'- SPELL OF THE MISTLETOE. I ! Mrs. Morlarity owns a goat, for I which she has a" warm affection. All the neighbors regard Nanny as quite jaj; much a member of the Moriarlty I family as is Michael or Kathleen. I One fine morning Mrs. Uionlan came running across the street with her shawl over her head and said; !"Mrs. Morlarity, what is the matter iwid Nanny? Is she sick. I seen her mm 1 m Facsimile onc-lMrd tegular size Yov CfiMT HELP ank de. yovc mutt nuJ& a, dJalt- Just TRY putting your money in our bank and watching the bal ance to your credit grow, and sec if It doesn't make you feel better to save and have -a good bank account. MAKE OCR HANK YOUIl BANK. We pay liberal Interest consistent with safety, 4 per cent com pounded semi-annually. The American National Bank QUALITY ! ss REDUCTION THIS WEEK ONLY $25 Suits $30 Suits $18.?5 $22.50 $35 9C OC Suits 30iu I 'Whisksv is cf imitations and substitute unscrupulous dealers tell you are as ooa as" Duny's Pure .it wmsiicy chcr.p concoctions r.rc foisted cr. the people with the intent to deceive by dealers minu'ful cf their prolits only and caring noth ing lor the health ot t.'icir patrons. Some try to make you bvlicve it is Dufiy's Pure Malt Whiskey. Are Dangerous When a remedy ha3 been befpre the public for more than half a cen tury, has been prescribed and used by the best doctors and in prominent hospitals, and hascarried the blessings of health into as many thousands of homes as Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey has, imitations are bound to arise. Duffy v mi w Malt Whiskey Is Beneficial It has been used for more than fifty years with remarkable results in the prevention and cure of all throat, lung and stomach troubles and all wasting and diseased conditions. Duffy5 Pure Malt Whiskey Is the only whiskey that was taxed by the Governmcntas a medicine durlngthe Spanish-American War. The genuine is sold in sealed bot tles only. The "Old Chemist's Head" is on the label and over the cork is an engraved seal. -Be certain this seal is unbroken. Sold by drug gists, grocers and dealers everywhere or direct, $1.00 a large bottle. Tat DnfTy Malt WMskey Co., Bocheiter, N. T. l'anin' agin the corner of the house, and she was lookln' 111!" "The saints bles you, Mary Ann," replied Mrs. Moriarlty. "Nanny ain't sick! She climbed up on the clnter table last night and ate the mistletoe, and it made her sintimental, that's all!" Tho average reign of English mon archs ha. been 23 years; of KusMan, 16. V&ml HAPPY Yoy have: GOT A. Account WORTH! Eft ALL SUITS New Shipment of Middy Dresses WmSm szmui hi ran k a ' i i i'U fxt 8.f a til v Hotel St. George C:K0K(;K DAIJVKAI', Proprietor. European plan. Everything first class. All modern conveniences. Hot water heated throughout. Rooms en suite with bath. Larue, new sample rooms. The Hotel St. George is pro nounced one of tho most up-to-date hotels of the Northwest. Telephone and fire alarm connections to office, and hot and cold water running In all rooms, ROOMS $1.00 and $1.50 Block and a half from depot. See the big electric sign. First-class Grill and Cafe in connec tion A La Carte. When you wanl TBE :AUTO CAB rilOXE MAIN 468. The OREGON MOTOR CO. 315 E. COURT ST. ,The Pendleton Drug Co. is In business for "Your Good Health" REMEMBER THI8 WHE TOO HAVE PRESCRIPTIONS, Ott WANT PURE MEDICINES HEADQUARTERS FOR Toilet Goods We are Sole Manufacturer and Distributors of tht Celebrated F TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and MT. HOOD CREAM. Tallman & Co. Leading Druggists of as era Oregon. TT 1"!' TTI TTTTTTTTTT TTTTTT ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL Opens Sept. 14 Boarding and Day School for Girls. Primary, Intermediate, Ac- lldfxinlf Snfn!nl nn.1 lt uraduato Coursoa. Depart ments of Music, Expression and Art j PICRSONAL ATTENTION 1USI'1.M.U IXIXUENCES TIIOROCGII WORK Nettie M. Galbraith Principal WALLA WALLA, WASH. DR. GRAY THE PAINLESS DENTIST. NOW AT THE BOWMAN HOTEL WILL REMAIN ANOTHER WEEK. The Dr. has already operated UDOn numbers Of Pendletnn'a citizens, all of whom -will tell you that he does exactly as he claims i 0