East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 09, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    PAGE TirREE.
I sports)
mm bench
85c Taffeta
A Few EBays Lowgap
Extracted and FilM
1 t '
ft lv
. ..j
W$ -::-'v- '- i
Now at the
The Doctors Bre fully p-rimr.'d to do nil kinds of modern nnd
lip-to-iijito di'Ht;il work. Those dcsirins V'ork done Hits toniln
wock should call enrlj' ami socim? cUB.'ieotiicnls.
Read One Mere cf the Scores of Tes
timonials from Home Pet pie
Pondloton, ore, Oct. 24. 1911.
To the Public: I heartily recommend to you Dr. O ray's
method of extracting teeth AHHOIA'TKUY without rain.
For several years I have been a sufferer from severe at
tacks of nmirnlBla caused ly liccayed teeth. 1 consulted den
tists In Spokane, and Portland, but owinR to a diseased condi
tion of the heart," I could not have chloroform or ether ad
ministered, and they positively refused to extract the teeth
without the aid of one or the other of these anesthetics.
When I called upon Dr. Oray In his apartments in the
Bowman Hotel he convinced me that I could take Vitalized
Air without Injury, and ho extracted four teeth for mo so
quickly nnd painlessly that I scarcely realized they were out.
I't me nssuro you that Vitalized Air is just what Dr. Oray
tella you It Is. There Is no smothering sensation or unpleas
antness when It Is being administered, no repulsive odor, and
NO bad nftpr effects.
I take Rreat pleasure In offering this tribute, unsolicited,
to Dr. Gray's painless method of extracting teeth, and the
speed and efficiency with which ho accomplishes It.
Very Itespectfully Yours,
301 Lllloth Street, Tcndleton, Ore.
Next 1,1'sl-lature- of Oregon Will Ihi
Presented Willi Pc-tition for nat-
' In Two New .liulf'slilps on State's
lliylicHt Tribunal f Justice.
Sab-in, Ore., Nov. 9. Inevitable
chanses in the Oregon supreme court
lire sure to 'nga the attention of
the people of the state during, if not
prior to the next session of the legis
lcturc, it Is believed. That the court
must be enlarged by the addition of
two new judges and that the court
must be permitted to sit in separate
df-partments in order that the rapidly
Increasing business coming before It
may be given due attention is now
almost certain. These things will
probably be recommended by the
commission created to revise the sys
tem of courts of the state.
"While 15 or 16 appeals each month
has been a fair average," said Judge
J. C. Moreland, clerk of the court,
"we filed the eighteenth appeal for
the present month yesterday after
noon, and the month Is less than one
fourth spent. While in Pendleton
last week the court heard 26 cases,
whereas 17 was considered a large
number before.
"The court Is certain to Increase the
number of cases over which they are
to t;ike original jurisdiction as time
noes on. This will tuld lo me worn.
of the court. Of course, many of
these rases would reach the supreme
court on appeal anyway, but many
j would not. The court will not take
original jurisdiction where !t can
! avoid doing so, hut these matters
1 must be determined for the best In-
1 1 crests of justice fi nil law. ine new
'law giving the supreme court origi
nal jurisdiction over certain cases will
naturally increase the number handl
ed in this way.
"The court is not as far behind as
it was at the first of the year, but
the big rush of business which seems
to have just begun to flood in will
cause the court to fall further be
hind. This is a court of last resort
and the man who would hurry the
court In its work surely does not un
derstand the purpose of a supreme
court. They can do more work, but
th..v can do onlv so much well nnd
cases here deserve the most careful
and painstaking consideration.
"In many states no written opin
ions of length are required, but In this
state written opinions giving reasons
in full are rcniirel by the constitu
tion. The court i establishing and
interpreting law and it is perfectly
; right and proper that they should
e.ive these decisions in writnsr, al
though it requires much more time
' In many pases the d-cisions could eas
ily be given from the hench. but writ-
ten decisions are required."
! It Is now believed that the two
' new Judgeships will be created before
the new supreme court building, will
i he completed. Tills prediction is bas
ed upon the alleged fact that the ap
1 ptopriatlon is not large enough to
j cover the erection nnd furnishing of
'the new building. If the $100,000
aai!able for this purpose proves suf-
fieient to complete the structure it
isdf it will do wcdl. The next legis
lature will, therefore, he expected to
make an additional appropriation for
'furnishings. In the meantime, it Is
! tl'ought. two more judges will be ad-
fb d and -the present court room re
I adjusted accordingly.
Ito.vlng on Decline.
Portland, Ore, Nov. 9. Jack Welch
the well known referee, recently re
turned from a trip in the east and
has the following to say regarding
the light game and fighters in the
"All the good fighter: have left
New York and the better of those, left
are I oking for matchers in other
parst of the country. No new men
are coming up very fast, so the out
look In the mclropols Is far. from
bright. In fact, thing do not look
promising In any of the eastern cit
ies. As far as I could learn no prom
ising fighters are ofing developed m
r.ny of the classes. Cincinnati is
booming Wise, a light-heavyweight,
who has plenty 'if speed but who ap
parently needs lots of seasoning.
"Matt Wells made a big Impres
sion !n New York In his matches with
Abe At tell, Knockout Brown and
Freddie Welsh, lie is not a- light
weight, however, and can't qualify for
a' championship match. He got tired
of conditions prevailing in New York
and went back home.
Welsh says Abe Attell is still nurs
ing his broken arm, but expects to
be as good as ever when he gets back
In the ring.
Willing for Eight.
Chicago, Nov. 9. Tom Jones, man
ager of Lightweight Champion Ad
Woigast, today expre-sed his willing
ness to let the champion box Packy
McKarland 20 rounds in San Francis
co New Year's day.
Get a 25 Cent Bottle Nov ar.d
Forever Stop Felling Hair, Itching
Scalp and Dandruff
If you Wish to Double lh Seauty
cf your Hair in Ten Minutes svireiy
Try a Dantlcrine Hair Cleanse
.-li voor l,:iir. l.tkit! awe small ?t:ir.d
tune. 1 las will r.catise tee huir ot u.ist,
Voi:r ha'r lccomc3 liht, waw, fluffy,
:l)iuidant and appears as s;..ft, lustrous and
n-:.i! f ul as a youn prl's after a Dnr.dcrine
k.ir cleanse. Just try this mniucn a cloi'a
nitli a little Daiulerins arid careful' draw it
-it a :
Jirt P.r.d excessive oil aej in juit a lew
n-.oini.iits you have duuLlcJ the beiuty of
your lu!r.
A delightful surprise awaits particularly
those who have been careless, whose hair
has been neglected or i3 s rfty, faded, dry,
bottle or thin. lkv,:di.s heautif yirifj the hair
at once, Damlcriae dissolves every particle
of dandruff; cleanses, purifies and invigor
ates the scaip, forever stopping itching and
falling hair.
Try as you will, after one application of
Dar.dcrine you cannot find any dandruff or
a loose or falling hair, and your scaip will
iv.-vcr itch, but what will please you most
will be after a few weeks' use when you will
nctually see new hair fine and downy at
fi.it yes but really new hair sprouting ail
ever the cca'p. Dandcrine makes the hair
( row long, heavy and luxuriant and we can
p-ove it. If you care for prettv, soft hair
.:"! lots of it surely pit a 25 cent bottle of
Knowlton's Dandcrine from any Uuie;gii.t
or toilet counter, and just try i'-
y Al
4 - U i ';
-V- V V ; ft W lit t..
Pelts Wa-liiton to Win.
Portland, ore., Nov. 9 After see
ing every northwest conferenre fot-
I hall t' .im e::i-cpt rutman in acinm.
I foacii Sum Dolan, - hose oreson a?-
rk'U'sural team was : o badly heated
I by Wa-'hington Saturday, believes
that the sec'ional championship will
j he won for the fourth successive time
lw the Washington universi.
"There's nothinir to it,'
'lifter Saturday's game. "D bie has
team that combines speed
strength. The strength was
pnouch in the Idaho contest
i tvir. tatter nart of the Kame, for
some reason that I cannot name,
speed was not so prominent.
"P.ut who thought the , team
weak because of that showing
had an opportunity
after the contest
Duncan holds that Americans do not!
ieyaM art seriously enough.
cry de
form ;
to do
not '.vi
1 A I t 1 .
10 Lllion.
Saturday. Ev- i ,
partment of the tram was in,
;n,l evidently able at any time1
,v;i;it they p!ea."d with our ac-
or offen'-e. And my team is
ak. ei'her, d-.-splle its disadvan-.
"I am pleased to recommend Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy as the best
thing I know cf and safest remedy
for coughs, colds and bronchial trou
ble," writes Mrs. L. B. Arnold of Den-
said Dolan vt'r' Col- e have ued it repeat-
a i euiy ana ic nas never ianeu m give
renei. j? or saie Dy an ueaiers.
Man Calmly Ixks on While Stirtxin
Cuts Him Ojion and Rrcaks Rib.
Saginaw, Mich. Charles Heyman,
suffering with water on the lungs,
refused to take an aesthetic and
watched surgeon cut him hopen,
break his fifth rib with a mallet and
then take three quarts of water from
h s lungs. He feared an anaesthetic
would make him sick for daya afterward.
"I do not Believe there Is any other
medicine so good for whooping cough
as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy"
writes Mrs. Francis Turpin. Junction
City, Ore. This remedy is also unsur
passed for colds and croup. For sale
by all dealers.
taue in weight.
"Pullman probably has as s-trons a
line as Waslrngton's but the back
field is weaker. Coyle, Wand and
Muekb stone we all knew were Vma
"fide star anywhere, but the showing
i.v cnnVcer Saturday was some
what r.f a surprise to me.
c,,iIit. was the best I
seen in the northwest this s-eason
the work of Patton and
helped him considerably. j
"Washington's bg fight however,,
will be with Pullman. The state col-j
lee hoys played Oregon c'f its feet.
and to los a mey
Kvt n
Seattle.? Spokane? Portland
Leave Pendleton 1 :30 P. M.
Bliss (
Arrive Seattle ...S:15 A. M.
Arrive Spokane 9 :55 P. II.
Arrive Portland 8:10 A. M.
Northern Pacific Railway
ull the way
i,.. -i irin.r run or an
iin-s is nothing but nam "
ut that. Osthoff and his
First class trains.
!t discouraged because
vnii!nrton will d
l that thus the real cnam-
the season wut ue
were t
( in gon. mil
i: (I'ishiii iiaiui
) played T':iank.-gi
I field, when, they
I ton men.
The Pioneer Line.
Close connections.
Good arriving time.
Good leaving time.
ing day on penny s
meet the Washing- i
ix roi xn.
I'AMIfi 1 AH.S
Th" following described animal
eon t.ikun up by the marshal of
j City i f Pendleton, to-wit:
I One hay pony, roached mane, knot
on left knee, branded H on left shoul
der, weigh'ng'about 800 pounds.
If said atvmal is not claimed by
the owners or those entitled to the
possession of them, co ts and ex
penses paid and they taken away
wi:l.:n ten days from the date hereof.
then at 2 o'clock p. m. of the lith
day of November, 1911, the s:iid nni-
' ma! will le sold b the highest bidder,
at public iniet on, for cash, at the City
Pound, in said Cdy of Pendleton, the
proceeds such sale to be applied
j to the payment of such co?ts and cx-
j pi uses of making sale.
ler.ed this 6th day of Isovcnroer,
City Marshal.
rut a porus plaster on the chest
j and take a good cough syrup Inter
nally if you would treat a severe case
of sore lungs nrorjerly. ' Get the dol
SYRl'P. With each bottle there is a
i POROUS PLASTER for the chest.
Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros.
.....I. ...i v:f..iii of Little or
t Wear Not l'opnlar Promotors
of the Reform Io Home in lMsjriist.
NVw York. The Raymond Dun-
u,vi their shivering little son
.i,... ...,in,, i for Kurone on La I
.il eon i i.i.- .w.v,, .
nf the French line. The fond
est and most affectionate of bood-bys
nt the nier were Interrupted
tearful buggers nnd kissers
glance at. their cosuim-s.
Mrs lionean is a (Iroek.
land her husband try to mane i...
L. Ives believe that they and poor lit-
i . ,.,,,.,tv.w or the Mil'1 slims
'v..yanc'ient'lreeks. Mr. Duncan wore.
I .. ..'i,:... t,.i,l,. nver a croon robe. Mrs.
j Duncan wore a'. green tuni:- ovr a!
1 purple robe. Menalkas did not have,
1 :.. n; t-.iU. whiidi ended
a u nunc. in.- . . .v ,
his bare knees, was aiso pm...
Duncans have been in Lalitor-
.i,e Klik tat Indians, stuuy- i
vvenvinc and teaching tlu
o w n
Through Tickets to all
E3St or West
Secure tickets and full information from
Ask about EXCUKSIOX' FARES for these events:
Xation Apple Show, Spokane, Xovemher 23-30.
ma among
Ing basket
,11 IX. 1". HOLDS COI KT
reil men how to weave
clothes and make a tribal yell like
frog chorus in Aristophanes.
They founded a weaving insti
tute for destitute women and also
spent much time in Chinatown in San
Francisco learning things about Chi
nese potteries.
Mr. Duncan said they were
i,, Varis to keen some lecture
rni.l that thev would return
men m
they j fi
Notlunir ' n
w nno n
Rip I arse and mn smsnt
fX.itervillo, Calif. Police Judge
Aubrey M. Lumley, former assembly
man, established n precedent when
he held court in his home while seat
ed in his bathtub.
W. W. Sargent, a San Francisco au
to salesman, and F. E. Devalon, a
Portorvllle garage owner, were arrest
ed for speeding. Hoth being well
known and expressing anxiety to start
on a journey, rorceman isnnm re
leased them on tho agreement that
they appear before the judge before
As court was not in session the two
men drove to the Lumley homo and
when a voice answered tho bell they
walked into the house. Finding the
judge In his tub, they explained the
necessity for tholr unconventional
call. They waived their rights and
were f ned $10, which they paid by
leaving a check on a table In the
judge's tltting room.
going i
dates, :
to this,
eountrv to settle up their arralrs. Af- j
t.r that he said with firmness, but:
sadness, never again for America. Mr. M
Pome of the tale-men In the McXa
mnra case are not to be much blamed
for helping to make tho proceedings
a farce.
Do Not
"Swear Off"
when you find cigars too much
for you. Change over from
rich, heavy, black Havana to
light domestic, harmless cigars
that don't irritate your
Gen! Arthur
mm 10c Cigar
M. A. Gunst C& Co., Distributors
Nov. 15 II af Weston, Ore.
The undersigned will sell at public
auction on the
Johnston Farm 2 Elilcs Scu!h cf Town
Over 25 head choice registered and grade
horses, ranging 3 to 5 yrs., 12 to 1500 lbs.
One of the finest stallions ever taken into a show rinc;
tho registered 1'orcheron Gledive, and two registered
marcs together with i'r young marcs and gchlincrs by that
noted sire IJaglan. All to he sacrificed at this sale.
A Holt 1-i-ft. combine, a new horse power and thresher
outfit, cook house, feed racks, tank ami steel trough, har
row, gang plow, and cart, 10 set double harness and 2
single ; two-seated hack, etc., etc.
This is a Kma fide sale. I am overstocked and must
nnd will sacrifice heavily in order to save further loss.
Terms: Under $-0 cash. Balance 12 months on ap
proved notes 8 per cent. (3 years if desired on stallion).
3 per cent off for cash.
Sale Begins 10 a. m. Free Lunch
F. G. LUCAS, Auctioneer
IRA M. KEiir nnd F. R WATTS, Clerks.