D ULY EAST PRECOMAX. PE.VPLETOX. OREGOX. W VJXFI Y, XOVKMBER 8. ltll. EIGHT PAGES). Mr. JKCojrt inmates this ra;e. h.i. ml-Ied by undone havin? jr..r.al interest at atii in th it to tabii th reservation -r r.;Ms ojII V ti d;rive Fn- V -' -rti.. . !' t n a env.-.T water a,-;Ij. !J -I!-F en suit. He is r attr a, ; I. it mi. !. :i .i I r. n . -. .i . l ! U f "O- '. ,r a r:: r-.-:r.t. Th K'-n Orri.aUa ik ur this u-J-c: .:hi.: U;.cu.;nj t mitt- r ! Mr. C.i!-';! rr ary-r.e el.-. l.r -all f. '. : h,. r.t'V-.-r i.'kf ' f r -i .. rt i : - r ; r- i x- r:. The tj-;'Orc:L J invr. -:- -'" ' I i-.iij- it ifkri thit thc ir.-.-i- r f-r- t a i'T..-. - ti.-.r. a-l st ttl- tr.'-r.: r,f the r5. rwi -n I. It 1 -. ri:-t th -,f -!:t r.. ar-; rr.ovo 1 to chjm- Ii n the- eau rl the r-.'.r:f3 t exi.-M c;"-a?- pace rocB. Ue. l. It: Sl'l sl j. Ju-r a-.-tLm. t ii 1 Ti I Ka: 'irUa is kit oo a: at te irsr---a Co.. i- iijertsoe Strl. Port i4. "ryi. Nortiwei- o. Port'sad, Orr-. I irn. ! S-ar.iy Piiilis. tawta c.-wt. X. W. Ec:-ri a: tfc -reoffV at Praiietaa. Ors as trnmdiAm call eut-cr. tr,fc.oe. Mala 1 OfJVlai City aad Cocarj Ppr I GEORGIA. thf,r '.wrj, for the ris m thir cau it Jj-t an.i b.aue the official- g':t itrr frm hw duty J: U to protect their Wg.it . the Eyers mil! rights and welfare have themselves bttn lej a-tray. i T t l: J is it l-.i", I i It rr.iy Ne eair to U I.-.-iiAo than from Main a gravity at-r to it is rr. f r the city to for r-i-Tdble consi ifralion. TTi Indl-; oi- r. arc nt tfrwl in the trjr-ve Bth'tht have been em-' , 1TrJh" M':tn- E11 . -' " - iyru m t III -r 7. HVl, ,'.-j in or t.-.e iiyers niu;. I NOVUM It EK IX HISTORY. p'et. I. in r-or- ik-- the :h i ' J -! ' . i !: ! n 1771 Wittiam Wirt ranili.iiu f ; the anti-Misonic party for rreider.t Mr. McCourta fear that the e?:ab- o: the Tnitel States in lsj, born. L-h.-r.er.i of renratioa -ater riht i Feb. li, 131 -.-r ir.Jure the l.Kai mills t -.me 1"" &"naf arte effected a revotu- tlfj.1 jrr cf-r.L an.l Five H :n.lr4 J'.,.-. i ihi- that this Is tru. Yet thi tr t. Ctoui. - , r.ot aff e t the W?al or the moral l1! Abraham Lincoln as re- ' m.-. t,iJ I'reMJer.t of the L'r.!te-1 Stat- t )f the raje. Surely Mr. rr:gn-.l hii ! l' not h.t u:- to ar t on thi . , i.u c,.r.iri!ac, jn the army. xi- no ion?r attorr.t-y. 1 ; 7 4 Jaf-an atc-j te-l ti '''.) ;r.-! Ji Makes Home Baking Easy No other aid to the housewife b so great, no other agent so useful and certain in making delicious, wholesome foods The only "Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar the .j an. j ........ i - "ill fill i i "(w ii t t 11 I t.-z v;-- the rn.itt-r fr-. -i tv- r !: '"I- rn Firra . i J'l a r. ;;. Ir.t. H- 2--,,r-. v f'!- "tv t ' l-'-reh Karnhar!: male hen M? ' " ' th; sXVX:1 in t:'-a:r-. W the In !:ar.. il.f duty Fr-1 Arfher. r...t ! Enli.. ! A.! tic Alzn; ?'o Lima Phospkalcs .-rirht he r, .- rr, ;:.!! in :1. th- frv-t ir. 5o.r, i .r- II. The ji'-t that cur'.- from c-ab- ir.-f.ljr.. The f"..irr:e that up the chirn&ey r.i.- Th f.r-;ii'.-,tV e7.'.v on i.t h. --f When fai the fro?, in Geor- fyi". e r-;e .t r l:i-e there, with the poidvn rrJr.atfc'a "h-re evrry be-t r.'-re. r:t the hearth the bet. When fui: the fr t in 0-.r- Ft a. -.it L. Star. ton. : : :! ' : ' 1 : i : i . -.- re.'-nen. n-t Kurtherrr. -.r i.l ':.r- ren i-r i 1 1 th- sre.it- ir; i ror .:.t . e fni-o M.T.- . i .T. ' . .i--iri:;.,ii t.'.e r--rvi:..;r : -: en; jro-' ;-. '..I In ii.ir. r.iht. 1 r. v - t'. : rr; It i-ir.? r. .t juni:':- r..;! to :,y of j a r-.j of v i.l hcrt the F.t S4rr.rr.en; pr-.j- MS'.-r,f or: y The r ro.tr to mt til.ii. t. water thre. i triers i.i in l'r L th. uM je.-.r.ar. hi- no bear ! ". e i V-; a ; r. ..- to -a M. '.ur-.-i. l ;-, f i :r..it the trat ii- ! r.-.-.r t .'.-.! Mors cauc-.l K an ! ; '. tion o.' J' '. 'I t- !. t m.i a !?. i Hr,;I,. -r;i.-Ti:te ex;! v: Ar; rr h:-t- in p.iri. 7i J7 ;"r.:t- st.it. : -t! .-irnerj t-- ity f ,r :n L'-hring- "..a. t ' Theo-l-.r- R.'K'ev?lt elected ";.. v-r.-r of X-.v York. l4' Mem .rl.-.t of Mi- Winnie at Ki?hm..nl. Va. i;'f'i I'n.t-J St-i-.e. :in, j ijri:it Prit- --2" I.-t:.rni.-tn ar-.l treaty. -' '- i; ity tre.ity between I'.-it-.l Stit-- ;-.r.l .VAf..uni:Mi :gn e I. A CERTAIN CURE FOR CATARRH Hotel St. George GEORGE IJARVK.U", ITrittUr. European plan. Everything first- class. All modern convenience. Hot water heated throughout. Rooms en suite with bath. Large, new sample rooms. The Hotel St. George Is pro nounced one of the mot up-to-date hotels of the Xorthweat. Telenhone anil fire alarm ronnertlonji to office and hot and cold water running in alt rooms. ROOMS $1.00 and $1.50 Elotk and a half from depot. See the big electric lgn. First-clasx Grill and Cafe In connec tion A Ii Carte. 1 30 1 Theodore Hoo-ev-it eU-cud ? .,s. Bruce Adams of the Tr! -nv vnt When you want THE AUTO CAB': e-l ttj..-. hal his batk broken . r- t . Has I-wider.t of the L'nitei States by rec . . . . .......... . . o-t., rnas o vajc Since he ' cir- j i li:'3 Lieut, chacktetor. aj Vn!?ht-J r.ej off tne f.elJ. Richard I-oown of! e! by Kinr Euard of Er.g'.ani in i ti e Anderr.-Rr wiks team 1,1 t M by a coup" i his I rilOXE 3IAIX 4ft8. The OREGON MOTOR CO. 313 E. COURT ST. tr.e latter s oirthday honor?. j lung puncti 1?10 The Loui.-iana legislature sa- i ";.. Phya.t'.ans said today t.nt u :th. r;z-l the lo.n of 4.3".'o;.y for the' rre- ; re in a critical condi'. :. .Ni . t ri-.,r.4-f-ana:na exj v-iti. n. ' . j 1 " ! If ro.ng east, o.- wen or south. i'i,5stS'SSW-S.S'43 m Tun More Virt:m. Ar.lera .n. Inl.. Nov. . h. ;: playeri who rece.v.. 1 h-'e -'iturdiy are thought f. t have tickets routed Northern Pacific ' .v , f ot-! Ry- Clise coanictljps at Pa.-o w;th ! j r-e. i.i t-.rougn trims, w. Adam. agent - i f-.n Ileton. DR. GRAY THE e ' every gov- Jr. j h n.7-.-rt . Whv MR. M'CdntTS LETTFTR. j Tr,t Ea.-t Oregonian pub!Uh t - 1 day a letter from John M Court. i Wa ll United States district attorney f'regon. in whi h he di.r - r.cth the Cat iwell-Eyers ;:t ar.! ir , the subject of r-dTi-aUon wat-r rights. l,n!(..: i'T the frankr.e-.s ;vith whlr:h he peaks Mr. Mc-Court i.s entitled to cornjliment but with his views an I conclusion." this paper begs to d.ffer ; pum utterly. . v;r n rurr.-h ;r, co:nV,; . r.'.e tr.e Ir.ii.in- of the;- ahar e? I'r.ini whom did Mr. M-'.'ourt l-.-irn hut the v aterir.;r of the reservation oui.l ir.jure the govern m-nt project?, from Oliver f the situation wateru-eru -vr i by Mr. M et Mr. Mc-Cou xi.'ts f ..r th'; menre a ?uit. - r.'shts are in behalf of the trov-rrin.ent. Mr. Morion s-ay. that watej-uera al...ii the river r.eei i't a:.o a nil: a'-re rer r,er cr. No-.v the (.'old S; rtrfs reser- a capacity of Zr', '):) a:re feet. '"XO OC'f il?)'jR i -t ner words it will store enough government t. c-m- : water to tpve the '.-..r. l und-r the pro Indeed, n't controversy : ieet th renii. m ..r upon vnicn n can gei into tne ture j,.-r court as plaintiff; either on iu own w.nt Mr The m:cou3 membranes cf the r.o:2 and throat ere exposed to the irritating irJiuence cf dasi, impart dr, etc., and for thds reaon'are the places Catarrh usually first manifests itself. Eat these are ' F Tit .1 . - a '. n.rton? if il"lflJ "uig ccasej, me innam !.: '. h. irt r,.. motion end discharge being reallv prziacca by an irp'ire end vitiated I i- r.i if i r. . .-. i ccnaizion a tr.e Oiooa. it is ire er.oagh to use some local treatment to cleanse these membranes, bat any one can readily see that if the udcmimiory natter is left in the blood, such treatment cannot DCSsiblv have anv Ticrmir.tni efferf S. S. S. cares Catarrh by purifying A SNAP FOR S2500.00 7 room modern house, stone cellar, barn, wood shed, bath.1 toi!-t. snn K- ar;d fruit trees, 1-2 block ground. Call at once as bargains of this character can't last Must see it to appreciate it. MARK M00RH0USE CO. Phone Mam S3. 117 E. Court Street. Other Property of Every Description. Money to Loan on City and County Realty. e e 1 i :i PAIXI.IXS DENTIST. XOW AT 'i THE BOWMAN HOTEL f WILL REMAIN ANOTHER WEEK. j. The Dr. has already operated upon numbers of Pendleton's all of whom will tell as he ' ' citizens ; - , . V. . i. a ., I j'J umi lie uoea txacilv clnlms ere. Why a,k fr n,ore? f Wowf 0f c f catarrhal Morton's rule work both; u J i . i muiitr ana imiaimg germs ana at ifay.r? ii ine present we-t end proje.- are SO Shv Of Wfer thaf tViex r..f let the poor, deluded Indians have ' S. S. S. hzs purified the blood, the ! the same time bailds up the system ', I - ft . fin oy us nne ionic enccts. When fcccount or on behalf of an Ind.an." We cannot see It that way. Why cannot the government get Into court In behalf of the Indians? The In dians are greatly concerned In the j their share why has the Unite 1 ' maCCOS Surfaces are all nourished u)t prougnt by Mr. Caldwell. Mr. Mate., government Wn figuring for j and made healthy. There Can be HO Caldwell ha rented some. 250 acre i months on extending the Umatilla pro, ! indnrnmnti f it. f f f alloted land. It is bottom lar.lih.ft to rover Tfi i,i,r, ,.-,. ... . . . "e '"c",wrl"'e5 lyir.g we-t of the fmatilla river- How ! COUSe the blood IS pare, and . every tissue receives nourishment in- It is bottom landijc-r.t to cover tnd was rente, for alfalfa raising pur rose, i. u u,. ...,.., .u.. . y "": icttives rou; V, : Z : , , ' " " -""" stead o irriutiu? matter. Our book leases which he holds and which the is plenty of water in the river to ir- ! on Catarrh will rv r.. in!to what is best to use as a local aid government approved. For one tract of 40 acres belonging to A-!a-U-Ia, Mr. Caldwell pays IlJ.lo per acre a year in rent and he agrees to put 23 acres into alfalfa at a cost estimated it 1150. Now this land would n rigate an additional 70,000 a'-res the west erwl hnt rw.t enr.n-yV, t,. ..-o- . while S. S. S. 1(5 Tktiri f fi rt rr ftio 1.1.1 ter a paltry 300 acres adjacent to T5'3 is ree. also any special io-ndleton? Why su,h discriminaton ' ce U ,fecl 'ou need- .j. o. o. is sola ai arug stores. j THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta. Co. against this part of the country' Ot hrir.g the - s.i ..-..-.r.r...-...'.-. -.5-..-.--rrss . couid not be Irrigated. Ai-a-ts-la 1 v. :!! low; if the water right does not , go with the lar.d. None of the bot- 1 torn la.-. 1 Mr. Caldwell has leased' may r,e rented c ontinuously at Irri- gation prices unless there Is water for it. So the ailottes are heavily concerned In the suit. , According to Mr. McCourt's state ment a survey made shows that 5300 acres of bottom land along the river may be irrigated. To irrigate that U.nd would mean to Increase its val Be 1100 per acre, at a conaervatire ntimate. In other words it would add $130,000 to the wealth of the Indians cwr.lng that land. Then why Is It the government can rot get into this case "either on its f.wn artourit or in behalf of an In dian." The government is guardian for the Indian Why does it not act for tr.ern and establish their rights? It ran if It wants to. "Where there's a wll; there's a way." The Unite j Ftat.es will prove itsejf sn ur.n::lu:al guardian if it ei'oi Idly' h i:f,d sees Its wards lo e JJ30.000 hid, it could g't for them alrno't by a tur.'i of the hand. The -x( ue that the government has no ocaion for Ir.terferlng in l,laif of the Indians i frail indeed In view of the fa'tT n the n.rr. T..." t excuse ceem unworthy a man like John McCourt. It Is pl;'ln Mr. M ' Court Is not be ing influenced so much by the legal ppetts of the case as ty what he I Sf. George Oafe and Grill WHITE COOKS, SERVICE FIRST-CLASS i Open Day and Nicht Prices are Reasonakk Hot Merchants Lunch Daily 1 1:30 A. M. to 2:00 P. M. p French Dinner every Sunday from 11 a. ra. to 8 p. m. . Entrance on Wehb Street or through Hotel IjKkv p - D j I Known For Its Strength The First Naiiona! Bank PENDLETON, OREGON CAPITAL, SURPLUS and UNDIVIDED PROFITS . Ii 500,000.011 11 RESOURCES OVER SJ.HDH.flOB.BB SECURITY . j SW. Ii'l lWIl Hotel McFeely The Only Strictly First-Class, Modern Priced Hote in the City New House. New and Beautiful Furniture. Hot . and Cold Water in Every Room. NO INSIDE ROOMS. Rates $1.00 and $1.50 Per Day Corner Alder & 4th Sireefs Oppoii:t Keylcr Grand Theatre, Walla Walla, Wash. If Your Neighbor Has Electric Light and you have not, just step into his house some even ing after dark and compare its light with your own. Study each point of convenience, cleanliness, clear ness, beauty carefully, and then figure out for your self if it would not pay you well to have your house wired for electric light at once. Electric Light Today is Cheaper and Better Than Ever Before sinew the General Electric Company placed its MAZDA lamp on the market We have arranged to supply our cu.stomm with the G. E. MAZDA . lamps on very favorable terms. These lamps give two to three times a3 much light as other lamps us ing the same current If your house is located on any of our distributing lines we shall be glad to advise you about having it wired and will give you more facts about the efficfent electric lighting of your home. Pacific Power & Light Company i A 1 xr r . Miways at Tour oervice , US The Pendleton Drug Co. Is in business for "Your Good Health" REMEMBER - THIS WHEN TOC HAVE PRESCRIPTIONS, OH WANT PURE MEDICINES HEADQUARTERS FOR I Toilet . V V SM We aro Sole Manufacturer! and Distributors of th Celebrated 4 ! TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and MT. HOOD CREAM. Tallmaiv & Co, I-sadin Druggist of Euv rn Oregon. B K A. i ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL ? Opens Sept. 14 I Boarding and Day School for Girls. Primary, Intermediate-, Ac- aucmio bpecial and p08t- uiuuuuio courses. Ilonnrt- 2 ments of Music, Expression f T A t. T ? PERSOXAL ATTF.NTIOV X REFIXIXO IMlCKxcps THOROrr.U WORK t t Nettie M. Galbraith Principal I WALIjA walla, WASH. tt t