r.cr. six. D.ULT EAST OHEGOXIAX, FEXDLETOX, OREGON. YF.1XKS1AY, XOVKMUF.K 8. 1911. EIGHT PAGES. Tuesday or Mm THE WORLD'S GREATEST MOTION PICTURE AT A nniirnifimU 4,000 foot production of a great historical ejuu-li. which h receiving the highest endorsement of the press, the schools and the rleryv. l)enietin it lmi tl trmvi-li lw- Tin (Gsy Tlhafip and Thursd tween the early Christians ami the Turk, it is arousing greater interest on account of the present Italian-Turkish war. Exquisitely colored, 1 The russders. mm Delivered" Wednesday ay II November spectacular, dazzling, lHnutiful beyond eainparison. Don't neglect the opportunity of viewing this world-famous production. Also, a 1,000 foot comedy film, one of the season's Kst, making .".000 feet in all, five reels. Afternoons a) 2:00 Evenings at 7:00 Regular Admission 5c and 10c r nil Ill W I III II I Illl I I INI II II I II 11111111 TTr II HI III ll Ull II III I HIM I I mil II Will III IIHWIWHWIIWIIHH J III II II pmm II IHMH IHMHUH ' WIIPIIIW WWII Wl IIH I 1 1 HI I I II Ill lllM !! MIIBW r AT THEOREGON THEATRE Tlv Cottlon iirl." Tom C'Tlt-ss who plays the part of I'ob'iy Harris is the W. I Cu'.len pro-tlui-tion of The Golden Girl, which comes to the Orce in theatre on Fri day. Nov. 10, is an apprenticed avi ator anil .iurinp the aviation meet in ChH-asro Ausust was quite husily ortrnjieil between his rehearsals in the completion of his course which pro's on May 2:. 1912. Mr. ' Coi less Yias been a student of the Moisant .Aviation school for the past eighteen months ami lm-ks with l'nsins eyes upon the time when he will receive his license as an experienced aviator at which' time he will bid a fond adieu to the footlights. Corless is absolute ly fearless, as his eccentric dancing in his sonjr play will demonstrate. He is still a boy. having just finished his studies at the Albany hisrh school in l'.0 9. after which he accepted an en-gaem-nt with an act with which he -taid the entire past season in New York. Chicago and Eoston. ik-matoi, in that wonderful play "The White Sister" is to visit this city for one day. Nov. 12, at the Oregon the atre. Miss Towler plays the title role and her wonderfully realistic charac terization of "Sister Glovanna' have placed it high in the list of long to he reniembred interpretations of the American stage. AT THE PICTURE SHOWS shows the gypsy as the adopted daughter of the "mayor. 3. "A Friend of the Family." Gaumont. A society drama in which a tactful friend averts a matrimonial storm. 4. "The City of Bordeaux, France. Gaumont. One of the finest commer cial cities of France, thout 370 miles southeast of Paris. 5. "The Trapper's Five Dollar Rill." Edison. An unusual comedy telling how a trapper and his wife de cided to get a divorce, how the wife demanded alimony, how she got it a'l on one five dollar bill, which fi nally found its way into the pocket of the shrewd western judge. 'The White Si-tor." fori-i.lerab'ie interest is hein? evin ced by the announcement that Jeanne "To'.vU-r. accompanied by one of the best supporting companies ever or- Orplicuin. Splendid program for Tuesday's change. 1. "By the. Camp Fire's Flicker." Vitagraph. A romnace full of the power that makes every emo tion a part of everyone's life. It takes us into the scenes and tropical regions of the Philippines, where the battles of love and war are fought under the blazing suns of the equator. 2. "Gypsy Honor." Pathe. A gypsy girl who is selling flowers is seen by the mayor of the town where the gypsies are in camp. He immedi ately takes a fancy to the girl and calls at the encampment to see how they are situated. In the course of his visit he displays a fat wallet and two men of the tribe attack him and throw him over a cliff after having relieved him of his pocketbook. The girl brings about the rescue and the arre'l of the culprit. The final scene The rnstitne. Always the best in motion pictures Tuesday's change of program: i "Snowbound With a Woman Hater" Vitagraph. This exceedingly amus ing picture is full of comedy spirit of the best Vitagraph kind. Julia Swayne could hardly have a more charming part, nor play it better than she plays this young girl caught in a blizzard and forced to ask for shelter at the first house, the woman hater's. There is true humor in the breakfast scenes; there is more in the luncheon scene and the dinner scene Is best of all. "Gypsy Maids." American. A love story, supplemented by an angry fath er who hurls hi-t daughter over the ridge into the water. The lover plunges in and saves her, notifying the police and papa shortly gets In bad. "The Rival Stage Lines." Selig. The stages were owned by rivals in love, each trying by fair means or foul to- get to Cactus first and so win the express company's contract. One owner employs cowboys, the other In dians, both giving blank cartridges, to hold up his competitor. The cowboys make the first move, but hearing the Indians attack the other stage, rush to the rescue. In the melee the girl and Iter beau drive oft one of the stages and claim and also get the con tract. "A Counterfeit Hull " Lubin. A man and a woman and the, little god who shoots arrows into hearts, unite to make this dandy love comedy. It's funny and delicious. SCF.NK I'KOM "TIIK WHITE SISTEU" J., ?r --'":- '-:'" -;"-'."'- Ma - $v jm ' Jm r9 t rm-m. Sf nm 1 (iicjeiino l'iotiiron start Tomorrow. Kverythlng Is ready at the Grand theater for the first run of the 1911 Cheyenne Cowboy and Indian Fron tier lay Celebrat on at 1 o'clock to morrow, Thursday, November 9. There is 300 feet of these pictures and every foot Is of the most excit ing the western people have ever seen. The bucking buffaloes and the In dian war dance are two great features and the photography is wonderful. Every man woman and child in Pen dleton should go and see this show for comparison with the Itound-l'p. The pictures start tomorrow after noon. Thursday, and continue every afternoon and evening, including Sunday. I'rrfrrs Death t Jail. Toppenlsh, Wash. Preferring death to a sentence in the penitentiary, Harrison Edwards committed sutcldo in the city jail after he had been rearnsted at the request of his bondsmen, who feared he might leave the state. One-eighth ounce of strychnine, concealed In his clothing mused death. Edwards, a half-breel Indian, was first arrested several J months ago on the charge of cattle j stealing, being sentenced pending un appeal. Freewater, Ore. W. J. Martin ot Vincent, who was shot Hallowe'en night with a charge of popcorn by some mlschevlous boys is in Huch a dangerous condition that ho had to I be removed to the St. Mary's hospital j i-i Walla Walla. THEATRE JOHN MVOl'HT WUITI'.S or niisKitv.vriox si it (Continued from page 2.) tilla reservation, is to negotiate a new treaty with the Indians, giving the whites larger rights in the waters flowing through the re-ervation. . . I have, however, as a matter of pre caution, taken the Indians' side In this matter and have takm the trouble to t-afeguard his rights wherever neces sary. Bell ringing can do no more, neither will it be efficacious to get the government to take up the con tiovcrsies of private litigants I talked this matter over fully and frankly with Caldwell long ago and iMormed him of my position In the matter. I told him I would have tiothing to do with his fight but that I would carefully I'Mik out for the government's interests and that of the Indians whenever any occasion exist ed therefore. . . Yours truly, JOHN M'C'OlTtT. United States Attorney. Friday, November 10 W. P. CULLEN Presents the Best Musical Show of the Season I The West Point Musical Spectccle j (6' He 200 flights in : ChicEgo I (Viiniili'wviiii" after pneumonia, ty phoid fever and the grip. Is sometimes merely apparent, no' real. To make it real and rapid, there is no other tonic so highly to be recommended as Hood's Sarsaparilla. Thousands so testify. Take Hood's. At the On l-.n Tiiever, ?un -lay Night November 12. I SIilp Last of I'revvuilrr Apples. Freewater, Ore. The last general shipment of apples has been made. The output for the last two weeks has been from three to four cars a day, and the total shipments for the sea son has been about 100 cars. Stop coughing! You rack the lungs and worry the body. BALLARD'S HORF.HOUND SYRUP checks irrita t;on, heals the lungs and restores comfortable breathing. Price 25c, COc and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Qw. 99 With Carlton King, Jessie Stoner Co. of Forty Special Carsof Scenery A $50,000 Production' Magnificent Scenic Effects : rHiutbiBcxcs ana rirsi inrce Hews : $I.50-Uwer Floor $1 -Balcony $1, 75c--Gal. 50c t 1 j Seats Thuusday 10 a. m. at Pendleton Drug Store Fhone Main 20 urns n.v.vxyjrx.-TTxn iiT--y tz 6 irrr:.-r-..,r-: Jf Fop SosupaHsoEi With Yomf 3000 FEET OF MOTION PICTURES OF THE . i 1 r 'S ii j I j if-.- - j ',,. '. ' .. . a iT V:.-f,y, . At . - ''' -- Vt 1 J f 'r; ill,, f" ,-.. f.. 4 f.."..--v.- ,. . '..i .y,-, ' ,-.-4-:i.''rVUi 4 i:-.-''---, . ' . . - . -.rf-.'.--:i 1 Cheyenne COWBOY and Indian WILL BE SHOWN AT roniier Days Celebraton 5. ' y i7 f m V.-- '('..''.',1; -.. i "' ""tv; - f " - Four Days Starting EE'S t-rnnnn o) McKinli-y wiini!:i ti- WoiM's W:,v) iJiistiny 'lia'u; i.ii.lii "ii !1 Su-;.!n!;;if, "n.'jtli-.st litiikill llol'-l' tl;(- v.'uriil I ; i S ( V( r ' ri i I : !,- , il-i c 11 in i'if '!i ;. 1: 1 ict 'in-.-. BUFFALO VERNON. DELL BLANCETT and others who ware in your "ROUND-UP" BUCKING BUFFALOS BUCKING BRONCHOS and INDIAN WAR DANCES MISSION 25 CENTS CHILDREN 15 CENTS