EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGOMAX, PEXDLETOX, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1911 PAGE FIVE. PERSONAL MENTION n r i t . wim Alter a neceiyea icuay, a ampinent 01 t Bon'fc I Fish, D rop Him a LiEe Dropns a line ami pot our price on pood reliable. iiurclinnili.se. We arc not offering late-', premiums or time sales but our every day prices on same quality will find a great saving. We liuvo proven to the public that wo are not here to fake the people. We don't belong to any combine. We make our own prices, run our own business. Trade continues to grow while others complain of the "Scarcity of Mmcy." There is no such indications here. The only competition we claim is mail order houses. We absolutely know that a business with but one store is completely lost in the shuffle, trying to compete with us. Value for value, price for price, bring in your catalogue and compare with our goods and see for your self whero we can save you a small per cent. Men's flannel shirts, $1.50 values. 98 Men's sweater coats, $1.50 values 98 Men's wool underwear, $1.50 values 9S Boys' leather mittens, warm lined 25 Men's Indian tan mittens, warm lined 49 Men's heavy fleeced union suit 9S Men's four-in-hand ties 15 Men's leather suit case, strapped $3.95 White outing flannel G l-4p Amoskeag outing flannel, 15c values 10 American calicos 5 Ladies' sweaters, white and red $2.98 Cotton blankets, 10-4 49 and 69 Cotton blankets 11-4, $1.75 values 9S Wool blankets $2.9S Oregon City heavy wool blanket S4.98 Ilaby Blankets 49 Ladies' cotton ribbed union suits 49 Always look at the quality not the price. When all competitors have their eyes on the Golden Ilule there must Ik: something doing. WE LEAD, OTIIKUS FOLLOW. R.Ill I LOCALS! I C Snyder, ch'.mney sweep. U 3812. Past'me pictures please all. Main 173 for coal ana wood. For rent Front office, In Judd building. TP':' to V. 13. Judd. Everybody goes to the orpheum to ee the best and Ihn clearest pictures Thone Dutch Henry for dry wood ami Hoik Spring coal. Main 178. Dr. T. M. Henderson has returned and resumed practice. For clean coal and dry wood, phone Main 5. 7-r.iom Iiouhc, only $800. Teutsch & Dickers. For Sale Fin" lot of laying pullets. Phono Red 2U72. Special rates to horses boarded by the week or month at the Commercial Barn, 620 Aura street. Phone Main 13. 7-room house on West Court worth $16D0, only $1100. Snap. Teutsch & Dickers. Save yourself fuel troubles by us ing our famous nock Spring coal and good dry wood. Delivered promptly, lien I.. Burroughs, phono Main 6. Wanted Furnished nouso or housekeeping rooms fov two. Apply "M" at this office. Try the Cash Market for fresh Poultry, also remember wc keep gro ceries and meats. Phono Main 101. Take Northern Faclflc Ry. to Spo kane. I-eavcs 1:30 p. m, arrive 6.55 p. m. Tickets from W. Adams, Agent, Pendleton. If you want to move, call Penland Pros. Transfer, phono 3391. Large dray moves you quick. Trash hauled once a week. 647 Main Btrcet. . Oordon & Davis, carriage nnd au tomoliilo painting. We're hero to stay and guarantee first-class work. Sin e building. 111 E. Webb street. All kinds of good dry wood, also clean nut or lump Rock Spring coal at Dutch Henry's. For transfer work, wauitng bag' gage, moving household goods and Pianos and nil kinds of job work, phone Malnn 461. B. A. Morton. A two seated hack, cart, 12 sets of rlnublo and single harness, all go In that big horse sale at Weston. No vember 15. See bill elsewhere. Chance Rogers. To Portland or California, take Northern Pacific, via Pasco, nnd S. P. & S. Hy. Leave 1:30 p. m., ar rive Portland 8:10 a. m. See W. Ad ams, ascnt at passenger station, for through tickets and all arrangement. 115 acres, 20 In alfalfa, 00 acres ready to seed to alfalfa, 8 acrca or chard. Plenty water for irrigation. Snap for some one. Only requires J2500 cash, balance easy terms. See Ttutsch & Bickers. We ore Overstocked in Hard Milled Lnnolen, Lcttuco and Almond Oil Soaps, (the 50c kind) which we nro closing out AT 25 Cents a Box It lathers nicely, washes away slowly, and it cleanses and softens the flesh. Koeppen' Tlio Drug Store that Serves You Best. eou rent. A well built, six room house, hard finish throughout Seven largo closets, 2 sets of drawers, bath room, .built In china closet, wide stairway, 3 lots, on south hill, finest view lot In the city, to a responsible renter, only HO per month. Address Fred Lockley, care F.. O. city. lKU XD-l l' ANNEAL sT'M KHOLD- eks1 meeting. On Tuesday evening, November 14. in the assembly room of the city hall will be held the Kound-i p Annua; Stockholders' meeting, at which time a complete report of the last year's business and the 1911 show will )i submitted for your approval Also it this time will be held the annual election of officers for the ensuing vear. F.verv stockholder is ureed to be there. " J. II. GWINN, Secretary. Saved Many from Dentil. W. L. Mock Ark., believes he has saved many lives In his 25 years of experience in the drug business. "What I always like to do," he writes, "Is to recommend Dr. "King's New Discovery for weak, sore lungs, hard colds, h"nr.-c!ioss, obstinate coughs, la grippe, croup, asthma or other bron chial affections for1 I feel sure that a number of my neighbors are alive nnd well today because they took my advlco to use it. I honestly believe It's the best throat and lung medicine that's made." F.asy to prove he's right. Get a trial bottle free, or reg ular 50c or $1 00 bottle. Guaranteed by Koeppens. evangelist holmes o Tiir DEVIL linker Swells "Pen" lioll. ltakor. Ore. Twenty-two prisoners have been sentenced to the state pen itentiary from this county at the pres ent term of court, convicted or hav ing pleaded guilty to criminal chnrg es. Out of that number but one was a resident of Baker county, the re mainder all being transients or la borers employed temporarily on con struction work. I Starts Much Trouble. If all people knew that neglect of constipation would result In severe In digestion, yellow jaundice or virulent liver trouble they viould soon take Pr King's New Life rills and end It Its tho only safe way. Best for bil iousness, headache, dyspepsia, chills and debility. 25c at Koeppens. DIVORCEES IX A PANIC. Illinois Court Ruling Affects Thou Rinds Who Married Again In Indiana. Chicago, III. Judge Gooilnow In tho Domestic Court has plunged Into uncertainty several thousand divorcees who remarried outside tho state In order to avoid the two year Inhibl tlon. Mrs. Wllllnm Glover was divorced a vear ago nnd within a month mar lied Henry Peterson In Indiana. Now she has Peterson arrested for e sorllon. Tho Court ruled tho mnr riago Illegal, had no standing In court and dismissed Peterson, Judge Good now said: "Tho mnrrlago may be good In Indiana, but It Is not Rood in Illinois. Tho case la dismissed." Splendid Audcneo Hears Evan-olist Talk on "The Devil n Liar." There was a marked irterease in the audience at the Christian church re vival last night to hear Evangelist Holmes talk or. "The Devil a Liar." Beginning with the history of man. he pointed out a number of cases" to show that the devil is "no respector of persons'' when it comes to lying bob) enough to lie to God and to Je sus, ami then got right down to busi ness In warning peopl,. of his lies to day. He said that Satan's best hold was in mixing the evil along with good, so that the eyes of the partic ular would be blinded. Compromis ing with evil is another favorite turn. Mr. Holmes did not think. tho theater a very good place, either. He said that many of the actnr.i of today be longed to tho class with which decent people would not associate, and that they wont as far in the suggestion of evil as public sentiment would allow. lie quoted some of the leading dra matic crit'es as giving a warning against theater-going. Card playing and dancing came in for their share of comment. Tho evangelist declared that while all card players were not gamblers, yet the gamblers enme oyer that route. He said there were over .100 000 fallen women in this country and that the records show that S5 per cent of them attribute their uiwr.ri" to the dance. He sal : thai w.5i i devil might tell the truth about there being pleasure in dancing, yet he cov ered the track of the libertines and vilp wretches called "white slavers" who go most frequently to the social dance halls, seeking their unsuspect ing vlct'ms that the brothels of this lan l may be filled. The evangelist also declared that the de-l lied to the people of Pendle ton about the saloon, and declared that taxes were less, school houses better. Improvements more extensive In prohibition territory than where the saloons wore allowed to run. He aid that a dollar spent for woolen goods put ten time as much into the pocket of the laborer as when it is spent for drink, and when spent for boots, shoes or furniture, the ratio is one to twenty In favor of the ser viceable articles. He declared the nation's liquor bill to be twice as large as the capital stock of her national banks, five times as much as our total bonded Indebtedness, to say nothing of the 30.000 Idiots, 100.000 drunkards' fu nerals. 300,000 criminals and 800,000 paupers which stand as the annual gift of the saloon for the 11, 500, 000, 000 which the American people pour Into Its coffers. It Is plain to be seen that Mr Holmes believes the devil is still do ing business. Wt the close of the address. Mr. Ridenous sang tho Nine ty and nine, while beautiful Illustra tions were thrown upon the screen. All enjoyed the song and the pictures, too. The stereoptlcon Is to he a fea ture of the evening service as well as for the mammoth children's meeting that is planned for next Friday after noon. Tho services are announced for each night this week. Ernest Ruppc is in from his ranch today. Col. II Newport of Ilurinlston, is in the city today. - E. C. !-'L"noman of Ileppner is a vis itor in the city. Donald Ross, the Nye sheepman, is in the city today. Otto G. Sapper of Hermiston, is a Pendleton visitor today. Allen Thomson well known young resident of Echo, wus here yesterday. R. D. Burns of Walla Walla, Is a guest of the St. George. Fred Miller was a passenger on the local to Pho this morning. F. B. Koebcke of Helix left today on a visit to Francisvllle, Indiana. Mrs. Al Mendenholl of Echo, was a visitor in Pendleton yesterday. Pollard Pearson of Pasco, was am ong the visitors in the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Roy of Pilot) Rock, were in the c'ty last evening. Ed Peters left for the west end of i the county on the local this morning. Mrs Roy PenlnI of Helix was an arrival on the N. P. local this morn ing. M. L. Morrison, well known Helix resident, came in on the N. P. this morning. Mrs. And rod Fiedler and daughter of Nye visited friends in the city yes terday. Mrs. Ella Landers of Kansas City is visiting with her sister, Mrs. H. Raymond. Ed Marsh, who recently moved to Portland, is spending a few days in the city. Judge George A. Hartman of Port land Is visiting his olr home for a few clays. Jack Webster, the pressing man, re turned today from a business trip to Hermiston. Charts Morrison, well known sa-. loonman. went Echo on the local this morning. A. L- Demaris came down from his home at M'lton yesterday and spent the night here. John M. Bentley is recovering from an illness which- has Incapacitated him for several days. Ford Carper came in on the local (this morning from Walla Walla on one of his regular trifK Attorney Charley Carter returned on No. 17 from La Grande where he had been on a legal mission. Mrs. ( C. Connor came In this morning on the Northern Pacific train from her home at Hel'x. A. Buckley, assistant superintend ent of the o.-W. II. & N. company, is here on one of his frequent trips. W. M. Blakely returned on the early train this morning from Port land' where he had been on a business errand. E" F. Aver!!), deputy game warden of I'matilla county, left on the local this morning for Ce's In Morrow county, where he will hunt for a few days. O'to G. Sapper, of the Hermiston Bank & Trust company, came up from the project town last evening and returned to the west end on train No. 17 today. Mrs. "Happy" Day, wife of the sub contractor who Is laying the drain age sewers on the streets to be paved, and children will arrive from Spo kane this evening. Mr. and Mrs. James E tcs and child left on tho local this morning for PortlSnd in response to a message stating that Mrs. Estes' sister, Mrs. A. F.' Elrade, is seriously ill in that city. X In 1 4 and 1 6 button height at . . . . t ! Tans in high tops for Misses and Children in sizes from 5 1 -2 to 2 See the Boots for little fellows in Tan and Patent leather, the old fashioned kind, sizes from 5 to 9 ! WohlenbergDept. Store Better Goods For Less Money $ iWhen Your Shoes! Get Old' And your thoughts turn toward a new pair- of dress or work shoos. COME TO THE Shoes never piiu-h the feet until after you have bought them, save yourself this discomfort by coining to The Hub and getting a correct fit for less moner. Drummers' Sample Store - PI'.TITIOX rii.F.n FOR NOMINATION OF MATLOCK THE OFFICE A. SCHNEJTER, Prop. PENDLETON, ORE Fan)ily Liquor Store Phone Main 299 711 Main Street, lb (r.HHi.UlM II WW UMIIIIIIII IIHIIII IIIIIIIW I I Olimil II II I I I I ll I I IIIIIH J i (Continued from page one.) .i 'd was also filed today Mr. Pyor is serving nd-r appointment and lias l.ecn one of the tpiost ao ive members i of the council Bering the past few yenrs. A petition for the nomination of Councilman Kirkpatrick to succeed Himself Is t Is,-, in circulation. Like i.Ir. Dyer, Councilman Kirkpatrick is in appointive councilm.m having lion named to fill out She term of A. L. Knighi. It is rumored that Charles Cole is to make the ace for councilman from no fourth ward to take the place of O. r. Strain. The term of Mr. Strain expires this year and Mr. Strain docs not desire another term. On the. con trary he Is a receptive candidate for mayor and has some good backers for that position. The term of V. Stroble, councilman from the third ward, t.o expires and thus far no avowed candidate for the dace has appeared. A north sida councilman is also to be chosen to take the place of John Montgomeiy, who is serving out the term of his brother, T. G. Montgomery. It is pos sible the present incumbent will run for the place. 6r '- Si Euan's ISfnnlan Shirts UUliVIB & IfW & jr B Ct7 H III a 1 i V II Derision Monday. Olympla, Nov. 8. Superior Judge Mitchell will decide Monday whether George Wilson, convicted in the sec ond degree for the murder of Archie and Nettie Coble at Rainier, shall have a second trial. They come in natural grey, brown, blue and olive With or without military collars. The Warm and Healthful Kind drab. Deattlo Goes to Ton. Richmond, Va Xov. 8. Henry, Clay Beattie, convicted of wife mur der, was today removed to the Vir ginia penitentiary where ho dies In tho electric chair November 24, un less the governor Interferes, or grants a new trial. Beattie smiled and was Ciilm when ho bid the jailers farewell. A school football team having been disbanded at Walla Walla a pro fessor's order, what's the use of any more of the school? Sizes to Fit Everybody You will always find a little lower price here, on the rcgu-9 lar standard brands of men's shirts. Workingmen's Clothing Company Careful merchandising always keeps our stock clean. Vi J The year 1912 will be an Intere-tlng one newsionlly. There will he the presidential election, and a McXa mara jury may be secured. Most of the reports about the Tur-ko-Italian war are apparently lies. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind YcuHave Always Bought Boara tho Signature of WE HAVE MOVED TO NEW AND ELEGANT Ol l'lCEX AT NO. 11 KVST MAIN STISEET, SE1L lU H.niNG. We cure any and all diseases that the human flesh is heir to. My wounderful and powerful roots, herbs and remedies are composed of Chinese buds, barks and vege tables that are entirely unknown to medical science of the present day. They are harmless, as we use no poisons or drugs. No knife used. We cure stomach troubles, liver, kidney, catarrh, lung, throat, asthma, nervous debility, female complaints and rheumatism nnd all disorders of tho blood. We cure to stay cured, and guarantee to cure all kinds of riles and Private Liseases of men and women. Call and se0 us or write. Consultation free. If you arc unable to call and seo us. send two cents in stamps for symptom blank. Address LEO CUING WO CHINESE MEIMCINE CO. H East Main St. Walla Walla, Wush-